SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Value Size Exceeding 4000 Characters?

Oct 11, 2012

I have a insert statement where i need to insert data to a column where i need to insert value more than 4000 char into column.

Different approaches and condition:
1. CLOB should not be used
2. Need full value to be stored

1.I created few more dummy columns to insert the data , was inserting 4000 char and if exceeded i was inserting to next column, but this will be tedious if we have 35000 char
2.Insert in the same column as different rows

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PL/SQL :: How To Get More Than 4000 Characters Per Field

Jul 19, 2012

I am using Oracle Version 11.2. Here's an example of what I am trying to do..

-- create table with a clob column
create table sr_test
(c1 CLOB)

-- load data that is more than 4000 characters into clob
var1 varchar2(32000);
var1:= '';

for i in 1..5000 loop
var1:= var1||i||',';

end loop;
insert into sr_test(c1) values (var1);

-- select table to make sure clob is loaded

select c1, dbms_lob.getlength(c1) from sr_test

-- create procedure to return data from table

create procedure sr_p1(result out sys_refcursor)
open result for
select c1 from sr_test;

-- run the procedure to get data

RESULT sys_refcursor;





Everything works as intended. However, this procedure is being called from Webservices. According to what I have been told, webservices adds 18ms for each clob that needs to be converted into char so it can be displayed on the screen. So, I need something like this

create procedure sr_p1(result out sys_refcursor)
open result for
select dbms_lob.substr(c1,32000,1) from sr_test;

Is there an alternate method to send more than 4000 characters in the refcursor?

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Forms :: Variable Can't Hold 4000 Characters

Dec 22, 2011

I have error message when running duplicate : FRM-21011: PL/SQL unhandled exception ORA-06502..I'm trying to hold 4000 characters in a variable like what do below:

if s_str is NULL then
s_str := eachcol.column_name||'{{'||
s_str := s_str||eachcol.column_name||'{{'||
end if;

It's simple variable to hold value but still can't get by large string though.

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Forms :: Oracle Global (variable Name) Can't Hold 4000 Characters

Dec 13, 2011

In current form, i use *pll file to pass Global.<variable name> to the form *.fmb

The problem is that if i copy a string of 4000 characters (which i need to) to Global.<variable name>, it will automatically cut a whole chunk to shorter string (less than 1000).

Is there a better way to that Global.<variable name> can hold 4000 characters?

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PL/SQL :: DML Query Execution - Length Exceeds 4000 Characters With Execute Immediate Statement

Jun 18, 2013

I want to execute a DML query with execute immediate statement. That DML query length exceeds 4000 characters. This query has Xquery related conditions, i can not split the query. when i tried execute it is giving "string literal too long".  I tried with DBMS_SQL.Parse() and DBMS_SQL.Execute also, but it is giving same error. I have to execute this DML query inside a Procedure. We are using oracle 10g version

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Removing Special Characters And Get Desired Characters From Column Values

Jul 23, 2013

create table test
name varchar2(50),
descd varchar2(50)
insert into test values ('kethlin','da,dad!tyerx');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr');
insert into test values ('jennybrown','fsa!!trtw$ fda');
insert into test values ('tauwatson','#$dfegr ,try');

how do I get the first three characters and last three characters from name field and remove all the junk characters from descd field?

so my o/p be like;

('jenown','fsatrtw fda')
('tauson','dfegr try')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Data With Special Characters

Feb 16, 2012

I have a table in which a column has some data like this:


Is there any way to select this data?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: German Data Upload Special Characters

Sep 20, 2010

oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

I am uploading the data file which is a .csv, into one of the tables.. Few columns of the data file, contains sentences in German - like- Lötstelle Zinnspritzer Zinnschluß .. and while loading the problem that i encounter is - it doesnt recognize the commas, and doesnt know where the field ends..
e.g., in this line 1540,Lötstelle Zinnspritzer Zinnschluß,solder short,45230,94885,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

sometimes it assumes comma after 1540,Lö,tstelle and then no commas till Lö, tstelle Zinnspritzer Zinnschlußsolder short,

and sometimes, the whole as one line Lötstelle Zinnspritzer Zinnschlußsolder short4523094885,0,0

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PL/SQL :: Characters Is Greater Than 4 / Actual Data Without Lpad Should Be Returned

Oct 15, 2012

For one of my row its returning as below lpad('abcdef', 4 , 'Z') returning abcd

but instead of this if no of characters is greater than 4 i want the actual data without lpad should be returned.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insertion Of Text Content Length Contains More Than 4000 Into CLOB?

May 31, 2011

i want to insert the text lenght containing more than 4000 characters, that column datatype is in CLOB Even though in CLOB we can able to store upto 4GB. Its not allowing me to insert more than 4000 characters at a time , but we can able to insert by splitting the data by 4000 and can append remaining characters But i am receving the text contains more than 4000, that how can i split the data upto 4000

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Table Statement Length Greater Than 4000?

Oct 8, 2012

I've to create a table which has 650 fields and the total length of CREATE TABLE statement got to be more than 4000 characters.I've to create the table by inserting the CREATE TABLE statment in a variable (V1) then by using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE V1 Since VARCHAR2 only supports upto 4000 characters length string, how can I create such table??

V1 VARCHAR2(4000);
V1 :=

Quote:got the error -- PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

How can I create such table??

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Getting Trailing Characters Inserted For Blob Data?

Jul 15, 2010

I am seeing some trailing characters in the coloumn when we are inserting Blob. I am doing SQLBindParameter with SQL_C_BINARY and SQL_LONGVARBINARY as InputOutputType and ValueType respectively.Do you see any problem in this. I get this problem when I am running Oracle 11 g client on an Windows 2008 Server 64bit.When the same set of query is fired from Windows 2003 Server 32bit with Oracle 10g it works fine and no trailing character gets inserted.

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Server Administration :: Nvarchar (4000) With Setting Characterset To UTF8

Apr 22, 2010

Users are reporting that are unable to use the NVARCHAR(4000) due to the character set which is set in the database.

Currently NLS_CHARACTERSET is set to AL32UTF8

They want me to change both the character set to UTF8, so that they can use the NVARCHAR2(4000) datatype in their tables.

As UTF8 is the subset characterset and I did the cs scan and this found characterset can't be modified to UTF8 and there may be the data dictionary corruption.

Is there any other way so that users can use the NVARCHAR(4000) as datatype. And the reason why NVARCHAR2 is required is, users are trying to import the data from other database which is using NVARCHAR(4000) as one of the field.

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Performance Tuning :: Pass 4000 - 5000 Parameter In IN Clause?

Mar 2, 2011

In my below query example , i have to pass more than 4000-5000 paramter in "a1.num" in below query. what is the best way to handle this, also if I pass more than 2000 paramter , the query takes a long time to execute. How can we solve the performance issue as well how I can pass more parameter.

SELECT c1, c2,
TO_CHAR (c3, 'HH24:MI'),


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Server Utilities :: Loader Loading Some Garbage Characters At The End Of The Data Field

Mar 25, 2011

After exporting some data to excel, I noticed that on one row all the columns shifted over some. So I queried this record in the database and noticed that the ADDRESS field has some unknown characters at the end of it. They are little squares. I think they are TABS.

2630 LINDEN BLVD, APT. #8G(2 squares are in here)


Besides trimming the data, is there some other function I can use to clean up the address further?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Reading Data From Database Table That Contains Control Characters

May 1, 2011

I have the following bit of code that reads data from the an Oracle table (Note: This is running on Jdk 1.4.2)

ResultSet message = messageStatement.executeQuery(getMsgSql);
String messageData = message.getString("MESSAGE_DATA");

The data in the MESSAGE_DATA column contains text but also control characters that separate data elements in the message (i.e (char)31, (char)29) and (char)28) . What i am finding is that for some reason message.getString() is sometimes truncating the message. I can read the majority of messages but some of them are truncated. Am i supposed to be reading the data using a different method? If so how?

I have tried to use sqlplus to look at the data in the database and it is all there it is just truncated by the message.getString() method. I saw this when i tried to output the result i.e. System.out.println(message.getString()).

I ran an sql query using the length() function in Oracle and length("MESSAGE_DATA") returns 2032 whereas in java message.getString(1).length() returns 2000.

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Increasing Data Size

Oct 3, 2013

How to increase ASM DATA free size? I tried deleting expired backups and old archive logs which are backed up more than one time. Still no success ..

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PL/SQL :: Table Data Size In Oracle 11g?

Jul 12, 2013

how to find the data size in particular Table?Ex:I need find out the sh.sales table how much data size is loaded

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Getting Error To Reduce Data File Size

Sep 1, 2010

I am getting the following error when i try to re size the data file.But the data file is having lot of free space.

ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

Presently table space size is 220GB with 8 data files.As the process of the performance tuning we moved data to different table spaces.Now used space of the tablespace is 90GB.So I am trying to resize the datafile but it throw an error.

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Server Administration :: Size Of Data Of Table

Oct 20, 2011

ops$tkyte@DEV8I.WORLD> select blocks, empty_blocks,
2 avg_space, num_freelist_blocks
3 from user_tables
4 where table_name = 'T'
5 /

---------- ------------ ---------- -------------------
19 35 2810 3

Ok, the above shows us:

- we have 55 blocks allocated to the table (still)
- 35 blocks are totally empty (above the HWM)
- 19 blocks contains data (the other block is used by the system)
- we have an average of about 2.8k free on each block used.

Therefore, our table

- consumes 19 blocks of storage in total.
- of which 19 blocks * 8k blocksize - 19 block * 2.8k free = 98k is used for our data.

not too sure this calculation is accurate for getting the size (data)of the table.

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Server Utilities :: Estimate Size Of FlatFile Based On Table Size?

May 8, 2013

We are planning to export the table data to a file pipedelimited. How do i estimate the size of the FlatFile based on the table size? or avg rowlength

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Server Administration :: How To Reduce Size Of TEMP DBF File Size

Apr 13, 2011

I am using oracle 8.1.5 database and my temp01.dbf file size is increased upto 19.8 GB now i want reduce its size .

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Server Administration :: What Can Be Maximum Size Of Data File

Nov 24, 2011

I am having I/O issues if i create 20 GB DATAFILES on SMALL TABLE SPACE. guide me with the maximum size limit of data file that I can create in Windows 2003 32 bit server.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View Sample Data From Very Table Which Is Large In Size?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a query on , how to view the sample data from a very table which is large in size ( more than 10 million ).

I just need to see some sample data from a large table ( to see what kind of data which is application related ).

My question is :

Select *
from Sample_table
where rownum < 10

is this a Good way to view the sample data ?

I have understanidng that the rownum will be assigined to the rows once all the rows are reteived.

So what is the best way to view ?..I am not sure of any condition to put in the intial time of querying.

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Server Administration :: XE Limitations - How To Calculate Size Of User Data

Apr 15, 2011

I have read following statement from a link [URL]...

Oracle Database XE can be installed on any size host machine with any number of CPUs (one database per machine), but XE will store up to 4GB of user data, use up to 1GB of memory, and use one CPU on the host machine.

calculation of this 4GB size. how can we calculate this size?

by simply going to DBF file and seeing their size?
by exporting dump and seeing the size of that dump?

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Server Administration :: Estimated DB Size If BLOB Data Type Is Included

Jul 7, 2010

We will create a new instance in our production server, but this time, part of it's table structure has a BLOB data type (re: <column name> blob(3000)). It's our first time to handle this kind of Oracle data type. What would be my estimate size for it's default tablespace?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Exporting Oracle Data Into Excel File With Auto Column Size

Nov 7, 2007

I want to export the oracle data into an excel sheet. I have written the code by using UTL_FILE package. but i am getting the output as shown in the screen shot(without formatting the column size as the width of the data it has). But I want the output column width to be set according to the size of the data automatically.

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Data Guard :: Move BLOB Images In DB To BFILE To Reduce Time And Size Of Backup?

Jan 22, 2012

We are planning to move BLOB images in our DB to BFILE to reduce the time and size of backup.

So when we have a physical dataguard setup, can we configure data guard to copy the OS level BFILE's to the DR site?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Characters Format On The Web?

Jul 10, 2011

We have a production database that have : NLS_LANGUAGE=FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1.

We use (INSERT, UPDATE) arabic and french languages, and it works properly.

When I issue SQL statments to retrieve arabic data (with SQL*PLUS), it works and it returns correct arabic format.

When I use PHP, with the same small query, the arabic format is not correct.

I've tried changing the encoding characters on my browsers (IE and FF) and it's still incorrect.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Last 4 Characters In A String

Dec 12, 2010

how to get last 4 characters in a string. But i don't know the length , for example the string is


i want only ghij.

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