SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Email Address From Xml

Dec 27, 2011

I want to know how can I find/take from In parameter who is xmltype an email address ?

My function: (clob is cast to xmltype)

function submit(session_id in number, claim in clob) return xmltype

For example - I have more e-mail addresses in this:


I know that there is `extract` function for xml. How can I know if there is break or space between the emails ?

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Getting Name In Email Address (Oracle SQL Plus)

Nov 6, 2007

How do I select the name in an email address. I would like to be able to order a list of email addresses by the name of the person ie. what comes before the @ sign.

So is there a query I could use to get everything before the at line . So in pseudocode I would need to be able to do something like this.

select substr(email, indexOf(@)+1,email.length) from table order by email

So I how could I go about doing that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Allowing Only Email Address In The Field

Jan 23, 2011

I want only one email address should be entered in the Alphanumeric field and not any words or phrases or spaces or any other email address.

How to give restriction for this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Domain Name From Email Address Field?

Nov 29, 2011

I have a field for email address. I would like to create a field to capture just the domain (after the @ and before the .com) so I can process a count of records by domain.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: REGEXP_LIKE Function For Valid Email Address Validation

Jun 2, 2011

I am writing a REGEXP_LIKE function to validate the email address.. below function works for most of the valid email address, but not working for below condition... not sure how it can be tweaked to work for below condition as well...

Character . (dot, period, full stop) provided that it is not the first or last character, and provided also that it does not appear two or more times consecutively (e.g. John..Doe@example.com).

Select 'X' from dual
WHERE NOT REGEXP_LIKE('John.Doe@example.com','^(([a-zA-Z0-9_-])([a-zA-Z0-9_.''-]*)@([((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]).){3}|((([a-zA-Z0-9-]+).)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,}|(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])]))$')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: String Function - Extract Domain From Email Address

Oct 12, 2011

I'm trying to extract the domain from email addresses like from clay500@msn.com I want to pull msn

I figured I would use the POSITION function, but it fails, even when I cut and pasted the example from the syntax guide


the guide says you get the answer 1

but I get ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

What gives?

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Forms :: Declare Message For @ Is Not Type In Email Address

Oct 24, 2011

i want if user is not type the @ in email text box than from show the message "check your email address" but i cant do that

ok_flag number :=0;
ok_flag :=instr('emailaddress','@');
ok_flag < 1 then
message('invalid email');
end if;

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Created Registration Form With Input Field Of Email Address

May 30, 2011

i have created a registration form with an input field of email address. now i want if a new user register, it should automatically receive a confirmation mail.

i have done some coding but i am unable to define what to write on place of highlighted text.

public void sendConfEmail(){
Properties props = null;
if (props == null) {
props = System.getProperties();
props.put("mail.smtp.host", "<server host name>");
Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Office Address / House Address And Emp ID In Single Query?

Feb 23, 2013

I have two tables emp , emp address as below

emp table :
emp_id emp_name,
1 rajesh
2 suresh

emp address table :

emp id emp_addresstype emp address
1 O kukatpally
1 H Hitech
2 O Kolkata
2 H hydar nagar

I need the query to display the Office address & House address & emp id in single query

ex: 1,Kukatally,hitech

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Forms :: How To Get IP Address In 6i

Dec 31, 2012

How to get ip address in forms 6i ?

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Parsing Address And Name

Jan 25, 2012

I intend to write procedures/functions in PL/SQL to parse Name field into various fields : Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender.

Nguyen Van A
Nguyen Thi B

After parsing, the result will be shown as:


 Parsed.gif ( 4.94K )
Number of downloads: 2

I supposed that Title & Gender are realized through MiddleName field. If MiddleName's values in (Thi, Dieu) then Title is assigned as Ms, and Gender = "F". Otherwise, Title = "Mr", and Gender = "M".

2/ Another procedure/function is [i]ParseAddress with the requirement as:[/i]Address field is divided into Street, Group, Area, Ward, County fields
E.g.:No 6 Sum Street - Group 8 - Area 2 - ABCD Ward - London

The result:

StreetGroupArea Ward County
No 6 Sum StreetGroup 8Area 2ABCD London

I have tried coding by Visual Basic, it is OK. But if I interpret to PL/SQL ->it doesn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Parsing Name And Address?

Jan 25, 2012

I intend to write procedures/functions in PL/SQL to parse Name

field into various fields : Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender
Nguyen Van A
Nguyen Thi B

After parsing, the result will be shown as:


I supposed that Title & Gender are realized through MiddleName field. If MiddleName's values in (Thi, Dieu) then Title is assigned as Ms, and Gender =

Female. Otherwise, Title = "Mr", and Gender = "Male".

2/ Another procedure/function is ParseAddress with the

requirement as:

Address field is divided into Street, Group, Area, Ward, County fields
No 6 Sum Street - Group 8 - Area 2 - ABCD Ward - London

The result:

StreetGroupAreaWardCounty No 6 Sum StreetGroup 8Area 2ABCDLondon

I have tried coding by Visual Basic, it is OK. But if I interpret to PL/SQL ->

it doesn't work.

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Forms :: How To Get Client IP Address

Feb 15, 2010

method to get the ip address of Client machine using oracle forms .

I am using Oracle forms 6i and application server 9i.

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Forms :: Get Client IP Address Using 10g Rel.2?

May 2, 2011

how i can get Client IP address using Forms 10g Rel.2 and if other useful information i can get, how is it possible? is there any other solution if not using WebUtils ?

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Forms :: How To Get User IP Address

Jun 13, 2012

I'm trying to get client IP Address and show it to the user. I'm using forms 10g, with application server under UNIX.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenating Address Fields

Oct 28, 2013

The pipe separator needs to appear only when values found in addr1 or addr2 or addr3.

WITH address AS (SELECT 'Silver Arc Plaza,' addr1,'4th Floor, 20/1, New Palasia' addr2,'Indore' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Shop No. 1,Vishnu Priya Building,' addr1,'' addr2,'pune' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'D/7, Siddhivinayak Nagari,' addr1,'Nr. Majura Gate, Ghod dod Road,' addr2,'' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '' addr1,'B 4, Gold Coin Complex,' addr2,'Ahmedabad' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '' addr1,'' addr2,'' addr3 FROM dual)
select addr1||'|'||addr2||'|'||addr3 address from address;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Mac Address Finding Using Oracle

Sep 26, 2011

we can find the IP address in V$session table. Is it possible to find the mac address of user's computer?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Right Way To Store IPV4 And MAC Address

Jan 26, 2012

The title for this new topic is self explanatory. Since PostgreSQL has data types for storing IPV4 and MAC address and Oracle don't, I would like to know the right way to store this values so we can do different operations and validations with these network address.

I been doing some research but I don't like the solutions like storing just number values whit out any validations like PostgreSQL.

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Forms :: IP Address Validation

Feb 18, 2007

Has any one written the validation code for

IP Address...

i.e it should be any thing from to

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Searching City Name From Address

Apr 16, 2010

I want to write a SQL statement to search valid city name from address field. Valid city names are in one table and address column is in another table.

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Capture IP Address In DB Trigger?

Mar 22, 2013

I am running 11.2. Within a DB trigger, I need to capture the IP address of the client making the change. I see there is a SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') built in. Is this the correct way to capture the IP of the client making the change?

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PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i - How To Construct Address

Apr 17, 2013

I'm using Oracle 9i. I want to make an address: city, state zip.

However, if there is no city or state, I don't want the comma. Doing this in decode made my head swim, so I went to case. I think that I mapped it out well, but I cannot have the variable on each section. This is my currently incorrect code.

ELSE AG.CITY || ', ' || ST1.CODE || ' ' || AG.POSTAL_CODE
END ATTY_CITY_STATE_ZIPI'm trying to stick the end-product into ATTY_CITY_STATE_ZIP.

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PL/SQL :: Get CITY And STATE From Address

Jul 9, 2013

I have got a table where the site address is stored as follows - 

USPO BOX 1111,,,,
P.O. BOX 1234,,,ELIZABETH,NJ,07207-6031,,

I have got 2 fields to be populated from this - CITYSTATE How can I pick up the 5th and 6th field separated by the comma.

For example: -

Following output should be shown for the above recordsCITY  

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Use IP Address In Listener.ora Not Working

Nov 30, 2012

in listener.ora, if i use localhost, or computer name, then everything is ok, but when i try to use ip address, then I got a error ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

the listener.ora file which working well

# listener.ora Network Configuration File: C:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1NETWORKADMINlistener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
(ORACLE_HOME = C:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)

the only change is use the ipaddress of the server instead of localhost, and if I change the ip address to the computer name, then its also working well.

The server is running on visual box, i don't know if the vistual machine cause this problem, I just want to confirm: I can use the ip address directly right?

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ODP.NET :: How To Get IP Address And Machine Name Of Client

Oct 15, 2012

On cliente/server, I used to get the user IP address using SYS_CONTEXT and IP_ADDRESS, and the terminal name with SYS_CONTEXT and HOST.But in web environment, these functions returned Server IP and name.I have to build a trigger to obtain the information of user IP address and terminal name to save on audit table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve IP Address For Client Who Do The Transaction

Apr 19, 2011

am using oracle 10g

and i want to retrieve IP address for client who do the transaction

and i try to using some selects like select terminal from v4session but it return the IP for application server

so i think to use commands ipconfig

how can i call windows commands by oracle

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Forms :: How To Use Static IP Address In Oracle 10g

Jun 4, 2011

how to use static ip address in oracle 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Mixed Address Column Into Parts

Aug 3, 2011

I've got table with mixed address column, it consists of Country, City, House No, App. No, postal code, the data is all stored in a single column with delimiter characters. In most cases order of parts is the same, but not always. In most cases parts have appropriate prefix - h. for House No, App for App. No, c. for City (it's not English language), but not always.

How do I divide mixed address column into parts? I know there are certainly "professional" tools out there for address matching and corrections, but even these can struggle. I know also that trying to normalize postal addresses is almost always wrong idea.

That's technical task of Customer... I should divide at least 90% of rows into appropriate columns. The quantity of rows is too big for human eye.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Grep Client IP Address When LOGON

Aug 4, 2011

How to grep client's IP address when LOGON to database? I write a trigger , but when compile , it show Error , Here is code :

AFTER LOGON ON The_user.Schema
v_addr VARCHAR2(11);
IF (ora_sysevent = 'LOGON') THEN
v_addr := ora_client_ip_address;
raise_application_error( '-20001', 'user IP: '||v_addr);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Show Only Address For Yes Tax Reporting Site

Aug 22, 2013

I have a sql to pull all payments from vendors for a specific time period; however, now tasked to only show the Address of each Tax Reporting Site. I have tried several commands but have not been successful.

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