i am doing a data transformation using the following function
Where ONSET_TPQ and VAX_DATE are both dates. Now in a situation where the ONSET_TPQ precedes VAX_DATE I want the result to be null for those records. As an example if ONSET_TPQ= 2000 and VAX_DATE=2010
I want the result to be NULL as I dont want negative values. Any exact SQl syntax on how to do that. DO i write a case statement?
i have master-detail form.in master my bill_id gets generated when new form is open and i copy the same bill_id in detail(tabular)for each item.all the items which i enter in detail form get save the same bill_id which got generated.
in another form(which is tabular) i want to display bill_id's from detail form.but in detail form . There are same bill_id's more than once.but i want to display those bill_id's which are more than once only once.
I'm using the Oracle Emp,Dept tables as my sample. I want to display certain table column values based on some criteria. If met, display those values otherwise display other column values
For example:
So when dept.deptno=10, I want to display these 2 columns values 1. dept.deptno 2. dept.dname
otherwise, display these 2 columns values 1. dept.loc 2. null
Can this be done with one case, decode or "other" type of structure going thru the table one time??
SELECT emp.empno, emp.ename, CASE WHEN dept.deptno = 10 THEN to_char(dept.deptno) [code].......
TABLE_A ------------------------------ ID DEPT CRS ------------------------------ 1 CS CS_100 2 SCIENCE SCI_150 3 MATH MATH_400 4 HISTORY HIS_110
To display CRS from TABLE_A where DEPT = 'MATH' but in the following format.,
-------------------------------------------- NO DEPT CRS -------------------------------------------- 1 MATH MATH_400, MATH_550, MATH_230 --------------------------------------------
instead of., -------------------------- NO DEPT CRS --------------------------- 1 MATH MATH_400 2 MATH MATH_550 3 MATH MATH_230 ---------------------------
How I can build a query with conditions and calculations? E.g. I've got this table
Start | End | Working Place | Mandatory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-JAN-13 | 11-JAN-13 | Office | 1 14-JAN-13 | 25-JAN-13 | Home Office | 0 04-MRZ-13| 15-MRZ-13 | Office | 0 11-FEB-13 | 22-FEB-13 | Office | 1
Now if column working place=Office and column mandatory=0 the new column "price" has to calculate: (End-Start)* $25.00 and if working place=Office and column mandatory=1 the "price" column has to calculate: (End-Start)* $20.60 else $0.00
I tried it with the case statement but I didn't know how to calculate my values and display it to the virtual column "price".
Something like case when Working_Place = 'Office' and Mandatory=1 then ... else '0.00' end as PRICE ?????
I dont want to print the repeated value(NAME) of C1 multiple times as below.
I could do it using the below query using union with the rownum.
select * from ( select rownum rn, c1,c2,c3,c4 from table_new ) where rn =1 union select * from ( select rownum rn, decode(c1,null,null),c2,c3,c4 from table_new ) where rn between 2 and 3
Is there any other way of displaying using a single sql query.
I am currently working on a Data Dictionary project where we need to run a few rules against the give data sources to see if they all comply together.
One of the rule is to check if the no. is negative or not. So for that what I tried to do was to check if first the field is number or not and then check on if it is negative or not.
This is the code I am currently trying on and is not looking good.
SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE decode(DECODE( TRANSLATE('-123.45','-0.123456789',''), NULL, 1,0), 1,substr('-123.45',1,1) ,' ' ) = '-'
When I use JDBC to retrieve the data and convert it to mill seconds, and it also shows as negative time. My question is the retrieved time doesn't show the negative date, but obvious it is a BC date and earlier than 0001-01-01.
1. How can we detect/show the date to show correctly for the BC date without checking c.time < to_date('0001-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')? (I am wondering if there is format configuration to show the time like 17-JUN-08 PM BC, or something to show the time is negative )
I would like to have a table in HTML region and to display in the table some Page Items from the page.
I got the code like this: { <table> <tr><td>&P1_ECEMEA_ASSISTANCE</td></tr> <tr><td>&P1_ECEMEA_WIP</td></tr> </table> }
It shows the Page Item names as text, not the values. However this code without the table tags:
{ ECEMEA Request for CQT Assistance: &P1_ECEMEA_ASSISTANCE. ECEMEA CQT Work in Progress: &P1_ECEMEA_WIP. }
works and the Page Item values are displayed.
Is it possible to display the Page Item values in the HTML table at all or I have to use a different method of showing the values in a table? The above is only a snippet of the code. I need to display about 30 Page Items, formatted in a table with headings.
what kind of region is the best to be used or if I should only use some escape symbols in the table code.
I am working on a script that is reading from a numeric column converting it to a character string where the decimal is dropped (assumed) and the value is padded with leading zeros to fill the specified lengh. Using to_char(payment_amt,'FM0000000V00') is working fine for non-negative values. When the value of the field is a negative number the output includes a leading - (i.e., -000002458).
For the negative numbers I need to convert them to a 'Signed EBCDIC' value, where the last digit is converted to a specified character (in the above example it would be changing the 8 to a Q) and also replace the - with a zero, resulting in 00000245Q.
What I am doing is generating a fixed-length record with values in a specific location. What I'm getting now looks like this:
S -- format mask display both sing + and - MI -- format mask display negative sign at end PR --Returns negative value in <angle brackets>. and Returns positive value with a leading and trailing blank.
I want the output should display only leading negative if the value is negative. I have used S99990.99 as format Mask. but need output should display only leading negative if the value is negative.
I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by.
As I am doing a outer join, if the resource is not available on a particular day the resource_id is coming as NULL as it is not available. Is there any way to populate this NULL resource_id with the original resource_id as the resource_id is same for all the result set.
My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.
The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.
fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.
DECLARE i_e NUMBER(10); BEGIN FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL) LOOP FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)
I am searching the simplest way for ad hoc MINUS.I do:
SELECT * FROM uam_rss_user_XXXXXXX WHERE host_name IN ('XXX0349', 'XXX0362', 'XXX0363', 'XXX0343', 'XXX0342', 'XXX0499', [code]....
and look in the table which values are missing (values that are in host_name IN but not in actual table).is there a simpler way for doing an ad hoc MINUS? I know to insert values in temp. Table. How are experienced Oracle pros doing this task?
From two given tables, how do you fetch the values from two columns using values from one column(get values from col.A if col.A is not null and get values from col.B if col.A is null)?
I created a package with some types, and every was compiling fine. However, when I ran the new function, I got an error: ORA-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete
After a little research, I realized that the types would have to be declared outside the package. As soon as I did that, I suddenly started getting the "not enough values" errors on all my types. I compared the number of columns being returned, and the number of columns in the type, and they match.Here is my type code:
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE TSA_CUSTOM.Lost_Plan as object ( LP_Key number, -- The member key of the plan that is going away LP_Type varchar2(20), LP_Dept varchar2(12), LP_SubDept varchar2(12), LP_Class varchar2(12), LP_VendorName varchar2(50) [code]...
SELECT SCRATTR_ATTR_CODE from scrattr_TEST,scbcrse_TEST where SUBSTR(scbcrse_subj_code,1,3) = SUBSTR(scrattr_subj_code,1,3) and SUBSTR(scbcrse_crse_numb,1,4) = SUBSTR(scrattr_crse_numb,1,4)Returns this
How I can make to return someting like A INS MCSR in one row there is a row for every code
hERE is some code to create the tables and insert the data
I have a requirement where I want to display amount what I have billed to my client and then how I received my amounts from that Bill. For eg.lets say there is bill no 001 amounting 10000 and after some days I received a part payment cheque/cash from client worth 2000 then he gave second part 2000 and then finally I received 2000. Still 4000 is remaining to be received.So in tabular format I want to display data which will have 3 records of 2000 and one record of balance 4000.
In attached file i have given few examples, where highlighted area is what i want to derive. There are formula's in Collection date, delay by and Int calc. Basically highlighted lines are the ones which should be shown in query result. And data shown above that is what i have right now.
Consider EMPLOYEES table and If an employee 'A' joined in Jan month then he should come under JAN, if employee B and C joined in MARCH month than both has to come under MAR and so on..