SQL & PL/SQL :: Extra Characters While Utl_file.get_line()

Jul 21, 2010

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

i am trying to read the file, for which i m using the following:

l_utlfile_hdr := utl_file.fopen(p_dir,'header_evnt.txt', 'R');

utl_file.get_line(l_utlfile_hdr, l_hdr_evnt);

it gets these three characters at the start of the line
l_hdr_evnt = 

So i saved header_evnt.txt as UTF-8, and used utl_file.fopen_nchar, utl_file.get_line_nchar, which got rid of first two characters, but still has ¿. How to get rid of that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read International Characters Through Utl_file Function

Jul 19, 2010

i am using oracle 10g enterprise edition.whether its possible to read international characters from the text file using the utl_file function..?

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Forms :: Get Count Of Line From Client_Text_Io.Get_Line

Mar 14, 2012

how to get the count from Client_Text_Io.Get_Line??

For Example :
vBaris := voutput + 1;
If vBaris = 3 then
v_reg := SUBSTR (voutput, 1, 3);
tanggal := SUBSTR (voutput,1, 4);
v_outlet := SUBSTR (voutput, INSTR (voutput, ',', 4) + 1, 3);
v_refer := SUBSTR (voutput, INSTR (voutput, ',', 6) + 1, 4);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Removing Special Characters And Get Desired Characters From Column Values

Jul 23, 2013

create table test
name varchar2(50),
descd varchar2(50)
insert into test values ('kethlin','da,dad!tyerx');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr');
insert into test values ('jennybrown','fsa!!trtw$ fda');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr ,try');

how do I get the first three characters and last three characters from name field and remove all the junk characters from descd field?

so my o/p be like;

('jenown','fsatrtw fda')
('tauson','dfegr try')

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Retrieving Extra Rows

Dec 14, 2011

I have this SQL that returns the correct amount of rows which should be 2:

Select Distinct A.File_Name, A.File_Desc, A.file_location,
A.location_date, A.downloaded_date, A.downloaded_id, A.file_size,
A.days_to_request, B.File_Name, B.Act_Date, B.date_loaded
On A.file_name = B.file_name
and A.downloaded_date = B.date_loaded

I need to add another field in the Select query which is B.Act_Code. When I do, I get 2 extra rows. I do not know how to make these rows distinct.

The A table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:

CODE                                   Example of
Name               Type            1st record.            
----               -------         --------------
FILE_NAME          VARCHAR2(50)    STLMK.txt
FILE_LOCATION      VARCHAR2(50)    L:\NonResFiles
YEAR               NUMBER(4)       2008
LOCATION_DATE      DATE            10/10/2007
DOWNLOADED_DATE    DATE         09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM
DOWNLOADED_ID      VARCHAR2(50)    Cindy
FILE_SIZE          CHAR(10)        16212

The B table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:

CODE                                Example of
Name               Type         1st record
----               ------       -----------
FILE_NAME          VARCHAR2(50) STLMK.txt
ACT_CODE           CHAR(2)      D
ACT_DATE           DATE         10/10/2007
ACTIVITY_ID        VARCHAR2(50) downloaded on
DATE_LOADED        DATE      09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM

The second record of activity would all be the same except Cindy would be "Jason", act_code would be an "S", activity_id would be "sent on" and then of course the dates would be changed to whenever the new information was saved within the system.

I am getting something like this (shortened of course):

CODEFile_name       Downloaded_ID      Act_Code

STLMK.txt          Cindy               D
STLMK.txt          Cindy               S
STLMK.txt          Jason               D
STLMK.txt          Jason               S

There should only be one row for Cindy with a D act_code and one row for Jason with an S act_code. For some reason, Cindy and Jason each get a row with the different act_code. I'm retrieving 4 rows instead of two when I use B.Act_Code in the SQL statement.

Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are.

Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are.

Also, I get the 2 extra rows when I add activity_id field to the select.

I use Oracle 10.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieving Extra Rows

Dec 14, 2011

I have this SQL that returns the correct amount of rows which should be 2:

Select Distinct A.File_Name, A.File_Desc, A.file_location,
A.location_date, A.downloaded_date, A.downloaded_id, A.file_size,
A.days_to_request, B.File_Name, B.Act_Date, B.date_loaded
On A.file_name = B.file_name
and A.downloaded_date = B.date_loaded

I need to add another field in the Select query which is B.Act_Code. When I do, I get 2 extra rows. I do not know how to make these rows distinct.

The A table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:
Example of
Name Type 1st record.
---- ------- --------------
DOWNLOADED_DATE DATE 09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM
FILE_SIZE CHAR(10) 16212

The B table's structure is along with sample data for 1st record:
Example of
Name Type 1st record
---- ------ -----------
ACT_DATE DATE 10/10/2007
ACTIVITY_ID VARCHAR2(50) downloaded on
DATE_LOADED DATE 09/04/2008 9:17:00 AM

The second record of activity would all be the same except Cindy would be "Jason", act_code would be an "S", activity_id would be "sent on" and then of course the dates would be changed to whenever the new information was saved within the system.

I am getting something like this (shortened of course):

File_name Downloaded_ID Act_Code

STLMK.txt Cindy D
STLMK.txt Cindy S
STLMK.txt Jason D
STLMK.txt Jason S

There should only be one row for Cindy with a D act_code and one row for Jason with an S act_code. For some reason, Cindy and Jason each get a row with the different act_code. I'm retrieving 4 rows instead of two when I use B.Act_Code in the SQL statement.

Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are. Cindy should have the D Act_Code because she downloaded that file name and Jason should have the S because he sent that file to someone else. Every time a file's activity changes, it is entered into the system so we can keep track of where the files are.

Also, I get the 2 extra rows when I add activity_id field to the select.I use Oracle 10.

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PL/SQL :: Timestamps - Extra Zero Are Adding?

Jul 8, 2013

view the below select statement..why it's adding extra zero's...

select to_timestamp('2001-05-22 12:00:18.600','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.ff3AM') from dual
output: 5/22/2001 12:00:18.600000000 PM ---why it's adding extra zeors's
my output should be as " 5/22/2001 12:00:18.600 PM"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Into Table And Add Extra Field Value

Sep 19, 2011

I need to copy records from a working table to a history table. I have the following sql statement

insert into test.history
(equip_ID, state, manufacturer, install_year, capacity,
group_ID, Test_status)
select (equip_ID, state, manufacturer, install_year, capacity,
group_ID, Test_status
from test.info_AP

Table test.history has one more field in it called test_year. I need to fill this field when I do the insert. Can't use an after update trigger as the field is currently set to not allow nulls.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Linking Two Tables With Extra Field

Oct 1, 2011

Once I add an extra column to link the two tables the number of rows is reduced by one, however when I try to get this extra record I find none matching the same criteria that led to reducing the records.

SQL> SELECT count(*)
3 WHERE NC.fk_temP_withdrawal_req_serial = NWR.SERIAL_NUMBER;

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PL/SQL :: An Extra Parameter For Summary Function

Dec 19, 2012

Why cant oracle give an extra parameter for summary function like MAX and MIN...For example

select max(salary,2)
from empWill give the second max salary.

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Extra Long Stored Procedure Inputs

Mar 20, 2007

I am modifying a stored proc that i wrote a couple of years ago. The change is that i want certain inputs to accept strings of characters (comma delimited) so they can be parsed and processed in the proc. The problem is, when i pass very little data (about 50 characters) It fails saying the character sting buffer is to small.

I have setup the input as a type of a column that is a clob and i have also tried using just vahrchar2 (with no size set).

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Extra Space In File_location For Alter Command

Nov 7, 2010

I do below alter command

alter tablespace RCA_MB_IDX add datafile '/gxsdb/database/oradata5/RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbf ' size 1024M

But there is extra space in the file location '/gxsdb/database/oradata5/RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbfX'

I mark X for that space ...

The command is commit .

But there is problem when do backup .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Remove Extra Spaces In Strings

Feb 17, 2011

I would like to create a procedure in oracle to remove extra spaces coming as blank spaces(squared ones)in strings.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle A File With UTL_FILE

Mar 11, 2013

I Got a scnario like a upload file contains

1.Header(Contains the File Name,Branch Name,MIS date)
2.Body(Customer Details)
3.Footer (File Name,Contians Total Number of Records and Number of Customers)


103,CCC,Deposit Acct,'F',3000

How to handle this scnario through UTL_File

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating A File With UTL_FILE

May 3, 2010

I have an application that creates files using the utl_file package. It works fine but one of the lines in the file should hold the number of bytes in the file (on a line formatted like 'FileSize: 2104'). Unfortunately this line is not the last line of the file and the lines that follow it are variable in length.

My approach therefore is as follows:
1. Write the 'FileSize: ' line during file creation.
2. Write the remaining lines of data to the file (but don't close it).
3. Use utl_fgetattr to find the file size.
4. Go back and find the 'FileSize' line I need to update, using get_line to read it into the buffer.
5. Append the filesize (plus the number of characters that the variable I use to store the filesize value) to the buffer string.
6. Write the line back to the file using put_line.

However I keep getting invalid file operation errors however I try to re-access the file...

PROCEDURE setUtlFileSize (pFileName IN VARCHAR2,
pFileHandle IN utl_file.file_type) IS
vbFileExists BOOLEAN;
viFileLen NUMBER;
viFileBlockSize NUMBER;
vsFileRecord VARCHAR2(2000);

This gives me the following output.... (for two files)... currently I am using some generic exception handling just to show me the error.

File Length: 2106
File Position: 0
-29283,ORA-29283: invalid file operation
File Length: 497
File Position: 0
-29283,ORA-29283: invalid file operation
Process exited.

Two things here concern me: The File Position suggests that the current offset position is set to the start of the file... but since I had not closed or performed any other operation since the last put_line and fflush (which are used to add lines to the file) I had expected that the offset position would be the same as the file length?

Secondly: Even if the position had been reset to the start of the file I don't understand why the get_line gives me the oracle error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loop In UTL_FILE Is Not Getting Closed

Nov 1, 2013

I am trying read a File to find out the error message through UTL_FILE.m. But the loop used inside is not getting closed.

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure alert_mail_A
v_flag varchar2(10);
mesg varchar2(100);
c1 utl_smtp.connection; -- passing the datatype to a variable.
c varchar2 (1000);
B utl_file.file_type;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: File Encoding UTL_FILE

Apr 21, 2011

I'm using

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

I'm creating a file using UTL_FILE.FOPEN and UTL_FILE.PUTF

But I don't know the file I created is in which encoding ASCII, UTF-8, EBCDIC etc.

1.) How can I create files in my desired encoding using UTL_FILE?
2.) Does UTL_FILE use database encoding? If yes then how to find out database encoding?
3.) Which encoding is used by UTL_FILE by default?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Utl_file Error In Oracle 9i?

Oct 5, 2010

I have make utl_file. Its run in oracle 10 g. But when i run oracle 9i it give some error.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 120
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 204
ORA-06512: at "HR.EXP_DATA", line 9
ORA-06512: at line 1.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: File Spool Using UTL_FILE

Apr 27, 2012

How to spool the Japanese characters in table using UTL_FILE. I tried with utl_file.fopen it's general,it's spooling. but i am not sure it this right way or not. in this case we need to change any character.

We can't see this characters in TOAD. Only possible in PLSQL developer

create table test1(name varchar2(1000),fname varchar2(1000))

insert into test1 values ('名を入力してください。','姓を入力してください。')


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i - UTL_FILE Package?

Oct 4, 2010

oracle 9i, I am reading about UTL_FILE package.make this in Hr Schema.Where hire date between date 1 and date 2.

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PL/SQL :: Trim Extra Space In Function Parameter List

May 9, 2013

I am calling a function in front end, from front end i am passing space, now i want to trim space in parameter itself, it's psssible, assume the below is the function defination, i want to trim the p_region_name parameter like this trim(p_region_name), is this possible?

FUNCTION add_country_region_column (
p_s_country_code_iso_2 IN varchar2_table_type,
p_type IN d_country.c1_type%TYPE,
p_name IN d_country.c1_name%TYPE,
p_desc IN d_country.c1_desc%TYPE,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Excel Created Using Utl_file Is Larger

Jul 1, 2010

when I am running a cursor and printing its data into an excel file using utl_file, the file size is nearly 50mb. But if I run the cursor and copy its data manually into an excel sheet the file size is only 22mb. I am unable to undersatnd why there is difference in file size.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Moving Files After Using UTL_FILE Package?

Feb 21, 2013

We have a p/slq procedure that reads a *.txt file using the UTL_FILE package. The contents of the file are then inserted into a database table.

At the end of the procedure we close the open file using UTL_FILE.FCLOSE.

There is a program (non-oracle)that attempts to move the file to a new location after being read into Oracle. The problem is that the application cannot move the file as the file is locked. ie message displays that the file is open and cannot be moved to a new location.

Is there anything else that we are missing besides the UTL_FILE.FCLOSE.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Writing Multiple Files Using UTL_FILE

Aug 16, 2012

I'm trying to read the data from flat file and write data into multiple files based on the condition. The value of each line is checked with the Flag Table (Id NUMBER, FlagType VARCHAR(25), Flag CHAR(1)), If the Flag is True then new file has to be created and corresponding line has to be moved into new file otherwise it has to continue with the same file.

InFile utl_file.file_type;
OutFile utl_file.file_type;
vNewLine VARCHAR2(4000);

View 24 Replies View Related

To Use UTL_FILE Package To Create OS File

Apr 26, 2013

I want to use UTL_FILE package to create OS file. How to resolve this error. Oracle11g under XP.

SQL> create directory my_dir as 'c: emp';

Directory created.

1 create or replace procedure test_1(md in varchar2)
2 is
3 file utl_file.file_type;
4 begin
5 file := utl_file.fopen(md,'abc.log','w');
6 utl_file.put_line(file,'EMPLOYE REPORT');
7 utl_file.fclose(file);
8* end;
SQL> /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute test_1('MY_DIR');
BEGIN test_1('MY_DIR'); END;

RROR at line 1:
RA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
RA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 98
RA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 157
RA-06512: at "SCOTT.TEST_1", line 5
RA-06512: at line 1

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Server Administration :: Extra Space In File_location For Alter Command?

Nov 7, 2010

I do below alter command alter tablespace RCA_MB_IDX add datafile '/gxsdb/database oradata5/RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbf ' size 1024M

But there is extra space in the file location '/gxsdb/database/oradata5 RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbfX' I mark X for that space ...

The command is commit .

But there is problem when do backup ...as the file cannot be find since there is extra space after ".dbf" How can I fall back ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Columns To Rows With Extra Hard Coded Column

Mar 30, 2012

I've a query that sum up data from one table. But I've to convert them into rows.

Summary query result.

1000 2000 3000 4000

Test Table creation script.

COL1 NUMBER(14,2),
COL2 NUMBER(14,2),
COL3 NUMBER(14,2),
) ;

INSERT INTO TEST_TBL VALUES( 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 ) ;

Expected result

A1 1000
A2 2000
A3 3000
A4 4000

A1, A2, A3, A4 are hard coded fixed values.

I could have done this but not a good idea in case table TEST_TBL is not a single row table but an inline query on 1,00,00,000 records with summary functions. In my table I've a summary query instead of single row table.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read Excel File Using UTL_FILE Package

Jul 23, 2010

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

Is there a way to read Excel file using UTL_FILE package ?

Like our usual method:
l_utlfile := utl_file.fopen(p_dir, p_filename, 'R',2000);
p_filename is event.xls

Or do we need to convert that file to .csv or .txt ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE Is Not Writing Data To A File?

Jan 18, 2011

I want to extract data from a table and write into a txt file using UTL_FILE utility.I have written the below query. I am able to see query is returning data.But it is not creating file and writing data into it.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE xxcfi_outbound_test (errbuf OUT VARCHAR2,
retcode OUT VARCHAR2)
CURSOR emp_cur


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Server Utilities :: Extra Space - Length Of Column Showing 4 Char

Feb 28, 2010

I have one issue while loading the value through sql*loader the last column data is SG1 and when its loaded , it is length of this columns is showing 4 char. Unable to understand, how to find this extra space. Though used TRIM but does not work.

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