SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting MONTHS_BETWEEN Function Clarification?

Apr 18, 2013

Need clarification about months_between function ..

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Apr 18 13:20:43 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
SQL> conn scott@orcl
Enter password:
SQL> select months_between('28-feb-2013','28-jan-2013') from dual;


when date is 29 or 30 jan, then result is less than 1, but when date is 28 or 31 jan then result is 1, why? if 28 is 1 then why 29 or 30 is less than 1?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Clarification On Oracle WITH CLAUSE

Jun 6, 2012

I need a clarification on oracle WITH CLAUSE. When the query is build using oracle WITH clause and under lying table data gets changed, does oracle update data in temprorary table as well.I have the below query

WITH channel_summary AS (SELECT channels.channel_desc, SUM(amount_sold)
AS channel_total FROM sales, channels
WHERE sales.channel_id = channels.channel_id GROUP BY channels.channel_desc)

when i fire the query on it
SELECT channel_desc, channel_total
FROM channel_summary WHERE channel_total > (SELECT SUM(channel_total) * 1/3
FROM channel_summary);

this will give always same result or it will change the records as and when the tables goes under changes in case of DML operation.

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Windows :: Clarification On Oracle XE 4Gb Limit

Jul 29, 2010

In regard to the Oracle 4GB limit, what exactly is this limit? Is this the total size of the datafiles of the user defined tablespaces (excluding SYSTEM and UNDO) so if, for example, we have a 2.8Gb datafile, can we only add another 1.2Gb datafile.

or is it the total size of extents/segments in the user defined tablespace i.e. if we have a 2.8Gb datafile but the database data comes to only 1.7Gb, can we add another tablespace with a new 2.8Gb datafile to allow for another 1.7Gb schema.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Clarification?

Oct 1, 2013

I am developing One new Label Format report (Totally three Different label Format)each label Different size,Three different printer.

How to default printer on each reports

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Application Express :: Clarification About APEX_PLSQL_JOB

Sep 13, 2012

As I got APEX_PLSQL_JOB is used JUST to run a process only ONCE in the background.So, in case I want to send an email by the end of each month or a reminder email I have to use dbms_scheduler.create_job.

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Data Guard :: Clarification Regarding File Growth In Physical Standby

Feb 3, 2011

I am in need of a clarification regarding the file size growth in Physical Standby Database.Say we have 150 GB size of LIVE DB and we have created the same as in STDBY(150 GB).Will there be a growth in STDBY DB datafiles with respect to the LIVE DBOR only the logs are applied currently to the STDBY and the changes will only be reflecting when there is a switchover or failure scenario??

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PL/SQL :: To Create Function Based Index For Group Function Columns

Jun 15, 2012

Is anyway to create function based index for group function columns.

For example

select max(timestamp),min(age),averge(sal).... ... .. from tab;

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PL/SQL :: Calling External C Function / ORA-06521 Error Mapping Function

Feb 4, 2013

I have the following C code:

class Factorial {
  int getVal (int a);

/When I am trying to execute this function always get the ORA-06521. I changed the data types - but nothing changed.

Just in case, listener.ora
                   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Stand Alone Function And Function Declared In A Package?

Mar 11, 2010

What is the Difference between a Stand Alone Function/Procedure & a Function/Procedure declared in a Package.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Advantage Of Deterministic Function Over Normal Function

Jun 10, 2010

What is advantage of Deterministic function over normal function?

What is the diff B/W Deterministic function and normal function and also give me a example in which scenario we use Deterministic function?

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Use MAX Function Without It Being In Results?

Apr 4, 2007

i have a query where i am using the max function to find the most recent record. What i want to do is use that query as part of an insert statement into a different table, however, i don't want to insert the column that i used the max function on. Is there anyway to use the max function without having the column it is being used on showing in the results?

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How To Use The NVL() Function In Statement

Mar 24, 2009

I have the following query.



- sql Code

SELECT class, COUNT (class)
FROM nv_table
WHERE l_id IN (
FROM n_table
WHERE id IN (1234)
GROUP BY class
ORDER BY class

SELECT class, COUNT (class) 
FROM nv_table 
WHERE l_id IN (          SELECT l_id            FROM n_table           WHERE id IN (1234)   
GROUP BY class   
ORDER BY class

It returns two columns: class and the total number of values in that class.

In some cases, there might not be any values under a certain class, so the query won't return anything.

In such a case I want the query to return 0. So what I want to see is:

class:A, COUNT(class):0

I'm trying to use the NVL function here, but either it doesn't work in this context, or it's not the correct syntax the way I'm writing it.



- sql Code

SELECT class, NVL(COUNT (class), 0)
FROM nv_table
WHERE l_id IN (
FROM n_table
WHERE id IN (1234)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: DML Operations Within Function

Dec 16, 2011

I am creating an stored function which has to do some inserts in the meanwhile, and return after all the work has done, an UDT (2 or 3 columns of NUMBER datatype).

With this scenario I have an problem. The DML operations are not supported by and "SELECT * FROM Table(MyProc(args))". I have to use this "SELECT * FROM Table(MyProc(args))" because I need to pass the stored function results directly to an dataset.

Using a Stored Procedure it gives no errors, but the arguments must be passed like OUT params, and it is not what I want.

My question is:
Is there any other way to get a result (UDT) of an Stored Function (that makes Inserts) into a DataSet?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Regexp_replace Function

Jul 14, 2010

I've been tasked to parse tags from a string that look like the following:

{Date + XXX}

where XXX represents a numeric value. I have to replace this, including the brace characters with


which will ultimately calculate SYSDATE plus the number of days suggested by XXX. The problem is that I am trying to use regexp_replace to achieve this goal but since XXX is completely arbitrary, I cannot search for it as a fixed value. So, ultimately, I would like to use a regular expression that ignores the numeric part of my search and only replaces the starting brace, the "Date + " part and the ending brace, leaving the numeric portion intact. I was trying to do something like the following

myString := regexp_replace(myString, '{(Date + [^[::digit:]]{1,})}', to_char(SYSDATE, 'FMMONTH DD, YYYY'));

in hopes of making it ignore the numeric part but it, instead, treats occurrences as a non match. Alternatively, the call below

myString := regexp_replace(myString, '{(Date + [[:digit:]{1,})}', to_char(SYSDATE, 'FMMONTH DD, YYYY'));

matches correctly but replaces the numeric portion as well, so I'm left with just today's date instead of the calculated future date...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: LAST-VALUE Analytical Function?

Sep 11, 2012

I'm posting below test case in which I'm not able to understand output for LAST_VALUE function. I'm expecting maximum value for the salary in a department. Because I'm partitioning by department and ordering a partition as assending so being last value it should give me maximum value within a partition i.e. department in this case.



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Have More Than One Blocks In Function

Jun 14, 2011

can i have more than one pl sql blocks in a function and can i use the variable of one cursor into another cursor of the same function?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Regarding NVL Function Usage

Oct 20, 2011

There is an 'emp' table with a column name as 'mgr' with datatype 'number'. following is the detailed description of the table:

SQL> desc emp;

Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------

Now when I run the 'select mgr from emp e;' query the output which I get is:



Note: One value in between here is null, the required to me is that I want to print a character value 'President' in place of null .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Avoid Max Function

Feb 22, 2010

I have two tables where I have to find the record for Max value of the column sap_pkid for every sap_id as in given table create script. This script is giving correct value but looking for a better way so that when data increses it doesn't hit the performance.

way where max can be avoided or a more tuned query .

create table tab1 (sapid number,
denid number);
create table tab2 (sap_pkid number ,sapid number,
denid number,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Sum Five Numbers

Apr 13, 2013

I am creating a function to sum five numbers (less 1). Is it possible to have an array of numbers in an SQL function, and how would this be implemented?

Here is the screenshot of my output (I cannot embed links until 5 posts!): flic.kr/p/eaSHBP

Sumnums NUMBER;
SELECT SUM(n1+n2+n3+n4+n5-1) INTO Sumnums FROM DUAL;
END sumfivenumbers;
SELECT sumfivenumbers(5,5,5,5,5) AS "Five Numbers less 1" FROM DUAL;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Not Calculating

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to create a function that when called will add the salary and commission a certain way to return an employee's annual salary.Here's my code

create or replace function Get_Annual_Comp
(Sal in number, Commission in number)
return number

When I run the query, I get the proper rows return; however, my function does no calculation. If I input random numbers, I get the proper value returned. What I want is for my function to return the salary and commission of the employee specified in my select's where clause to be calculated as an annual salary.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Without Parameter?

Aug 5, 2010

if function having retrun statement, why we need to use out or inout parameters.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Decode Function

Oct 31, 2011

How can i use the decode function?

for example

I have the value of 1000 then the numbers 50-100 will be 'A' and 1-49 = 'B'?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Rowtocol Function

Dec 26, 2011

how to use rowtocol means a query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Decode Function

Apr 4, 2013


what does it mean..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Insert

Mar 22, 2013

Any way to write a function to parse through a clob and extract certain values to insert into a table. I've written the following and it compiles but it doesn't work.

create or replace function all_fields
(type_field VARchar2,
domain_field VARchar2)
return VARchar2 as
typefield VARchar2(100) :=type_field;
domainfield VARchar2(100) :=domain_field;


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PL/SQL :: Function Date

Aug 30, 2012

fmts mask_t;


When i try using this method i am getting error...

SQL> select my_to_date(to_char(07/11/1987),'yyyy') from dual;
select my_to_date(to_char(07/11/1987),'yyyy') from dual

ERROR at line 1:ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'MY_TO_DATE'

what is the error here...What is the solution for this function.....how to execute this function

When i am using ananymous block i am getting this answer:

SQL> declare
2 v date := '07-nov-1987';
3 u date;
4 begin


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Function?

Nov 22, 2011

i have one table chequedetails in this 4 rows are there that is

date name sno
1-10-2011 b 1
10-10-2011 c 2
25-10-2011 d 3
11-11-2011 e 4

these records are there in my table in this i selected between date it wil display o/p like this

date name sno
1-10-2011 b 1
11-11-2011 e 2

my query
select * from chequedetails where date between '1-10-2011' and '11-11-2011'

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PL/SQL :: Use Commit In A Function?

Sep 25, 2013

Can we use commit in a function?

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PL/SQL :: Lag Function In Oracle

Jul 15, 2012

I am using lag function to display values like below:

order details date starttime
----------------- -------- --------------
main order 1 07/10/12 06:00am
line 1 07/10/12 06:21am
line 2 07/10/12 06:31am
main order 2 07/11/12 07:00am
line 1 07/11/12 07:01am
line 2 07/11/12 07:02am

the data displays correctly when i use lag function except that the line 1 details are never getting displayed ie first line under every order does not get displayed? is using lag function in this case correct?

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PL/SQL :: Function Flow

Jul 9, 2012

explain the flow what exactly is the below function do in detail.

FUNCTION  Get_RmtUsr_rec_FUNC (p_MsgType IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN    RemoteUser_Rec_Type;FUNCTION  Get_RmtUsr_rec_FUNC (   p_MsgType IN VARCHAR2)
RETURN    RemoteUser_Rec_Type


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