PL/SQL :: Remove Records That Are Older Than 2013

Nov 5, 2013

I am trying to remove records that are older than 2013.

delete from reports where rep_date<16-01-13;
My table:  

SQL> desc reports Name          Null?    Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------   REP_ID                                    NOT NULL NUMBER(5) SL_ID                                              NUMBER(2) REP_DATE                                           TIMESTAMP(0) SOURCE                                             VARCHAR2(3200) HEADING                                            VARCHAR2(3200) REPORT                                             CLOB  SQL> 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i / 10g - Remove Duplicate Records?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a query which pulls data from emp view

select am_obj_emp_obj(empno,ename,sal,deptno,service) from
(select empno,ename,sal,deptno ,service from emp_vw where 1=1 and rownum < 2000 and service in ('MAN','SACH','SACL','KACL'))
union all


This query is pulling 12 records of which 6 records are coming from the first query and the same 6 records is coming from the second query after union all Here am_obj_emp_obj is the object type and emp_vw is the view

Now I wanted to remove the duplicate records.When I implement the union operater it is giving me error.

ORA-22950: cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Orphaned Records From Child Table

May 24, 2011

I am facing below error while doing Schema refresh from production to development. I am facing this error in development database.

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2264 encountered
ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2264:

i guess "need to Remove the orphaned child records from the child table (foreign key relationship), and then re-execute the ALTER TABLE ENABLE CONSTRAINT command."

how to find orphaned child records from child table ?

how to resolve this error?

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Fetching Data Older Than 2 Hours

Mar 11, 2013

I am fetching data which are older than 2 hours from now. TRANSACTION_TIME is varchar2 field in "MM/DD/RRRR HH:MI:SS PM" format.


Is there anything wrong in the query.

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Windows / .NET :: Using Older ODBC Drivers With 11G

Sep 13, 2012

the need to use 9i Oracle ODBC drivers with 11g? What issues might be raised with this? Our application is using a very old technology and has issues, in certain functional areas, with 11g ODBC, and we found by reverting the driver to it works.

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Server Administration :: Moving Tables From Older To New DB?

Mar 23, 2013

I have problem with moving old DB to the new (the same DB 10.2.0 in Win 2003, first in 32 bit, second in 64 bit). I want move DB from 32 to 64 bit. Problem is that all objects in old DB were created in SYSTEM schema by SYS. I can't export that objets (with data) because impdp nor imp don't touch this objects (tables with indexes). I can't use export import procedure. I'm looking for another method to transfer data, which will be the best and the fastest? Maybe files copy on OS? I suppose it will be problems with configuration files, database have other tablespaces.

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Recover Tablespace (Database) To Older State

Jan 30, 2013

i have the following problem:

At a test database instance of Oracle 11g ( at CentOS 6 i've imported a tablespace from another instance to test my backup strategy.

First i've done a fullbackup with RMAN:
# rman target /
Then i thought to test the database i could delete something and restore and recover the database from the backup. So i deleted a table in the imported tablespace:
# sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> drop table TESTTABLE;
After that i would start the restore and recover process by restoring and recovering the tablespace in which I deleted the table with RMAN. At first i've set the tablespace offline:
SQL> alter tablespace TESTTABLESPACE offline immediate;
Then I go to RMAN and start the restoring:
RMAN> restore tablespace TESTTABLESPACE;
Now there is a problem when i execute the recover command. The recover command includes the recovering from the redolog files, right? As I dropped the table from the tablespace this operation was written in the redolog files. So when i make a :
RMAN> recover tablespace TESTTABLESPACE;
The dropped tablespace would be dropped also, because the last redolog file told RMAN to drop the table. So i think I have to restore and recover my tablespace from an older timestamp, so RMAN would ignore the dropping of the table in the redolog file. Is that right so?

And when it is right how can i restore a tablespace from an older date so RMAN would ignore the dropping?

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Automatic Storage Management :: CMD Delete Files Older Than N Days

Oct 24, 2012

in ASM disk group,

(under one directory)

ASMCMD> ls -lt

...(thousands of log files looks like, for example, log_19.26718.790635667),

how can I delete those files older than 10 days in one command line?

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Duplicate Restoring Older Version Of File Than Expected?

Feb 28, 2013

We are running

In my catalog for the "source" database (rman target db), I have the backupsets for a full database backup ended at Feb. 7, 03:43:37. These are online backups. So, there are archived redo logs being generated while it runs and the following archived redo logs finished at Feb. 7, 04:00:24.

We duplicate databases all the time. So, this is not a new concept for us. The one thing that has changed is that we now back up to disk (using the flashback recovery area) and then later on, initiate a backup to tape. Prior to this go-live, we did all of our backups directly to tape. The catalog does not seem confused. It knows it needs to go to tape because it's beyond the retention for disk backups. The only problem is that it is going to the backup prior to the backupset I want, only for a couple of files.

In the past, when all went directly to tape, we would do a set until time 'Feb. 7, 03:43:37' and it would automatically restore the backupset that finished then and apply archived redo logs as necessary to make a consistent copy. Now, if I use the same model, it's going to a backup set from the prior date for 3 particular files. If I change the time to when the archived redo logs ended their backup, 04:00, it still goes back to the day before, but only for 2 files.

I can list a backup of each specific file and see that the file is in the backupset for which I expect RMAN to pull. How can I figure out a date/time to go back to if not using the method of reviewing the catalog entries and timestamps?

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Script Delete The Backup Pieces Older Than 2 Days

Jan 8, 2013

Is this script is enough to delete the backup pieces older than 2 days.

configure device type disk parallelism 1 backup type to compressed backupset;

allocate channel d1 type disk ;
backup filesperset 5 format '/u06/backup/EBSDEV/EBSDEV_data_t%t_s%s_p%p' database ;
sql 'alter system archive log current' ;
backup filesperset 20 format '/u06/backup/EBSDV3/EBSDV3_arch_t%t_s%s_p%p' archivelog all delete input ;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 10g - Update Records In Target Table Based On Records Coming In From Source

Jun 1, 2010

I am trying to update records in the target table based on the records coming in from source. For instance, if the incoming record is present in the target table I would update them in the target else I would simply insert. I have over one million records in my source while my target has 46 million records. The target table is partitioned based on calendar key. I implement this whole logic using Informatica. Looking at the informatica session log I find that the informatica code is perfectly fine but its in the update part it takes long time (more than 5 days to update one million records). find the TARGET TABLE query and the UPDATE query as below.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Delete Records / Count Number Of Records Has Been Deleted

Feb 21, 2011

I have written the following PL/SQL procedure to delete the records and count the number of records has been deleted.

del_records NUMBER:=0;
FROM candidate c
WHERE empid in
(select c.empid
from employee e,
candidate c
where e.empid = c.empid
and e.emp_stat = 'TERMINATED'

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How To Remove Fragmentation

Sep 24, 2012

I have table of 60 gb(indexes 60gb ) and it is subject to fragmentation around 10gb .

I m going to remove fragmentation . As i know i have three options

1.expdp/impdp .
2.CTAS (create table with parallel option .
3.Moving table into another tablespace with parallel option .

I have 4 physical and 4 logical cores(total 8 cores) on server .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Only One Leading 0?

Jun 3, 2010

I receive source data with leading zeros. The Rules says: "If there is a leading 0 it has to be removed and data has to be shown starting with character 2".Here is my code I started with:

CREATE TABLE leading_0_test
col_1 VARCHAR2(10)

insert into leading_0_test values('00123')
select trim(leading'0' from COL_1),trim(leading'0' from substr(COL_1,1,1)),COL_1 from leading_0_test

The first trim removes all leading zeros. Therefore I tried to solve it with the substr, but without success.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Space

Oct 20, 2010

query string in such like that index.php?name=tejaspatel

i have table in record is available below

select * from emp where name = :name // it is query string parameter

tejas patel

then how to match this record ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Returning List Of Records That Do Not Have Associated Records From A Sub-query

Sep 6, 2010

I am running a query in our Clarity PPM database to return a list of all Support projects. This returns a simple list of project code and project name:

The query has the project resource tables associated with it, so I am able to list all resources allocated to the project. But for now i am only selecting a DISTINCT list of projects.

Query for anyone interested:

Select distinct
niku.nbi_project_current_facts nbip,
niku.odf_ca_project cst,
niku.prtask t,

I have a separate query which returns a list of support resources.

select res.full_name, res.unique_name , dep.description
from niku.srm_resources res,
niku.pac_mnt_resources pac,
niku.departments dep
where res.unique_name = pac.resource_code
and pac.departcode = dep.departcode
and res.is_active = 1
and description like 'IMS%'
and UPPER(dep.description) like '%SUP%'

What I need to be able to do in the first query, is return only projects that do NOT have a resource that appears in the resource list in the second query.

(the res.unique_name field in the second query can be linked to the same in the first query)

Logically, the process would be:
1. Identify Support Project
2. Identify Resources allocated to the project team
3. Compare with List of Support Resources
4. If any Resources in that list do NOT appear on the project, then return project.

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SQL Statement To Remove Extension

Oct 15, 2008

I have a file name field in my database that stores each file name with the extension .TXT and almost each file name is different.I would like to remove this extension from all of the file names without using the different file name each time I update. Is there any SQL statement that will allow me to do this? I am using Oracle.

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How To Completely Remove 11g From Computer

Mar 12, 2011

how to Completely remove Oracle 11g from my computer ?

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How To Remove Obsolete Values

Sep 7, 2012

In V$BACKUP_PIECE there are many backup pieces OBSOLETED and EXPIRED with fields: handle set to null and deleted to as "YES"


But how can I remove these lines? Are they still important for anything?

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Install And Remove Oracle 10 G

May 26, 2008

I install oracle 10 g but I don't remember password . so I then remove oracle 10 g by select Universal Installer and click Deinstall and then reinstall but I can't reinstall because I don't remove/delete oracle_home I then delete folder in path C:Oracle and reinstall Question this remove oracle 10 g method true or wrong if wrong , How effect on my computer
2.why after reinstall my computer is very slow.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Duplicates From Collection

Mar 24, 2011

remove duplicates from my collection(table type).Or an alternate solution for my issue is get clean data into my collection which i am not able to get to either.

Object creation

create table testingtype_table(ordernumber number,org_id number , company_name varchar2(10))
insert into testingtype_table values (1124,2424,'cbaaa');
insert into testingtype_table values (1124,2424,'cbaaa');

create or replace type testingtype_obj as object (ordernumber number,org_id number , company_name varchar2(10));
create or replace type testingtype_tab as table of testingtype_obj;

Code Block
l_testingtype_tab testingtype_tab := testingtype_tab();
select distinct testingtype_obj(ordernumber
bulk collect into l_testingtype_tab
from testingtype_table;

If only i can get a way to bulk collect only distinct values into the table type that will just do great but when i try the above (with distinct highlighted in red) it throws an error

ORA-22950: cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove String Duplicates

Oct 11, 2013

Removing duplicates from a string that contains years and "-".

Example: 1988-1997-2000-2013-1998-1965-1997-1899

I know this can be done in regular expressions but have no experience in this subject.

select REGEXP_REPLACE(.....) from dual;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Repeating Duplicates

Aug 3, 2011

i have two tables

Table has following data.

id indicator
1 A
2 A
3 A

Table2 has

id indicator
1 X
1 X
2 X
3 X

I would like to have following output ( Am running query on Toad)

t1_id t1_indicator t2_id t2_indicator
1 A 1 X
1 X
2 A 2 X
3 A 3 X

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Special Characters

Mar 22, 2013

I need to removed special characters (!, ", #, $, %, &, /, () from a string, i have a table with sll this special characters and words that i have to remove from the string.

How can i do that ?

i have a string with |R!$#&2-_D%2 and i want to get R2-D2

SELECT '|R!$#&2-_D%2' as Original, 'R2-D2' as Correct

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Forms :: Remove Duplicate Value

May 28, 2012

how can i get distinct records through this coding, when i add select distinct col1, col2, col3 from tablename where RECD_ON between :control. REC_ FROM and :control.REC_TO; in 1st qry after begin, this form not retrive any data from database, then how i get distinct rows through this coding. is there any option in property plattee to get distinct rows.

qry varchar2(5000);
n number;
alert number;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Columns Which Contain Same Data

Jun 10, 2013

I do have a query which gives me two rows of data.(This might be more than two in other cases)

The data I get is formed as :

European Patent EP 101 Kiksu
European Patent EP 101 Mokilosu

What I want to get should be formed as :


European Patent EP 101 Kiksu

As you can see, I removed the first four columns because the eventkey is the same. In this case, there is only the applicant which is different.So the rest should be blank.

The code I do use to get this data:



So what to modify in the query to get these columns of the second row blank?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove / Trim More Than One Character?

Aug 15, 2010

How to write a pl/sql query to trim/remove more than one character from string.

Like the itemfield is 'Profit CY' I want it to show as 'Profit' but only for itemfields that say 'Profit CY' in the column for remaining items in column such as 'Loss CY' should stay as it is.

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Remove Count In First Line

Nov 27, 2009

My query is suppose to capture the student's number, date of birth, and number of students which that students mentors. I am suppose to show only the 5 oldest students

SELECT s.std_num, s.birth_date, COUNT(s2.mentor_num)
From Student s left outer join Student s2
on s2.mentor_num=s.std_num
GROUP BY s.std_num, s.birth_date
ORDER BY s.birth_date ASC;

This function works but the problem is in displaying the five records because whenever I apply the rownum<=5 function the counter returns incorrect results. I tried writing another query to fix it but I could not dispay the counter anymore

SELECT ROWNUM as SENIOR, s.std_num, s.birth_date, COUNT(s2.mentor_num)
FROM (SELECT s1.std_num, s1.birth_date, COUNT
From Student s left outer join Student s2
on s2.mentor_num=s1.std_num
GROUP BY s1.std_num, s1.birth_date
ORDER BY s1.birth_date ASC) S
WHERE row_num<=5;

This code only works if I remove the count in the first line but I need to display the number in my result.

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Dec 27, 2012

Basically I need to use REGEXP_REPLACE in order to remove from a string certain oracle code pricislly those which are used on RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR from 20000 to 20999. We have an application here that handles those exceptions and each exception append each other so inside them we can find those ORA-20001: Some error. ]

So I was wondering if I can achieve that by using REGEXP_REPLACE. So which regexp I could use so that I can remove those oracode only!

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Remove All Of Indentations From Lines

May 16, 2007

In Oracle XE when I run PL/SQL in the SQL Commands window I will sometimes get a "Not found" error. It further reads, "The requested URL /apex/wwv_ was not found on this server". I found that if I remove all of the indentations from the lines of the PL/SQL code everything will work fine. Talk about a screwy problem. So, if you have that problem just take all of your PL/SQL code and slam it up against the left margin.

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