SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating Working Hours?

May 8, 2010

I am using the below sql query to calculate working hours. The problem which i am facing is that query is taking lot of time to calculate the working hours. reduce the execution time of this query or if there is any other way to calculate working hours

The following query take 63.499 sec

SELECT sql_calc_found_rows gstime,
MAX(stoptime) AS mx,
MIN(starttime) AS mn,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating The Business Hours

Aug 15, 2011

I have a field in Customers table called shipeddate....

I wnat to check the number of hours an item which has a shipeddate is in the store room to the current datetime...

But the business hrs of the store room are from 8am-5pm..

So when a shipped date is 4pm on MOnday

and i am checking on 9 am Tuesday the number of hrs shud be 1(4-5 of Monday)+1(8-9 of tuesday) =2hrss..

How can i achieve this...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating Percentage Value

Jun 21, 2010

I have a one more query

col1 col2

3-Standard 240 min
2-Significant 120 min

1) i need to calculate the percentage value.

general form is :

total number of col1_values(count) in 120 min/count(col1) *100

conditions to calculate percentage:
1)need to ca

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Not Calculating

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to create a function that when called will add the salary and commission a certain way to return an employee's annual salary.Here's my code

create or replace function Get_Annual_Comp
(Sal in number, Commission in number)
return number

When I run the query, I get the proper rows return; however, my function does no calculation. If I input random numbers, I get the proper value returned. What I want is for my function to return the salary and commission of the employee specified in my select's where clause to be calculated as an annual salary.

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PL/SQL :: Calculating Value On Insert

Jul 10, 2012


I have a table that mirrors remote table. Time info on the source table is in milliseconds (lowest value is 1338699905613)

I'd like to have the target table with DATE column as an addition to the source table columns.

I'm wondering what would be the way to calculate DATE value on insert?

The calculation should be from UTC (in milliseconds) into DATE.

The target table is :


and data comes with insert from source table (mirror in remote db)

insert test (ID, STARTTIME) select id, STARTTIME from test_o

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating Stock Using FIFO

Jul 12, 2011

How can I calculate (by SQL) outstanding stock on a First In First Out basis per month?

Table A
Month Oustanding Stock Sales Expired Stock
January 200 0 0
February 100 100 0
March 100 0 0
April 50 150 0
June 50 0 100
July 50 0 0

Desired Results

Month Outstanding Stock
January 0
February 0
March 50
April 50
June 50
July 50

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PL/SQL :: Calculating Correct Offset For SQL

Nov 22, 2012

formulating sql query

Basically what I want is that I need to get desired result in such a way that, whenever Transaction type is Sales Order Issue, I want last TRANSACTION_COSTED_DATE of 'Intransit Shipment'

123     28-06-2012 21:36     Intransit Shipment     
123     23-07-2012 01:25     Sales order issue     28-06-2012 21:36
123     30-07-2012 05:20     Sales order issue     28-06-2012 21:36


Lag with offset 1 doesn’t work as it will only go to previous row, What I want is that it should go to row above where transaction type is Intransit Shipment

Sample data and query I tried

with sampl_rownum_reset as
(select '123' inventory_item_id,
to_date ('28-Jun-2012 9:36:23 PM ', 'DD-MON-RRRR HH:MI:SS AM')
to_date ('28-Jun-2012 9:35:23 PM ', 'DD-MON-RRRR HH:MI:SS AM')


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Calculating Number Of Saturdays And Sundays

Nov 22, 2010

A function should accept two parameters: from_date and to_date which returns no.of Saturdays and Sundays between these dates and also show the dates of those weekends.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating Sum From Duplicate Rows With Timestamp?

Sep 16, 2011

I am trying to find sum for one record for each partition but while taking that timestamp giving me bit trouble, i have tried to reproduce the table and some little data



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating The Difference Of Timestamps In Seconds

Jan 2, 2013

I have to create the following table. The fields Trend_Date, Price and Trend are already given. I have to calculate the field permanently and to insert the value in this permanent table.


The field price belong to the value of a product during the trade.
The field trade_date belongs to the moment of the trade.
The field trend belongs to the future behavior of the the price. Here, the price of the present moment is compared to the following price (possible characteristics: 'UP', 'DOWN', 'STABLE').
The field permanently belongs to the time (in seconds) how long the value of the field Trend_Date (depending on the price) is still true.

For example:

Row 1: The trend in row 1 is 'UP' and it has a price of '11'. Until row 3 this remains true (the price is greater or equal to 11). In this case, the difference between row 1 and row 3 are 9801 (rounded) seconds.

Row 2: The trend in row 2 is 'DOWN' and it has a price of '12'. This remains true till to the end (the price is never greater than 12) In this case, the difference between row 2 and row 11 are 97346 (rounded) seconds. To calculate the 97346 seconds the field has to consider that between row 2 and row 11 are two days. There will be no trade between 18:00 and 07:00 o'clock. This belongs to 7 hours for each days, in seconds (2*46800) 93600.
-> 190945-93600 = 97346s

Row 6: The trend in row 6 is 'UP' and it has a price of '5'. This remains true till to the end (the price is never smaller than 5) In this case, the difference between row 6 and row 11 are 65729 (rounded) seconds. To calculate the 65729 seconds the field has to consider that between row 65729 and row 11 are one days. There will be no trade between 18:00 and 07:00 o'clock. This belongs to 7 hours for each days, in seconds (1*46800) 46800.
-> 112528-46800 = 65729s

Row 9: The trend in row 9 is 'STABLE' and it has a price of '8'. Until row 10 this remains true (the price is equal to 8 ). In this case, the difference between row 9 and row 10 is 14418 (rounded) seconds.

Row 11: Is empty because there are no values to compare.

Example Table

TRADE_DATE --PRICE --TREND --permanently
02.01.13 11:21:42,720000000--11--UP--9801
02.01.13 12:44:03,236000000--12--DOWN--97346
02.01.13 14:05:03,845000000--11--DOWN--92485


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PL/SQL :: Calculating Inconsistency In Associate Allocation?

Oct 17, 2012

[URL] ...... Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product

I have the following table


Given that
1. An associate must be allocated to at-least and a maximum of 100% at any given point of time
2. User selects 2 dates between which inconsistency of allocation needs to be displayed

If the end user selects 1st Apr 2012 and July 31st 2012 between which reports needs to be generated, am looking for the following output

2 01-APR-12 15-APR-12 75
2 16-APR-12 15-JUN-12 25
2 16-JUN-12 30-JUN-12 50

The Allocation_Inconsistency denotes that the associate has a deficit of allocation between the 2 dates. The associate with ID 2 has a deficit of 75% of allocation from 1st Apr 2012 till 15th Apr 2012. Similarly 25% deficit between 16th Apr 2012 and 15th June 2012 and so on so forth. However, there is no allocation deficit for the month of July as he is allocated 100% for this month and hence is not appearing in the expected output.

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Calculating Totalspace Consumed By Datafiles

Sep 20, 2012 on Solaris..I have such a large post on a very basic space calculation.

We have several tablespaces starting with WLMCS in our DB..I just wanted to calculate the total space consumed in the disk by all these tablespace combined .When I queried DBA_DATA_FILES.MAXBYTES and DBA_DATA_FILES.USER_BYTES , I've noticed that ,

When AUTOEXTEND is NO: MAXBYTES is 0 for these datafiles . But USER_BYTES won't be 0 for these files

When AUTOEXTEND is YES: MAXBYTES will be a non-zero value for these datafiles . USER_BYTES won't be 0 either for these files-- Not including datafile names for better readability.

SYS > select tablespace_name, maxbytes/1024/1024, user_bytes/1024/1024, autoextensible from dba_data_files where tablespace_name like 'WLMCS%';

TABLESPACE_NAME           MAXBYTES/1024/1024 USER_BYTES/1024/1024 AUT
------------------------- ------------------ -------------------- ---
WLMCS_DATA                        32767.9844           32766.9375 YES
WLMCS_DATA                        32767.9844            31615.875 YES
WLMCS_DATA                        32767.9844                16419 YES
WLMCS_OAT_DATA                    32767.9844           32766.9375 YES

11 rows selected.To calculate the space consumed , I made 2 assumptions.Are the below 2 assumptions right?

Assumption 1. Whenever MAXBYTES = 0 , USER_BYTES should be considered for the space calculation.

Assumption 2. Whenever you have non-zero values for both MAXBYTES and USER_BYTES , MAXBYTES should be considered for the space calcuation.I did the calculation (adding up of) based on the above assumptions. Is this calcualtion Correct ?

-- Not including datafile names for better readability.

TABLESPACE_NAME           MAXBYTES/1024/1024 USER_BYTES/1024/1024
------------------------- ------------------ --------------------
WLMCS_DATA                        32767.9844           32766.9375
WLMCS_DATA                        32767.9844            31615.875
WLMCS_DATA                        32767.9844                16419
WLMCS_OAT_DATA                    32767.9844           32766.9375

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Statement - Calculating Few Values From Large Table

Sep 2, 2011

I have a large table and want to calculate just a few values. Therefore, I don't want to create a new table, I want to update the table. Here an example:

I want to calculate the VALUE_LAG with ID = 4 only (-> two values).

create table zTEST
( PRODUCT number,
ID number,
VALUE number,
VALUE_L1 number );


I tried this, but obviously, windows functions are not allowed in the update statement.

update zTEST
set VALUE_L1 = lag(VALUE) over (partition by PRODUCT, order by ID)
where ID = 4

How can I do this?

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ORA-00932 - Sample Code Working Fine In 10g And Not Working Now In 11g

Apr 1, 2013

Below is the sample code working fine in 10g and not working now in 11g.

import java.sql.SQLData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLInput;
import java.sql.SQLOutput;
import java.util.List;

we got the below error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected an IN argument at position 1 that is an instance of an Oracle type convertible to an instance of a user defined Java class got an Oracle type that could not be converted to a java class

Current Oracle version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit and the version we are upgrading is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

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PL/SQL :: To_char Not Working / (||) Is Working With Join Query

Mar 22, 2013

I have two tables : oa_membership_dtl(in this created_by field is varchar2(200 byte) ,oa_partner_usr_dtl(in this table partner_userid is number(8,0) i need to do join on above fields.

I am using following two queries:

select * from oa_membership_dtl membership
join oa_partner_usr_dtl partner_user
on to_char(partner_user.partner_userid,'9999')=membership.created_by
select * from oa_membership_dtl membership
join oa_partner_usr_dtl partner_user
on rtrim(ltrim(partner_user.partner_userid||' '))=rtrim(ltrim(membership.created_by))

by using first data is not fetched but 2nd is working fine , i am getting the matched records using 2nd query.

whats the diff between to_char and || symbol?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare Hours

Jan 10, 2011

I want to write a function that gets:

1. event_date (dd/mm/yyyy)
2. event_start_time (??/??/???? HH24:MI)
3. event_end_time (??/??/???? HH24:MI)

I got a table called EVENTS that got 2 fields:

1. event_date (dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI)
2. event_end_date (??/??/???? HH24:MI)

and want to check if there is an event in my EVENTS table that occurs in the same dd/mm/yyyy as the input, and can disturb the input event times. means:

input.event_start_time is between EVENTS.event_date
and EVENTS.event_end_date
input.event_end_time is between EVENTS.event_date
and EVENTS.event_end_date

but to compare only the hours here! (HH24:MI)
because the date (dd/mm/yyyy) is checked before..

I don't know how to cut only the hours out of the date and compare them, and don't know how to write the whole function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Displaying 24 Hours Data

Dec 27, 2010

I have a table which will the following type of data

1001"27-DEC-2010 02:00:00"
1002"27-DEC-2010 07:00:00"
1003"27-DEC-2010 09:00:00"
1004"27-DEC-2010 02:00:00"
1005"27-DEC-2010 12:00:00"

Here you can see that we have data for 27th Dec 2010 02,07,09 and 12 hours. I want a query which will show the full 24 hours data even if it doenst have any records. like the following,

0 2010122701
1001 2010122702
1004 2010122702
0 2010122703
0 2010122704
0 2010122705
0 2010122706
1002 2010122707

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Correct Minute Between Two Hours

Oct 22, 2012

i am using one query but not getting correct minutes.

here is my query:

v_Interval:= to_timestamp(v_temphrs,'HH24:MI:SS')-to_timestamp(v_outpunch1,'HH24:MI:SS');
v_TotalHrsMin1 := extract(hour from v_interval) * 60 + extract(minute from v_interval);

here v_interval datatype is "interval day to second" and v_temphrs datatype is varchar2 and value is : 12:00:00 and v_outpunch1 datatype is varchar2 and value is: 06:10:00
and v_totalHrsMin1 datatype is number.

here i should get value 370.
but i am getting value 350.

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PL/SQL :: Convert Number To Hours

Jan 1, 2013

I want to convert below MS-SQL query in oracle 10g.

for eg:

Select numasdate,
Cast(numasdate / 60 as Varchar) + ' hours ' +
Cast(numasdate % 60 as Varchar) + ' minutes'
as [TotalHoursAndMinutes]


9436 157 hours 16 minutes
537 8 hours 57 minutes
9323 155 hours 23 minutes
12525 208 hours 45 minutes

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PL/SQL :: Generate Hours Range

Oct 4, 2012

I have a table with a date field. This field storage dates with hours like this:

01-08-2012 8:30:00
01-08-2012 8:15:00
01-08-2012 9:30:00
01-08-2012 9:40:00
02-08-2012 8:30:00
02-08-2012 9:30:00
02-08-2012 9:34:00

I have to generate a report with the day and the frequency :

__Day_______ Hour Range__CountRecords
WEDNESDAY 9 - 10 2
THURSDAY 8 - 9 3

The block of the hour must be 1 hour (8-9,9-10 and so on)

how generate the hours range.

My database oracle version is 8i. (I know that is very old but I can't change because It´s a legacy system).

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PL/SQL :: How To Get Added Hours From Results

Jun 14, 2012

I am not getting added hours from results.

SELECT audittimestamp + interval (SELECT      EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_HOUR
FROM systimestamp) FROM DUAL) hour from tab1I want to add Timezone_hour to my timestamp.

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DB Upgrade From 11.1 To 11.2 - SQL Statements Running For Hours

Feb 16, 2011

Recently we have upgraded from 11.1 to 11.2 . But after upgrade SQL statements that are running fine in 11.1 was running for hours in 11.2. Statistics are collected 100%...

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Fetching Data Older Than 2 Hours

Mar 11, 2013

I am fetching data which are older than 2 hours from now. TRANSACTION_TIME is varchar2 field in "MM/DD/RRRR HH:MI:SS PM" format.


Is there anything wrong in the query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Business Days And Hours?

Sep 19, 2010

format of dtActivityStartDate/dtActivityFinishDate: 2010-09-17 14:50:51.150 Note: Both dtActivityStartDate/dtActivityFinishDate
vcActivityName = Process Request
usdFuncTimeCalc (vcActivityName,dtActivityStartDate, dtActivityFinishDate)

i need to calculate time elasped for that type of activity following are the rules:

(If Process Request is the activity)
Working Days: Monday through Saturday
Hours of Operation: 9AM 5PM

only working hours of day need to the counted like for example if it is sep 15 11 Am is dtActivityStartDate & Sep 17 is dtActivityFinishDate is 10 Am. then time elapsed is 11am to 5pm on sep 15 , 9 to 5 on sep 16 & 9 to 10 on sep 17 so total should be

6+ 8 + 1 = 15 hours + minutes.
format of date time: 2010-09-17 14:50:51.150
vcActivityName = Process Request
Don't worry about process request..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Validate Dynamic Hours Value Using Decode

Nov 1, 2013

I want to validate dynamic hours value using decode in sql...

If value is greater than 24PM it should display some statement...

if value is less than 0AM it should display some statment...

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PL/SQL :: Creating A List Of Dates And Hours

Jul 24, 2013

I have the following code which will produce a list of dates - 

SELECT to_date('01-Jan-2013','DD-Mon-YYYY') + rownum - 1
FROM     all_objectsWHERE   rownum <= to_date('31-Jan-2013','DD-Mon-YYYY') - to_date('01-Jan-2013','DD-Mon-YYYY') + 1 01/01/201302/01/201303/01/201304/01/2013.....30/01/201331/01/2013

 But what I'm looking for is a way to also include all possible hours with the dates, so my output would be like -

 01/01/2013 0001/01/2013 0101/01/2013 0201/01/2013 03...31/01/2013 2131/01/2013 2231/01/2013 23

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Hours From Current Timestamps?

May 26, 2010

Check the following

Session altered.
SQL> SELECT SysTimeStamp
2 FROM dual;


My doubt is that why Extract(HOURFROMCURRENT_TIMESTAMP) is showing 11 rather than 10?

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Queries Running For Hours Because Of Execution Plan

Feb 1, 2011

I am using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

I have 2 schemas in my application.

1. Application schema
2. EOD(End of day) schema.

End of day schema is populated from Application schema whenever user runs EOD process. The tables are pulled like this.

1. Master tables : Always deleted and reinserted at each EOD process
2. Log tables for each transaction table: Delta between the last EOD and current EOD data is pulled and are used for populating transaction tables
3. Transaction tables: These are populated from log tables pulled from previous step. The logic is like this

Now based on these tables about 30 reports are generated in EOD schema. Please note that each transaction table will have a EOD_ID and any report generated uses the where condition <transaction table>.EOD_ID = <current EOD_ID>

My log table contract_log and transaction table is contract in EOD schema.

contract_log table has data like this

contract_number contract_date customer_idqtyrateeffective_date



EOD on 1st Jan 2010 constructs contract table as



(Since the change of rate 11 is not visible on 1st Jan 2010 because it is effective on 2nd Jan 2010)

EOD on 2nd Jan 2010 constructs contract table as



(Since the change of rate 11 is visible on 2nd Jan 2010)

This logic is working fine. But we run more than 20-30 EODs the processing time increased to 10-15 hours.

It took some time to figure out the issue as a single query when run from toad or pl sql developer runs in few seconds but as a part of the whole package it takes 2-3 hours(each query).

The problem found was that oracle execution plan gets corrupted when the process starts. So what we did was to analyze the tables
after they are pulled. This perfectly solved our problem. Currently the whole process is taking only about 12-13 minutes where about 3 minutes is lost on analyze tables and indexes. I know this is a temporary solution as I need to get out of online analyze of tables and indexes.

My code for table and index regeneration is as below

PROCEDURE sp_gather_table_index_stats(pc_table_name VARCHAR2) IS
CURSOR cur_ind IS
SELECT index_name
FROM user_indexes
WHERE table_name = pc_table_name;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' begin DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(user,' || '''' ||
pc_table_name || '''' || '); end;';
FOR cur_ind_rows IN cur_ind LOOP
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' begin DBMS_STATS.gather_index_stats(user,' || '''' ||
cur_ind_rows.index_name || '''' || '); end;';

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Forms :: Adding Hours And Minutes To Time

Feb 11, 2011

I currently have a problem where I have two date fields with time stamps. The only bit i am currently interested in in these fields is the time factor. When i display them in their field they have a format of HH24:MI .

I have a start time and end time as well as a duration and duration type. What I am trying to do is the following: when the user inputs the start time, along with the duration say 1 for example and the duration type of say HRS for example I would like to have the end_datetime default to 1 HR from the current start time. This is the code I use on a when validate item trigger to acheive this:

case :blk.duration_type
when 'HRS' then
:blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24)* :blk.duration);
when 'MINS' then
:blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24/60)* :blk.duration);

However, every time it triggers the value put into end_datetime is 0:00 is it something to do with the datatypes im using .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Hours / Minutes And Second From Date Datatype Field

Jan 14, 2012

I have a field " Tran_date " with datatype Date . It contains date as well as time . How can I get the time . I tried with it as below :

TRAN_DATE='12-JAN-2012' ;

12-JAN-2012 00:00:00


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