Run Same SQL Statement Twice And Save Results In Same File

Feb 3, 2011

I am running Oracle and I want to run the same sql statement twice and save the results in the same file.Here is my setup

cat x.ksh
sqlplus ' / as sysdba ' <<EOT

what I am doing wrong with the append option as it is not working as I would have expected it too.This is the desired result I am looking for.

cat x.log

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Write Results Of Select Statement Into File

Feb 25, 2011

SQL> desc res;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

SQL> select * from res;

<fine No="2"><stdNo>2</stdNo><value>300</value><reason>breaks keyboard</reason><

how can me write results of select statement into xml file instead of show them on screen?

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-50127 / Cannot Write To File When Trying To Save A Report To A File

Sep 17, 2010

I am receive the REP-50127 error, cannot write to file when trying to save a report to a file on the network via report parameters.

I am guessing the rwserver does not have permissions to the network drive.

Will the SERVER_IN_PROCESS=NO run the rwserver process as the user executing the report?

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PL/SQL :: Save Exceptions Clause Or Equivalent For Insert As Select Statement

Jan 29, 2013

Is there a save exceptions clause or an equivalent for an Insert as select* statement ?

How do I trap the errors in the below statement -

INSERT INTO copy_emp

Is it an all or nothing scenario ?

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Select Statement Gives Different Results Using Bitmap Or Normal Index

Jan 10, 2012

we have a strange symptom in a database Oracle EE. Following question comes from our application developers.

The following SQL statement:

sum(v.f_s) "REV_S",
sum(v.f_f) "REV_F",
sum(v.f_c) "REV_C",

gives different result when we exchange the index ksr_valid_until_i on table kreditkarten_sets_rs. For some reasons we changed the index from bitmap to normal and are getting different results. Switching back gives us the same results as before. When we avoid the usage of this index in the statement than we are getting the same results as when we are using the normal index.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Save Audio And Video File In Table

Dec 27, 2011

i am working with oracle 9i... i don't know how to save a audio file and video file in the table.

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Forms :: How To Save File (PDF / Image) To Database From 6i

Oct 4, 2010

I want to store file from form to database:

1. what is the good way (best solution) to store file means into Database or folder on sever.
2. In either case how can we do it means i need in detail on both sides (means on form side and also on database side).
3. Every file related to a record and may contain 1 or more then 1 files and maybe update files for one record many time and we must keep track of each update.

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Forms :: How To Save File On Local Machine

May 10, 2010

I have a requirement to :

1) at the click of button, some data will be written to XML file and after writting to file, it should get saved to some location on local machine(c: emp), without asking user, where to save.

How to do this in oracle form?

Also is it possible to read file from local machine?

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Save PDF File Content To BLOB Field In Oracle?

Dec 6, 2008

how to write a procedure in oracle to Save pdf file content to BLOB field in Oracle....

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Connect To Oracle DB And Write SQL Results Into Excel File

Sep 27, 2013

I would like to connect to oracle database and would like to execute series of SQLs and write those SQL results into Excel file (sheet1).

my requirement is simple :
db_user_id scott
db_user_pwd tiger
db_sid orcl

select count(*) from emp;
select count(*) from dept;

print the same SQLs in A column and result should be in B column in excel file.

column A column B
select count(*) from emp; 14
select count(*) from dept; 4

thats it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate A Select Query In Runtime And Store Results Of It Into A File?

Aug 15, 2011

I need to generate a select query in runtime and store the results of it into a file.Each time the column name and table name in the query will differ.Now im able to generate the select query through for cursor but problem is to store the results to the file.I tried using plsql table,im able to get the values to that table and store the results to a file,but the results of the query is more then 10000 lines (it might increase also)where only 4000 characters where able to store in the plsql rest of them are not stored in the file.

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Application Express :: Automatic Save File From Apex To User Local Directory

Jun 13, 2012

how can save pdf file from apex to user local directory on button click?

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Client Tools :: How To Get SQL Query Output Into Text File Without Spool Statement

Mar 7, 2011

I would like to store my sql query output into text file.Like for example:

select name from emp where emp_id=101;
Here output should be in text file as

I dont want to use spool statement here,since If I use it,spool statement will also be printed in text file which is not my requirement.I just want to take only output.

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Variable Usage In Type Of Table Declaration Statement And Execute Immediate Statement

Aug 10, 2011

HOW to use variable P_TMPLID in following statement

TYPE typ_unrecon IS TABLE OF REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;

because its throwing error while compiling

and also in statement
FORALL i IN unrecondata.FIRST .. unrecondata.LAST SAVE
--STRSQL := '';
--STRSQL := ' INSERT INTO REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON VALUES ' || unrecondata(i);
INSERT INTO REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON VALUES unrecondata(i);---throwing error on this statement

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement From Schemas In MERGE Statement In USING Clause

Sep 13, 2013

In the following merge statement in the USINg clause...I am using a select stament of one schema WEDB.But that same select statement should take data from 30 schemeas and then check the condition below condition

ON(source.DNO = target.DNO
AND source.BNO=target.BNO);

I thought that using UNIONALL for select statement of the schemas as below.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement Is Blocking A Delete Statement

Jan 11, 2012

I am using JDBC to run a few queries from my Java program (multi-threaded one).I am facing an issue where a select statement is blocking a delete statement. From the java code point of view, there are 2 different threads accessing the same tables (whith different DB connection objects).

When the block occurs (which i was able to find out from the java thread dump that there is a lock on oracle), the below is the output:

2 || ' User '||s1.username || '@' || s1.machine
3 || ' ( SID= ' || s1.sid || ' ) with the statement: ' || sqlt2.sql_text
||' is blocking the SQL statement on '|| s2.username || '@'
4 5 || s2.machine || ' ( SID=' || s2.sid || ' ) blocked SQL -> '
6 ||sqlt1.sql_text AS blocking_status FROM v$lock l1, v$session s1, v$lock l2 ,
7 v$session s2,v$sql sqlt1, v$sql sqlt2
8 WHERE s1.sid =l1.sid
9 AND s2.sid =l2.sid AND sqlt1.sql_id= s2.sql_id
AND sqlt2.sql_id= s1.prev_sql_id AND l1.BLOCK =1
10 AND l2.request > 0 AND l1.id1 = l2.id1 AND l2.id2 = l2.id2;

From the above it can be seen that a select statement is blocking a delete. Unless the select is select for Update, it should not block other statements is not it ?

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Forms :: Do You Want To Save Record

Aug 22, 2005

I have created a form which as two block as master and detail.I am facing two problem in my detail block.

First: When I populate records in detail block, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'.
Second : When I alter any value in detail block and move to next record, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'

Is there any way where, system don't prompt me a message for saving record and user can continue with changes and save the records when he desire.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Image Save From Java GUI

Apr 5, 2011

I am currently working on project which is basically development is going on Java Spring and Oracle 10g

I have a problem when i am calling the procedure from Java GUI

I am created directory named IMAGE_DIR

(ackno in varchar2, p_name IN u_rfnd_cnd_petition.URCP_IMAGE_NM%TYPE) IS
v_bfile BFILE;
v_blob BLOB;
VALUES ( ackno,p_name, empty_blob())


When i m calling this procedure from Oracle itself its working fine

But when calling this procedure from Java GUI with same parameter then i am getting error

But still i am getting an error saying.

Error :java.sql.SQLException: ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN failed The system cannot find the path specified. ORA-06512: at "WBCOMTAX.U_RFND_CND_TEST", line 18

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Save Point Is Not Working?

Dec 20, 2011

In oracle 9i, I have a table and i inserted the more then 3 records and while inserting each records i have created the save point. But, now i rollback to that particular save point, the whole transaction get roll backed.

Here the similar example what i have tried using SQL Developer Eg:

insert into dept (deptid,dept_name) values (3,'Purchase');
savepoint aa;
insert into dept (deptid,dept_name) values (4,'IT');
savepoint bb;
insert into dept (deptid,dept_name) values (5,'System');
savepoint cc;
rollback to bb;

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Save Frozen Views In SQL Developer

May 13, 2009

I work with several tables at a time in SQL Developer and I find myself having to reopen and freeze every table everytime I start the application. Is there a way to save all those frozen views for next time?

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Save Button On A Form / SQL Plus Transactions

Jan 22, 2013

When a user clicks on Save Button on a form, can we know from sql plus (Oracle) all the related queries (insert/Update etc) for that transaction ??

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Forms :: Unable To Save Record

Oct 21, 2010

the data not save the record the item CMPID not generate a number or id to press button NEW

secondly to click the button SAVE they not save the partcular transaction.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Save Outlook Parameter In Database?

Jun 21, 2011

Can we save the Microsoft outlook incoming and outgoing mails parameters(to,from,cc, subject,desc) in oracle database table online.

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Forms :: Save Only Edited Or New Records

May 16, 2010

I have a block based on a table and display a few records on the form after retrieving records from the table behind. Now I should be able to edit a record or add a new record to the existing records on the screen. So when i click the save button I only want the rows which are new or have been edited to go back into the db. This is the piece of code I was using for the save button in the on-button-clicked action.

IF alert_button=alert_button1 THEN
IF NOT Form_Success THEN RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
/* ** Commit if anything is changed */
IF :System.record_Status IN ('CHANGED','NEW') THEN Commit_Form;
msg_info('Your changes have been saved.');

When I do this all the records on the screen gets inserted into the table instead of only the one's I have edited or newly inserted. I only want to insert rows which are new or edited into the table after I click the save button.

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Forms :: Disable Save Button In 6i

Jul 22, 2011

I am working on form 6i. I want to disable the 'SAVE' button which can be seen in the menu (front end).

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Forms :: Save Button Works Only Once?

Jun 26, 2012

blk_name varchar2(60);
form_name varchar2(60);


this is my coding on save button. this is working fine but only once. when i enter the data second time and try to save, it didn't do anything. what should i do?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: GET Blob Field From DB And Save Image

Apr 14, 2010

I have a db field "image" of type BLOB and I save the contents to a file on a local folder c: example.bmp.

I found numerous examples

Get LOB locator
SELECT image INTO l_blob pc_immagini_blob FROM WHERE code = WCI;
- Open the destination file.
l_file: UTL_FILE.fopen = ('C: Temp', 'EXAMPLE.BMP', 'w', 32767); -----> error

The db is not local but on an application server, the image must be saved to c: the client.

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Forms :: Update First Then Save The Form

Apr 25, 2012

I make button in detail section using this location button call another forms, I want first update the location entry then save our main forms.

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Forms :: Save Images In Database From 6i

Mar 16, 2006

I have seen many times that people are confused for how to save and retrieve images in Oracle Database from forms. Here I have created a sample form. All the coding is there. And also required scripts are also written in this post. Please download the form create the scripts and run the form.

Here we go:
Database : 9i
Forms : 6i
Create Scripts:


Note: This Procedure is to find the file name and extension and store it as well in database. Create this procedure in database.

To retrieve images just press F7 & F8 in forms

Download the attached .fmb module and run it.

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Forms :: How To Save Multiple Records At Once

Jun 3, 2013

how to save multiple records at once i did coding like this:

cnt number;
l_rec number;
f_rec number;

cnt := 0;
l_rec := :system.cursor_record;


but this works as saving the last record only, not saving the all records.

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