SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variables / Unable To Fetch Value

Sep 8, 2011

Nvl(Sum(DbAmt),0), Nvl(Sum(CrAmt),0)
From FnTrantt A
Where A.GrpCode=:1 And
A.CmpCode=:2 And';
A.DiviCode=:3 And';
A.SubDiVCd=:4 And';
A.FinYear>=''0001'' And';
A.VchDate Between :5 And :6' And
A.GlCode In :7;

In The Above mentioned Code, am using bind variables, In variable no. 7 in passing character string ('05124','05125')I am not able to fetch the value,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Local Variables Are Bind Variables

Apr 27, 2012

Which of the below is considered a bind variable. In example one proc. Test the parameter p1 is directly used in the query, so this can be considered as a bind variable.

Is that true about the second proc. where p1 is assigned to a local variable v1 , or this needs hard parsing because v1 is not a bind variable ?

Create or replace procedure test(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=p1;
Create or replace procedure test1(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
v1 varchar2(100):=p1;
OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=v1;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind And Host Variables

Dec 22, 2011

i have some confusion with bind and host variable.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variables Message

Sep 2, 2011

I have written a small code while going through the PL/SQL guide but I got a message for the BIND VARIABLE. I don't think I have used any bind variable in this code.

v_sal1 number(7,2) := 60000;
v_comm number(7,2) : v_sal1 * 0.20;
v_message varchar2(2000) := 'eligible for commission';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: FUNCTIONS - Bind Variables?

Nov 20, 2012

Create and invoke the GET_JOB function to return a job title.
a.Create and compile a function called GET_JOB to return a job title.
b.Create a VARCHAR2 host variable called b_title, allowing a length of 35 characters. Invoke the function with job ID SA_REP to return the value in the host variable, and then print the host variable to view the result.

This is my FUNCTION:
p_jobid IN jobs.job_id%TYPE)



set serveroutput on
v_jobtitle VARCHAR2(200);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Where Clauses And Bind Variables?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a requirement where I have to return data as per filter clauses provided on the front end, which may or may not be filled as per the users' choice.

To create a test case, I have created a query joining the emp and dept tables and I add the where clauses dynamically depending on whether the filter has been provided or not.

empno NUMBER(4),
ename VARCHAR2(10),


It works very well, the 'literals' are being converted into bind variables (due to CURSOR_SHARING being set to SIMILAR) and the optimizer is able to figure out the correct execution path every time, although it is true that potentially 5 versions of this query will be sitting in the shared pool, but the DBAs are happy to live with that.

Going forward in version 12, CURSOR_SHARING=SIMILAR will be deprecated and the DBAs are not happy for us to write this sort of code anymore.

Is there a suitable way to achieve what this piece of code does?

I have tried and tested this method:
SELECT emp.empno, emp.ename, emp.job, dept.deptno, dept.dname
FROM emp, dept
WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno
AND emp.empno = NVL(p_empno, emp.empno)
AND emp.ename LIKE NVL(p_ename, emp.ename)||'%'

but the query takes far longer to execute in this manner (that is using my real tables).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Many Maximum Number Of Bind Variables

Mar 10, 2010

How many maximum number of bind variables,can we use in Execute Immediate.

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PL/SQL :: Bind Variables And Expression Evaluation

Aug 29, 2013

i have been looking at a query that uses a wrong plan. db= with user bind peeking enabled. this is a simplified version demonstrating the problem: 

select egp.bsn,egp.klantnummer as "Persoonsnummer", egp.samengesteldenaam as "Samengesteldenaam", egp.geboortedatum as "Geboortedatum"from   pr_eigenschappen2      egpwhere(egp.bsn = :b1 or :b2 is null)and rownum < 51 egp.bsn is varchar2(10) and has high selectivity (almost unique), and is btree-indexed. table and index have adequate statistics. when run with b1:=928818 and b2:=928818  (both bound as varchar2(10)) a full table scan+filter is used on pr_eigenschappen2. if the query is changed to select egp.bsn,egp.klantnummer  as "Persoons nummer", egp.samengesteldenaam as "Samengesteldenaam", egp.geboortedatum as "Geboortedatum"from   pr_eigenschappen2      egpwhere(egp.bsn   = :b1 or 928818 is null)

and rownum < 51the index on bsn is used, and the query is not taking 3.9 seconds but 1 millisecond.if i would have a choice, the query would be different. i don't want to talk about the raison d'etre of the query, i would like to know why the optimizer is not using the index in the first case.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variables - Create Or Replace Procedure

Jun 12, 2012

create or replace procedure my_proc(p_user in varchar2) is
l_cursor sys_refcursor;
l_query constant varchar2(1000) :=
'select a'
|| 'from ' || p_user || '.user_table'
|| 'where param0 = :x'
|| 'and param1 = :x'
|| 'and param2 = :x'


Suppose I execute my_proc many times and for multiple values of p_user. For performance reasons, will l_query be stored in the cache as I am using bind variables or it will not since I have the concatenation with p_user value ?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Bind Variables API Obndrv()?

Apr 21, 2009

can i have some real time code piece for bind variables steps and obndrv(...)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Table Using Bind Variables In EXECUTE IMMEDIATE

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to create table using bind variable in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.. I want to know whether oracle allows to create table using bind variable in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE..

Following is the example :

test_tab varchar2(10) := 'tab_test';
sql_stm varchar2(100);
sql_stm := 'create table ' || :a || ' (col1 NUMBER)';
using test_tab;
dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm || ' ' || sqlcode);

After running above block it is giving error : ORA-01008: not all variables bound.

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Explain Plan Differences With Or Without Nvl On Bind Variables?

Jul 1, 2013

We have recently upgraded application (from Oracle Applications 11.5.9 to 12.1.3) and database (from to we are confronting to performances issues, i try to analyse some queries which Explains plans seems strange (in my opinion).Studying one of them i discover the next case (which according to my logic, i can't explain): --

Just bind variable --select *from   MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS mmtwhere  1 = 1and    mmt.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = :p1and    mmt.ORGANIZATION_ID   = :p2and    mmt.TRANSACTION_REFERENCE = :p3--and    mmt.SUBINVENTORY_CODE = :p4 PlanSELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Cost: 5 Bytes: 361 Cardinality: 1 2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS Cost: 5 Bytes: 361 Cardinality: 1 1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX XXSPE.XXSPE_MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSAC_N99 Cost: 3 Cardinality: 2-- Nvl on bind variable --select *from   MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS mmtwhere  1 = 1and    mmt.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = :p1and   


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Application Express :: Collection In 4.1 Using Bind Variables?

Oct 4, 2012

I am trying to create a collection using bind variables in APEX 4.1. I have the following procedure but all I get is an error in the debug page DOH ORA-20104:

create_collection_from_query_b Error:ORA-01006: bind variable does not exist

My code is

l_names wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
l_values wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
l_names(1) := 'EXPENSE_FROM';
l_names(2) := 'EXPENSE_TO';


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variables / Developing Stored Procedures In Developer

May 16, 2010

Am using Oracle 9i and developing stored procedures in SQL Developer. Have a situation where one stored procedure A is calling another B. Stored proc B builds the SQL based on parameters passed in. For one of the parameters i would like to use a bind variable in the SQL that proc B builds. The bind var is passed back to proc A as a part of the SQL string. In proc A, i then try to bind that variable to a parameter(value), however, the bind does not seeem to work.

The SQL string contained in v_SQLStatement defined as VARCHAR(4000) that is passed back to proc A looks like:

SELECT em.event_title AS event_name,
e.start_date AS start_date,
e.end_date AS end_date
FROM d_event_ml em
inner join d_event e
ON em.event_id = e.event_id
WHERE em.language_id = 46
AND e.end_date >= SYSDATE
AND e.stream_id IN ( :v_x1 )
AND e.event_id IN (SELECT event_id
FROM d_events_seas

and o_EventList is defined as REF CURSOR. i'm experiencing is that :v_x1 stays as :v_x1 and does not change.This is my first attempt at using bind vars. URL....

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Client Tools :: Providing Bind Variables As Values In Insert Statement?

Aug 23, 2011

I executed the following PL/SQL block in SqlDeveloper :

v_dept_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&p_dept_name';
v_max NUMBER(4,0);
SELECT MAX(department_id) INTO v_max FROM departments;
:max_dept_no := v_max + 20;
INSERT INTO departments VALUES (:max_dept_no,v_dept_name, NULL,NULL) ;

And it gave the error : Quote:Error report:

ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("HR"."DEPARTMENTS"."DEPARTMENT_ID")
ORA-06512: at line 7
01400. 00000 - "cannot insert NULL into (%s)"

The same code when executed in iSqlPlus gave no error.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Fetch All Rows In A Cursor In Local Variables

Jul 29, 2008

How to fetch all the rows in a cursor in local variables(host variables) in PRO C . /*For x in cur is not working....*/

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Unable To Bind - OLD And NEW

Mar 18, 2009

Whenever I try to create this trigger, it asks for values for :OLD and :NEW for some reason, and then when I attempt to put those in, it just says

Unable to bind ":OLD"
Unable to bind ":NEW"

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER audit_grade_change
BEFORE UPDATE OF final_letter_grade ON enrollments
UPDATE grade_change_history SET old_final_grade=:old.final_letter_grade, new_final_grade=:new.final_letter_grade;

am I using :OLD and :NEW incorrectly?

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Application Express :: Unable To Bind Error In Tabular Form

Jul 5, 2013

I have an application which includes a certain page with a tabular form.After I copied this to a second schema, Apex threw an error

'Unable to bind ':126_ENG_PROJ_ID' 

It took me quite a while before I found out that one of my fields in that tabular form has a Popup Key LOV.The SQL for the LOV was: 

select dv, rv from (select loop_short dv, cmpnt_id rv from SPI_MAIN_TAG where eng_proj_id in (:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID, -:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID) ) order by dv

 Turned out that the view SPI_MAIN_TAG didn't exist in the second schema.Apex error message would have been more clear, like a simple 'Table or view does not exist' error, where possible even with the table name.I had Debug turned on, but in the debug window there was no reference to above SQL,

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PL/SQL :: Unable To Fetch And Display Records?

Aug 21, 2013

I am using Oracle 11g

The procedure is compiled without any errors.

The select statement retrieves records well when executed at SQL promt.

But the same records are not displayed in this procedure by fetch from cursor.

The last message in the procedure 'completed' is also displayed.

create or replace procedure disp_rec(vid IN varchar2, vfeat IN number)
cursor c1 is select gid, listagg(vindex, ',') within group (order by tid) idx from ridrecords where idarpt=vid and feattype=vfeat group by gid;
type vg is table of number;
type vi is table of varchar2(3500);


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Forms :: Unable To Fetch Data Using Control-blocks

Dec 24, 2010

I have created two non base table text items(from date, to date) and if values are not entered from front end i.e. null then hadrcoded in pre_query trigger to default values.But even i enter values dynamically from front end and when ever i press fetch button ,it is taking default values i.e. it is not accepting values what i have entered.

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Forms :: ORA-24374 / Define Not Done Before Fetch Or Execute And Fetch

Mar 24, 2011

FRM-40501: ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete.

ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch

My master-detail form has single canvas. For both blocks, master and detail, two tables joined together in each. One table to be updated, second table has some info for reference (query only).

I am getting these errors when in detail block the item from LOV is selected for existing record. This does not happen for new record inserted in detail block.

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OO4O And Wizards :: How To Fetch Columns In Cursor Using FETCH

Nov 1, 2012

create or replace PROCEDURE newprocedur(outname OUT VARCHAR2,outroll OUT NUMBER) AS

select Name,Rollno,Section from emp;
Open c1;
fetch c1 into outname,outroll;

Here out of 3 columns in cursor is it possible to fetch only two columns using FETCH like i did above?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Bind Variable

Jan 12, 2012

I have the below cursor 1 which is working already.For my requirement i want to use bind variable like second cursor.But its telling Bind Variable "p_col_list" is NOT DECLARED.

How to use bind variable Here.

emp_cv sys_refcursor;
iid NUMBER := 1;
i_sql varchar2(100);
p_col_list varchar2(2000) := 'aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd';
i_sql := 'select '''||REPLACE(p_col_list, ',', ''',''')||''' from dual '||CHR(10) ;
OPEN emp_cv FOR i_sql ;

emp_cv sys_refcursor;
iid NUMBER := 1;
i_sql varchar2(100);
p_col_list varchar2(2000) := 'aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd';
i_sql := 'select '''||REPLACE(:p_col_list, ',', ''',''')||''' from dual '||CHR(10) ;
OPEN emp_cv FOR i_sql using p_col_list;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variable OLD Not Declared

Nov 28, 2011

I am facing the same problem: SP2-0552: Bind variable "OLD" not declared. When my script create_trigger.sql is executed,there is no error but when i execute it inside a pl/sql block it get above error...In the trigger we are using if conditions

if(:new.sumthing=1)and (:old.sumthing=0)the
do this..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variable In Views?

Dec 27, 2010

how to avoid the bind variable in view.

The query is correct but it contains bind variable Based on this query, View has to be created for report

like example select * from emp where deptno = :deptno

How to get the correct result by avoiding bind variable because view does not accept bind variable.

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Bind Variable In Parsing?

Aug 13, 2013

Identical statements  from this link :  Parsing in Oracle &mdash; DatabaseJournal.com d. The bind variable types of the new statement should be of same type as the identified matching statement. i am getting confuse here .. when  parsing occurs some links saying about bind variable.but official document  never said about bind variables.

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PL/SQL :: Bind And Define Variable

Apr 2, 2013

What is the difference between these two variables and their usage?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: PLS-00049 Bad Bind Variable?

Nov 2, 2011

PLS-00049 BAD BIND VAIRABLE 'OLD.REMARKS' When i create or replace the following trigger



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variable - Invalid Table Name

Jul 13, 2010

create table t (
col1 varchar2(2),
col2 varchar2(1),
tab_name varchar2(50));


In this case :v will be replaced with t1. I got the error invalid table name.

where table t1 has its own structure.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: SP2-0552 / Bind Variable NEW Not Declared

May 7, 2013

I am trying to create a simple trigger for practice. I am getting SP2-0552: Bind variable "NEW" not declared. error.

Below is the trigger script:

create or replace User_Cxt_Trigger
referencing new as new old as old


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