Client Tools :: How To Have Column Heading As Example Of Substr Function

Jan 23, 2013

I would like to have a column heading as follows in double inverted comma. but sqlplus environment returns column heading length equal to output value.

SQL> select substr('The independence day', 5,12) "Example of substr function" 2 from dual;

Example of s

I know that default column heading length is 30 character long.

but my column heading is less than 30 character long (which is 26)

How can i have column heading as Example of substr function?

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Client Tools :: How To Display The Column Heading

Aug 2, 2010

how to dispaly the column heading.

I tried to do the below.

03-AUG-10> set pages 0
03-AUG-10> set heading on
03-AUG-10> select count(*) numberofrows
2 from iceberg_mig_acnts_stage2 s2, tvp109workorder t109
3 where s2.no_account = t109.no_account


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Client Tools :: Turn Off Heading For Every 10 Rows?

Jul 1, 2010

I would like to turn off the heading which it gives for every 10-12 rows of output in a select stmt.

I want that to be printed only at the top. not for every 10 rows. Could I know how to do it?

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Client Tools :: Substr Invalid Number Of Parameters

Dec 27, 2012

I am using the following substr and it works fine on Toad but when i am trying to use within an ETL tool, there getting the error:


Calling <substr> with <2> parameters, but <3> are expected.

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Client Tools :: How To Add Function To Existing Package

Nov 11, 2010

I want to add my function to the existing package.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Execute Privileges To DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR Function

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to execute the PL/SQL block below:

var VARCHAR2(4000);
SELECT DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(v_clob,4000,1) INTO var FROM test_clob;
** v_clob is a CLOB column in test_clob table.

I get the below error:

wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SUBSTR'"SYS"."DBMS_LOB"."SUBSTR": invalid identifier...I have execute privileges to DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR function.

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Client Tools :: Debug Function Which Returns Table Of Records?

Apr 24, 2012

I want to debug a function which returns the table of records. When I try to add the parameters and run the debug it gives the error as

PLS-00653: aggregate/table functions are not allowed in PL/SQL scope

if there is any way to debug the function which returns table of records.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Dates As Column Heading?

Apr 3, 2012

I have the following table with some sample data. I just need to transform (unknown no of) rows into (unknown no of) columns. like a matrix report.

Test case

---create table

create table attendance


--insert data

(2014035,149,'A',1,2012,to_timestamp('12-MAR-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),0);
(2014048,149,'A',1,2012,to_timestamp('12-MAR-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1);


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PL/SQL :: Substr Of Date As Column Name

Aug 27, 2013

Can we have substr(date) as column name. I am trying to create a query where in I need to achieve something like this select Today,s.abcd "6 Months ago" || to_char(add_months(sysdate,-6),'Mon rrrr') ||')'from sales_tab s.

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Client Tools :: Click On Column Header

Jun 18, 2011

When I click on a column header, e.g order by, does the query execute again with "order by" clause or use the same execution plan and give me fast result?

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Client Tools :: Comment On Column With And Symbol?

Jul 31, 2012

I wanted to Comment on Column with & symbol. correct the syntax

SQL> comment on column scott.emp.empname is ' Jerry&Tom. ' ;

Enter value for t:
SP2-0546: User requested Interrupt or EOF detected.

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Client Tools :: Column ROWID Doesn't Display?

Feb 13, 2012

the table is a view. But the column ROWID doesn't display in Toad. He just ignores that.

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Client Tools :: Splitting A Column Into Multiple Columns

Jul 31, 2012

I need to split a column into multiple columns. The data in my column is separated by a Comma (,). But the data is dynamic and I could have any number of data separated by (,).

Quote:FOR Ex:
If COL1 contains

RESULT: should be 4 columns contains the values

Is COL1 contains

should be 3 columns contains the values

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Column Data As Column Heading?

Apr 20, 2012

I would like to have column data as column headers.


3431060 | Stomach
3431064 | Hand
3437806 | Finger

localnode_table (which actually has the order/alignment (like what is next and what is previous) of the name from skill table.

3431060 | | 3431064
3431064 | 3431060 | 3437806
3437806 | 3431064

How to make it appear like:

Stomach | Hand | Finger
3431060 | 3431064 | 3437806

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Client Tools :: Spool Clob Column To A Flag File

Jul 15, 2013

I would like to spool a clob column to a flag file, however some of the clob are greater than 32k, and I have to have the same record in a single line in the file. Is there any way to achieve this through spooling?

set heading off
set feedback off
set term off
set long 1000000
set longchunksize 500000
set line 32767
set trimspool on
set pagesize 50000
spool file.txt
@--this is my select statement.
spool off

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Client Tools :: TOAD - Query Output With Column Headers?

May 14, 2010

I can't figure out how to configure the query editor to copy the column headers with the query results on to the clipboard?

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Forms :: How To Display Table Column Heading On Oracle 6i

Jun 8, 2013

How to display table columns on oracle form?

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Application Express :: Print Column Heading On Each Page In PDF

Nov 13, 2013


I'm having a really hard time finding a solution to print the column headings on each page after the page break when printing.  We're using a tool called PDF Creator to create the PDF's and they're opened in Adobe.The server is GlassFish Server 3.1.2. What other information can I provide?

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Client Tools :: Display Clob Column In Text File In Sqlplus

Mar 30, 2012

I have extracted data from table and write into one text via sqlplus utility in shell scripts. i got correct output. i am having two issues on the output file

1) Outfile file size is huge high compare then table segment data.

2) last column having extra space.

The output column is clob datatype. so i have added set long 50000 and set longchunksize 50000 parameter. after adding these only i got above issues. without two options, i am not getting this isssue but lines are wrapped.

#Set the scripts Path


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Client Tools :: Separate User Input List Into One Column Of Entries?

Oct 3, 2011

I am trying to ultimately as the title says separate a user input list into one column of entries. I am doing this through Cognos not a normal SQL editor which is what makes this a little harder to do. So far I have gotten that in general I can use the

SELECT 'First Entry' Asset FROM Dual Union
SELECT 'Second Entry' Asset FROM Dual Union
SELECT 'Third Entry' Asset FROM Dual

and this will give me 3 entries of data in one column. More can be added as long as the last statement doesn't have the union on it. So, the next step it would seem is to have a for loop combined with an if then or case statement that would find the number of entries and loop until we reach the number of entries and give me either SELECT 'First Entry' Asset FROM Dual Union or SELECT 'First Entry' Asset FROM Dual if we are on the last entry. I don't know the lingo to do this though. I have tried to get this to work with a simple test like cat, dog, horse, cow, pig, etc but it's frustrating that I can't get it to work. I can do all the individual steps I just can't seem to get it to work together. I have all the functions I need, I just need to the syntext to do a for loop along with an if then or case statement where the outcome is a valid select statement.

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Client Tools :: Number Data Type Column Does Not Display As Entered?

Jun 28, 2010

Now i have a problem which i am facing for the first time. The problem is:

I have created a table test1 with two column of number data type and the column witdth is 25. Then enter the data but when i select the recrod it does not display the column data as it was entered.
SQL> create table test1
2 (
3 startno number(25),
4 endno number(25)
5 );

Table created.

SQL> insert into test1


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Application Express :: How To Display Custom Report Column Heading

May 13, 2013

I am having report region with different columns, in that one column heading needs to be start with lower case like "iST Status" but always it is showing "IST Status".

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Client Tools :: Unable To Paste Header (column) Names Result To Excel

Jul 10, 2012

when i'm saving the result in excel sheet....results are saving but unable to paste column / header names.

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Forms :: How To Populate Table Column Heading In List Item Of Oracle

Jun 26, 2013

how should i populate table column heading in list items of forms? I've create lov to select the column, then i have 10 separate list items. once i select the table from lov then list item should get populated with selected table column.

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Client Tools :: Tools For Load Testing On Oracle - J2EE Application?

Jan 5, 2012

which are recommended Tool for load testing (for performance) on Oracle-J2EE, 3 Tier applications?

Is 'Oracle Application Test Suite' the best for such test where we can simulate numbers of users and their various actions?

Does it come with Oracle Database license or we have to buy it separately?

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Client Tools :: Basic Tools For Oracle Version Control

Aug 26, 2011

I'm looking for 3 simple things.

1) A reverse engineering tool that I can point to an Oracle schema and get a "baseline" script to re-create that schema from scratch, with decently formatted DDL files (1 per object) neatly organized in a directory tree (by object type) and called in the correct order. Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to populate (insert) those tables as part of the script.

2) a diff tool that I can point to a pair of Oracle instances (source and target) containing a given schema and get a "delta" script to alter the target schema so that it becomes identical to the source schema. If data loss occurs on the target instance (i.e. drop a column) I would like to find a warning comment inserted in the script (e.g. "-- Attention: data migration DML needed here?"). Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to update (delete, update and insert) the data in the target tables to become identical to the contents in the source tables *without* deleting and re-inserting all rows (or dropping, recreating and repopulating the table).

3) I would like the above two tools (that, as you will have recognized, are basic to putting your database design under version control) to be open-source, with a command-line interface and a vibrant community backing them.

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Client Tools :: Cannot Connect Using JDBC Oracle Thin Client With (New Method)?

Feb 21, 2013

The problem is that this connection errors when I try to connect using my SQuirreL client. My developers want to connecting using the SID or the SERVICE_NAME and by using the "New Method" syntax, not the "Old Method" syntax. According to the documentation the "New Method" syntax works with the SERVICE_NAME or the SID. The "Old Method" only works with the SID.

# Host name is
# SID is sting2

PROBLEM using SID errors ==>

I am using SQuirreL Client version 3.4.0

# Here is the tnsnames.ora entry on the server.


# In this documentation it says, "On new syntax SERVICE may be a oracle service name or a SID."You can find this on the orafax wiki under JDBC#Thin_driver.

# I was able to connect with the "old method" using the SID only, SERVICE_NAME errors
(SQuirreL client error, "Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection.") (this works)

# "New Method" (this works) (this errors)
(SQuirreL client error, "Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection.")

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Client Tools :: Can Use Oracle Client Version To Create A Database In That Server

Jan 13, 2011

can we use oracle client version to create a database in that server.

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Client Tools :: How To Connect From Client To Oracle Database In Unix

Dec 11, 2012

I have new virtual UNIX machine and I installed oracle client on /usr/lib/oracle. Also I have a oracle database and I am able to connect to this database from my desktop sql developer.

So now I am trying to connect from new UNIX machine. Where I created tnsnames.ora file under /usr/lib/oracle/network/admin and before connecting did export the following

export TNS_ADMIN=/usr/lib/oracle/network/admin
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/sbin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin

when I try

# sqlplus
username :xxxxxxx
password : xxxxxxx

ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist. Not sure what I missed here. using same tns file I am able to connect from sql developer on windows.

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Client Tools :: Oracle Client 32 Bit On Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit

Jul 20, 2012

Can i install Oracle 10g Client 32 bit on our Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit?

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