SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01001 - User Refresh SSRS Session And Again Run Query
Jan 11, 2012
We have a package procedure called from SSRS , which returns a REFCURSOR to the SSRS.Sometimes it throws the error. The user Refresh the SSRS session and again run the query , the error does not happen
Following is the error number
ORA-01001: invalid cursor
We have not used any static cursor , so this is not happening because we have opened a cursor and not closed it.The Cursor used is REF CURSOR and the output parameter is declared as
p_ref_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR
The Procedure returns the Select query in the REF CURSOR.
I have an urgent requirement to kill an existing session if a new session starts for the same user. I have been reading lot of blogs and posts on the above topic, but could clearly tell me how to do it.
I thought of putting a process in 101 page when login button is pressed to catch this and kill the old session.
I have some troubles with a "Set Value" Dynamic Action. What I want to do is set a Page Item with a specific variable derived from javascript. So basically I have a javascript variable 'test' that is being changed in javascript code. I am using a dynamic Action "Set Value" to set this value into a page item. As source, Im using "Javascript Expression". It is working, however, the Set Value Dynamic Action with JAvascript expression does not reflect this change in the session, so the page item is not updated.
I tried:
$s -> does not work apex.submit -> does work, however submits the page. I need to submit only the Page item.
how to Refresh materialized view by other user than owner.option is there to give drop any view/table grant to other user. But can't do this as it's a system privileges.
Is there any option to refresh a view without dropping the structure?
I have a user in my oracle database, I would like to know details such as, how many times and by using which tools same user has got logged for past one week.
How do I do that. I have sql which shows the current session either he is logged in, if so then which application or not logged in. But I required the information for past one week How do I get those details.
How can I find out a user session/connection details like ( his last connection time, his activity etc)
Here is the issue, a old dba_user_id who physically no longer exists is not removed from the database. At some time, a session is opened under his user_id and some activity runs and closes the session. So, checked scheduled jobs under him and disabled them. But not sure whether the scheduled jobs are creating a session under his user_id or some thing else.
I checked in v$session, but since I am not sure at what time his session opens, so I am not able to get his session details.
I can get "CPU used by this session' value from v$sesstat. That is the value in centiseconds used by each session. How to convert the value into a percentage of total CPU resource ?
Or there are some other ways to gain the value. i.e. Percentage of Total CPU usage for each Oracle session.
How do I get my list of user session info? I thought there was a user_session_parameter view or something? Basically, I did an ALTER SESSION ... and want to verify it was set correctly.
I want to add a new validation to restrict concurrent user and/or session from a client. (we have almost 60 client firms using the software to enter daily trasnactions). All users from all clients are connecting to the database using a common functional ID.
What I did was: 1) Add a column 'user_logged_in' in the master table for client and update it as Y when user from that client logged on to the system, 2) Insert the application logon details (we can figure out the client details from this) into a global temp table, 3) Create a logoff trigger to update the 'user_logged_in'flag in client master table by using values from global temp table when session logged off and 4) Restrict the users from same client if the flag is 'Y'
But the problem in this case is logoff trigger will not be executed in case if the session got killed or terminated abnormally.
I am using TOAD to monitor user sessions. I have a user who uses nearly 80% of Overall resources in the mornings. He calls me daily and say that his work is done. But even then the TOAD shows that he is using same resources for some time.
My question is can i kill the session once he confirms his work is done OR do i need to wait till the redologs are cleared.
,in 11g,is there a way I could limit the number of open application actions by some os user ?We have an application where users are executing the same thing while the last is not yet finished,so we have several same things runninng at the same time executed by the same user.
Can we restrict that somehow through the database or that needs to be done through application?
i want to make a list item from query..i have a form on emp
the list item is on deptno showing the department name its work fine the form are opened when the user enter the new empno they need a other department
the others users or same user are inserting the department from master form
user open the list item it will not show the inserted values until they have to reopen the form because the trigger code inserted on when new form instance but i need a refesh list when user click on list item without reopen form or any refersh button
create materialized view ino_crm.MV_IDENTIFICATION_DETAILS REFRESH FAST as SELECT billing_account_id, i.s1 KEYS_ , COALESCE(i.s2, i.b, i.d) VALUES_ FROM ba_personal_details pd , xmltable ( '//entry[string = "identification Details"]//entry' passing xmltype(pd.details) columns s1 VARCHAR2 (255) path 'string[1]' ,s2 VARCHAR2(255) path 'string[2]' ,b VARCHAR2(255) path 'boolean' ,d VARCHAR2(255) path 'date' ) i WHERE pd.mandator_key = 'VSO01' AND pd.valid_to = to_date('01.01.4000', 'DD.MM.YYYY'); and
I get an exception like: SQL Error: ORA-12015: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query 12015. 00000 - "cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query"
*Cause: Neither ROWIDs and nor primary key constraints are supported for complex queries. *Action: Reissue the command with the REFRESH FORCE or REFRESH COMPLETE option or create a simple materialized view.
If a session runs a query, the status will be inactive after completing the database call. I know this concept. But I just want to know what will be session status, if it running a procedure contains many select queries, DML quries and loop? Whether it will be active until procedure completes or it will be switching active and inactive?
I was trying to execute below query inside a sql script which is called from a shell script on linux environment. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set events ''10176 trace name context forever'' ';
This thing works at our test environment. But giving error "SP2-0670: Internal number conversion failed" when tried on live(production) environment. What could be the reason? I found another way of writing such queries on net as follows, will it be useful? EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'|alter session set events '10176 trace name context forever'|
I'm trying to create materialized view, successfully create logs for all the tables involved.
The result is ora-12015: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query
It does work fine if I remove
AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbJournal J WHERE j.tabstatus NOT BETWEEN -6 AND -4 AND j.linetype = 1 AND T.tabid = J.tabid AND T.companyid = J.companyid AND T.storelocid = J.storelocid) from the where clause
I am to trying to fetch session id of a previously submitted process of a search button......so that i can display the search results in a different page.....so is there any sql query or pl/sql procedure to fetch the session id.
I am getting ORA -32320 when I tried to fast fresh MVs that were truncated.I am able to complete refresh all MVs. However, some MVs are still giving me ORA-32320 when I try to do fast refresh even after complete refresh.
DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_PLAN says the MVIEW can be fast refreshed.
ERROR at line 1: ORA-32320: REFRESH FAST of "dev"."Claim_line" unsupported after cointainer table PMOPs ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 803 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 860 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 841 ORA-06512: at line 1
Quote:ORA-32320: REFRESH FAST of "string"."string" unsupported after container table PMOPs Cause: A Partition Maintenance Operation (PMOP) has been performed on the materialized view, and no materialized view supports fast refersh after container table PMOPs. Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after PMOPs using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.
We are using Apex 4.0/Oracle 10gR2/ Hp-Ux, We noticed that there is a process Running in Two Sessions that seems running since 3 Hours using 60% CPU,** 30% given below sql it executes in two Sessions!
declare function x return boolean is begin -- if instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY')>0 then declare l_position number := 0; begin loop l_position := instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) ; exit when instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) = 0 ;
I have two table APPLICATION_1 and APPLICATION_2, where user's login date is captured.There will be multiple records for each user.Same user may or may not be present in both tables.
The requirement is to find those users who have not logged-in in the last 3 years.
-- Test Case
DROP TABLE application_1; DROP TABLE application_2; CREATE TABLE application_1 ( seq NUMBER , user_id VARCHAR2(30),
Using the below query I'm able to get the desired output.
SELECT user_id, MAX(login_date) last_login_date FROM ( SELECT user_id, MAX(login_date) login_date FROM application_1 GROUP BY user_id UNION ALL SELECT user_id, MAX(login_date) login_date FROM application_2 GROUP BY user_id ) GROUP BY user_id