SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle - Generating Combination Of Numbers?

Oct 25, 2010

I have to write a stored procedure/function which has to generate the combination of numbers
For eg: IF I/p is an array of numbers a(i) = [1,2,3]

I want to get various combinations of numbers with these three digits.

writing the stored procedure generating the output for this

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Forms :: Oracle 10g Key Combination To Call Form Trigger

Nov 11, 2009

I need to fire the KEY-DUPREC trigger as I click on the key combination Shift+P therefore; I added the following line of code in the frmweb.res file.

80 : 1 : "Shift+P" : 64 : "Duplicate Record"

It worked iff no error was raised. So, if I have a raise form trigger failure in the KEY-DUPREC trigger, a capital P will appear in the text field that called the trigger.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extracting Numbers And Few Portion Of Text From A String Containing Dates / Characters And Numbers

Jul 13, 2011

I have a table test with column containing dates, characters and numbers. I have to extract the number part and the three characters before the number . My data looks like :

1 3/12/2007
2 0
3 3/8/2010 ABC 217
5 COLM XYZ 469 6/8/2011
6 LMN 209

My expected results should look like :

3 ABC 217
5 XYZ 469
6 LMN 209

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Generating XSDs From Oracle Tables

Oct 2, 2012

Is there any API to generate XSDs from Oracle tables? DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.GENERATESCHEMA accepts only Types and not the Table names. I want to generate XSD from the tables including length, null and default validations.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generating Hourly Report From Oracle Database

Jun 30, 2011

I am working on SQL Developer 1.5.1, i need to prepare hourly record of the activity on the database, for that i have a sql query that gives me the report as per selected columns on hourly basis.I need to prepare 24 reports a day.

Each time i have to go to the query , change the date as per hours like form 22:06:2011 10:00:00 to 22:06:2011 11:00:00 and get the report and export it in excel.

I want to automate the script so that whenever i run the script , it just asks me the date and runs the script 24 times and fetch me the hourly report of whole day.

the query syntax is something like this


And req date between to-date( 22:06:2011 10:00:00) And to-date(22:06:2011 11:00:00)
Order by 7,1,2,3,4,5

Is there any possibility that i can automate the script to automatically change the hour itself and generate a report in excel 24 times?

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Forms :: How To Generate Numbers Automatically In Multirecord Table Using Oracle 6i

Sep 28, 2013

I have two control block i.e. class_register and student_info. In which student_info is multi-record block which contains stud_id, stud_name, stud_roll_no. Based on the class_register block, stud_id and stud_name is generated in the student_info table. Now I want to generate stud_roll_no automatically until the last record is present.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combination Of Values

Jan 7, 2011

I have a requirement in this format.

These are the scripts for the 2 input tables

SELECT 1000 AS grp_id, 'abc' AS ATTRIB, 60 AS PCT FROM DUAL
SELECT 1000 AS grp_id, 'pqr' AS ATTRIB, 40 AS PCT FROM DUAL;


The output needs to be in this format

key | val | grp_id | pct
6~7~8 |DIM_11~DIM21~DIM31 | 1000 | 60
6~7~8 |DIM_11~DIM21~DIM31 | 1000 | 40
6~7~8 |DIM_11~DIM22~DIM31 | 1000 | 60
6~7~8 |DIM_11~DIM22~DIM31 | 1000 | 40
6~7~8 |DIM_11~DIM23~DIM31 | 1000 | 60
6~7~8 |DIM_11~DIM23~DIM31 | 1000 | 40

Is there a good way to dynamically obtain this output either by PL/SQL or by query?

This is a case where combination needs to be used. However, I am not able to arrive at the right algorithm for this

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Unique Combination

Dec 17, 2011

I need a "solution", guidance to a problem I have to solve. I have different letters with a value associate to it like

A:10, B:20, ..., G:250 and I have a Target to reach TARGET= 90

and I need to find among all letters I have which combination is equal or closest to my target.


IF there is more than one solution possible, the first found is perfect. With my example I can reach 90 with different combinations:


To complicate the things I have up to 10 different letters that need to combine to match my target. If there is no combination that exactly match my target, the closest higher combination is picked.

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Forms :: Key Combination To Get Another Form

Mar 19, 2010

I have a requirement here. User wants when he pressed 'CTRL+E' on the form item, he must get another form. Actually 'CTRL+E' is defined for EDITOR. Then how could I achieve this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding UNIQUE Combination

Oct 4, 2012

I have contents like below:


Now combination from each row will be like below (Just for understanding):


Now the ultimate aim is to find unique combinations (even if the same combination is present in different rows, we have to consider it as one combination), along with its frequency, result will be like below:

BISCUIT [occurence in 2 transactions and total 4 transactions] = 2/4 = .5
BREAD [occurence in 2 transactions and total 4 transactions] = 2/4 = .5
COKE [occurence in 1 transactions and total 4 transactions] = 2/4 = .25
MILK = 3/4 = .75


writing query to find unique combination like above? What I have tried is as below:

create table test (row_no number, col_no number, item varchar2(50))

insert into test values (1,1,'BREAD');
insert into test values (1,2,'BISCUIT');
insert into test values (2,1,'BREAD');


But I am not able to form the exact query. let me know if this can't be done through a single query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Previous Record For Multiple Combination

Aug 17, 2012

How to achieve "Prev_Value" column as shown below without using ORACLE analytic functions

I have records stored in table for various categories and based on ID / Name / Office / Product / Category combination I want to achieve previous value column through efficient SQL query

Test Scripts as below

Name1 VARCHAR2(10),
Overall VARCHAR2(20),

Expected output as in attached sheet.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Locate Occurrence Of Symbols Combination

Aug 5, 2011

My need is to locate an occurrence of symbols starting from "s." (non-capital letter), following by word (with any capital letter at the beginning) and ending with ", " (comma and space symbols).


select 'jeklghje, s.Glkgje, u.slgjwek, 904869' as tt from dual union all
select 's.Tklgj, u.slgjwek, 23578, elslgjs' as tt from dual union all
select 's.klgj, u.ekgjes, 238573, dlsjkgj' as tt from dual

I'm looking for occurrence of "s.Glkgje, " and "s.Tklgj, ".

I think some combination of REGEXP_INSTR and REGEXP_SUBSTR should be useful, but I'm not familiar with these functions so good yet.

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PL/SQL :: Output Only Combination Of 2 (col1 Value) And 1 (col2 Value)?

Mar 19, 2013

I have data like:

Col1 Col2 Col3
1 1 N
1 1 N
1 1 Y
2 1 N
2 1 N
2 1 N

I need in output only combination of 2 (col1 value) and 1 (col2 value). i.e. consider only those records where all records of key combination (col1, col2) have 'N'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Deleting Duplicate Combination Of Records From Table?

Sep 29, 2011

How can I delete the duplicate combination of records from the below table.

INSERT INTO test VALUES (10,20);
INSERT INTO test VALUES (20,10);
INSERT INTO test VALUES (25,46);


The condition is if GID = PID and PID = GID then only one combination of these records should be retained. For example Out of 10-20 and 20-10 only one record should be retained.

Expected result after deletion

---------- ----------
10 20
25 46
89 64
15 16
19 26

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Part Number And Manufacturer Combination Must Be Unique?

Aug 31, 2010

i'm trying to import data to QUANTUM "oracle database" from Oracle database import assistant using OCDia.exe with SQL statement below and i'm getting this error message "Part Number and manufacturer combination must be unique"



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PL/SQL :: Find Out Column / Combination Of Columns From Given Table

Sep 23, 2013

Given a table with some columns and data associated with that. Need to find out a column or a combination of some columns, so that the values or combination of values will be unique in the table.The table and number of columns and the columns will be dynamic.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cross Join Query To Remove Repeating Combination

Nov 15, 2010

I have constructed a cross join query, with the test case below

create table ajit_sites (
site_id char(1));
insert into ajit_sites values ('A');
insert into ajit_sites values ('B');
insert into ajit_sites values ('C');

sql below is constructed to display combination of all sites (cross-join), it also removes records where "origin" is the same with "dest"

a.site_id origin, b.site_id dest
(select site_id from ajit_sites) a,
(select site_id from ajit_sites) b
a.site_id <> b.site_id b

Is there any way i could remove records with the behavior below

Origin , Dest
A , B
B , A

For instance from the example above, i want to only retain one of the records since record (A, B) or record (B, A) means the same.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: List All Tables In Database With Particular Record Values Combination

Jul 1, 2013

I have 3 tables in the Oracle database( emp, employee, emp1) which has following record values in it.

7369, 'SMITH', 'CLERK'

I would like to list these 3 tables thru SQL/PLSQL, having the above record values combination. Also, the name of the columns could be different in all the tables i.e. name could be 'ename' in Emp table , and 'name' in Employee table. Is there way to do this in SQL or PLSQL ?

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Forms :: List Item Values Showing With ALT + DOWN Key Combination

Jan 9, 2013

In my forms(version 9i), list item values showing with ALT + DOWN key combination but I want to change it to only DOWN key.I search this combination in FMRWEB.RES file but there isn't any entry of ALT + DOWN.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To_char Function In Combination With Distinct Clause - ORA-00936 / Missing Expression

Mar 2, 2012

I have a very simple table with 2 columsn. As_of_date is one of the column. This column is "Date" data type.

When I use distinct clause inside a to_char function it gives the following error:

ORA-00936: missing expression
00936. 00000 - "missing expression"

The Sql is

select to_char(distinct(as_of_date),'mm-dd-yyyy') from sales

I can't see any syntax error in the sql..but forsome reason, it doesn't work.

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Generating XML Using SQL Query?

Oct 13, 2011

I am facing the following issue while generating xml using a sql query. I get the below given table using a query.

1 4 2331 809
2 4 1772 802
3 4 2331 845
4 5 2331 804
5 5 2331 800
6 5 2210 801

I need to generate the below given xml using a query



NOTe: IDS which are distinct needs to be displayed. ALL MARKS should be displayed though there are duplicates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generating A Key For Grouping?

Mar 27, 2013

In the below data, a container is moving from one city to another. 1,2 ,3 can be any number which i want to generate and use as keys to group the cities. Eg: AUH, JEB, CIW belong to the same key=2; SIN, IKT belong to a new group 4. The City where difference between the Seq# is greater than 1 (eg between S8W and AUH), a new group starts.

Conotainer #CitySeqI want this


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generating XML From Procedure?

Mar 11, 2012

Below is the procedure I created to generate csv file from oracle procedure.

PROCEDURE proc_csv(p_path varchar2 , p_separator varchar2 default ',')
CURSOR c_data
select * FROM product ;
v_file UTL_FILE.file_type;


I have two doubts about this procedures

1) In one schema this procedure is generating empty csv file with zero bytes, while in other schem It's working fine, It's showing data. I am unable to make what's the difference.

2) The csv file is not displaying column headings. I want column headings to be displayed on csv file.

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PL/SQL :: Generating XML In Query

Sep 11, 2012

Im generating some xml from a table which works fine. Here is an example of what I'm doing.

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product

create table "VTEST"(

so each section would list its unique values.

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Generating Schema From XSD Files?

Jul 7, 2010

generating oracle table definitions from XML .xsd files?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generating Weekly Report

Apr 1, 2013

I know I am using a outdated Oracle what to do my company are not willing to upgrade because of the economic situtation.

I need generating weekly report.

I have a condition for monthly like this

invoice_date BETWEEN TO_DATE('01-JAN-13 00:00:00', 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss')
AND TO_DATE('31-JAN-13 23:59:59', 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss')

now if I want a weekly report Monday - Saturday, How to go about it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generating Unique Code

Jun 27, 2011

I have data like this:

a1 a2 a3 a4
ABC ABC xx zz
ABC xx mm mm
fg ui ok pl

I want to give them unique codes like :

Code for column
a1 Code1
fg C-2

then column
a2 Code2

then column
a3 Code3

then column
a4 Code4

I can add these `columns in the table Code1 , Code2 etc columns to update.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generating Dates In A Table

Mar 1, 2010

I have emp table

Empno from_date to_date ScaleBonus_pct Salary
101 31/01/2010 14/02/2010Grade120,10,10,15,25,205000

Reqd. o/p

Emp nofrom_dateScaleEach_WeeK_Sal
10131/01/2010Grade11000(from 20 %X5000
1017/2/2010Grade1500(from 10 %X5000
10114/02/2010Grade1500(from 10 % X5000
10121/02/2010Grade1750(from 15 % X5000
10128/10/2010Grade11250(from 25 % X5000
1017/2/2010Grade11000(from 20 % X5000

we have to split the date by 7 days,should be on Sunday...and if we split by 7 days we have upto 31/01,07/02 and 14/02...but we have to generate 6 days because 20,10,10,15,25,20 (since comma separated value is 6 ).

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ODI Invoke Is Not Generating XML Properly

Feb 5, 2013

In weblogic server Axis2 is deployed and it is showing Active.And we have uploaded ODI invoke service also in AXIS2 succesfully and it is showing Active status also...By using the soap its generating the XML with below mentioned error..

some info:- We rae using ODI 10g.


<xs:element name="inPhasesUptoAndIncludingPostDispatch" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType" />
<xs:element name="key" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType" />
<xs:element name="localPolicyAssertions" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType" />


The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

The operation completed successfully. Error processing resource [URL]

</xs:schema></wsdl:types><wsdl:message name="invokeScenarioMessage"><wsdl:part name="part1" element="ns...

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Generating XML From XSD At Runtime?

Aug 13, 2012

I Have got a requirement where we have to generate an xml conforming to a particular XSD.

What i will be having already in place is an XSD document.

We are thinking of making a procedure which will be recieving the set of inputs required for creating that xml.(Data content of that XML.)We would have to make the XML according to that XSD.

Everytime Parsing the XSD is not feasible.We are looking at a solution which would be easy to make the xml from xsd at runtime.These values (DATA) will be available at run time.

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