Reports & Discoverer :: Stretch Column As Per Requirement?

Aug 21, 2012

How can i stretch field dynamically as per the requirement.

i use horizontal elasticity and also format trigger on the field but cant find the expected output.... How can i achieve the same...

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Reports & Discoverer :: Column Headers Repeating In Oracle Reports 10g

Mar 19, 2013

I'm using Report Builder

I am creating a report which generates the data to a PDF/CSV based on users Input.When I create the report using Report Builder and execute the report,Delimited data appears in a PDF layout.

But if I add the below code in After Parameter Form trigger,the column headers keeps repeating with the data.

function AfterPForm return boolean is
return (TRUE);

But the PDF output seems fine where the header is shown only once.I could see many posts regarding this in Oracle reports 6i wherein delimited_hdr=no is used in Command Line but I would like to know the work around in Oracle reports 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Reports Place Holder Column

Jun 18, 2013

I want to show closing balance as opening balance by using place holder column


Date opbal sale closing bal

01-jun-2013 0 10000 10000
02-jun-2013 10000 5000 15000

how to do this

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-1241 Circular Column Dependency Originating With Column?

Jul 13, 2010

I receive the error,

REP-1241 Circular column dependency originating with column 'cenvat_opening'

I have the following return statement for a column total_credit;

function total_creditFormula return Number is
Return (return nvl(:cf_cenvat_closing ,0) - nvl(:cf_duty_on_goods_ed,0);

Now i am using this total_creditFormula for the error formula column 'cenvat_opening'

function cenvat_openingFormula return Number is
f_num_opn number(14,2);


here the formula column 'total_credit' has the following return statements;

RETURN Nvl(:cenvat_opening,0) + Nvl(:cenvat_credit_manu,0)

so how can i use this formula column? is there any other option to return the value in the same column.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Value In Table Column Based On Some Existing Column Value Automatically Without User Intervention

May 15, 2011

i have two questions.

(1) how can i fill some value in a table column based on some existing column value automatically without user intervention. my actual problem is i have 'expiry date' column and 'status'. the 'status' column should get filled automatically based on the current system date. ex: if expiry date is '25-Apr-2011' and current date is '14-May-2011', then status should be filled as 'EXPIRED'

(2)hOw can i build 'select' query in a report (report 6i) so that it will show me list of items 'EXPIRED' or 'NOT EXPIRED' or both expired and not expired separately in a single report based on user choice. 'EXPIRED' & 'NOT EXPIRED' can be taken from the above question no. 1.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Make Name Of Column Appear As Many Times As Column On Page

Nov 21, 2010

This is what i want to do:

I have a basic report looking like this:

<Column name>
value 1
value 2
value 3
value n

Since the column is small it can fit in a page more then one time. I know how to make it print more then once: i switch the repeating frame to print down and across and i modify the frame that contains it so the horizontal elasticity is variable.

After these changes my report looks like this:
<Column name>
value 1-----------------------value n+1-----------------------value m+1
value 2-----------------------value n+2-----------------------value m+2
value 3-----------------------value n+3-----------------------...
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
value n-----------------------value m

What i want is my report to look like this:

<Column name>-------<Column name>------------<Column name>
value 1-----------------------value n+1-----------------------value m+1
value 2-----------------------value n+2-----------------------value m+2
value 3-----------------------value n+3-----------------------...
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
value n-----------------------value m

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Reports & Discoverer :: Matrix Report With 2 Column?

May 7, 2010

I want to create matrix report with 2 column

we can assign one column in matrix report my req is to assign 2 column .

Row Is FND
columns are Cdate & Ldate
Cells are Crate & Lrate

FND 01-MAR 02-MAR 03-MAR 04 MAR 28-FEB 31-JAN 31-DEC

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Reports & Discoverer :: Sum Of Values Of Formula Column?

Dec 20, 2011

display values in descending order( as got from fomula column). i put that field in above group and got properly. now i want to sum these values at the end of report. its going to some distinct values, while i want all values to be sum.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Add Column In Oracle Form

Sep 12, 2010

I would like to know how can i add a column in existing report. I try to change SQL by doing this it does add that new column into group but when i try to run report i can not see that changes . then i try to do some changes in paper layout but i am not able to bring the changes in out put. i am new to this FORMS Reports . do i have to create a group again i am how can i change the layout in that report.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Placeholder Column

Jun 20, 2012

1 problem regarding to oracle report 6i.

I have to hide a repeating frame based on different condition

end if;

there is 4 record when we select DEPTCODE = 1 and there is 25 records when we select DEPTCODE = 2

now my problem is when I choose DEPTCODE=1 the summary of that report like sum of sal, avg of comm is calculated based in all 29 records.

it happen because of all the summary column is placehoder column not CS.

the calculation of all placehoder column is complex I cant convert it in simple CS.

so how can it possible when i choose DEPTCODE=1 and it shows me summary of only 4 records.???

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Reports & Discoverer :: Multi-Language Column Report

Oct 24, 2011

I want to design a report in different numeral(English,Arabic). I am using application server as a middle tier.

empno name salary english salary arabic
34232 John 5000 in arabic digits
45454 Clark 6500 in arabic digits

I have already change environment as a parameter Eng to Arb or vice versa. but i need both language digits at a time.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Formula Column Which Take Image From A Server

Mar 9, 2011

I have wrote this code behind a formula column which take the image from a server. The name of the image and location is carried out from database. When ever there is new record new name of the image is posted in this formula column. But when the file is not present in the location it gives error. When the error occur i cant able to view the report. The error says 'You cant run the report without layout'. When all images are present in the directory then report runs fine.

function CF_QID_IMAGE return Char is
l_file_exists BOOLEAN;
l_file_len NUMBER;
l_blocksize BINARY_INTEGER;
image_link varchar2(50);

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Reports & Discoverer :: Get Unique Values With Formula Column

Jul 5, 2013

I am facing a problem in leave_form report! want to show employee's previous leaves detail (leavedate,leavetype), i don't want to show leavetype 'PPP' repeating frame type is Across/Down, there are 22 records of leavetype 'PPP' and one record of leavetype 'CL'

problem is report is showing 22 records of leavetype 'CL' of same leavedate!

i want that report should show the actual leavedate and leavetype records.using 9i database 6i developer server2003

For leavetype

FUNCTION Cf_1formula
v_leavetype CHAR(40);
SELECT LT.description
INTO v_leavetype
FROM hrm_attendance L,
hrm_leavetype LT,
hrm_employees E

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Reports & Discoverer :: Count Records With Not Null Column

Jun 25, 2013

i want to count group above report records! want to count department group employees there in time is not null!

my report query

SELECT div.division,

im doing it with formula column!

function CF_PRESENTFormula return Number is
v_emps number;
select count(1)
into v_emps

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Reports & Discoverer :: Order In Matrix Report Column

May 20, 2010

I have to set a matrix report as follow:

- in the rows the machine_id.
- in the column the material_lib.

Table material ( material_id,material_lib,ordre)
- in the cells quantity.

I get successfully my matrix through the wizard of report, but i should display the columns sorted with the field ordre.

how to get the columns of the matrix sorted.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Getting Incompatible Frequency For Formula Column?

Aug 25, 2011

I am working on a report which shows a summarized data from 4 different tables. I have 2 columns which shows certain amount.

The data in both the columns comes from different table.

I want to compare these 2 columns for which i placed a formula column in data model. the code goes this way:

function CF_RECV_PAYFormula return Character is


The compilation is successful. but when i am running the report i am getting an error Rep-1517 :Column 'CF_RECV_PAY' references column TOTAL_IOU_AMT and EXP_AMT has incompatible frequency.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Change Number Of Column Display According To The Condition

Apr 18, 2012

Recently I am facing a problem while working with Oracle reports 2.5.

My requirement is:
there is a report in which there are 5 columns right now. Now what i want is, whenever a condition will satisfy , a new column should be also display in that report otherwise it must be stay as it is.

Previously : a b c d
Now if a=1 : a b z c d
a b c d
where a,b,c,d,z are columns.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error Code ORA-00918 Column Ambiguously Defined

Jul 18, 2013

I have written this code below in Disco Admin 10g but get Ora-00918 column ambiguously defined error even though I have used alias in the table name.



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Reports & Discoverer :: Creating Data Link Using A Column Only Selected In One Group

Dec 14, 2010

I have a report with 2 groups Gheader and Glines.The report looks at PO headers and lines. I want to create a data link from the the 2 queries based on the line id in po_lines_all.However I only want to select this in the lines query so I do not get repeating records at the header query.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Difference Between Formula Column And Function In Program Unit?

May 24, 2013

know when to use a formula column and when to use a function in program unit in oracle reports.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Vertical Expansion Based Upon Info In Previous Column

Mar 19, 2012

I've a 6 column report where col5 is set to expand vertically (based upon comments) and works wonderfully. Col6 is a single character column, therefore does not expand so the report looks rather messy.

I would like col6 to expand in accordance to col5. Is it possible?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Present Report In XLS Format With Proper Column Headings

Dec 12, 2011

I have a report and require the output in xls/xlsx (Excel) format. Currently following properties under System Parameters in Report Builder 6i have been made

Desname = The path for e.g: \C:sz-serverc$ihelp_workingxls
Desformat = Delimited
Destype = File

The rest parameters has default settings I have not changed any of the rest User parameter.The report comes up in excel format but totally in distorted manner. i.e; All the column names of report are displayed first in vertical format followed by actual rows for the report.

The requirement is like this

[Select all] [Show/ hide]
Student ID Student Name Fathers Name Guardian Name
1 sample1 sample2 sample3
2 sample4 sample5 sample6

And it is displaying like this

Student ID Student Name Fathers Name Guardian Name 1 sample1 sample2 sample3
Student ID Student Name Fathers Name Guardian Name 2 sample4 sample5 sample6

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Forms :: Auto Stretch Functionality In Oracle?

Oct 6, 2013

Is it possible to have auto stretch functionality (similar to Oracle ADF) in Oracle Forms?

The requirement is to adjust the data blocks/ canvases according to the window size automatically.

I know it is possible in Oracle ADF. But I want to achieve the similar kind of functionality in Oracle Forms.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Run Discoverer Reports In A Forms Menu

Jul 5, 2010

how to Run a Discoverer Reports in a Forms Menu.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Launching Discoverer Viewer From Forms Menu

Dec 6, 2011

Is it possible to link to Discoverer Viewer from Forms without requiring the user to log in again. If so, can I then link to a specific Workbook within Discoverer?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle Apps Data Does Not Show In Discoverer

Mar 19, 2012

When running my query in sql developer, I have to execute the command apps.fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id, resp_id, resp_appl_id) in order to show the result of my query. Without this, the query returns nothing. The problem is I am using this query as a custom query for my Discoverer report and my report does not show any record.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Discoverer Admin - How To Copy Folder From One Instance To Another

Nov 9, 2011

I need to copy my discoverer report from dev to prod. How should I do this? Are the items created using calculation in the report can also be copied? These items are not present in the folder in discoverer admin.

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Reports & Discoverer :: During Open Report The Discoverer Application Frozen?

Jun 23, 2010

When I try to manage the report the Discoverer application frozen.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Provide Download Link To Blob In Database On Oracle Reports?

Aug 8, 2013

My user would like to have a way to attach files to database records. For simplicity, we'll say that each employee in the database could have 0-many file attachments associated with them. I know how to make this part work using Oracle Forms.

So that's the easy part for me. The tough part is that they want to be able to run an Oracle Report on our application server (displays as a PDF, also downloadable as a PDF) and have links on this report to the attachments that they uploaded using the forms process above.

For the idea of storing the files on a folder somewhere, I simply created a text object on the report that had it's hyperlink property pointing to the file location. Done.. opens fine.

However, I want to be able to have the option of storing these files in the database instead, just in case we can't go with the shared folder idea. I'm not sure how to make this work. I can store a blob in the database.. but how do I link to that blob on the report for them to be able to download it? Is this even possible?

how to create a download link on the Oracle Report that let's them download a file out of the database.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Text Bold - Format Particular Word In Oracle Reports At Runtime?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a doubt; can we format a particular word in oracle reports at runtime..?


A text filed contains data Quote:We request #BANK# to finance the same Bill as per agreed interest rate and other terms and conditions agreed on the above addendum and immediately remit the proceeds to our account A/c no. #ACCOUNTNO#, held with your Bank.

We need to make #BANK#, #ACCOUNTNO# are bold at runtime, Is there any method to format characters at runtime..?

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