SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Rowtype Column Dynamically Not Working

Sep 6, 2010

I am passing the column name for a rowtype dynamically and it is considered as a string by oracle and not giving the value of rowtype.column.i have ANONY 1 where i am passing value to attribute1 and ANONY 2 i am passing value as NULL.

IF l_comp_column IS NOT NULL AND l_mand_column = 'Y'
dbms_output.put_line(l_comp_column ||' IS NOT NULL');

l_flag := 'Y';
ELSIF l_comp_column IS NOT NULL AND l_mand_column = 'N'
l_flag := 'N';

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PL/SQL :: Dynamically Assign Values To Different ROWTYPE-Columns By Ruletable

Jul 31, 2013

how to assign values from a "rule table" to a rowtype-variable.  The ruletable contains values for different columns in different tables.Now i need to assign those given values for given columns out of that rule table to the equivalent column in a rowtype-variable. 

            TABLE     VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)
        ,    COLUMN    VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)
        ,    VALUE     VARCHAR2(200 BYTE)

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Forms :: Dynamically Passing Where Condition

Jul 4, 2011

I am working on 6i reports.I have below scenario to achieve.

I have FIND window and MAIN Window.

FIND Window: contains EMPNO, ENAME,and FIND button.


If i enter something in FIND window, by clicking FIND button, it will populate data in MAIN window.I have below query in WHEN BUTTON PRESSED TRIGGER.

cursor c1 is select empno, ename, job, sal from emp
where empno=nvl(:FIND.empno,empno)
and ename=nvl(:FIND.ename,ename)

--here i am populating data into MAIN window block

It's working fine.

REQUIREMENT: i want to pass where statement dynamically. Let us say if i pass only empno in FIND window, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno' to existing select statement [I will keep select statement same without where condition]

If i pass empno and ename both, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno and ename=:FIND.ename.

How to pass where condition to existing select statement based on parameters we pass in FIND window.

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Forms :: Dynamically Passing The Columns Values?

Aug 5, 2013

I am trying a pl/sql block which which take a string and execute it dynamically. Suppose below is string


Now trying to execute it. using below


Now what i want is M_STR vairable to executed as


instead of


other in other way in parameter P_CODE Column value of DEPTNO should be passed.Also note that DEPTNO column in string M_COL is Dynamic.i.e

M_COL := Q'[(P_CODE=> ':EMP_ID',P_CODE_TYPE => 'STATE')]';

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Forms :: Dynamically Getting Column Names

Jul 20, 2010

i have list item populated with many table names from a schema. i have grid in oracle forms 10g and i want to fill the grid with at least four/more columns.I want to fire the list change trigger when each time any one table name is selected.

how can i find the columns names dynamically for filling the grid.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Column Name To Cursor At Runtime?

Apr 15, 2013

in below program,i have to pass column name to cursor at runtime..but this giving error.

v_emp_cursor EmpCurTyp;
emp_record hr.employees%rowtYPE;
v_stmt_str VARCHAR2(200);
colname varchar2(10):='Last_name';


ERROR at line 13:
ORA-06550: line 13, column 1:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PUT_LINE'
ORA-06550: line 13, column 1:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

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Passing Column In Cursor For Loop

Aug 8, 2012

How can we pass column index or column name in cursor for loop.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select A Column Dynamically Inside A Query

May 1, 2011

I have a problem executing a function.

There are two tables,

1. Table with column names of a second table mapped to certain variables.

ex: Table1
col1, var1
col2, var2
col3, var3

2. Table with the values for columns as given in table 1 ex:

col1, col2, col3, col4, col5,
a , aa , 1 , x1 , p
b , ab , 2 , x2 , q
c , ac , 3 , x3 , r

I have to select values from table2.col1 do some processing and calculate values and store it in a table then do the same thing with col2 and so. This needs to be done for all the columns that appear in table1.For example in table 1 i have only three columns mentioned thus i have to process col1, col2 and col3 from table2. col4 and col5 will not be processed since they do not appear in the first table.

The problem is i have hundred columns in table 2 and the user can add up to hundred columns in table 1 as and when it is required.

I have created a cursor to first select column name from table 1 where variable is not null.For each value in cursor i put it in a local variable.

Second step is to select values from table2 where instead of column name i am using the local variable.But the problem is instead of choosing values from col1 the query returns the value as col1 (the value of local variable)

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PL/SQL :: Dynamically Get Maximum Value Permitted In A Number Column?

May 18, 2013

How can we dynamically get maximum value permitted in a number column? Is there any in-built function in oracle for this?

e.g. Accrued_Interest NUMBER(10,4)

In this case maximum value that can be inserted in this column is "999999.9999".

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PL/SQL :: Dynamically Assign Values Of Any Column Of Row Type Variable

Nov 12, 2012

need to dynamically assign value of each column of a row type variable:The example is like that:

Table "Student_list" is as follows:

Is there any work around where i can dynamically built my variable or table.column name and assign a value to it?

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Header Value Dynamically In IR Report

Oct 29, 2012

I have created report with the collections. Report query has been changing dynamically but i got problem with report header names and headers names has not been changing dynamically it is always showing like c001,c002....etc so, i have created global item(G_ITEM) in shared components--->Applications items after that I have created process(before headers) and assigning some value to G_ITEM and used &G_ITEM to column headres in IR Report but here &G_ITEM is not showing any value.

How can i achieve dynamic headers names by using *&G_ITEM(global items)*

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Application Express :: Creating Link In IR Report Passing Value From Different Column

Feb 19, 2013


I have an Interactive Report with a column that I need to create a link on but I need to pass the value of another column.

This report shows the Features of a particular Release. There is a select list for the Release that is selected and executes the report. There is a column that indicates whether the Feature has a Commitment attached to it. If there is have that a link to another report that shows all the Commitments for that Feature by passing the FEATURE_ID which is also a column on the Feature report.

,CASE WHEN ft.feature_id IN (SELECT cc.feature_id
FROM customer_commitments cc
WHERE ft.feature_id = cc.feature_id
) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No'
END "Commitment Exists"

FROM ....If "Commitment Exists" has a 'Yes', the 'Yes' is a link that will pass the FEATURE_ID to another report that will show the Commitments for that Feature. If the "Commitment Exists" has a 'No' then no link. I was also wondering if the Commitment report could open in a seperate window and make it modal?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamically Concatenating Column Values Based Upon Number Of Grouped Columns

Feb 17, 2011

My requirement is to concatenate two column values and place them in a new column.I have done it using self join but it limits the purpose,meaning when I have more than 2 values for grouped columns then it won't work.How to make this dynamic,so that for any number of columns grouped,I can concatenate.

SELECT a.co_nm, a.mnfst_nr, a.mnfst_qty,
a.mnfst_nr || ':' || a.mnfst_qty || ';' || b.mnfst_nr || ':'
|| b.mnfst_qty
FROM vw_acao_critical a JOIN vw_acao_critical b
ON a.co_nm = b.co_nm AND a.mnfst_nr = b.mnfst_nr

What will be the case when I need to concatenate for more number of values.

like when co_nm has three bahs and manfst_nr and manfst_qty has 3 values for each for bah.and if three are having same_mnfst nr then I should use something dynamic.how to achieve this.

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Application Express :: How To Calculate Total Column Dynamically In Tabular Form

May 27, 2013

I am trying to calculating the total column based on two columns, Total=unitprice*no.of items

I wrote this Javascript in page properties>javascrpt>Execute when Page Loads

"$('input[name=f05],input[name=f06]').change( function(){
parent_row = $(this).parents('tr:first');
sal = ( parent_row.find('input[name=f05]').val() == ' ') ? 0 : parseFloat(parent_row.find('input[name=f05]').val() );
comm = ( parent_row.find('input[name=f06]').val() == ' ') ? 0 : parseFloat(parent_row.find('input[name=f06]').val() );
total = sal * comm;

But its not Giving any result in total column?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Type And Rowtype?

Oct 24, 2013

Here is an example

pnLeadID p_lead.lead_id%TYPE ,
v_lead_rec p_lead%ROWTYPE;

v_lead_rec := dml_p_lead.get_rec(pnLeadID);

-- %TYPE is used to declare a field with the same type as
-- that of a specified table's column:
-- %ROWTYPE is used to declare a record with the same types as
-- found in the specified database table, view or cursor:
so pnleadid it gets the collumn in p_lead table
so for v_lead_rec is saying what ever is in the collumn pnleadid =v_lead_rec

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Auditing Lob Column Changes When Working With Dbms_lob?

Oct 26, 2010

It seems that dml trigger doesn't fire when lob field is being updated using dbms_lob package.

As it stated in Oracle documentation:

QUOTE Using OCI functions or the DBMS_LOB package to update LOB values or LOB attributes of object columns does not cause Oracle to fire triggers defined on the table containing the columns or the attributes.

I need to know that table was updated (or is about to be updated), how can I do that in case it is lob field that is being updated?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Access Programmatically A Record (%rowtype)

Dec 5, 2012

How can I do something like that...It has to be possivel... Not this way, but somehow..

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE access_reg_column (reg_user user%ROWTYPE)
v_column_name VARCHAR (50);
V_column_name := 'name';
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (reg_user.'v_column_name'); ????

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PL/SQL :: Executing A Function With RETURN X%ROWTYPE Is Used

Jul 6, 2012

This error is returned when executing a Function with the RETURN X%ROWTYPE is used.Here is the code.

CREATE OR REPLACE function FE_GET_addr (
p_PIDM IN addr.addr_PIDM%TYPE,
p_atyp1 IN VARCHAR2,
p_atyp2 IN VARCHAR2,
p_atyp3 IN VARCHAR2,
p_atyp4 IN VARCHAR2

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Server Administration :: Auditing Lob Column Changes When Working With Dbms_lob

Oct 26, 2010

It seems that dml trigger doesn't fire when lob field is being updated using dbms_lob package. As it stated in Oracle documentation:

Quote:Using OCI functions or the DBMS_LOB package to update LOB values or LOB attributes of object columns does not cause Oracle to fire triggers defined on the table containing the columns or the attributes.

I need to know that table was updated (or is about to be updated), how can I do that in case it is lob field that is being updated?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Record Type With Rowtype And One Field

Oct 11, 2012

using as template this table:

create table t1 (c1 number,c2 number);

I'm trying to create one RECORD type with all the columns from table T1 + one new field R2. But gives me an error.

The point to use T1%ROWTYPE and not to hardcode the columns from T1, is due to if we add a new column to T1, is created when is executed again RECORD definition and not to add the column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Functional Difference Between Type %rowtype And Record

May 17, 2010

What is functional diffrence between type, %rowtype and record.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Create Table Type Object By Using %ROWTYPE

Apr 20, 2012

Can we create TABLE type object by using %ROWTYPE in SQL.

I am bale to create PL/SQL table type object .But i am unable to create SQL type

SQL> declare
2 type table_emp is table of scott.emp%rowtype index by binary_integer;
3 employees table_emp;
4 begin
5 select * bulk collect into employees from scott.emp;
6 end;
7 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
SQL> create or replace type table_emp is table of scott.emp%rowtype index by binary_integer;
2 /

Warning: Type created with compilation errors

SQL> show errors
-------- ----------------------------------------------------------
1/19 PLS-00355: use of pl/sql table not allowed in this context
0/0 PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated

How can I create global table type object with %rowtype

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Access Individual Item From A Table Of Type ROWTYPE

Jun 1, 2010

Script for test:

CREATE TABLE TEST(empno VARCHAR2(4), empname VARCHAR2(50), empstd NUMBER(2))
insert into test values(0001,'A',2);
insert into test values(0002,'B',5);
insert into test values(0003,'C',2);
insert into test values(0004,'D',7);
insert into test values(0005,'E',9);

Now I want to get empno for the particular employees based upon subscript and I have written below

CURSOR cur_rec
TYPE cur_type IS TABLE OF cur_rec%ROWTYPE;
v_cur_rec cur_type;
OPEN cur_rec;
FETCH cur_rec

how to access individial item froma table of rowtype data.

CM: Added [code] tags, please do so yourself next time, see the orafaq forum.

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ORA-00932 - Sample Code Working Fine In 10g And Not Working Now In 11g

Apr 1, 2013

Below is the sample code working fine in 10g and not working now in 11g.

import java.sql.SQLData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLInput;
import java.sql.SQLOutput;
import java.util.List;

we got the below error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected an IN argument at position 1 that is an instance of an Oracle type convertible to an instance of a user defined Java class got an Oracle type that could not be converted to a java class

Current Oracle version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit and the version we are upgrading is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

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PL/SQL :: To_char Not Working / (||) Is Working With Join Query

Mar 22, 2013

I have two tables : oa_membership_dtl(in this created_by field is varchar2(200 byte) ,oa_partner_usr_dtl(in this table partner_userid is number(8,0) i need to do join on above fields.

I am using following two queries:

select * from oa_membership_dtl membership
join oa_partner_usr_dtl partner_user
on to_char(partner_user.partner_userid,'9999')=membership.created_by
select * from oa_membership_dtl membership
join oa_partner_usr_dtl partner_user
on rtrim(ltrim(partner_user.partner_userid||' '))=rtrim(ltrim(membership.created_by))

by using first data is not fetched but 2nd is working fine , i am getting the matched records using 2nd query.

whats the diff between to_char and || symbol?

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Get Data Dynamically In Sql

Dec 3, 2012

below SQL I'm pulling data manually(by entering specialist name) instead of that I want this query to be modified so that the sys is pulled dynamically, I.e. like select specialist from t.

type, Hari,Rakesh,Santhosh, Total
(type), max( decode( SPECIALIST, 'Hari', cnt, null ) ) Hari,
max( decode( SPECIALIST, 'Rakesh', cnt, null ) ) Rakesh,
max( decode( SPECIALIST, 'Santhosh', cnt, null ) ) Santhosh,
Sum(cnt) total
from (


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Forms :: Dynamically Add Value In Combo Box?

Feb 17, 2010

I have created one form using oracle ids. i want add value into combo box in runtime.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Operators Dynamically

Dec 8, 2010

i am trying to pass operators dynamically.

SQL> create table test(Amount number,Name varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> insert into test values(100,'USA');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test values(150,'NEWYORK');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test values(200,'SCOTT');


I would like to pass the operators from another table. How to pass the operators from other table.

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PL/SQL :: Add Zeros Dynamically After A Number?

Sep 15, 2013

I want to add number of zeros after a number dynamically. eg: If number is 2 and number of zeroes to be added is 5 then final output should be 200000;

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PL/SQL :: Get Columns Name And Value Dynamically From Trigger

Jul 9, 2013

I have to audit some table to log all modifications (inserts, updates, deletes). I wrote the following trigger (works as expected) : 

-- Trigger for DOCUMENT table audit
l_user VARCHAR2(64);

Is there any way I can improve this ?I mean getting columns name and value (:NEW and :OLD) dynamically, instead of specifying them one by one (the trigger will have to be updated in case a new column is added). Something like this : 

l_row := l_row || DOCUMENT.COLUMN_NAME(i) || :NEW.COLUMN_VALUE(i) || l_separator;

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