SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Columns Which Contain Same Data

Jun 10, 2013

I do have a query which gives me two rows of data.(This might be more than two in other cases)

The data I get is formed as :

European Patent EP 101 Kiksu
European Patent EP 101 Mokilosu

What I want to get should be formed as :


European Patent EP 101 Kiksu

As you can see, I removed the first four columns because the eventkey is the same. In this case, there is only the applicant which is different.So the rest should be blank.

The code I do use to get this data:



So what to modify in the query to get these columns of the second row blank?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Large Tables / Remove Unnecessary Columns

Mar 14, 2011

I have a large table with 450 column and we are only using nearly 170 columns and our BD block size is 8k.The DBA informed that there is an row chaining happening in the Database.My question is if we have data available in 170 column .why row chaining is happening.

The DBA informed us to remove the unnecessary columns .. Does those empty columns have any impact on the chaining.If we increase the size of DB block to 32k . does it will resolve the issue.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Data Recently Loaded But Not Disturbing Existing Original Data?

Jun 24, 2010

I have few tables in Oracle 9i/10g , and they already have data in them. I am trying to migrate the data coming from various source systems into these Oracle tables. There is a chance that after loading I might get some unwanted data into these tables.

How do I remove just that data which I have loaded recently, and do not disturb the original data it already has.

Need to backup those tables and reload the data back if there is any problem, but I am looking at a different approach. I just don't want to change the existing system, as lot of users use the system.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Duplicate Data In Oracle-SQL

Mar 8, 2011

remove duplicate data in oracle-sql. can u post me the sql query to remove duplicate data with example.

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PL/SQL :: Remove / Replace Some Data In CLOB

Aug 3, 2012

I have a CLOB column in one of my tables (Table1), which stores very large (150MB+) XML files. I have new/another table (Table2) in the DB where I have an XMLType column. I want to take the CLOB data (xml) from table1 and remove some part of that and store the rest into to the XMLType column of Table2.

I want to remove the data inside the XML tags


very long data goes here... which I don't need, which should be replaced with a single word


store the CLOB to XMLType column after removing the unwanted data.

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Remove White Space While Loading Data?

Aug 11, 2010

i loaded the data from csv file. and i used FIELDS TERMINATED BY x'09' values.but the end of the value having white space within it..

"33004[] like box

how can i remove the white space when i load the data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Partition In A Table Without Data Loss

Jul 27, 2012

We would like to remove the partitions from a particular table. The table in question has 12 partitions. Based on some initial investigation, I've come up with the following options. because the table we going to remove partition will have millions of records so on considering the db downtime we are looking for a alternative way. Is there a better way?

Copy data into another table, drop all partitions, then copy the data back into the original table
Copy data into another table, drop the original table, then rename the new table and rebuild the indexes.

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Client Tools :: How To Remove Spaces After Data

Aug 14, 2012

I have a little problem, using SQLPLUS I use "set linesize 300", so in the END of output file file. I got spaces after info ! I mean

select client_id || ';' || date || ';' || amount info
from table

500;MAR-2012;300000.... (. = spaces)

How I remove spaces after Data ?

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Best Method To Remove Old Data Running On Variety Of Systems

Oct 17, 2011

Our application has been installed at customers in North America, Europe and South America for several years, in some cases, over 10 years. At least one of our customers has hundreds of gigabytes of data. We are considering options for cleaning out the old data.

The database runs on a variety of systems (Linux, Windows, Unix) and in several version (Oracle 9, 10, and 11). We need a solution that works in all environments.

Two of our main criteria for a successful solution are that:
-It maintains application data referential integrity. Our application makes little use of foreign key constraints, so the cleanup process will apply critical business rules to candidate data to determine if it can be deleted or not.
-The operation of the cleanup program does not impact use of the system in production.

For various reasons (license cost, installation issues) the partitioning option is not available to us.

Alternative 1: Flag records for cleanup

This requires adding a 1-character column to each table. That is a one-time operation done during implementation. The procedure applies the business rules and sets the flag according to whether a row is to be deleted or not. Rows marked for deletion can be checked, reset, exported, etc. Finally, a separate process deletes all marked rows.

Advantage of this is that the deletion process will use a full table scan to find the marked records. There is no index navigation, so hopefully less overhead. Disadvantage is that its updating application data which might affect user's perceived system response. There is some undefined concern that locking or other table activity involved with updating the flags could impact users.

Alternative 2: Build a list of keys for data to be deleted

We will build a list table during implementation. The first process examines the application data, applies the deletion rules and writes key information to the list for data that can be deleted. The list can be checked, reset, rebuilt and listed rows can be exported as required. Finally, the cleanup process uses the list to find and delete the data.

Advantage is that it doesn't update the application data as its building the list. Disadvantages are that it that there is some overhead in building and checking the list. The list requires more space than the flags in alternative 1 but we can handle that in various ways. The procedure needs to navigate key structures during the delete step as well as in the list-building phase.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Last Comma End Of String And Load Clob Data Into Table

Aug 29, 2012

To remove the last comma end of string and load the Clob data into table. create table test(name clob)

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Performance Tuning :: Split Data Separated By Comma / Then Create Collection With Data Mapped From Other Columns

Sep 25, 2013

DB Used : Oracle 10g.

A table X : NUM, INST are column names

NUM ----- INST

1234 ----- 23,22,21,78
2235 ----- 20,7,2,1
1298 ----- 23,22,21,65,98
9087 ----- 20,7,2,1

-- Based upon requirement :

1) Split values from "INST" Column : suppose 23
2) Find all values from "NUM" column for above splitted value i.e 23 ,


For Inst : 23 ,
It's corresponding "NUM" values are : 1234,1298

3) Save these values into

A table Y : INST, NUM are column names.

23 1234,1298

1) I have a thousand records in Table X , and for all of those records i need to split and save data into Table Y.Hence, I need to do this task with best possible performance.

2) After this whenever a new data comes in Table X, above 'split & save' operation should automatically be called and append corresponding data wherever possible..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pivoting Data (rows To Columns)

Aug 9, 2011

I have a table like below-

create table test (cust_id number(3), m_no number(1), other_date varchar2(20));

Where there is a "cust_id" that can have maximum 3 "m_no" (Don't bother for that condition, we have it in actual table).

In this table records are as follows.

insert into test values (1,1,'ABC');
insert into test values (1,2,'DEF');
insert into test values (2,1,'DEG');
insert into test values (3,2,'DEG');


My objective is to get date like below--


1 1 ABC 2 DEF
2 1 DEG
3 2 DEG 1 BCD 3 MNO
4 9 KLM
5 2 XYZ 5 XAZ

I want to say, that cust_id's that doesn't have second and third m_no should not have any data in those columns.

Can this be performed through single query, or I need to make temporary tables or functions for this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Parse Data And Add Columns In A View

Jan 11, 2012

I have a column which holds the data in the below format.

Source Data :


Problem Statement :
Split the above data into individual components and create columns / aliases dynamically.If the column is present then place the data under the created column.

Example 1) :

Column Name : SKUCol_54-99
Data :SNO_SDSDQ-8192-BNSNO_54-99-24120-8192

Example 2)

Column Name : SKU54-90Col_54_62Col_20_81
Data :SNO_SDSDAA-002G-101-JSNO_54-90-16002-002GSNO_54-62-05781-002GSNO_20-81-00135-5

Column Name can be derieved from the components like SNO_54-62-05781-002G

i.e. SNO_54-62-05781-002G ==> SNO_-05781-002G
"54-62" will give the Col_Name

The First Column will always have data starting with
This column is constant and will be named as SKU.

I need this data to be placed in the same record / row but under different columns as per the data set.Basically, Can the data be split into multiple parts based on delimeters and the columns are created based on the unique data in the parts that form the data in the column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Splitting Data And Store Into Columns?

Feb 28, 2013

I have string like 'PRASAD,ALLEN,STEWART,SMITH'.


I want to store the data into columns using SELECT statement only

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How Does Oracle Insert Data Into The Columns

May 10, 2013

when we have a primary key on 4 columns and we have, say 20 million rows and we want to add one extra row. How does oracle check whether the data on the primary key is unique to the record being added compared to the 20 million rows. Does it actually compare the record being added to all the rows present in the table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invert Column Data Into Columns

Apr 30, 2010

writing SQL, where I need to invert the column data into columns. My data in DB is as below.

Jan-10M1 5
Jan-10M2 8
Jan-10M3 9
Feb-10M1 4
Feb-10M2 6
Feb-10M3 2
Feb-10M4 10
Mar-10M1 21
Mar-10M2 6

Required output for reporting will be like:


How can I achieve this using SQL.[ORACLE 10g] ?

I can make use of Oracle BI server also.

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Forms :: Query Data Source Columns

Jul 19, 2013

I'm new to Oracle Forms 10g.

When I create a data block based on a table using Data Block Wizard, the block's Query Data Source Columns property is automatically populated with column definition entries corresponding to the columns of the base table.

I tried making changes to these entries, for example by changing the data types to wrong data types or even deleting them, and I found that those changes had no effect on the block at all. The form was still working as I wanted.

What is exactly the role of the block's Query Data Source Columns property.

The F1 key help says "The Query Data Source Columns property is valid only when the Query Data Source Type property is set to Table, Sub-query, or Procedure". So, explain in each context of Query Data Source Type.

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PL/SQL :: Find Common Data In 2 Columns In Two Different Tables

Oct 22, 2012

query to find out common data from 2 columns in two different tables??

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How To Convert Table Data From Rows To Columns

Mar 11, 2013

I have a Employee table of the following format:

Emp_id | Emp_name | Salary
101 | James | 1000
102 | Julia     | 200

I have to convert or transpose the table data as follows using a SQL statement/function -

Emp_id | 101     |     102
Emp_name | James |     Julia
Salary     | 1000 |     2000
How do I achieve this?

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PL/SQL :: How To Convert Rows To Columns Data In A Table

Dec 5, 2012

I have the situation like i want display the data from table which is storing in rows into a columns....

My table structure will be like this(Here i am taking only one part but have N no. of parts in my system)

Partno Purchase date Qty
111 02-DEC-2012 15
111 03-DEC-2012 25
111 04-DEC-2012 20
*** **** ****
111 31-DEC-2012 28

So i am expecting my query out put should be in column wise, that should make columns dynamically based on dates.

like example

__Partno     01-Dec-12     02-Dec-12     03-Dec-12 04-Dec-12     ----     ----     ---     31-Dec-12__
111     0 15 25 20 28     

Here columns should be created based purchase dates dynamically with respect to quantity. Query out put will be like matrix format. So i feel that PIVOT & SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH will not serve my requirement.

My system comparability is

oracle 10g database.
oracle 6i forms.                         

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Counting Distinct Occurrences Of Data From Multiple Columns

Feb 4, 2013




Quote:Count(dist name) Count(dist city)
6 5

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve CLOB Data Using DISTINCT Keyword For Other Columns

Aug 2, 2012

I have one query regarding how to retrieve the CLOB data.

The requirement is something that in the select statement there are around 20+ columns which i need to retrieve from around 5 tables after joining.

Since the result set after joining also will get duplicate values i need to use distinct keyword to filter the resultset. But in the 20+ columns there are 2 CLOB data columns which i need to retrieve.

Whenever i use DISTINCT i'm getting ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB error. I know that DISTINCT keyword cannot be used for CLOB datatypes.

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Forms :: Copy Values Of Two Columns Of First Data Block To Other?

Mar 7, 2012

I am working on a form having three data blocks
Travel_Inconvineance (Master)
TI_Card_Info (Detail)
TI_Limit_Indemnity (Detail)

On working TI_Card_Info i have 2 columns Plastic_Card_Id and Plastic_Card_Type which i want to be paste on TI_limit_Indemnity data block as i enter in TI_Card_Info.

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PL/SQL :: How To Show Multiple Columns Data In One Column Oracle SQL

Mar 15, 2013

I have table t1 and (a1,a2,a3) are columns

I have this query

select a1 from t1
select a2 from t1
select a2 from t1

It's alternative is unpivot, but internally it calls table multiple times. I want a way, where I want the same output but calling the table only once.

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List Only Date Columns In Data Dictionary / Views

Sep 6, 2012

Oracle version :

Some DBA_views are huge with lots of columns ; a DESC command's output becomes less readable ; example DESC command's output of V$SESSION view.

Lets say I want to see only the date columns in a DBA_view or V$view ; How can I do that in a DESC like output or similair ?

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Dumping Relevant Data From Columns Of Different Tables - Report / Join

Nov 18, 2008

As the title of this topic illustrates, i'm having trouble dumping relevant data from columns of different tables. I am using isql*plus. I have three tables appropriatly related. A 'course' table, 'student' and 'next_of_kin' tables. I have many students enrolled on various courses but only a hanfull of courses offer the module option 'Database Systems'. I have no 'module' table but i know the three course names which provide the module option. I intend on producing a report hich lists all students enrolled on the courses which provid the module option 'Database Systems'.

I have attempted the report but i keep getting a 'cartesian product' displaying all next_of_kin names instead of the appropriate. Also i am struggling to come up with the right WHERE statement to depict only the three courses which provide the module option 'Database Systems' as defined by 'courseNo' in both 'course' and 'student' tables.

Here is the most recent attempt:

--set echo off
--set pagesize 24
--set feedback off
--set linesize 78
col A format 99999999 heading 'Student No'


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Server Utilities :: To Load Single Column Data Into Multiple Columns

Mar 26, 2012

I want to load single column data into multiple columns.

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Forms :: Load PDF Data From C Drive To Oracle Tables To Respective Columns In 6i?

Sep 7, 2012

how to load the pdf data from c drive to the oracle tables to their respective columns in forms 6i.

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Application Express :: How To Retain Entered Data In Collection Report Columns

Jul 28, 2012

I created one collection report and in the report when i click on the next >> then the report will show the next columns to enter data in some columns but the data which i entered before going to next will not get retain (data is getting lost) when i come back by clicking << previous but i want the data to get retained even when i click on next >> or previous << in report so that i can enter large amount of data at a time in the report columns by clicking >> & << and click on submit button to save all the data.

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Application Express :: How To Show Data From A Table Having Large Number Of Columns

Oct 8, 2013

I have a report with single row having large number of columns . I have to use a scroll bar to see all the columns. Is it possible to design report in below format(half columns on one side of page, half on other side ofpage : 

Column1DataColumn11DataColumn2DataColumn12DataColumn3DataColumn13DataColumn4DataColumn14DataColumn5DataColumn15DataColumn6DataColumn16DataColumn7DataColumn17DataColumn8DataColumn18DataColumn9DataColumn19DataColumn10DataColumn20Data I am using Apex 4.2.3 version on oracle 11g xe.

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