SQL & PL/SQL :: Add Constraint Foreign Key Reference With PK Field
Mar 6, 2013
I've successfully created the below two tables (disregard my use of "char" variable type; beyond the scope of my question):
create table Test_req (
Req_ID varchar2(4) not null,
Req_Comment varchar2(50) null
create table Test_n_cycle (
Req_ID varchar2(4) not null,
Then I successfully performed the two alter statements:
Alter table test_n_cycle
add constraint test_n_cycle_pk primary key (req_id, test_id);
Alter table test_req
add constraint test_req_pk primary key (req_id);
Then tried this freign key reference statement
Alter table test_n_cycle
add constraint
foreign key (req_id) references test_req (req_id)
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
00902. 00000 - "invalid datatype"
Is this because req_id is also defined in the Primary key definitions on these two tables, thus making the field not valid for referential constraint definition?
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Mar 30, 2011
I am trying to use reference partitioning the parent table records moved using the row movement . but the child table records are not moving below is my sample .
CREATE TABLE ref_parent1 (
table_name VARCHAR2(30),
order_date DATE,
num_rows NUMBER);
INSERT INTO ref_parent1 VALUES ('TEST1',SYSDATE,1000);
INSERT INTO ref_parent1 VALUES ('TEST2',SYSDATE,1000);
ORA-14652: reference partitioning FOREIGN KEY IS NOT supported
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Feb 3, 2012
I have a parent table called dept and one child table emp which is referenced on deptno and now both have data . Now i want to truncate the dept table and i have truncated emp table after it when i am trying to truncate dept table then oracle throws a error that is-
"ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys" ,
but when i tried to delete some records 1 by 1 then these have delete but truncate is not still working. why? if i have 10 millon records.
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Jul 10, 2012
I have table EMP & DEPT.
Can you give me sample "check" constraint so that when I enter an EMP (with status='active') without matching DEPT entry, the process will fail?
It will allow to enter EMP with status='inactive' only even if no matching DEPT entry. So foreign_key will not apply.
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Jul 21, 2011
I am working on an application that requires very dynamic access to data. Users will build queries through the interface and the queries will be stored in VARCHAR fields for later use. The function that later uses the query has no way of knowing the field names or data types used in the selection query.
This isn't an issue in any program language that I have used before but in this case, we want to do this in a package within Oracle rather than an external application.
how to reference a field by its location or position in the query.
We need to get the list of fields so we know what each field is named and we need to be able to get at its value dynamically as well. If possible, checking the data type would be useful too but that is less important in this case.If we were doing this in say PHP, we could simply reference the query row and use a command like...
foreach($myrow as $field=>$value)
and this would walk through each field in the row giving us the field name and its value.We need to do this same type of thing in our package.
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Jan 11, 2012
There are 2 tables : Table A and Table B.Table B has foreign key reference to Table A.There are 2 forms in the application based on table A (form 1) and table B (form 2).
Now when we open form 2, the functionality is such that it acquires a lock on table B for the selected record during the search criteria. Lock is acquired by using "select 1 from table_B where column = :column for update no wait".So when the form 2 is opened by any other user/session and same record is tried to be selected, then an exception is raised to the user that the current record is being edited by some other user and does not allow him to edit that record.
Now imagine if User has opened screen 2 (One record in Table B has been locked). With this lock existing, we open form 1, and click a button which performs a COMMIT_FORM. At this point the form hangs. On checking the locked objects, there is a lock on both table A and table B. When the Form 2 is closed, then the Form 1 which was hanging a while ago starts responding.
When the foreign key relationship is dropped and the above scenario is tried, there is no issue encountered. Form 1 works fine even if form 2 is open.We are not supposed to drop the Foreign key relationship as well.
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May 9, 2013
i have a field in my table office i got field office_code ,this field is been used in diffirent tables as foreign key is there a sql i can wirte to see all tables who have used this field as foreign key.
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Jul 6, 2013
I know I can add a check constraint for m,t,w,r,f,s,u How can I add a constraint that will allow any combination of the above. For example it would allow m or mf, or mwf Someone said it could be done with trim but I can not figure it out.
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Aug 25, 2010
Create table Car
(Car_cd VARCHAR2(5),
Car_Desc VARCHAR2(50)
alter table Car
add constraint Car_PK primary key (Car_CD);
The requirement necessitates a new table to map car to manufacturer. This mapping table may later be expanded to contain other attributes Engine, MPG, etc to hold details specific to a car.But this is in future.
Create Table Car_Mapping_Details
(Car_Cd VARCHAR2(5),
Manufacturer_Cd VARCHAR2(5));
--Primary Key Constraint
ALTER TABLE Car_Mapping_Details
ADD CONSTRAINT Car_Mapping_Details_pk PRIMARY KEY (Car_Cd );
--Not able to create this as Car_cd is already a PK in this table and therefore has Unique Index
ALTER TABLE Car_Mapping_Details ADD CONSTRAINT Car_Mapping_Details_fk1
But in this case the Car_Mapping_Details.Car_cd is itself is a primary key and therefore has Unique index.Although I was able to create foreign key constraint on Car_mapping_details.car_cd column (which is also Primary Key), I was not able to create Foreign Key Index on this column. It gives me Quote:ORA-01408: such column list already indexed.In other words, not creating foreign index for foreign key column lead to table-level lock? Or will the Unique Index in that primary key column be sufficient to avoid table-level lock?
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Dec 25, 2007
i want to get table name, constraint name, constraint type with join processes in string type. this is what i want: alter table tablename add constraint constraintname constrainttype(columnname)
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Apr 23, 2010
Even though i am using COL1 CHAR(500) NULLIF COL1=BLANKS, then also i am getting same error for those columns.
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Nov 7, 2011
if have table primary key in this table empno and another table foreign key is empno and when add in the primary key 5522 how can
5522 in the empno "foreign key" automatic
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Jul 26, 2011
I have an already populated table that refers to a wrong foreign key in another table. I have table abc that has the column fk_id. this column currently refers to column x_id1 in the table abc while it should refer to column x_id2 in xyz. I am trying to replace the data but I guess I miss something in the logic or the right way of doing it:
following is my trial:
create table abc
pk_id number(4) primary key,
abc_name varchar2(10),
fk_id number(4)
create table xyz
x_id1 number(4),
x_id2 number(4),
x_name varchar2(10)
insert all
into abc values (10,'ab1',1)
into abc values (11,'ab2',2)
into abc values (12,'ab3',5)
into abc values (13,'ab4',7)
into abc values (14,'ab5',9)
into xyz values (1,1,'d1')
into xyz values (2,2,'d2')
into xyz values (5,3,'d3')
into xyz values (7,4,'d4')
into xyz values (9,5,'d5')
select * from dual;
--this following select returns 5 rows
select * from abc, xyz where abc.fk_id = xyz.x_id1;
-- the following update only updates 3 rows and sets the other 2
-- to null!
update abc set fk_id = (select x_id2 from xyz where xyz.x_id1 = abc.fk_id);
select * from abc;
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Dec 4, 2011
I'm not really sure why oracle is not finding my Foreing Key, I'm creating an easy set of table for a company and I'm declaring all Primary keys and foreing keys as necessary and this is my
Description VARCHAR2(30),
ListPrice NUMBER(9,2) NOT NULL,
QtyOnHand Number(5),
ReorderPoint NUMBER(3),
ReorderQty NUMBER(3),
OnBackOrder Number(3),
[Code] ............
There's three sets of inserts the first two successfully inserts the data NO problem but when i try to insert the data on SupplierItems comes as:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (jcarter.SUPPLIERITEMSFK2) violated - parent key not found
I looked on the forum and it appears this happens when someone is doing a Insert ALL but this is not my case..
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Mar 13, 2013
You should almost always index foreign keys because they are frequently used in joins. In addition, if you intend to delete or update unique or primary keys on the parent table, you should index the foreign keys to improve the locking of child records.what I don't understand are, I should create index on foreign key column in parent table or child table or both ?
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Dec 19, 2011
Two tables: article i mutations
artno descr qty sales
1 beer 1 5
2 coke 1 7
3 wine 1 4
4 beer ct 12 2
5 coke ct 6 3
6 wine ct 12 2
7 beer pl 336 1
8 coke pl 336 0
and mutations:
artno mutation
1 4
1 7
2 5
2 8
3 6
I want to get the result like
article sales
beer 365 '5+2*12+1*336
coke 25 '7+3*6
wine 28 ' 4+2*12
How to do a query.
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May 3, 2013
I have a table where i need to update one field values based on another field of the same table , simply as it is.I have done this using one select all check box , on clicking that all check boxes of item_trans table will get selected , then i will un select some of check box and then using one button, i will update the value of the fields which are checked only.
I have put the sample code but when i am updating its taking long time and hanging.I am also attaching the form based on the test case provided.
--tables with insert statement
create table item_trans (trans_item varchar2(12),trans_qty number,trans_act_qty number)
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE1',40,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE2',20,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE3',20,NULL);
--i want to set the value of trans_Act_qty as trans_qty
--i create one dummy or test block to keep the select all check box. for that table test script is
insert into test (C,B,A) values ('A',1,1);
--code written in select all check box which is created on test.block.
--code written in M_END_YN ( actual check boxes where i will uncheck).
:M_END_ALL := 'N';
--code written on button to update those values which are checked.
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May 9, 2013
I am New to Apex. Im using Apex Version 4.2.
The Scenario is depending upon PROJECT NUMBER the Fields are Populated including FUNDS CHECK FLAG .
But the AUTHORIZAION DATE is a MANDATORY field has to be filled by User
The Requirement is to make AUTHORIZAION DATE as MANDATORY only when the FUNDS CHECK FLAG is *"BLANK "* or *“Y”*
If the FUNDS CHECK FLAG is *“N”* then the AUTHORIZAION DATE to be made OPTIONAL.
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Sep 6, 2011
Is there any view in oracle which gives the foreign key mapping.
Table DEPT has DEPTNO as PK.
Table Emp has DEPTNO as FK to DEPT.DEPTNO.
I can get the information for DEPT table from R_CONSTRAINT_NAME column of all_constraints table.My requirement is to get the the which column of Emp table refers to DEPT.DEPTNO column .
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Sep 1, 2013
Say we have an employee(id_emp) table with a primary key on id_emp. We have also some history tables emp_stuff with columns say (id_emp, dat_event, some_stuff) with primary key id_emp, dat_event.
This means that we have a unique index on (id_emp,dat_event). We also have a foreign key id_emp that references employee(id_emp). When we update id_emp on employee, we still have a lock on emp_stuff. According to this (end of the page) :
Quote:So, in short, with releases prior to Oracle Database 11g Release 1, you will want an index on the foreign key of the child table if you do any of the following:
Update the parent table primary key
Delete from the parent table
Merge into the parent table
So is id_emp in emp_stuff considered as indexed (through the unique index of the primary key) or do we have to add an explicit index
like this CREATE INDEX emp_stuff ON emp_stuff(id_emp) to avoide child table locks?
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May 2, 2012
I am trying to establish PK-FK relationship between 2 tables. Table 1 has VACC_ID as a primary key. Table 2 has VACC_ID and SCH_ID as the primary keys. I am trying to add VACC_ID from Table 2 as a FK to Table 1. This is the code I used
I also tried to add it without writing the query and editing the Table 1. By default, I am getting 2 columns(both VACC_ID) in the local column being referenced to the 2 primary keys(VACC_ID and SCH_ID) of table 2. I also uploaded the screeshot of the error, when I run the query.
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Jul 13, 2010
the view from where we can fetch information for a foreign key viz. reference table, referenced columns etc.
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Apr 18, 2013
In my point of view, deferral FK (DFK) are stronger than non-deferral FK (NDFK). In other words, every NDFK can be moved to DFK. Is there a performance issue ?
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Mar 29, 2011
I need to interchange the value which has foreign key depednecy,
For ex: I have a table dept
deptno| dname|dseq|
10 | CS | 1
20 | SC | 2
and in emp table
eno | ename | deptno |
1 |Raj | 10 |
2 |Ram | 10 |
3 |Vip | 10 |
4 |Muk | 10 |
5 |Sn | 20 |
6 |Snj | 20 |
7 |Asj | 20 |
there is a forign key define :
FOREIGN KEY (deptno)
REFERENCES dept (deptno));
Now I want to change the deptno from 10 to 20 and 20 to 10 in dept table . So the ouput will be like
deptno| dname|dseq|
20 | CS | 1
10 | SC | 2
when i am deleting that row I am getting error "ORA-02292: integrity constraint (ROP_FK) violated - child record found".IF i am trying to update i am getting unique key contractin failure.
(Even I cannot update the rest of the column values in dept table as it is also having foreign key dependency) i need to put a sql script in production so that it will interchange.
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May 3, 2013
in a table how many foreign keys can we create.
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Jun 21, 2012
INSERT INTO T2 VALUES (1,1);Session 2 hangs. Why ?
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Oct 7, 2010
In my sql developer I have created a table. Created primary keys. Using alter table I have also created the foreign key. Now I need to add one more foreign key to the same table. Do I have to drop the existing foreign key and then create the 2 new foreign keys using the alter table condition or can I retain the existing FK and just use alter table to add another FK.
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Sep 29, 2010
I am working on a new project in OBIEE. I am asked to do the data modeling in the database using oracle sql developer. I have to create the joins based on the requirements. I have the tables created already. But the primary keys for few tables are not defined for few tables. PK-FK joins are also not done properly.
My questions are
(1) If I have to define the primary key for the existing tables can I do that using the alter table command or should I create the table all over again and then define it?
(2) If I have to make the changes in the existing PK-FK joins how do i go about doing that?
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Jan 20, 2011
how I can write a query that get a column data point to another column data in a csv file? For example:
Column A Column B
First Name Mike
Last Name Smith
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Sep 8, 2013
update one table with reference to another.
I have to update event_channel one column with 4 record(channel_type_id,values 1,2,3,4) with respect to one record of event_inst table column(event_instance_id).
event_inst table column(event_instance_id) has respective 4 records in event_channel
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