SQL & PL/SQL :: Detecting Hidden Characters

Jul 31, 2011

I am not sure if the problem is related to hidden characters but its my best guess so far. I am trying to enhance a part of the ERD by creating a lookup for a column one of the table that uses text (finite set of values).


when I try to update the source table no update takes place (0 records updated) if I used the following statement:


but it works fine only if I used:


The strange thing is that when I use:


it returns correct results and all status = 'ACTIVE' appear correctly!

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Data Guard :: Detecting Archive Log Gaps?

Nov 17, 2012

I have a two node rac DB (prim and stdby) with two threads. I am trying to put together a script that will detect any gaps in the log files.

I know that MRPO only runs on one node. When I run the following query (see below) I can only see the sequence# for one of the threads.

select thread#, sequence#, process from gv$managed_standby;

---------- ---------- ---------
1 119739 MRP0

I than query my PRIM DB and subract the value from my STBY DB to see the difference (gap)

select (sequence# - &scn) from v$log where thread# = &thrd and status ='CURRENT'

Can there be gaps in more than one thread? If so, how can I see the diffences?

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Forms :: Detecting Item Field Change

Jul 26, 2011

I have a form that i need to be able to detect when a field is has been updated. I will then do the appropriate update to the table.

I can't use the standard oracle forms data block for handling updates because my data selection is controlled by me via the when-new-block-instance.

The problem is when i select a value from an LOV and place the new data in the field. I don't know how to detect if the field is updated or not. I am currently using a loop to cycle through all the records, I have an if/else in the key_commit trigger that basically determines if there is an update or insert to be done to the table. The problem is that it seems if i select a value for one record that record goes through the INSERT procedure, (which is correct), but all the other records(not touched/changed) are going through the UPDATE procedure.

Is there a way in forms to check the status of a field? I know of system.form_status but that does not work for me.

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Detecting Full Domain Name / Username For Connected OS User

Oct 20, 2010

If I'm looking on v$session - values in osuser column for some machines displayed with DOMAINNAME, and for other - without. Even same user (MYDOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR) from 2 different machines displayed in 2 different ways on the same db:

MYDOMAIN\Administrator from machine A, and administrator from machine B.

Both machines are belongs to same windows domain. DB (oracle 10g) have no "DOMAIN" defined.

What make the difference? And can I somehow to affect this behaviour? I mean, can I define that all users will be displayed as DOMAINNAME\USERNAME or MACHINENAME\USERNAME(in case of no domain exists)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Removing Special Characters And Get Desired Characters From Column Values

Jul 23, 2013

create table test
name varchar2(50),
descd varchar2(50)
insert into test values ('kethlin','da,dad!tyerx');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr');
insert into test values ('jennybrown','fsa!!trtw$ fda');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr ,try');

how do I get the first three characters and last three characters from name field and remove all the junk characters from descd field?

so my o/p be like;

('jenown','fsatrtw fda')
('tauson','dfegr try')

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Data Guard :: Difficulty In Detecting Archive Gap On Physical Standby

Dec 29, 2012

which of the following views on the physical standby will us correct information on synchronization with Primary database?

For example, when I checked v$archived_gap it did not return any rows but the max(applied_seq#) on v$archive_dest_status was lagging far behind from the max(sequence#) on Primary database

select max(applied_seq#) from v$archive_dest_status where dest_id=2;
select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES';
select * from v$archive_gap;

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Windows :: Detecting Full DOMAINNAME USERNAME For Connected User?

Oct 20, 2010

If I'm looking on v$session - values in osuser column for some machines displayed with DOMAINNAME, and for other - without.Even same user (MYDOMAINADMINISTRATOR) from 2 different machines displayed in 2 different ways:

MYDOMAINAdministrator from machine A, and administrator from machine B.Both machines are belongs to same windows domain.

What make the difference?And can I somehow to affect this behaviour? I mean, can I define that all users will be displayed as DOMAINNAMEUSERNAME or MACHINENAMEUSERNAME(in case of no domain exists)?

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How To Get Information Of Hidden Parameters

Sep 16, 2012

)How do you view the value of the parameter that is being used by instance? show parameter..?
2)How do you get the information of hidden parameters
3)What is the database object that stores information related to various types of db connections over network
4)How do you verify since when the db session is running
5)How do you verify the Originating machine details of the database session
6)How do you verify the name of program that the db session is running
7)What is the naming convenion of Base tables. Where is the information of base tables stored?
8)How are dynamic views created. Whre is the information of dynamic views stored?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Hidden Column In Table

Feb 15, 2012

I want to create a column which will be having unique values but while selecting data from table i am not willing to display same column in output.

SQL> create table temp
2 (
3 c1 number,
4 c2 number,
5 c3 number
6 );

Table created.

SQL> insert into temp values (1,2,3);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from temp;

C1 C2 C3
---------- ---------- ----------
1 2

I want C3 as a hidden column and while selecting like

select * from temp;
expected output is...

C1 C2
---------- ----------
1 2

My main target is, C3 column should not display in select * ... stm but column with data should be there in table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Remove Hidden Character From Field

Mar 9, 2011

I ran into the following issue as mention below.

select dump(column_name) from table where column_name2 = 'HP1';

Typ=1 Len=5: 194,160,82,88,66

I am trying to get right of these hidden character 194 and 160. i tried different method as mention below,

1) translate(column_name, chr(194)|| chr(16),'')

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RAC & Failsafe :: Listing Hidden Parameters For All Instances

Nov 30, 2010

I used following statement (user SYS as SYSDBA)

select x.inst_id,x.indx+1,ksppinm,ksppity,ksppstvl, ksppstdvl, ksppstdf,
decode(bitand(ksppiflg/65536,3),1,'IMMEDIATE',2,'DEFERRED', 3,'IMMEDIATE','FALSE'),
decode(bitand(ksppiflg,4),4,'FALSE', decode(bitand(ksppiflg/65536,3), 0, 'FALSE', 'TRUE')),

to list hidden parameters. However, when using it on RAC I found that only a singe instance data is displayed.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Sorting Data And Hidden Frames

Dec 15, 2011

Jow can i sort field data getting from formula column. The filed that i want to sort have source of that formula column. When i use order by clause with :abc ---(formula column) then it doesn't not work.

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Server Administration :: Quick Check On Hidden Parameter?

Mar 20, 2013

quick check on a hidden parameter? I need to know the default value and possible values for _serial_direct_read on various releases, I have only available right now and I'ld like to know this for 11.2.x.x 11.1.x.x, and 10.2.x.x.

Below is the query that will show what it is currently which (unless you've changed it) will be the default: auto for my Then to see the options, try to set it to something wrong, my options are false/true/never/auto/always. I think false/true were the only choices for 10.2 and are maintained only for compatibility. But I can't rememebnr 11.1.

orcl> set lin 80
orcl> select KSPPSTVL from x$ksppcv join x$ksppi using (indx) where ksppinm='_serial_direct_read';

orcl> alter system set "_serial_direct_read"=rubbish;
alter system set "_serial_direct_read"=rubbish
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00096: invalid value RUBBISH for parameter _serial_direct_read, must be from among false, true, never, auto, always

update: added 11.1.x.x to my wishlist

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SQL & PL/SQL :: UTF8 - Unable To Remove Hidden Character From Field

Mar 20, 2012

My database is in UTF8 character set..

And it is not supporting chr(194)||chr(160)

what character set you were using then ?

And.. is there a way to handle non breaking spaces in UTF8..

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Forms :: Alert Windows Appear To Be Hidden And Application Locks Up

May 6, 2011

I have a forms 11g application that of course has several message and alert windows that pop up when various errors or messages need to be displayed. This all works great on the developer machine, but when I try and run the form on another machine using any browser the message and alert windows appear to be hidden and the application locks up with the rolling bar across the bottom. I would guess it is waiting for a response, but I cannot get the window to appear.

Following is an example of an alert to be displayed:
vAlertButton number;
vAlertButton := show_alert('NO_EMAIL');

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Application Express :: Default Value For Hidden Item And Populate Query?

May 8, 2013

1.-) i got a page that contains 2 regions, lets say :master (HTML text) and a detail (tabular form updateable report) in my tabular form i got a hidden item that should take the value from the master form. how do i do this ?

2.-) i am calling a form from another form, sending a couple of fields as a link parameters. the second form is called as expected, but i need that records on the second form that match the parameters get displayed. how do i achieve that ?

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Application Express :: ReCAPCHA Plug-in Creating 3 Hidden Field

Sep 6, 2012

i m using Apex4.1 and data base oracle 11g, browser firefox

i m using recaptcha plugins i had tried it with both way by creating 3 hidden field and and also directly with taking a item based on plugin. URL.....

More specifically, the page has two items for user input (the captcha and a text item) and a Submit button. If the captcha is successful, then the text item will be submitted and redirect to another page. The problem I'm running into is that the text item is always submitted regardless of the captcha.

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Application Express :: Set Hidden Or Expanded Mode Of (Hide And Show Region) In 4.2

Sep 12, 2013

I just created a "Hide and Show Region" from a template in APEX4.2, and would like to control the behaviour of this region, i.e. 

1. At the page load, this region should be in "Hidden" mode
2. Once the user Opens the region, it should stay as "Expanded" mode ( even the page gets submitted), until the user chooses the "Hidden" mode again. 

So I tried the following

1. Chose the Hide and Show Region(expanded) template for the APEX region
2. uses Dynamic action to force the "Hidden" mode by setting Style as style="display: none;"  at the page load event. 

But it still shows the region in  "Expanded" mode after the page gets loaded.

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Application Express :: Enable IR Search Field To Search In Hidden Columns

Jul 15, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?

if not, that means I have to :

1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE
2- edit my report query to something similar to
> Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null
3- add button to refresh the report.

but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this.
I am using theme 23
page template without sidebars
Report template : Reports Region.

how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.

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Forms :: Data Have Been Displayed Normally / Tree Data Is Hidden With No Error

May 10, 2010

i'm use oracle form builder 6i when i use tree item to display data

the data have been displayed normally but at runtime when i resize the window the 'tree data' is hidden with no error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Characters Format On The Web?

Jul 10, 2011

We have a production database that have : NLS_LANGUAGE=FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1.

We use (INSERT, UPDATE) arabic and french languages, and it works properly.

When I issue SQL statments to retrieve arabic data (with SQL*PLUS), it works and it returns correct arabic format.

When I use PHP, with the same small query, the arabic format is not correct.

I've tried changing the encoding characters on my browsers (IE and FF) and it's still incorrect.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Last 4 Characters In A String

Dec 12, 2010

how to get last 4 characters in a string. But i don't know the length , for example the string is


i want only ghij.

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Jun 20, 2011

I have set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to ',.' but somehow during my java application life-cycle it got changed to '.,'! Is there any way to find what causes this? I can't find what or who change it. I have ordinary Java app which connects to Oracle DB and as far as I know NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS is not set explicitly or any other NLS_XXX setting. Is there any way to look in some logs for this?

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Japanese Characters In Oracle

Jun 22, 2013

I have a XML file which contains Japanese characters and it is parsed by a UNIX script and nawk utility and writes the data to a flat file separated by delimiter. I could the Japanese characters proper in the flat file.

I use SQLoader (within a unix script) to import this data from the flat file to Oracle database. If I view the data in the database through Toad, the Japanese characters are showing differently (not as in XML or in flat file).

But if do a export for the particular table to a flat file through Toad, I can see the Japanese characters proper in the exported flat file.

(Note : I have set the env variables NLS_LANG=Japanese_Japan.JA16SJIS, LC_CTYPE="en_CA.UTF-8" in both XML parser and the loader script)

Why I couln't see the Japanese characters while viewing through Toad.

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10g SQLLoader With Multibyte Characters

May 11, 2011

Here's an odd problem. I'm trying to load German characters positionally (not CSV) using Linux 10g. I don't get this error on Windows or via CSV, but I'm bound to the method and platform.

The problem is simplified thus. I have 2 columns, the 1st varchar2(8) and the 2nd a numeric(3). The error I'm getting is Invalid number only on rows with special characters. Let me demonstrate.

The file has been loaded into Linux and corrected using iconv.

[oracle@basic sqlldr]$ cat jh.txt

This is the loader control file

[oracle@basic sqlldr]$ cat jh.ctl
load data
characterset utf8
infile 'jh.txt'
replace into table TEMP1

The 1st rows is accepted, but the second fails in sqlldr with

Record 2: Rejected - Error on table TEMP1, column FLD2.
ORA-01722: invalid number

The logical assumption is that the double width character is not being properly read by sqlldr but I can find no advice on other setting.
My nls parameters look like this.

------------------------------ ------------------------------

------------------------------ ------------------------------

I've tried using other sqlldr options such as LENGTH SYMANTICS and BYTEORDER but with no success.

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Dbms_xmlgen Tag Trunk After 80 Characters?

Mar 1, 2011

Try to send a query to a remote sql server (Oracle DB I guess). I found dbms_xmlgen which generate xml output, very useful, but sometimes lines are trunk and xml tag as well.

set pages 0
set linesize 150
set long 9999999
set head off
select dbms_xmlgen.getxml
('select * from (select no,subject where...)') xml from dual ;

extract of the output

<SUBJECT>123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12</SUBJE


</SUBJECT> TAG is trunk and makes xml invalid for python parsing

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restricting Other Language Characters?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to give validation for not allowing french or arabic or hindi alphabets or numbers except for only english alphanumeric letters.

I understood how to restrict special characters or spaces .

regexp_instr(i, '[^[:alnum:]]') = 0

This function allow only characters and numbers in English language and doesnt allow special characters.

I need to restrict further by not allowing any other language characters or numbers except only english alphanumeric letters.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Filter Special Characters?

Jan 8, 2013

I have one column name party_name containing Korean Characters and English characters.Some of the English characters have different symbols.My requirement is to get the data and exclude those symbols but not Korean characters.

Already I used a function to replace special symbols with space.The function contains code based on ASCII values it works good but it filters Korean characters too.the attachment of the screenshot, When I double click the name it shows with some question mark.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Special Characters Got Inserted Into DB

Jul 9, 2013

We are using Release of Oracle. I am having below special characters inserted into one of my columns, how this value got inserted, (what is the source) i need to track it down.

We dont have any audit trigger on this table to track one level below. As per JAVA guys this is uploaded through a file and the file is having well defined characters and no special characters for this column value also they uploaded the file again but its now going fine with no such special characters. So they put it on DBA's to find how special characters came into database?

Again the editor is not recognising all the characters , so i got the ASCII value for each of the characters in the string, its as below.

String - ‡Mw‹O--ggсÆÔéÓÞ³µmT¤OˆÓ`ôiyïÎ!Ž
ASCII character is : ‡ ASCII Value Is : 14844065
ASCII character is : ‹ ASCII Value Is : 14844089
ASCII character is : -- ASCII Value Is : 14844052
ASCII character is :  ASCII Value Is : 49793
ASCII character is : Ñ ASCII Value Is : 50065


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Exact Count Of Characters

Jan 7, 2013

How can I find out that exact count of '~'?

SELECT NVL(LENGTH('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')-LENGTH(REPLACE('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~','~','')),0) result
FROM dual;

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