SQL & PL/SQL :: Cumulative Running Balance By Condition?

Mar 24, 2013

Is there a way to find running balance for accounts, suppose i have two tables.one for transaction and one summary of balance.

i want to have the closing balance based on transactions subtracted or added based on credit and debit for example.it will add to the running total if its debit and subtract if its credit and final output is the balance.

create table acnt_trans ( acnt_code varchar2(12),trans_date date,debit_amt number,credit_amt number);
insert into acnt_trans values ('1001','02-FEB-2013',200,0);
insert into acnt_trans values ('1001','03-FEB-2013',0,100);
insert into acnt_trans values ('1001','04-FEB-2013',50,0);


--I want the output as below.if i run the report as of '04-feb-2013'

trans_date , acnt_code , debit_amt,credit_amt , balance
02-feb-2013 1001 200 0 3200
03-feb-2013 1001 0 100 3100
04-feb-2013 1001 50 0 3150 -- this is the closing balance.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Last 3 Receipts Based On Cumulative Balance?

Mar 19, 2011

I have one table where the item stock balance can be taken.What i want is like a ageing report based on the ending balance.If the ending balance is 10,000 for item a.It should bring all the Receipts which have qty lesser than 10,000.

I managed to write one function like below to get the receipts numbers but the format is 3778578-3778612-3790428 and i want to convert them into rows like


The function used is as below.

l_item IN VARCHAR2,
l_date DATE,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Monthly Running Total With Opening Balance

May 9, 2012

I want to generate the gapless montly running balance for the whole year.Data in the table "A" is as below.

code Date amount remarks
0101 30-SEP-10 1000 Opening
0101 01-OCT-10 1500
0102 25-OCT-10 500
0102 10-DEC-10 750
0101 26-JAN-11 450
0102 03-MAR-11 3000
0101 30-SEP-11 6000

Required output is
Code Date amount Balance
0101 31-OCT-10 1500 2500
0101 30-NOV-10 0 2500
0101 31-DEC-10 0 2500
0101 31-JAN-11 450 2950
-- -- -- continue
0101 30-SEP-11 6000 8950

Same output for code 0102. I have taken only 02 code for excample only. There are about 250 code in table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cumulative Some Last 5 Rows?

Jun 25, 2013

I need to get the sum of next 5 rows that are order by one specific column .

Ex :



SQL> select * from test_5 order by year;

---------- ----------
2001 1
2002 2
2003 3
2004 4
2005 5
2006 6
2007 7
2008 8
2009 9
20010 10
20011 11
20012 12
20013 13
20014 14
20015 15

15 rows selected


Now Expected Results :

SQL> select * from test_5;

YEAR TOT Exp_res
---------- -----------------------
2001 1 1+2+3+4+5 = 15
2002 2 2+3+4+5+6 = 20
2003 3 3+4+5+6+7 = 25
2004 4
2005 5
2006 6
2007 7
2008 8
2009 9
20010 10 10+11+12+13+14
20011 11 11+12+13+14+15
20012 12 12+13+14+15
20013 13 13+14+15
20014 14 14+15
20015 15 15

15 rows selected


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Cumulative Total

Jul 3, 2010

how to find cumulative total means i need total amount between april to sysdate.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cumulative Sum Of Previous Row In Same Column?

Jun 28, 2013

Is it possible to get cumulative sum of the same column? I am trying to get a value for COL6... it is dependent on the values of previous row

COL6 Formula:

IF 100 - [SUM_COL6] > COL5 THEN
(TRUNC(100 - [SUM_COL6] / COL4) )* COL4


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cumulative Calculation In Oracle?

Feb 24, 2011

Is it possible to calculate cumulatively in oracle sql queries, i.e. using the results of the last row for calculating the values in the current row?For example I want my query to return the following:

Month col1 _ col2 _ col3
jan 1 _ 100 _ 100 * 1
feb 2 _ 200 _ 100 * 2 + 200
mar 3 _ 300 _ 400 * 3 + 300
apr 4 _ 400 _ 1500 * 4 + 400
may 5 _ 500 _ 6400 * 5 + 500

In col3 above, for feb I want to use the result returned for jan ((100 * 1)*2+200), for mar I am using the result returned for feb((100 * 2 + 200) * 3 + 300) and so on.

i.e. I want to use the previous value of column3 to derive the current value of column3. Like using the LAG function but on the analytically derived column itself.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cumulative Total - Passing Parameter Value

Mar 27, 2012

i have a table empl which have three column (name,period,attendance)if we pass parameter which value is based on period column

like :January

then out should come sum of all attendence of january group by name like that

name attendance

if we pass parameter value :February then attendance should come sum of (January and February) and if we pass parameter March then attendance should come sum of(January,February and march)

create table empl (name varchar2(10),period varchar2(10),attendance number)
insert into empl values('a','January',20)
insert into empl values('a','January',10)
insert into empl values('a','January',30)
insert into empl values('a','February',20)
insert into empl values('a','March',60)
insert into empl values('b','January',20)
insert into empl values('c','January',20)
insert into empl values('w','January',40)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Balance Of Stock Amount

Nov 29, 2012

i want to get balanced amount based on max(suid ).

my query is

create or replace procedure prc_stk_upd_pur(v_comp_suid in i_purchase_h.pih_company_suid%type,
v_area_suid in i_purchase_h.pih_area_suid%type,
v_invoice_dt in i_purchase_h.pih_invoice_date%type,
v_pih_suid in i_purchase_h.pih_suid%type,
v_type in i_purchase_h.pih_type%type) is

my output is
1121411/29/20121317151346LP11115720.00020.000SYSTEM29-NOV-12 PM116.14107665.30601382
2121511/29/20121317151346LP11115755.00055.000SYSTEM29-NOV-12 PM116.14097665.30001383
3121611/29/20121317151346LP11115730.00030.000SYSTEM29-NOV-12 PM0.440729.08401384

my output should come
1121411/29/20121317151346LP11115720.00020.000SYSTEM29-NOV-12 PM116.14107665.30601382
2121511/29/20121317151346LP11115755.00075.000SYSTEM29-NOV-12 PM116.14097665.30001383
3121611/29/20121317151346LP11115730.000105.000SYSTEM29-NOV-12 PM0.440729.08401384

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Balance Calculation And Subtracting / Displaying Dates?

Sep 3, 2010

My problem is that I am working with a balance (Infor/WorkBrain - Time & Attendance) I have a balance called Bank Holiday(bal_id 10044). Every holiday that an employee works, he is allowed to take another day off in lieu of the day he worked. The employee has up to twelve months to take that holiday.

My job is to figure out when he worked that holiday (not a problem) and send an email/note at the 11 month mark and notify the employee and supervisors that said employee has 1 month to use his banked holiday.

Here is what the employee_balance log looks like.

51200128537100441 10/15/2010 5281229TCODE_NAME:FR_HWS
51150828537100441 7/1/2010 5136881TCODE_NAME:FR_HWS
51150928537100441 7/27/2010 5136942TCODE_NAME:FR_HWS
51150528537100441 8/1/2010 5137137TCODE_NAME:FR_HWS
5294372853710044-1 8/31/2010 5137173TCODE_NAME:FR_HWO
52947828537100441 6/3/2010 5001014TCODE_NAME:FR_HWS

My problem is the data/constraints I am working with. I can tell what day the holiday was based on a time code (EBLOG_MESSAGE) and EBLOG_DELTA shows a positive 1. I can also tell when the employee has used a bank holiday (EBLOG_DELTA is -1) and EBLOG_MESSAGE = FR_HWO.

But how to I perform the deduction so that I get four most current dates. Meaning since my first date that the employee gets for a holiday wokred is 6/3/2010 but the employee used a bank holiday on 8/31/2010. So I want to display the dates 7/1/2010, 7/27/2010, 8/1/2010 and 10/15/2010.

My preference would be not to add anything new to this table as it is a core table for Infor/WorkBrain.

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PL/SQL :: Balance Quantity Update In Schedule Table?

Mar 18, 2013

I have schedule table like below format:Materila Code Schedule No. Schdule Quanity Balance Quantity

ABC 1 500 500
ABC 2 300 300
ABC 3 200 200

If i received 600 quantity then data should update as below in schedule table:

ABC 1 500 0
ABC 2 300 200
ABC 3 200 200

Single material contain multiple schedules. how to programatically do the above updation.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Taking Latest Current Balance Using Analytical Query

Jan 22, 2013

I am having a table with 5 lakhs transactions. I want to fetch the last balance for a particular date. So i have have returned a query like below.

SELECT curr_balance
FROM transaction_details
WHERE acct_num = '10'


This has to be executed for incrementing of 12 months to find the last balance for each particular month. But this query is having more cpu cost, 12 times it is taking huge time. how to remodify athe above query to get the results in faster way using analytical query. Whether this can be broken into two part in PL/SQL to achive the performance. ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Add Aging Columns To Derive Total Balance Overdue?

Nov 26, 2012

I am doing a report to show current balance, aging (30-60), (60-90), (90-120) and 120+ and a combination of all of these should be the total balance overdue.

If i use a formula cclumn in the report builder, how should i write this query to calculate the total?

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Automatic Storage Management :: Does ASM Re Balance Occur Automatically

Apr 18, 2013

If the ASM Re balance occur automatically. What events can cause the ASM Re balance to be triggered?

I understand, we can manually re balance the disks in a disk group. I would like to know when this will happen automatically.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Balance For Last Two Cooperative Years On Input Date

Aug 24, 2012

I need to calcuate balance for last two cooprative years on input date.


if input date is-->"01-AUG-2012" if (month >=7) -->then i need to calculate from 01-july-2010 to 30-june-2011 and 01-july-2011 to 30-june-2012 and 01-july-2012 to input date.

if input date is-->"01-june-2012" if (month<7) -->then i need to calculate from 01-july-2009 to 30-june-2010 and 01-july-2010 to 30-june-2011 and 01-july-2011 to input date.

how to achieve this logic

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Automatic Storage Management :: Re-Balance Operations Run In Serial Or Parallel

Nov 27, 2012

Background: We are migrating a lot of databases from one SAN appliance to another. We are doing this by adding new disks from the new SAN appliance to the existing disk groups, re balancing, removing the old disks from the disk groups, and then re balancing again.

Question: If I execute two ALTER commands with the same power on 2 or more separate disk groups, do both operations start executing right away? Or do they queue up and execute one after another?

I ask because we would like to queue up several re-balances so we don't have DBAs watching status bars all day.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query With Where Condition

Jun 12, 2013

I have EMPLOYEE table that have 3 records with EMP_ID 1, 2, 3. Now I want to run below query

select emp_id from employee where emp_id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

It will return only 3 records but i want those records also which is not available in employee table. Is this possible without using another table or creating another table. Actually I don't have enough privileges to create table.

& want output like below

4 Not Found
5 Not Found

Here emp_id 4, 5 is not available in employee table, but query should return those value also with comments like "Not Found"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Not In Condition In IF Statement?

Sep 19, 2011

I need to check somewhere in the code as " Check the variable with in 20 varaiables , if not excute somes statements"


a1=20,a2=30,a3=40......a20=200; (Like this way i have 20 varaibles with values)
if( v1<>a1 AND V1<> a2 AND V1 <> a3...... AND V1<>20)
execute some insert block;
End if;

But it's writting very diffcult as i need to compare with 20 varaiables.Was there any alternative sloution like taking some VARRAY and checking in IF condition like v1 NOT IN(Va) (Where 'Va' is like VARRAY)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Union Condition?

Aug 23, 2012

I am facing an issue in union clause

Below is my query Issue faced is that based on union I want to limit the result and does not want second query to give duplicate result as both queries deal with same table



select null ID,null crncy_code,TAB2.SCHEME_CODE ,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Case Condition?

Nov 21, 2010

i have small requirement

case when type=1 then max(col2) else end
case when type=2 then max(col2) else end

i wanted to have difference 2 timestamp

type(datatype- numeric)

all it should be in one select condition

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Same Result When Use NOT IN And IN Condition?

Dec 14, 2011

I am using Oracle 8i.

Below is my query...

In the below 2 tables the records are like...





When i execute below query with using (NOT IN & IN) i am getting same result..

select * from Table_2 where id in
(select * from Table_1
where SRVC_PROV_CDE not in ('MNET', 'II', 'AXIS', 'UAT'))


select * from Table_2 where id in
(select * from Table_1
where SRVC_PROV_CDE in ('MNET', 'II', 'AXIS', 'UAT'))



When we execute the 1 query above it should not show 1 and 2 records...as i am using NOT IN condition.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Variable Use In IN Condition?

Dec 5, 2010

I had a procedure in which there will be multiple update and select statements Eg: Update table T1 set Column1='X' where Column2 in ('A','B','C') All the update/select queries will have same set of values in the in condition ('A','B','C') will remain same. But the tables and columns will vary.So, I would like to declare a variable/array which holds the values in the in condition

var1 := {'A','B','C'}

and use in my statement like :-

Update table T1 set Column1='X' where Column2 in var1. Is there any way to acheive this?

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PL/SQL :: REGEXP-LIKE Condition?

Jul 26, 2012

I would like to use REGEXP_LIKE condition expression with '[:alnum:]' operator in Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release for to check the string is alphanumeric or not.Why do i need: I have xinput field [RAW(24)] which not sure to contains always an alphanumeric string. We should use only when xinput field is an alphanumeric string.

x varchar2(50);

how should i use REGEXP_LIKE

select 'TRUE' from dual where REGEXP_LIKE( 'True', '[:alnum:]')
select 'TRUE' from dual where REGEXP_LIKE( 'False%*^tt123.***', '[:alnum:]')

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PL/SQL :: Unquote A Condition

Feb 9, 2013

I'm passing some parameters from java code to a query as follows:

select * from table1
where col1 = 'yes'
--want to make this part dynamic

where the $[variable] = 'and col2 like ''some%'' and col3 = ''good'''

So this query is giving me an error saying that it cannot construct such query because i guess what it's trying to run is:

select * from table1
where col1 = 'yes'
*'and col2 like ''some%'' and col3 = ''good'''*

I need to remove the first and last single quote... I tried using double quote for my string and replace all single quotes with empty but the "LIKE" function only works with single quotes (like 'some%')..

I also tried using:

select * from table1
where col1 = 'yes'
and trim (both '''' from 'col2 like ''some%'' and col3 = ''good''')

but i get a "ORA-00920: invalid relational operator"...

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PL/SQL :: How Where Condition Works

Jun 1, 2013

How oracle retrieves data from a table.like let say a table product as

create table product(id number,name varchar2(10))

table product dont have any index on it

now if this table conatain 500 rows and we have two query
1. select * from product where id=26
2. select * from product

does both query take same time or first query will execute in less time since it has where condition

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PL/SQL :: Pass Value To If Condition?

Oct 31, 2012

I want to run multiple sql select command after loggin to sqlplus and need to pass the value to variable to check the condition.

When I am running the below script I am getting the below error
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "return :va..." - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "return :va..." - rest of line ignored.

a2.sh: test: argument expected

sqlplus -s system/SYSTEM_PASS << EOF
set pages 0
set head off


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Tuning With Order By Condition

Sep 9, 2010

I have a query with order by clause, which takes 30 sec to execute with order by clause. And if i remove the order by clause it executes within 1 sec.

The column in the order by condition has index. but when i see Explain plan output. it doesn't show this index is being used. I tried to execute query with INDEX hint but still explain plan is not showing this index.

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Multiple Condition Query

Jun 3, 2011

I have a result of Query like this:

Col1 Col2 Col3
T1 15 20
T1 18 19
T1 5 20
T2 15 20
T2 18 19

And I just need to display only the T's that would meet the condition Col2 in (15,18) and Col3 in (20,19).

I try with a condition where col2 in (15,18) and col3 in (20,19) and that works, but I don't need to display T1, because T1 has a Col2=5 and Col3=20, I just have to display T2 that just satisfies all my conditions, Col2 in (15,18) and Col3 in (20,19). It's something like a vertical search.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: If Condition In Insert Stmt

Aug 12, 2010

I have an INSERT stmt LIKE below.

VALUES (v_empid, v_ename, v_salary);

where v_empid, v_ename AND v_salary are variables.v_salary IS nullable
Now IF v_salary IS null, oracle IS IS showing an error LIKE below:

ERROR at line 54:
ORA-06550: line 54, column 172:
PL/SQL: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
ORA-06550: line 52, column 5:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

Can I use an if stmt inside the insert stmt. If v_salary is null I want null there else the value in v_salary?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Best Way To Select Out Of Group Condition

Nov 21, 2011

I am asking about the best way in SQL for the following case:



I need to learn the best way to select all A values where B is never 0. So if the needed result for the above example is:


As column B was never 0 with column A = 3 or 5.

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