SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Duplicate Data In Oracle-SQL

Mar 8, 2011

remove duplicate data in oracle-sql. can u post me the sql query to remove duplicate data with example.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i / 10g - Remove Duplicate Records?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a query which pulls data from emp view

select am_obj_emp_obj(empno,ename,sal,deptno,service) from
(select empno,ename,sal,deptno ,service from emp_vw where 1=1 and rownum < 2000 and service in ('MAN','SACH','SACL','KACL'))
union all


This query is pulling 12 records of which 6 records are coming from the first query and the same 6 records is coming from the second query after union all Here am_obj_emp_obj is the object type and emp_vw is the view

Now I wanted to remove the duplicate records.When I implement the union operater it is giving me error.

ORA-22950: cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method.

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Forms :: Remove Duplicate Value

May 28, 2012

how can i get distinct records through this coding, when i add select distinct col1, col2, col3 from tablename where RECD_ON between :control. REC_ FROM and :control.REC_TO; in 1st qry after begin, this form not retrive any data from database, then how i get distinct rows through this coding. is there any option in property plattee to get distinct rows.

qry varchar2(5000);
n number;
alert number;

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How To Remove Duplicate Record From A Collection

Jan 26, 2011

I have following query:
type EMP_REC is record
id number,
name varchar2(20),
dept number


select * BULK COLLECT into EMP_TBL1
FROM emp;

How to remove duplicate records from EMP_TBL1 collection if exists.I don't want to remove duplicate records from main table. But actually want to remove duplicate records from EMP_TBL1 collection if exists.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Duplicate Rows From Table

May 8, 2013

how to remove duplicate rows from table?

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PL/SQL :: Remove Duplicate Values In Collections?

Mar 22, 2013

is it possible to remove duplicate values in plsql collections without using multistage operators ?

plsql collections output:
ID       NAME
-----     -------
001      A
001      A
002      B
003      C
004      D
005      E
005      E
005     E

expected output
ID       NAME
-----     -------
001      A
002      B
003      C
004      D
005      E

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Remove Duplicate Rows From Output

Jun 14, 2011

I have a view and in that view i need to remove duplicate rows from output. For that i need to run select query in where clause of view if select query return true then we need to execute second condition.

my requirement in view like

And ((select count(*) from table A where conditions)=1 )then name is null

in that code first we need to check first select query condition then we need to apply name is null condition. but i tried to run it but select query not run properly. because tables is used in View.

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Backup & Recovery :: Remove Duplicate DBID In RMAN Catalog

Feb 17, 2011

I want to remove matching dbid's from the rman catalog without compromising te integrity of the catalog. I do however know a single way of removing them and its using the dbid and db_key which in my case are not not unique. The funny thing is they've running normally for a year now.

-------- ---------------------- -------------------------
RMANDB 3354934991 18-AUG-05
KFXPR 3575520995 09-DEC-10
KFXITM 13634474 20-SEP-05

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PL/SQL :: Remove Duplicate Values From Concatenated Long String Of State Codes

Dec 4, 2012

Database version:

I need to remove duplicate values from concatenated long string of state codes(comma separated). Ex: 'VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA'. I tried following query and did not get required out put.

select regexp_replace('VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA,CT,PA,VA,CT','([^,]*)(,1)+($|,)', '13') new_str from dual;

Define Meta-character's format in regular expression to get desired result. Out put required: VA,PA,CT,NJ (with out any duplicates).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Data Recently Loaded But Not Disturbing Existing Original Data?

Jun 24, 2010

I have few tables in Oracle 9i/10g , and they already have data in them. I am trying to migrate the data coming from various source systems into these Oracle tables. There is a chance that after loading I might get some unwanted data into these tables.

How do I remove just that data which I have loaded recently, and do not disturb the original data it already has.

Need to backup those tables and reload the data back if there is any problem, but I am looking at a different approach. I just don't want to change the existing system, as lot of users use the system.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Columns Which Contain Same Data

Jun 10, 2013

I do have a query which gives me two rows of data.(This might be more than two in other cases)

The data I get is formed as :

European Patent EP 101 Kiksu
European Patent EP 101 Mokilosu

What I want to get should be formed as :


European Patent EP 101 Kiksu

As you can see, I removed the first four columns because the eventkey is the same. In this case, there is only the applicant which is different.So the rest should be blank.

The code I do use to get this data:



So what to modify in the query to get these columns of the second row blank?

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PL/SQL :: Remove / Replace Some Data In CLOB

Aug 3, 2012

I have a CLOB column in one of my tables (Table1), which stores very large (150MB+) XML files. I have new/another table (Table2) in the DB where I have an XMLType column. I want to take the CLOB data (xml) from table1 and remove some part of that and store the rest into to the XMLType column of Table2.

I want to remove the data inside the XML tags


very long data goes here... which I don't need, which should be replaced with a single word


store the CLOB to XMLType column after removing the unwanted data.

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Remove White Space While Loading Data?

Aug 11, 2010

i loaded the data from csv file. and i used FIELDS TERMINATED BY x'09' values.but the end of the value having white space within it..

"33004[] like box

how can i remove the white space when i load the data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Partition In A Table Without Data Loss

Jul 27, 2012

We would like to remove the partitions from a particular table. The table in question has 12 partitions. Based on some initial investigation, I've come up with the following options. because the table we going to remove partition will have millions of records so on considering the db downtime we are looking for a alternative way. Is there a better way?

Copy data into another table, drop all partitions, then copy the data back into the original table
Copy data into another table, drop the original table, then rename the new table and rebuild the indexes.

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Client Tools :: How To Remove Spaces After Data

Aug 14, 2012

I have a little problem, using SQLPLUS I use "set linesize 300", so in the END of output file file. I got spaces after info ! I mean

select client_id || ';' || date || ';' || amount info
from table

500;MAR-2012;300000.... (. = spaces)

How I remove spaces after Data ?

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Best Method To Remove Old Data Running On Variety Of Systems

Oct 17, 2011

Our application has been installed at customers in North America, Europe and South America for several years, in some cases, over 10 years. At least one of our customers has hundreds of gigabytes of data. We are considering options for cleaning out the old data.

The database runs on a variety of systems (Linux, Windows, Unix) and in several version (Oracle 9, 10, and 11). We need a solution that works in all environments.

Two of our main criteria for a successful solution are that:
-It maintains application data referential integrity. Our application makes little use of foreign key constraints, so the cleanup process will apply critical business rules to candidate data to determine if it can be deleted or not.
-The operation of the cleanup program does not impact use of the system in production.

For various reasons (license cost, installation issues) the partitioning option is not available to us.

Alternative 1: Flag records for cleanup

This requires adding a 1-character column to each table. That is a one-time operation done during implementation. The procedure applies the business rules and sets the flag according to whether a row is to be deleted or not. Rows marked for deletion can be checked, reset, exported, etc. Finally, a separate process deletes all marked rows.

Advantage of this is that the deletion process will use a full table scan to find the marked records. There is no index navigation, so hopefully less overhead. Disadvantage is that its updating application data which might affect user's perceived system response. There is some undefined concern that locking or other table activity involved with updating the flags could impact users.

Alternative 2: Build a list of keys for data to be deleted

We will build a list table during implementation. The first process examines the application data, applies the deletion rules and writes key information to the list for data that can be deleted. The list can be checked, reset, rebuilt and listed rows can be exported as required. Finally, the cleanup process uses the list to find and delete the data.

Advantage is that it doesn't update the application data as its building the list. Disadvantages are that it that there is some overhead in building and checking the list. The list requires more space than the flags in alternative 1 but we can handle that in various ways. The procedure needs to navigate key structures during the delete step as well as in the list-building phase.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Last Comma End Of String And Load Clob Data Into Table

Aug 29, 2012

To remove the last comma end of string and load the Clob data into table. create table test(name clob)

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Install And Remove Oracle 10 G

May 26, 2008

I install oracle 10 g but I don't remember password . so I then remove oracle 10 g by select Universal Installer and click Deinstall and then reinstall but I can't reinstall because I don't remove/delete oracle_home I then delete folder in path C:Oracle and reinstall Question

1.in this remove oracle 10 g method true or wrong if wrong , How effect on my computer
2.why after reinstall my computer is very slow.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Display Data Without Duplicate Records

Nov 16, 2011

how to display the data which is shown below without duplicate records in compid and compname and all policy_id's should be there while excuting this query iam getting this data.

select distinct comp_id as compid,
comp_disp_name as company,
plcy_id as policyid,


compid compname policy_id policy_name

19734 Save the Children 9013 GPA
19734 Save the Children 9012 GMC
20097 JMT 9486 GTL
10890 Steelco Gujarat Ltd. 9727 CAR
17330 Golden Jubilee Hotels Limited 8915 CGL
23117 NBHC 9093 GMC
17542 Heinz India 10693 Fire
19821 KSK Fabricators 10341 D&O
3769 Jones Lang Lasalle India 9199 WC
19821 KSK Fabricators 10340 WC

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PL/SQL :: Find The Duplicate Data In Tables 11g

Feb 19, 2013

i want to find the duplicate data in my tables i have the below structure

SQL> desc x;
Name                                      Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
FILE_CODE                                          NUMBER(20)
STREAMNUMBER                                       VARCHAR2(50)
SERVICEKEY                                         VARCHAR2(50)
CALLINGPARTYNUMBER                                 VARCHAR2(50)
CALLEDPARTYNUMBER                                  VARCHAR2(50)
CHARGEPARTYINDICATOR                               VARCHAR2(50)

[Code] ......

i found the below query it's right

GROUP by FILE_CODE,..........................,SEQ_NO ); all the column

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove White Space From Oracle Database

Jun 29, 2011

I want to remove white space from oracle database, and i don't want to use trim() or replace(). can i use jdbc driver? if yes, then how?

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Forms :: Duplicate Check On Data Block

Jan 19, 2010

I wonder if there is some tiny technique to trace a duplicity on a block label without committing the records ( Maybe on Validate or new record instance)

I have one procedure to check duplicate but what I remember that there is something very smart provided from oracle to do that.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creating Sequence On Duplicate Data Through Query

Nov 18, 2011

I have a table with three columns mentioned below :

Col1 Col2 Col3

Col1 is the primary key.I need a sql query which will show the data set mentioned below :

Col1 Col2 Col3 Seq
121 1
221 1
331 2
431 2
531 2
622 3
722 3

I need all the 7 records to be displayed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check And Delete Duplicate Data From Table

Nov 19, 2010

how i can chk & delete duplicate rows from a table

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Data Guard :: Parameters With Active Duplicate For Physical Standby

Oct 17, 2012

We are planning to create physical standby database for 4-node RAC primary to a 4-node RAC standby using Active database duplicate with ASM and OMF

1. while using active database duplicate, do we need to set cluster_database=FALSE in spfile clause and create standby,next change it back to TRUE at standby. Or we don't need to touch it. And also do we need to include instance_number parameter
2. We are using OMF, can we use log_file_name_convert parameter in spfile clause of duplicate. Documentation says log_file_name_convert cannot be used if standby is going to have OMF. Because we have 5 groups for each thread, which are on 5 different disk groups. When standby is created all the logs are created in only one disk group pointed by db_create_online_file_dest_1.
3. To enable force logging at primary do we need to shutdown the database?

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Data Guard :: Error Occurred During Initial DB Duplicate To Standby Server?

Mar 20, 2008

i have setup the OEM-Dataguard in order to duplicate the DB instance from the primary to the standby DB in the standby server.At first I installed oracle server in Server A (Primary) created DB instance of SCT, in archivelog mode and then I install the oracle binary in Server B (standby) and made 2 servers ORACLE_HOME the same and also I installed OEM agents on the 2 servers and registered successfully to the OEM server.

I then used the dataguard to do the initial backup of the DB in server A and but when I specify the standby DB location, it prompt me the following error.


Examine and correct the following error(s), then retry the operation.
Remote Operation Error - Internal error occured

Add Standby Database: Database Location

Primary Database SCT
Primary Host Ent
Step 3 of 6

Standby Database

* Instance Name The instance name (also referred to as the SID) must be unique on the standby host. Database Storage File SystemRaw Devices Choose whether the database files will be put on a conventional file system or on raw devices.

Standby Host Credentials

Enter the credentials of the user who owns the Oracle installation in the Oracle Home selected below.
* Username
* Password

Standby Database Location

The standby database can be created in any Oracle Home that has been discovered by Enterprise Manager. Only Oracle Homes on hosts that match the operating system of the primary host are shown. Select the Oracle Home in which to create the standby database.

Search For Host
Select Host Oracle Home Oracle Server Version Operating System Operating System Version
Ent /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 SunOS 5.10
Ent_standby /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 SunOS 5.10

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RMAN :: Duplicate Database On Another Oracle Server?

Oct 2, 2012

i am trying to duplicate database on another oracle server. i am getting following errors when i use command in rman orapwd was created on original /source/ db and transferred to destination server.

rman auxiliary sys/pwd@ORA

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Oct 2 02:37:51 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
connected to auxiliary database: ORA (not mounted)
RMAN> duplicate database to "ora" backup location "O:ackup";
Starting Duplicate Db at 02-OCT-12

contents of Memory Script:
sql clone "create spfile from memory";
executing Memory Script

sql statement: create spfile from memory
contents of Memory Script:
shutdown clone immediate;
startup clone nomount;
executing Memory Script

Oracle instance shut down

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 10/02/2012 02:38:36
RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script
RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor


when i try to reconnect to rman it throws:

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

i have to startup in nomount again

ORARCLE_SID is set to ora

backup of db was created from source db by:

RMAN> run{
2> configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to 'd:/backup/%F';
3> configure controlfile autobackup on;
4> allocate channel d1 type disk;
5> backup tag FULL_DB format 'd:/backup/db_%t_%s.bk' (database);
6> release channel d1;
7> }

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RMAN :: Duplicate And Oracle Upgrade At Same Time?

Feb 6, 2013

able to utilize "RMAN Restore of Backups as Part of a Database Upgrade [ID 790559.1]" and duplicate an 11.1 PRD DB to another server that only has the 11.2 software. When I attempted this, I got an error since the target DB is a earlier version than the rman client - "RMAN-06429: TARGET database is not compatible with this version of RMAN".

I tried to avoid connecting to the target database & just use the following syntax (duplicate 'prd' DBID 123456789 to 'dev') to let rman know about the backups it would need from NetBackup.

That also got an error - RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "single-quoted-string": expecting one of: "database, for, target, to". I tried other variations, but also got errors.

I may try this from a disk based backup, but have to wait to get a large enough NFS mount to be able to complete this. The following syntax was in the 11.2 rman docs:

UNTIL TIME "to_date('11/01/2007', 'MM/DD/YYYY')"
PFILE='?/dbs/inittest.ora' db_file_name_convert='prod','test';

Our goal is to not have to install the 11.1 software on our new servers. Also, trying to avoid restoring with the same name & then renaming the DB so that ASM would have multiple directories for the DB.

OS: RHEL 6.3 for target host
OS: RHEL 5.9 for target host
Target DB: - PRD
Auxiliary DB: - DEV

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Duplicate 11g Oracle Database Using RMAN - Segmentation Fault?

Oct 19, 2011

I am trying to duplicate a 11g oracle database using RMAN duplicate from active database and got the "segmentation fault" error.

source db : DUP
Aux db : DUP2
bash-3.2$ echo $ORACLE_SID
bash-3.2$ rman target sys@DUP auxiliary sys@DUP2

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Oct 19 03:01:27 2011
Copyright © 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
target database Password:
connected to target database: DUP (DBID=135702688)
auxiliary database Password:


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Application Express :: What Would Cause Oracle To Insert Duplicate Rows Into A Table

May 2, 2013

What would cause Oracle to insert duplicate rows into a table? Could a join of two tables in the initial query assigned to an application page cause ORacle to insert an extra row into a table when an update to data value occurs? I have no insert triggers and no foreign keys assigned to the table. I am not sure what would cause Oracle to assume that an insert of a row must occur. I want to prevent that insert.

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