SQL & PL/SQL :: Group Results By Date With Running Totals?
Apr 30, 2012
My version of the Database:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
I have a staff table with the columns staff_id and completion_date. The completion_date shows the date a staff member completed questionnaire. If the staff member did not complete the questionaire, then the completion_date column will be NULL.
Table Definition:
-- Create table
create table staff
staff_id number not null,
completion_date date
See attached text file (staff.sql) for Insert Statements.
The result set needs to have the following columns: ReportDate: the Sunday of each week. Completed: The number of staff who have completed the questionnaire by the ReportDate. NotCompleted: The number of staff who did not complete the questionnaire by the ReportDate. Total: The SUM of Completed and NotCompleted columns.
As the number of Completed goes up, the number of NotCompleted goes down. Eventually Completed will equal Total and NotCompleted goes to zero.
The result set would look similar as follows and used to generate a bar graph chart:
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Dec 20, 2012
I'm trying to create a report in the following format
Year Name Reg1 Reg2 Reg3
2001 Al 3 4 5
2001 Le 4 1 1
2001 7 5 6
2002 Sue 2 4 1
2002 Al 1 3 6
2002 Jim 6 1 3
2002 16 15 16
2003 Jim 4 -3 2
2003 Le -2 4 5
2003 20 16 23
Note that the totals are accumulating horizontally, broken on year.
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Oct 7, 2010
I have to get totals from a table using different criteria, which I do like this:
AND datevalue1 >= DATE1 AND datevalue1 <= DATE2;
This works fine and I get the intended result.Now, I have to repeat this for every week for the last 12 months, excluding holidays period. So, I generate a set of date ranges which will be used in the queries. So, I repeat the above sql statement for all the date ranges, which is a lengthy process.How can I do that in a single shot and get all totals for each date range.
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Dec 18, 2008
I am using toad to output the details of the database. (I need these details in a format which i can then import into excel) However, When I run sporadic individual records through my query, the results come back correct and as expected. But when I run the full data set through my query a lot of the records have different values than what they do when run individually!
Ive spent all day on this script and its really a hack of various other cursors and scripts brought together. Its driving me mad as my code doesn't seem to be wrong (since the results are correct when a single record is run) yet there must be something wrong as my full data set does not return correctly!
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Jul 29, 2010
i am facing group by issue when running the query.the error code is ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression.i suspect is due to the subquery in the SELECT clause.
case when (whinh210.ORNO in (select fxinh033.pdno from fxinh033))
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Jun 21, 2012
I have a table with the following columns
I want to return any results where any employee id that has 2 different timezoneid's on the same date. I would actually like, if its possible, to select these entries to display on one row per employee per day. So for example
12345 - 6/20/2012 5:00 am - 123 - 6/20/2012 10:00am - 456
To me who is newer with SQL this sounds like i would be 'joining' the table to itself so i've searched for that but not found what i need.
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm working on a Oracle Database, and I'm gettin incorrect results when including a date field in the select list which is NULL in the table.
This works correctly and returns exactly one row:
SELECT firstField FROM table WHERE firstField = 'value'
while this doesn't and returns no rows:
SELECT firstField, secondField FROM table WHERE firstField = 'value'
Where secondField is of type date and its value is NULL (00-000-00). Note that the only thing that changes is the select list.
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Apr 30, 2011
We have one oracle table, which has one column "Creation_Date" of the datatype date.
This column has data like
"14-Aug-2010 01:30:30"
"14-Aug-2010 03:30:30"
"15-Aug-2010 01:30:30"
"16-Aug-2010 01:30:30"
"16-Aug-2010 03:30:30"
We want to write SQL query which will group rows by date wise without considering time..I mean for above rows the date wise output should be
Count Date
------- -------
2 14-Aug-2010
1 15-Aug-2010
2 16-Aug-2010
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Jun 13, 2011
I am having a following sql query:
Using this query i am getting following output::
Prod Cust Date Qty
A X 17-june 1000
A X 18-june 2000
A X 21-june 4000
B Z 11-May 200
B Z 15-May 500
C W 1- Dec 300
Out of these groups, i want to select qty for each product and customer, where date is maximum,that is following results::
Prod Cust Date Qty
A X 21-june 4000
B Z 15-May 500
C W 1- Dec 300
what condition/clause should i add in my query,tried a lot with having clause but on success.
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Dec 19, 2012
I need to find the closest Date that matches a Particular Date. The Closest Date from the Group may be less than or greater than the Date I am trying to find.
I have two columns: VISIT_DATE and ACTUAL_DATE. The VISIT_DATE columns has many records with different dates while the ACTUAL_DATE column would only have one record per Student ID.
Here is an example of dates:
Visit Date Actual Date
01-APR-09 19-MAR-10
16-NOV-09 19-MAR-10
17-MAR-10 19-MAR-10
21-MAR-10 19-MAR-10
04-APR-11 19-MAR-10
15-JUN-11 19-MAR-10
19-SEP-11 19-MAR-10
24-FEB-12 19-MAR-10
The closest date to 19-MAR-10 are in fact 17-MAR-10 and 21-MAR-10. I would in that case need to pick up both records.
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Aug 9, 2012
I want to get rows by latest date for each group pf rows.
say my data is :
sweets chocolate 10 05-FEB-2012
sweets chocolate 10 04-DEC-2012
sweets chocolate 10 08-FEB-2012
pastries chocolate 20 08-AUG-2012
[Code] ..........
I want to get results by latest date,
sweets chocolate 10 04-DEC-2012
pastries chocolate 20 08-AUG-2012
sweets vanilla 10 05-DEC-2012
pastries vanilla 20 05-NOV-2012
I have tried Queries with Max(DATE-ORDERED) and grouping it..its not showing me results because I don't have indexes in my data.
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Feb 3, 2011
We have a table with timestamp column and having millions of records.We want to create a materialized view or query, which can give count based
-on some group by columns from table and
-group by on condition (if count > 1000) and
-group by on condition (if timestamp range for that group is > 1hr)
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Mar 26, 2011
I am writing a query where I need to get the total points the student received on assignments, this is in the grade table. I then need to divide that total from the total amount of points possible, located in the assignment table. At the end all I should see is the student_id and the percentage of the students grade.
Here is where I am so far
SELECT s.student_id, SUM(g.points)/SUM(a.points_possible) "GRADE"
FROM student s, grade g, assignment a
WHERE s.student_id = g.student_id
AND g.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
ORDER BY student_id;
However when I execute this is the error I get:
WHERE s.student_id = g.student_id
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-00937: not a single-group group function The asterisk's should be under the g I couldn't get it to line up.
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Nov 23, 2012
Version : 11g
I have a table with the following format and data
Serial no exp_Date exp_type exp_amount
1 01-nov-2012 Rent 10000
2 02-nov-2012 gas 250
3 02-nov-2012 insurance 9500
I want to create a sql output for a yearly view in the format
Rent 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 120000 10000 120000
gas 250 250 250 250 250 250 3000 250 3000
Now a couple of things in this
1. the average gives the average for the year, so lets say its start of 2013 and we are in feb, there will not be any values for the remaining months, so it should do the average for that exp_type for Jan and Feb based on the exp_amount entered against that type and show what is the expected average. Similary, projected will that average amount and mulitply it by 12 to show the exp amount expected based on current expenses
I was able to come up with the following sql to get the sum based on months, was not sure about average, total and projected
SELECT exp_type
, SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Jan' THEN exp_amt END) AS Jan
, SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Feb' THEN exp_amt END) AS feb
, SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Mar' THEN exp_amt END) AS Mar
, SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Apr' THEN exp_amt END) AS Apr
, SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'May' THEN exp_amt END) AS May
getting the correct avg, total and projected fields also in the same sql?
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Oct 25, 2010
I'v created a report using Cross Tab in Discoverer 11g,Now I want the difference between the Amortization and Deferral as the sub totals. If you look at the attachment,I need a column below deferral column which is difference of Amortization and Deferral.
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Nov 24, 2010
I have three blocks in my form , header,activity and item.One header can have many activities and one activity can have many items.I need to keep track of item value totals in header from items under each activity.
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Nov 1, 2013
I'm trying to group sets of data based on time separations between records and then count how many records are in each group.
In the example below, I want to return the count for each group of data, so Group 1=5, Group 2=5 and Group 3=5
AND LOC_ID ='3015'
AND TEST_DATE ='10/19/1994';
Group 1 = 8:00:22 to 8:41:22
Group 2 = 11:35:47 to 11:35:47
Group 3 = 15:13:46 to 15:13:46
Keep in mind the times will always change, and sometime go over the one hour mark, but no group will have more then a one hour separation between records.
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Jun 23, 2011
I read that rownum is applied after the selection is made and before "order by". So, in order to get the sum of salaries for all employees in all departments with a row number starting from 1, i wrote :
select ROWNUM,department_id,sum(salary) from employees group by department_id
If i remove rownum, it gives the correct output. Why can't rownum be used here ?
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May 17, 2011
Refer to the txt file to create table and insert data.
I executed the following query-
SELECT priority, detail, COUNT(1) FROM TEST GROUP BY priority, detail
and got the following result-
StandardPatch 27
StandardInitial TSS 1
StandardInitial development 10
StandardProduction deployment5
High PriorPatch 1
Now I want that Initial TSS and Initial development should be combined as Initial together and I should get the result as follows:
StandardPatch 27
StandardInitial 11
StandardProduction deployment5
High PriorPatch 1
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm trying to work out how to take a table like this:
And display the data like this:
IDPeriodPeriod StartPeriod End
As you can see, it's split the entries into date ranges. If there is a 'lone' date, the 'period start' and the 'period end' are the same date.
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Apr 12, 2010
I have a two date fields in my form; valid from date and expiry date.
Currently my valid from date has an inital value property of $$date$$ which automaitcally brings up todays date.
I need my expiry date to automatically show a date 15 years after this date?
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Apr 4, 2007
i have a query where i am using the max function to find the most recent record. What i want to do is use that query as part of an insert statement into a different table, however, i don't want to insert the column that i used the max function on. Is there anyway to use the max function without having the column it is being used on showing in the results?
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Feb 7, 2012
I am getting duplicate results..I have been at it for hours now.This is what I have:
v_course_id classes.course_id%TYPE := :course_id;
v_instr_id classes.instr_id%TYPE := :instructor_id;
The output I get is this (There is only 1 of each in the database)
Class ID: 1 Status: Enrolled Name: John O'Reilly
Class ID: 1 Status: Enrolled Name: Natacha Hansen
Class ID: 1 Status: Enrolled Name: Reed Jetto
Class ID: 1 Status: Enrolled Name: Janis Greenberg
Class ID: 1 Status: Enrolled Name: Vishal Singh
Class ID: 1 Status: Enrolled Name: Francis Hamilton
[code] ...
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May 9, 2011
Is there any way to add one disk group space to another disk group. Because One of my disk group is full i want to add space in to that group.
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Mar 23, 2013
I'm using this code, and it performs fine, but I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way to do it--maybe with "ROLLBACK". Basically (as you can see) I need to get a normal count for each group but also for each group take a percentage of the total count (so all groups pct adds up to 100 (oh yeah, don't test for zero below, but just a test... )
count(1) as calls,
count(1) / total.total_count * 100 as pct_of_total
table1 c
[Edit MC: add code tags, do it yourself next time]
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Apr 20, 2007
I am testing a supposedly very simple stored procedure in XE. It compiles with no errors but when I enter the following command in the SQL Command window I get an ORA-00911: invalid character.
call get_all_customer_orgs;
The get_all_customer_orgs procedure is defined as.
create or replace procedure get_all_customer_orgs (p_recordset out sys_refcursor)
open p_recordset for
select * from customerorgs;
end get_all_customer_orgs;
I don't understand what the invalid character could be.
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Apr 23, 2007
Is there anyway to pivot the results of a query?
so if i have:
SELECT GROUP, count(*)
And it give the following output:
A 10
B 50
c 24
Is there anyway to put into this format?
10 50 24
I am doubting that there is and that i am going to have to handle this in my code later, but it never hurts to ask!
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Feb 26, 2008
I need to select a count of records where a field (call it widget) is the same, so i need all records where widgets are distinct. So it would be like asking for a distinct in a where clause. Not having much SQL experience this is a difficulty for me.
lets see .. so a count of records where widget = widget or something along those lines.
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Aug 27, 2010
I would like to give back to the our application user a page of results for a given query along with the total result count, something like: "Showing 1-25 of 650 total results".
Currently I am doing this by submitting a second query:
select count(*) from (<previous query criteria>)
Is there a better performing approach I could be using?
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May 24, 2011
I am trying to create a query that displays the given error message if the result of my COUNT(*) is smaller than 1, but displays the result of my first query (data) if the total count is bigger than 1 (read: the query found data, so it needs to display the rows according to the search).
What do I need to do to display 'data' if 'data2' contains rows?
WITH data
AS (SELECT a.order_id, a.session_id, a.log_id, b.date_of_order, a.operation,
b.funct_prod_code, b.sts_status_code, b.ost_order_situation_code, c.order_situation_oms,
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