Current Output ( ADJ#1-2M1YE2 TYPE 20100524 20100624 1MO/0DY )
1) I would like to alter that code above and substr the back 68 characters only with the 12 spaces padded in front, and the trailing nulls to total 80 characters staying as is. How would I put the below substr into that piece of code above?
2) I also would like the take whatever else there is preceding the 69th character counting it from the back and calling the column ADJ_FIRST_LINE.
Desired Output2 (ADJ#1-2M1YE2 TYPE)
No leading or trailing nulls and This is not a fixed amount of characters.
Result would be:
20100524 20100624 1MO/0DY
summer_course_completed | winter_course_completed | user_id | attendance ------------------------------------------------------------------------ y | n | 2 | 20 y | n | 2 | 40 y | y | 2 | 30 n | n | 3 | 20 n | y | 3 | 60
I wish to list each student's name with the number of summer courses he has completed and the number of winter courses he has completed. I am trying this :
select, count(*) from user u, course_user cu where and cu.summer_course_completed = 'y' group by;
but I can get only the number of summer courses OR the number of winter courses that each student has completed, but never both simultaneously, through a single query. Is there a way to do that ?
I am using 10g Database and 10g forms/reports on Windows.
NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 for both database and forms/reports. I set this from REGEDIT.
I want to use, Arial Unicode Ms or Mangal font to add or view the data in MARATHI (Regional).In the database browser, I can see the ported data properly with these two fonts, but through form if I try to add then it not showing proper characters, it showing squraes instead of typed characters.
I also typed a label in the form, at design time it showing proper word, but at runtime it not showing proper letters. This I observed only for joined characters.If I generates the report in PDF, format then it not showing data properly. but in runtime it showing properly.
At the moment, we were loading the file in our system serially. This is a very old and established system.We would like to incorporate parallel loading for our loaders to load data into the database.
Most of the issues would be due to multiple inserts happening due to the files being loaded in parallel. For some reasons, we cannot give regular commits untill the entire batch of items is processed in case the process needs to rollback. A file can contain different set of batch of items clubbed together for loading.
The issue here is untill the first file finishes loading and commits, the second file would just hang. In fact, mulitiple files might hang for the first file to finish. what can I do to overcome this?I tried to used "lock table t1 in SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE mode nowait". When the leading process is doing inserts, the failing process will fail with a resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified. We would catch this exception and redirect that batch to an error file to be reloaded at a later date.
i would like to know how can i used the OR "|" with REGEXP_SUBSTR
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('500.90 Oracle Parkway, 12-12-2000 78 Redwood Shores, CA','([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{4})') "REGEXPR_SUBSTR" FROM DUAL;this two condition ([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{4}) or this i did it like this
Can we have substr(date) as column name. I am trying to create a query where in I need to achieve something like this select Today,s.abcd "6 Months ago" || to_char(add_months(sysdate,-6),'Mon rrrr') ||')'from sales_tab s.
DECLARE var VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN SELECT DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(v_clob,4000,1) INTO var FROM test_clob; END; ** v_clob is a CLOB column in test_clob table.
I get the below error:
wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SUBSTR'"SYS"."DBMS_LOB"."SUBSTR": invalid identifier...I have execute privileges to DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR function.
I would like to have a column heading as follows in double inverted comma. but sqlplus environment returns column heading length equal to output value.
SQL> select substr('The independence day', 5,12) "Example of substr function" 2 from dual;
Example of s ------------ independence
I know that default column heading length is 30 character long.
but my column heading is less than 30 character long (which is 26)
How can i have column heading as Example of substr function?
I have inherited a query that union alls 2 select statements, I added a further field to one of the select statements ( a date field). However I need to add another dummy field to the 2nd select statement so the union query marries up I have tried to do this by simply adding a
select 'date_on' to add a field called date on populated by 'date_on' (the name of the column in the first query)
however when I run the union query i get the error Ora-01790 expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression.
I have a dynamic query stored in a function that returns a customized SQL statement depending on the environment it is running in. I would like to create a Materialized View that uses this dynamic query.
I have data in a table and another in XML file,I used SQL query to retrive the data placed on the table, and link this query with XML query that retrieves the data stored in the xml file. The data stored in the table and xml file sharing a key field, but the xml contents are less than what in the table.I want to show only the data shared between the two queries, how can I do that?
Table emp:
e_id | e_name | e_sal 023 | John | 6000 143 | Tom | 9000 876 | Chi | 4000 987 | Alen | 7800
I have the following four tables with the following structures Table A
ColA1 ColA2 ColA3 ColA4 ColA5 AA 100 CC DD EE
Table B
ColB1 ColB2 ColB3 ColB4 ColB5 AA 100 40452 A9 CDE
when these two tables were joined like the following:
Select colA1,ColA2, ColA3, ColA4, ColB3,ColB4, ColB5 from table A Left outer join (select ColB3, ColB4, ColB5 from table B where colB3 = (select max(colB3) from table B ) on (colA1 = colB1 and ColA2 = col B2)
I have a query that is pulling back more rows when I use the dblink than when I hit the linked database directly.
For example:
select x,y,z from mytable@dblink
returns 788,324 rows
while select x,y,z from mytable
returns 712,102 rows
It's the exact same query, with the only difference being the dblink. It's not pulling the data into a cursor or array, it's a simple, straightforward query on a remote database.
Is there a technique to getting a Top-N query to work as a sub-select in a larger query -or- is there another way to generate Top-N like results that works as a sub-select?
We have a large query that is being used to build an export from a legacy HR system to a new one. Amount the data needed in the export is the employees primary phone number.
The legacy HR system allows multiple phone numbers to be stored in a simple table structure:
SELECT emp_id, phone_type, phone_number FROM employee_phones
The new HR system does allow for multiple phone numbers, however they need a primary phone number identified and stored with the employee master information. (Subsequent phone numbers get stored in alternate table.)
From a business perspective, we have decided that if they have a HOME phone in the legacy system that should be the primary in the new system, if no HOME phone, then WORK, if no WORK then CELL.
That can be represented as:
SELECT * FROM employee_people_phones WHERE emp_id = '46021' ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM employee_people_phones WHERE emp_id = '46021' ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')) results WHERE ROWNUM = 1
SELECT phone_number FROM (SELECT phone_number FROM employee_people_phones WHERE emp_id = '46021' ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')) results WHERE ROWNUM = 1
phone_number ------------------- 1111111111
However, when the Top-N query is added as a sub-select in a larger query using the employee id from the larger query (WHERE emp_id = export.emp_id), it fails saying that �export.emp_id� is not a valid id.
(SELECT phone_number FROM (SELECT phone_number FROM employee_people_phones WHERE emp_id = export.emp_id ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')) results WHERE ROWNUM = 1)
1.Any way around this? Is it possible to put a Top-N (with a WHERE clause using data from the main query) in a sub-select?
2.Any alternatives (other than Top-N) to delivering a ROWNUM=1 result with a �custom� ORDER BY statement?
Other Notes: Yes, we know we could do two queries in the data conversion first deliver the bulk data to the target table, and then update with the phone numbers. However, for multiple reasons, that is less than desirable.
I am having a Select query(below Query1) and I want to use one column(sum(col4)) from this Select query to be displayed in another Select query(Query 2). how to display this.
Query 1 :- select a.col1,a.col2,b.col3,sum(b.col4) from tab a, tab b where a.key1=b.key1 and a.key2=b.key2 group by a.col1,a.col2,b.col3
Query 2 :- select a.col1,a.col2,b.col3,sum(b.col6) from tab a, tab b where a.key1=b.key1 and a.key2=b.key2 group by a.col1,a.col2,b.col3,b.col5
I am facing problem with a select query in oracle 10g database from was working for oracle 9. The select statement I have written is as follows