SQL & PL/SQL :: Import Data Into Table From Internet

Jun 18, 2012

I have a table which contains curreny rates. I want to populate that table from internet's currency rates site. Is it possible?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import Table Without Messing Up Existing Data In Table

Sep 6, 2012

table already exist & its little data too, may have to imp rest of lost data, is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y CONSTRAINTS=n

scenerio2 (if have to drop & recreate the entire table) is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y

just for single table imp

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export And Import Of Data Not Table And Data?

Sep 11, 2012

Export and import of data in oracle forms...i have created 02 boutons one for export his trigger like this:

alrt number;
v_directory varchar2(200) := 'c:ackup'; --- that if the C Drive not the Drive that the windows had installed in it.
path varchar2(100):='back_up'
v_exp varchar2(200) := 'exp hamada/hamada2013@orcl file = '

this code is correct he expot not only the data but also the creation of the table ....for exemple i do export and everything is good until now and i find the .dmp in the folder backup .. but when i deleted all data from my app and try to import this .dmp iit show me error it tell me thet the table phone is already created...just export the data of phone not the creation of table and data ???? or how can i import just the data from this .dmp ??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Import Data From Csv To Temp Then Alter Data As It Goes Into Another Table?

May 30, 2012

I need to import some data from .csv files. There is one file each day, so I want them to be automatically imported into the DB. This is the format it comes in:


I want this data to go into TEMP_TABLE. It then needs to reformatted as it goes from temp_table to my_table:

filename,readingID, field1,field2,date,num1,num2,meterid,read1,m1,read2,m2

so filename is the actual name of the .csv file that this row came from. And reading id is date, num1, num2, meterid combined. And the remaining fields coming from temp_table

This is what I have:

procedure import_data()
TEMPFILENAME CHAR(60)='DSM_2010_Husky_Oil_20120525064122_20120525065011.csv';
create table temp_table
(dsm char(3),lod char(3),usage_date date,he char(2),reading char(2),loc_id char(9),mwh number(15,10),eormmwh char(1),mvar number(15,10),eormmvar char(1));


, which does not work at all.

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Server Utilities :: Import Table Data

Jul 12, 2012

i am trying to use exp/imp utility through cmd and exp/imp is done successfully as per message given at last. but data is not import in targeted user.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Export: Release - Production on Thu Jul 12 14:18:04 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Username: scott/tiger@localdb

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Enter array fetch buffer size: 4096 >

Export file: EXPDAT.DMP > d:/scott_data

(2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U > t

Export table data (yes/no): yes > y

Compress extents (yes/no): yes > n

Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set

About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...

Table(T) or Partition(T:P) to be exported: (RETURN to quit) >

Export terminated successfully without warnings.


Import: Release - Production on Thu Jul 12 14:20:09 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Username: localaepuser/flair22@localdb

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

Import file: EXPDAT.DMP > d:/scott_data

Enter insert buffer size (minimum is 8192) 30720>

Export file created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via conventional path

Warning: the objects were exported by SCOTT, not by you

import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set List contents of import file only (yes/no): no > y

Import entire export file (yes/no): no > y

importing SCOTT's objects into LOCALAEPUSER Import terminated successfully without warnings.


what is the problem here

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Creation - Import Data In Oracle?

Sep 20, 2012

i have 1 xcel sheet in formatted data i want to import data in oracle table .. how do i do dat??

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Import Data From Excel To Oracle Table Using Toad

Dec 26, 2012

how to import data from Excel sheet (inside server) to oracle DB.

Explanation : I need to automate this work, whenever i get an excel sheets with table values, i need to import the table values in to oracle DB automatically.I need an immediate solution for this.

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Client Tools :: Import Of Data From Excel File Into Table?

May 28, 2012

We have a table partymast. we want to import the data into this table using excel file having extension .csv. I am explaining all the things below:

select *from partymast

partyid partyname accountname aacname
aa aa 10014000023367 Ashish

select * from master

masterid mname
10014000023367 Ashish

aacname column in partymast table is fetching from master table mname column.

We have third table name IMPEXP

Iename iedesc ietype iedef
import party master import party master imp {ImportStart}

Sir, I am enclosing the Excel file. what will be the next step that we should filllow.

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Server Utilities :: Partition Table Import Through Data Pump?

Mar 11, 2013


I have a table with RANGE PARTITION. I wanted to import this into another server with the same partitions.

But when I imported the table, The table created with the Partition but the data is not inserted in partition wise.

But I could see the Entire table's ROW COUNT.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Loading Data From CSV File To Table

Aug 22, 2012

I am loading data from a .csv file to table. I tried to load by using EXTERNAL TABLES

Is there a way to specify null in external tables loaded if specific column has no data in the external file(CSV) being loaded ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Importing Data In A Partitioned Table

Sep 18, 2012

I have a query regarding importing data in a partitioned table. let me make myself more clear with an example:

I have 1 month table that contains 30 partitions single partition for a single day on one machine say machine A. on another machine say machine B i create the same table with the same script which is on machine A for the same table. i loaded data till 1-15th of a month in Machine A table and rest of 15 -30 Days data into table on machine B at the end i want to import the data on partitioned table on machine B that is from 15th -30th to machine A table. I just want to know whether data is properly imported or not not or i need to specify something

I take export partition wise (15 -30th) 15 partitions dumps and imported into Machine A table. Is it possible that i can import day wise partition from 15th to 30th into a partitioned table which already contains data from 1st -15th partition.

I know this is possible

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Server Administration :: Cyrillic Character Set - Import A Table Of Data To Another Database

Aug 31, 2011

I'm try to import a table of data (character set: CL8ISO8859P5) to another database (character set: AL32UTF8) using exp/imp utility.After the import, all Cyrillic text was corrupted!

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Application Express :: No Data Found Error When Trying To Import CSV File To Table?

Oct 16, 2012

Not able to understand what's wrong with the code. I am trying to import data to a table using a CSV file. I have exported the data (CSV) from the interactive report and I am just trying to insert the same data to the table, through a process. When, I tried to do so; its throwing an error message saying NO_DATA_FOUND and file is not getting inserted into wwv_flow_files table.

But when I removed the data from the CSV file for the comments field and then tried importing the file, the process worked. I don't understand whats the problem with the code.

I have a sample app setup in my workspace for this weird problem.


Workspace details:

CSV file with comments field and data in it - when trying to import - throws an error message NO_DATA_FOUND

CSV file with comments field and without data in it - tried importing - this worked

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Filter Some Illegal Rows When Import Data

May 24, 2013

I want to import data in a csv file by SQL Loader.

but , I don't want to import some illegal rows when the column 'name' is null

how can I modify the SQL Loader ctrl file?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Error During Data Pump Import With Developer

Sep 17, 2012

I try to transfer data from one database to another one through data pump via SQL Developer (data amount is quite important) exporting several tables. Tables export is doing fine, but I encounter the following error when I import the file (I try data only and data + DDL).

"Exception: ORA-39001: argument value invalid dbms_datapump.get_status(64...=
ORA-39001: argument value invalid
ORA-39000: ....
ORA-31619: ...

The file is in the right place, data pump folder of the new database. User is the same on both base, database version are similar.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Full Dump But Data Only Import

Feb 15, 2013

When I do the import the of succeeding dump, I drop the existing schema "SQL> drop user username cascade;" and import dump by " impdp system .... ". I would like to import a dump to an existing instance but only data import and will leave the current packages and other metadata untouched and unchanged on the said existing instance.

1. Do i need to drop user before the import if my requirements are the above?

2. If i need to drop user, what should be script.

3. For the import itself, what parameter should i use?

4. What are the necessaries I need to consider before doing the import.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Only Data From The Dmp File

Feb 11, 2013

I received dmp file , and i want to import only data from that file ?

How can we achieve that in oracle Oracle

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Table Import Takes Long Time And Still Running?

Jun 22, 2012

MY DB Version: 10.2.o

OS: Windows Server 2003

I am trying to import on table which i have the export dump file which i take using expdp previously when i load that table on the same host

by using below command:

expdp scott/tiger@db10g tables=EMP,DEPT directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=EMP_DEPT.dmp logfile=expdpEMP_DEPT.log

after that i zip that dump and move it to external usb and now i need that table i copy that table and unzip that that dump

Command i am using to do the import is :

impdp scott/tiger@db10g tables=EMP,DEPT directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=EMP_DEPT.dmp logfile=impdpEMP_DEPT.log

But the query of import is still runing even not showing any amount of rows to be imported.

i already make the tablespace in which the table was previosuly before dropping but when i check the sapce of tablespace that is also not consuming one error i got preiviously while performing this task is:

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Master table "CDR"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_03" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "CDR"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_03":  cdr/********@tsiindia directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=CAT_IN_DATA_042012.DMP tables=CAT_IN_DATA_042012 logfile=impdpCAT_IN_DATA_042012.log


i check streams_pool_size it will show zero and then i make it to 48M and after that

SQL> show parameter streams_pool_size;
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
streams_pool_size                    big integer 48M

But still it takes time

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import To New Table That Has Additional Fields

Dec 22, 2012

I am trying to migrate a table to a new table that has the field sequence changed and also has a new field added. My main question is if it is possible to have datapump add values to the new field in the target table.For example:

-original table has fields a, b, d, c
-new table has fields b, c, d, a, e

I want to load the new table and also include adding values for field e. In this case, field e is a year field, so it should be loaded with '2012'..Does datapump have the ability to do this? Is reorganizing the fields going to cause me any problems? We are on oracle version

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Forms :: Internet And Developer 6i

Sep 21, 2010

Is it possible to connect a Oracle based application designed in Developer 6i to a remote Oracle database server?

If YES then

How open can do this?


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Forms :: How To Run Reports From Server Through Internet

Oct 30, 2012

How can we run forms & Reports from server through internet. I mean that i want to install forms, reports and database on server and not interested to install runtime on client computers so is it possible if yes then what can i do for this?

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Forms :: Not Running On Internet Explorer

Apr 6, 2009

I am getting error while running oracle forms (oracle 10g) in internet explorer.

an unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplorer.exe [7572]

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Forms :: On Cell Phone Through Internet Using Live IP?

Jan 21, 2012

Can I run oracle forms on cell phone through internet using live IP?

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Security :: Oracle Internet Directory Tables

May 5, 2011

Does any technical details on the tables found in Oracle Internet Directory? I've checked eTRM and google etc.. - nothing there apart from very minor snippets. I'd like logical schema drawings (PDF) if possible or even a list of the tables and what they do as like the modules in EBS.

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Forms :: Calling Internet Explorer Within Form

Oct 4, 2011

is there any way to call internet explorer with in form.i want to provide net fascility to the users using 10g forms.

I have tried some beans but some restrictions are there.it is not properly displaying page.

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Forms :: Internet Explorer 8 Not Working As Browser For 10g?

Mar 1, 2010

For all my client machine Internet Explorer 8 is not working. Internet Explorer 7 is working fine . For a machine with Internet Explorer 8 after Installing Mozilla Firefox it's working under Mozilla Firefox Browser well.

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How To Start Enterprise Manager Without Internet Connection

Oct 16, 2012

I am facing a problem with my oracle 10g enterprise manager. It is working properly with 64 bit windows 7 os with internet connection. without internet connection i cant start start the enterprise manager how can i resolve the issue and start the enterprise manager without internet.

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Oracle Internet Directory Exclusively - Getting Ora-12505?

Jul 8, 2013

I am using Oracle Internet Directory exclusively.  There are no tnsnames files in my environment. When I try to connect to database "A" on server "A" from server "B" using username/passwd@A, I get this error.ORA-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connectThis problem ONLY occurs from server "B"

. I have ten servers ALL configured identically, but only one has this issue.Remember ALL ldap.ora and sqlnet.ora files are identical. They are all using the same OID. 

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Forms :: Get Current Language From Firefox And / Or Internet Explorer

Feb 25, 2010

I am looking for a possibility to get the current language from Firefox and/or Internet Explorer.

I searched through the Mozilla Developer Center but could not find an interface to realize that. For IE I also didn't find anything.

I know that IE adapts the current system language from the OS, but can I readout this value?

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