SQL & PL/SQL :: Import CSV In Clob To Table

Aug 10, 2012

I'm trying to import data from a csv file format which is located in a CLOB column in a single record in the database. I want to import the data that is contained in this CLOB into a table. I am having limited success using JH_UTIL. Here's the script that I am running (which works):

set serveroutput on;
v_lines jh_util.stringlist_t;
v_values jh_util.stringlist_t;
for rec in (select 1 id, ac.clob_content csv

The problem is when the file gets too big, I get a the following error:

Error report:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at line 6
06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"

I assume this means because the file size is too big. Is there any way to process larger "files" (CLOB data)

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Sqlldr Options For Loading Clob Fields

Apr 8, 2013

we have table with 4 clob fields in it.to load text file of 4GB into the table it is taking around 2 hours. volumetric of that file is 40 Million. we are using direct=Y in sqlldr. but because of this clob fields we didn't got any performance improvement.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import Table Without Messing Up Existing Data In Table

Sep 6, 2012

table already exist & its little data too, may have to imp rest of lost data, is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y CONSTRAINTS=n

scenerio2 (if have to drop & recreate the entire table) is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y

just for single table imp

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length For CLOB Column

Jun 18, 2012

I'm loading data from text file separated by TAB and i got the error below for some lines. Event the column is CLOB data type is there a limitation of the size of a CLOB data type. The error is:

Record 74: Rejected - Error on table _TEMP, column DEST.
Field in data file exceeds maximum length

I'm using SQL Loader and the database is oracle 11g r2 on linux Red hat 5. Here are the line causing the error from my data file and my table description for test:

create table TEMP

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Table Import Takes Long Time And Still Running?

Jun 22, 2012

MY DB Version: 10.2.o

OS: Windows Server 2003

I am trying to import on table which i have the export dump file which i take using expdp previously when i load that table on the same host

by using below command:

expdp scott/tiger@db10g tables=EMP,DEPT directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=EMP_DEPT.dmp logfile=expdpEMP_DEPT.log

after that i zip that dump and move it to external usb and now i need that table i copy that table and unzip that that dump

Command i am using to do the import is :

impdp scott/tiger@db10g tables=EMP,DEPT directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=EMP_DEPT.dmp logfile=impdpEMP_DEPT.log

But the query of import is still runing even not showing any amount of rows to be imported.

i already make the tablespace in which the table was previosuly before dropping but when i check the sapce of tablespace that is also not consuming one error i got preiviously while performing this task is:

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Master table "CDR"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_03" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "CDR"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_03":  cdr/********@tsiindia directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=CAT_IN_DATA_042012.DMP tables=CAT_IN_DATA_042012 logfile=impdpCAT_IN_DATA_042012.log


i check streams_pool_size it will show zero and then i make it to 48M and after that

SQL> show parameter streams_pool_size;
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
streams_pool_size                    big integer 48M

But still it takes time

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import To New Table That Has Additional Fields

Dec 22, 2012

I am trying to migrate a table to a new table that has the field sequence changed and also has a new field added. My main question is if it is possible to have datapump add values to the new field in the target table.For example:

-original table has fields a, b, d, c
-new table has fields b, c, d, a, e

I want to load the new table and also include adding values for field e. In this case, field e is a year field, so it should be loaded with '2012'..Does datapump have the ability to do this? Is reorganizing the fields going to cause me any problems? We are on oracle version

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Update CLOB Column In A Particular Table

Feb 21, 2011

How to update a CLOB column in a table, suppose the string is greater than 4000 size.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert CLOB Data To The Table?

May 28, 2010

I need to pass a large data into one of the tables where the column is declared as CLOB before which I was checking with the sample code as below which is throwing an error.

I was trying to insert the CLOB data into the table as below.

create table t1
( x number,
y clob
insert into t1(x) values (2)
l_clob t1.y%type;


The error I am getting is:

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: invalid LOB locator specified: ORA-22275
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 833
ORA-06512: at line 161

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PL/SQL :: Created A Table With CLOB As Datatype For One Of Columns

Aug 5, 2013

<ORACLE VERSION :> i have created a table with CLOB as datatype for one of the columns, I am trying to store a string ( I am not sure about the length of the string) , when i am querying on my table for the CLOB column,instead of the actual string "(HUGECLOB)" is coming. How to get the actual string in case the problem is with the SIZE.

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Convert Existing Table With Varchar Column To A Clob?

May 8, 2013

how to convert existing table with varchar column to a clob

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Precautions For Converting A Table Field From Long To Clob

Jul 31, 2012

I am more of a C/C++ guy and relatively amateur in oracle. I have to update a table field from "Long" to "CLOB". I have planned to do a simple alter table, and as far as I know there won't be any issues.

1. Although I have triple checked, is there any scenario under which there can be any data loss during the data type change? The data is very critical and no data loss can be entertained.
2. Is there any easy way to update all the related views without having to do so manually?
3. Any particular precautions I should take before introducing the change?

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Server Utilities :: Loading CLOB Data Into Table

Aug 21, 2012

How to load the CLOB data into table..in the attached file 18 column has clob data it's appear like new line..Using external table how to load. i tried it's not working..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: HTML Source Code Inserted Into Table As CLOB

Sep 24, 2010

I got html source code inserted into the table as CLOB (or BLOB). And I would like to search a some word from that.When I find a some value I can write this one into the column.It would be easy if this code is xml but isnt.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Append Data To Existing CLOB Field In Oracle Table

Sep 13, 2010

code to append data of 32k to exisitng CLOB field in an oracle table..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Last Comma End Of String And Load Clob Data Into Table

Aug 29, 2012

To remove the last comma end of string and load the Clob data into table. create table test(name clob)

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Server Administration :: Allocating Extent To A Clob Column Of A Table

Dec 30, 2010

I have a table with two clob columns and need to manually allocate space to the table and to its lob segment. Is the following command correct?

--to allocate extent to the table
alter table emp allocate extent;
--the table has columns named col1 and col2 which are clob
--to allocate extents to the columns
alter table emp modify lob (col1) (allocate extent (size 10m))
alter table emp modify lob (col2) (allocate extent (size 10m))

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PL/SQL :: ORA-03113 When Inserting CLOB Value Casted As XML From SELECT Query Into Table?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a table that contains a CLOB column with pseudo-XML in it. I want to keep this data in an XMLType column so that I can leverage some of Oracle's built-in XML features to parse it more easily.


The target (for testing this problem) table is defined as: CREATE TABLE "TESTME" ( "LOG_MSG" "XMLTYPE")  My query is: insert /*+ APPEND */ into testme ("LOG_MSG")select XMLTYPE.createXML("LOG_MSG") as LOG_MSG from "TSS_SRM_CBEBRE_LOGS_V" b; In SQL*Developer, my error is: Error report:SQL Error: No more data to read from socket In SQL*PLUS and Toad, my error is: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channelProcess ID: 13903Session ID: 414 Serial number: 32739

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Server Utilities :: Import A Table With Table Already Present With New Columns

Mar 31, 2010

I want to do an import of a table from my old dump file.The same table is already there in the development box but few more columns are added to that table while testing so in the dump those columns are not available.

The new table
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------

It giving error while doing an import.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export And Import Of Data Not Table And Data?

Sep 11, 2012

Export and import of data in oracle forms...i have created 02 boutons one for export his trigger like this:

alrt number;
v_directory varchar2(200) := 'c:ackup'; --- that if the C Drive not the Drive that the windows had installed in it.
path varchar2(100):='back_up'
v_exp varchar2(200) := 'exp hamada/hamada2013@orcl file = '

this code is correct he expot not only the data but also the creation of the table ....for exemple i do export and everything is good until now and i find the .dmp in the folder backup .. but when i deleted all data from my app and try to import this .dmp iit show me error it tell me thet the table phone is already created...just export the data of phone not the creation of table and data ???? or how can i import just the data from this .dmp ??

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Truncate Table Before Import

Aug 16, 2012

i need to import into table A. Before that i will do a truncate.

I will disable the constraint.

DO i need to disable any triggers on the table before importing?

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Import And Export Table With Around 5 Lac Of Rows

Sep 18, 2013

I have oracle database OS Hp-ux I have one table with around 5 lac of rows I want to copy this table to another oracle database with different OS windows server 2008 R2.

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Import From Text File To Table

Dec 14, 2006

I want to load data to a table and from a simple file text, using a Vb.net application which will connect to a oracle 10g , or a SqlServer or a MySql database, depending the params.

When i connect to a SqlServer Database i use the sql command "BULK INSERT CODPOSTAL2 FROM file.txt with( DATAFILETYPE = 'char',FIELDTERMINATOR = ';', ROWTERMINATOR = '
')"m" and it works fine.

With a DB Mysql i use "LOAD DATA INFILE file.txt INTO TABLE CODPOSTAL2 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';''" and also works.

My problem is with Oracle. I tried the same example as MySql, but it gaves the error "wrong" ou "unknown command". I also tried in Sql*Plus but it seems to not recognised the command "LOAD".

Another thing, i can't use the Oracle Loader, it must be like this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Import Excel File To Table

Jan 10, 2013

I have two columns in excel which i need to import in oracle table , but the problem is one column is of type date , i want the same date format to be maintained in table too.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Import Data Into Table From Internet

Jun 18, 2012

I have a table which contains curreny rates. I want to populate that table from internet's currency rates site. Is it possible?

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Server Utilities :: Import Table With Different Name

Nov 29, 2006

We have a table in Oracle9i database with around 14 million records and we would like to import that table into 10g database with similar structure. We have exported the table from 9i database and would like to import the table into 10g database within same schema name with different table name as we already have the table with same name in 10g database in same schema. Is it possible to import a table with different table name?

We have a way around to import the table into 10g database in another schema and then push the data into our main table but want to know whether the above requirement is possible.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Import With A Default Constraint On Table?

May 28, 2012

I have a table as below. This table is not partitioned.

create table t1
d1 date,
n1 number not null


I took an export dump of the above table and after that I renamed the table t1 to t1_old. Then I recreated the table as below with a default constraint on d1 field.

create table t1
d1 date default to_date('01/01/1100','DD/MM/YYYY','NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'),
n1 number not null


But the problem here is the data import is taking too much time than what I expected. I can't afford a maxvalue partition here as of my DBA team mentioned if you add maxvalue partition adding partition later in a stage is difficult on this table

apply in this scenario and make the import faster. I am using oracle version.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Export / Import A Table Using Developer

Aug 28, 2010

1) what is the harm apart from the below listed? if I'm not using the index, eventhough it exists.

Lets say, I've index on salary column, and I'm using "select * from employees;"


A) It takes more cpu resource to compress the bitmap format for the index value (incase of insertion).
B) Hope there is no extra effort need for update the value of indexed column's value.

2) Eventhough if I'm not using the index, the above restriction will applicable for the index column normally (?) Then how we can say unused index column is causing the performance issue.

3) if you say index has positives and negatives, then playing with the index (adding and removing as frequent as we need) is also not a solution. Am I right.So in overall we have to accept the negatives of the index.

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Oracle 8 Table Export / Import Command

Apr 29, 2009

I need to truncate a database, though before doing that, want an export of one the tables. This will be re-imported once the truncate is complete.

What is the correct export syntax for Oracle 8? And possibly the import?

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Turning Table Model Into DDL To Import Into APEX?

May 1, 2013

We use apex and my professor wants us to import a table model into apex. everytime i try and import my table it says "your export file is not supported". i asked my professor what to do and he said "You should gen a ddl file from designer. Then use that to upload into apex and then run.

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