SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting All Data In A Single Row?

Jun 16, 2013

The query I do paste executes and gives the data needed. However, I do need all of these data in a one row.



What I get after executing it is a data with 4 columns and a number of rows unknown.

What I do want is to get all of these data in a one row with columns name sequence increasing 1 by 1.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select Data When It Has Single Quote In Value

Sep 4, 2013

The description field in the item table has the single quote used as the symbol for feet. I have the same issue pulling from a last name field in other tables. (Like O'Connor)

select descrip into v_result
from c_ship_hist
where shipment_dtl_id = :SDID;
exception when others then null;

The error I get is "Missing right quote". How do I code around this issue without having to change the data?

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Data Guard :: Replication From Many To Single Database

Jan 12, 2011

I have a clients who currently implementing an application that using Oracle 10g in 20 distributed location. Each location will have its own database server and locally managed. I plan to create a Disaster Recovery (DR) Centre for this client in centralised location. I plan to setup 20 Application Server but only one database server with 20 instances. My question, can the Dataguard manage the replication between 20 database (with single instances) and single database (with 20 instances? The reason we design such way is to reduce the license cost of Oracle.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Convert Data In Single Column?

Oct 11, 2012

I have a below requirement let me know the optimized query.

Create table test_123 ( sr varchar2(1000));

Insert into test_123 values ('1,2,3,4,5');
Insert into test_123 values ('6,7,9,10,11');
Insert into test_123 values ('9,2,3,8,5');

I need output as :



I need all the values in the column sr in a single column and mutiple rows.

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PL/SQL :: Update A Single Column Data In 10 Tables?

Oct 2, 2012

We have to update a single column data in about 10 tables which has child/parent table relations, pk/fk constraints.. The column that we are updating is a part of primary key in half of the tables and part of foreign key in the other half tables.. I'm thinking of disabling all the foreign key constraints in the tables then update the column data then enable the foreign key constraints in these tables.

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Building Data Warehouse From Single Flat File

May 2, 2012

I am trying to build a data warehouse for Consumer Price Index and so I have downloaded data from the Bureau of Statistics.It is in excel format and since I am working with Oracle Warehouse Builder I have converted it to .csv file so that I can use it as a data source.

Question1: Is it practical to use single .csv file as a source of data for a data warehouse?

Question2: I have 3 dimensions tables and a fact table.The dimensions are one for the Region(as the date is organized in region,states etc),two is the consumer goods and services (as the data is organized in groups of goods and services, services/goods types) and finally time(year and month),

Now how am I going to do the mapping here?Is it possible to do a one to one mapping here as all data required by the dimensions is located in the .csv file.

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SQLLDR With CLOB Data In Single Flat File?

Nov 24, 2012

I am migrating data from DB2 to Oracle. I used DB2 export to extract the data specifying lobsinfile clause. This created all the CLOB data in one file. So a typical record has a column with a reference to the CLOB data. "OUTFILE.001.lob.0.2880/". where OUTFILE.001.lob is the name specified in the export command and 0 is the starting position in the file and 2880 is the length of the first CLOB.

When I try to load this data using sqlldr I'm getting a file not found.Attached is a copy of the control file and output from testing

PS. I cant use the DB2 option LOBSINSEPFILES which creates a separate file for each CLOB column because the table has over 14 million rows....and creating 14 mil files causes OS inode problems...

Attached File(s)
 sqlldr.txt ( 2.05K )
Number of downloads: 3

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Data Guard :: Upgrade Oracle 9i R2 Single Instance To 11G R2 RAC?

Feb 17, 2011

There is a Single Instance production server Oracle 9iR2 [] OS HP-UX PARISC 11i v1 to RAC.

Now we want to migration this server with minimum downtime to Oracle 11gR2 [] in RAC environment OS HP-UX 11i v3 Itanium DOwn time must be minimum. what will be the procedure ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Maintaining Data Integrity When Single Table Split Into Two

Aug 7, 2013

I've an Oracle Table which has around 300 columns. I've a requirement to split this single table into two tables (150 columns each) by a foreign key.

Now I want to know how to maintain the data integrity while I insert the data into two tables. which means each table should have equal number of rows as we insert the 300 columns data into tables each at a time.

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Data Guard :: RAC Primary To Single Instance Standby Using

Mar 2, 2011


2 NODE RAC Cluster/Linux x86-64/ RDBMS

Standby server:

Brand new box, and I installed (software only)

I have a brand new box set-up for a single-instance standby database, and I have installed software only.

Do I need to patch to before I send a copy of the primary over to be set-up as a standby? If so, how do I patch without having a local database in place as this server will only be used for a standby? Can patching the oracle_home only be done?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Multiple Table Data By Single Query Without Any Condition?

May 10, 2012

can we delete multiples table through the single query?

suppose we have 2 table first one is emp and second is client

i want delete all data from emp and client through the single line query

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Data Guard :: RAC To Single Instance Logical Standby Creation

Jul 24, 2012

I am not able to find any document that shows steps to create a SINGLE INSTANCE LOGICAL STANDBY database for a 2 NODE ORACLE RAC database. I have found documents for RAC to Single Instance Physical standby database. But not for Logical Standby.


OS: Redhat 5
DB: file system, not using ASM/Standby also file system)
Status: Single instance physical standby database created, need to convert it to Logical standby.

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Server Utilities :: To Load Single Column Data Into Multiple Columns

Mar 26, 2012

I want to load single column data into multiple columns.

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Data Guard :: Primary Database Is RAC And Physical Standby Is Single Instance

Mar 27, 2013

I am using Oracle RAC as primary database, we are going to start using Oracle data guard. So I am designing my infrastructure and planing to use Oracle Single instance as my physical stand by database.

My question is it feasible to have my standby database as single instance while the primary is RAC? is it feasible to build my Oracle single instance standby database from the RMAN backup of the RAC primary database? Is there any restrictions (or any points to be taken into consideration) since my primary database is RAC while the physical standby is Oracle single instance?

in the below link


it was mentioned that primary can be RAC or single and same for standby, but my question is it feasible to have primary as RAC while standby as single instance? or it should be like each others?

The primary database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database. Similar to a primary database, a standby database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle RAC database.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Single Data Group Should Work For Multiple Type Of Conditions?

Jan 8, 2011

Actually I have one query which contains two parameters from_Date and To_date.

if user pass the values for the parameter like 1-dec-2010 to 30-dec-2010 query will works fine and it fetches the values according to the query selected. but now I am going to add one more parameter, the value is 01-apr-2010 now my query should run for 01-apr-2010 to 30-dec-2010.

Here my question is how should I make this scenario with only one query and at the same time the query should work for to scenarios.

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PL/SQL :: How To Replace 2 Single Quotes To Single Quote

Nov 21, 2012

I have an script.sql that receives as a parameter an string.


@C:/myscript.sql "o'connor"

user_account_value varchar2(120) := '&1';

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "Select * from Table where column = :1 "  USING user_account_value I am not sure how to deal with string that contains single quotes.

If the parameter were passed as : "o''connor" this will work
If the parameter is pass as: "o'connor" this will not work.

so my question is what options do I have to deal with dynamic queries and single quotes.

I tried replacing replace(myParameter,'''',''''''); but not working well.

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Data Guard :: Possible To Use Dataguard From Single Instance To RAC Instance?

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use oracle dataguard from single instance to RAC instance ? Does Oracle dataguard support this ?

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Single Instance Non-Grid To Single Instance Grid Database

Aug 27, 2012

I'm trying to test moving a single instance 11202 database to single instance w/ grid infra.

Here is what I've done:

1. Install a database (11202), single instance and create a database
2. Install Grid Software only (user: grid)
3. start the cluster
4. "srvctl add database -d orclsidb -o $ORACLE_HOME" to register the database with grid.
4.1> I was able to start/stop the database with srvctl command here onwards
5. configure disks using asmlib and start the asm
6. "srvctl add asm" to register asm with grid.
7. PROBLEM ... when I try to "backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';" from oracle user it errors out as below:

RMAN> backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';

Starting backup at 24-AUG-12
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=134 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy
input datafile file number=00011 name=/fs0/oracle/oradata/orclsidb/sjc883p_indx_large_01.dbf

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_1 channel at 08/24/2012 08:53:29
ORA-19504: failed to create file "+ASM_DATA_DG"
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
ORA-15001: diskgroup "ASM_DATA_DG" does not exist or is not mounted
ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contactConsidering "TNS: lost contact" I tried to see if grid listener is aware of ASM instance:


All rights reserved.

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=usracdb03.rwcats.com)(PORT=1522)))
Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                22-AUG-2012 06:08:53
Uptime                    2 days 2 hr. 50 min. 48 sec
Trace Level               off


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SQL & PL/SQL :: All Rows Value To Single Row

Jul 15, 2011

i want to all rows value into single rows.

for example;

Input data:
Sec_SSC_ID Column_nameAs of dateOld valu New Value
IBM Mat_dt 10/10/20101/1/2001 1/1/2002
IBM Bid Market 10/10/201075 85
IBM asset_nm 1/1/2011International IBM
MSFT asset_nm 1/2/2011Microsoft Intel
MSFT Bid Market price 1/1/201189 90

Output data

I have attached sample output file with it.

how to get this via sql?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: From Columns To A Single Row

Sep 22, 2011

I need to make the following transposition:

from this:


6871 1231Yes Yes
68711232Yes NULL

into this:


6871 123 Yes Yes Yes NULL

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Single Job For Whole Assembly

Aug 14, 2012

Business should be able to issue a job whereby the sub assemblies do not have a different job number, however the job itself maintains the indentation (BOM levels). What we are looking to do is to issue one job for a full build of a product, which would be built in one go anyway.

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PL/SQL :: Returning A Single Row

Jun 5, 2013

I have a table which lists previous jobs, whcih has monthto,yearto, monthfrom and year from fields. I am trying to find the most recent job (of which they might be multiple ending on the same month) Initially, i did the following:

ran a sub query to find the most recent (employee id, max (yearto * 12 + monthto), then another query where I got a list of the most recent jobs, and returned the first one using rownum = 1 (note this may be inconsistent between runs as thee rownum is calculcated before nay ordering clause. This worked, but i figured using the first function might be better as it gives an order

select employee_id from
(select employee_id
,max(NVL(yearto,0) *12 + NVL(monthto,1)) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY emloyer) as latest
from employees
group by employee_id;

but this seems to return more than one entrty:

table date below:
drop table employee_list;
drop table employee_historic;

What is the best way to return a single row, if the primary key is not available / applicable.

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Single Row Subquery Returns More Than One Row

Dec 6, 2012

I am returning the ORA-01427 after running the query below. why I am returning the error and how to address it.

select b.value , b.name, p.value ......
(case when p.value <> 'G2' then null else (select c.oldvalue from ad_changelog c
where c.record_id = b.c_bpartner_id and c.ad_table_id = 291
and c.ad_column_id = 4216 ) end) as oldtradeName
from c_bpartner b, zz_receipt r, zz_recp_alloc a, m_product p, ad_user us
where a.c_bpartner_id = b.c_bpartner_id
and a.zz_receipt_id = r.zz_receipt_id
and us.ad_user_id = r.createdby
and p.m_product_id = a.m_product_id

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Single-row Subquery Returns More Than One Row?

Dec 7, 2009

Just trying to update a table in which the sales amount is inserted when the sales amount is null.

I have

UPDATE ph2_customer_temp
SET sales_amount = (
SELECT sl.sales_amount
sales_limit sl
on substr(pct.site_code,1,2) = sl.state
where pct.credit_limit is null )

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Single-row Subquery Returns More Than One Row

Jan 10, 2012

I can't seem to wrap my head around this problem I'm having with a query. I need to update all rows in my ps_ntsr_gf_stufile tables with the concatenated values from the ps_classes_tbl table where a.CLASS_NBR = b.CLASS_NBR. I tried to limit it to emplid from the ps_stdnt_enrl table but no luck.

 UPDATE ps_ntsr_gf_stufile a
      AND a.STRM = '1118'
      AND a.INSTITUTION = 'NT752')

I'm still getting the ORA-01427 error.

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11gR2 SE And EE On Single Server?

Mar 24, 2011

I have one Linux machine on which first I did with Oracle 11gR2 Enterprise edition (EE) , it was working fine.

now today I installed oracle11gR2 Standard edition in different partition which is having separate oracle_home from EE.

when I checked the listener services ,port and all , I came to know that the new installation(SE) it will automatically pickup different listener name(listener_SE SID name) and non-standard port(1523).

I did with oracle10gR2 SE and EE both on the same machine with different oracle_home but all together using only one listener (LISTENER) and one port - 1521.

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Single To Multiple Records

Sep 18, 2013

I have a table as col_1 number,col_2 varchar2(10)

col_1 col_2
1 abcdefghijkl

what i want is i've to split

col_1 col_2
1 abcdefghij
1 kl

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display A Value In Between Single Quotes?

Nov 18, 2011

how to write a select query to display a number column value in between single quotes. Ex:i have a emp table in that sal column is a number type.

select sal from emp;
23445I want to display the same above result in b/w single quotes.

for this i need to write a query,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Regexp_substr Single Step Possible?

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to get this down from two regexp to a single one, but I'm not sure it can be done and if so, its beyond me to work out how atm.

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

The expression itself contains all the rules I'm aware of (nothing to say they won't move the goalposts again mind!) of and the desired output is as shown above. I should add that the actual data is more complex (many tags per record) so it rules out a regexp_replace

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Single Row Subquery Returns More Than One Row

Mar 20, 2012


when i am trying to run this query i am getting an error'single row subquery returns more than one row'.

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