SELECT country_name, substr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(product_name,','),2) as PRODUCT_NAME, substr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(SPEED_VALUE,','),2) as SPEED_VALUE, substr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(i.SUPPLIERNAME_ACCESSPROTYPE,','),2) as SUPPLIERNAME_ACCESSPROTYPE FROM (SELECT b.country_name,b.product_name,b.speed_value,(supplier_name|| supplier_product || access_product_type)as [code].......
In the result , I am getting repeated values for product_name and speed value,something like 'ALL Products,All Products,All Products'in the product_name column and '128Kbps,128Kbps'in Speed_vale.i am not able to remove the repeated values here.
remove duplicates from my collection(table type).Or an alternate solution for my issue is get clean data into my collection which i am not able to get to either.
Object creation
create table testingtype_table(ordernumber number,org_id number , company_name varchar2(10)) insert into testingtype_table values (1124,2424,'cbaaa'); insert into testingtype_table values (1124,2424,'cbaaa');
create or replace type testingtype_obj as object (ordernumber number,org_id number , company_name varchar2(10)); create or replace type testingtype_tab as table of testingtype_obj;
Code Block declare l_testingtype_tab testingtype_tab := testingtype_tab(); begin select distinct testingtype_obj(ordernumber ,org_id ,company_name) bulk collect into l_testingtype_tab from testingtype_table; end;
If only i can get a way to bulk collect only distinct values into the table type that will just do great but when i try the above (with distinct highlighted in red) it throws an error
ORA-22950: cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method
I am running the following delete query and it has been running for over 2hrs:
delete from dw.ACCOUNT_FACT where rowid in (select rowid from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT minus select max(rowid) from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT
Here is the explan plain result:
explain plan for delete from dw.ACCOUNT_FACT where rowid in (select rowid from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT minus select max(rowid) from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT group by CRTORD_FIPS_CD, LAST_PAYMENT_DT, ORDER_NUM,
Predicate Information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------
2 - access(ROWID="$kkqu_col_1")
I have all constraints disabled. How do I make this delete finish faster? We're trying to remove duplicates from this table using the criteria giving in the statement.
version : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
i want to ,remove consecutive occurance from string
Example I/P: 'POWELL POWELL BRIAN K AND BONNIE POWELL JARRELL JARRELL' to O/P : 'POWELL BRIAN K AND BONNIE POWELL JARRELL'I tried the below code is Working fine , But i wanted to do this using Regexp or Some other Better Method WITH T
I believe we need to use Translate function to get rid of special characters, But I would not be knowing what sort of special charecters which appear in the string, In that case how do I use Translate?
I need to remove the alpha characters from a string, leaving only numbers, but I am getting unexpected results:
I thought this would leave the 3 from the 3N, but it is returning an empty string. For my application, the string '3N' could be any length, will only contain letters and numbers, and the letters will always come at the end, but there could be more than one letter
I need to remove duplicate values from concatenated long string of state codes(comma separated). Ex: 'VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA'. I tried following query and did not get required out put.
select regexp_replace('VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA,CT,PA,VA,CT','([^,]*)(,1)+($|,)', '13') new_str from dual;
Define Meta-character's format in regular expression to get desired result. Out put required: VA,PA,CT,NJ (with out any duplicates).
How to get 'MEAL' string? The length of the string can be various. Means, 'MEAL' can be 'INFLIGHT'. So, i cant use the substr. Is there a function that can recognize the pipeline? so that i can remove all the string before the pipeline and after the pipeline to get the string between the pipeline?
The result I need when updating another table with this info is:TableC edw_id bid Requirement 021 1 concrete, wood, fiber glass 032 025 123 521
I do not want : concrete, concrete, concrete, wood, wood, fiber glass
SO far I am using the following but since I am dealing with hundreds of column that has the same material, when using listagg() from oracle 11.2g, they column width is too wide to fit into the required column.
update eris_data_work e set E.flex37 = (select LISTAGG(CM.des, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY CM.des) AS casing_material from CODE_CASING_MATERIAL CM, TBLCASING CA where CM.code=CA.MATERIAL and CA.well_id=E.owner_oid AND CM.DES IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CA.well_id) where E.source='WWIS_ON'
I have even used the regexp_count() to try to eliminate duplicates however I have had no success so far
I have to load 50 Million records in a table. I also need to ensure that no duplicate records enter. Business demand is that It may send 2 Million records today, 1 Million records tomorrow, 3 million records on the next day and so on...
I have loaded 6 Million records into the table, but onwards speed of loading records (with duplicate check) is decreasing.
db and dev 10g rel2 ,suppose that i have a table with a lot of duplicate rows ,what i need is to delete the duplicates and retain one row of these duplicates . likecolumn -- with those to delete two (hi's) and retain the third , ?it is all applied to all the duplicate values in the column.
I ran an Inner Join but it returned many, many duplicates. One Answer from a different thread:Because you may be having improper Join condition what has a One to many or a Many to many relationship between the tables. We do not have the data, and hence cannot comment over it. What do I look for to identify an improper join?
I'd like to achieve the following (and YES, I do know that this is not multi-user safe, but that's not the point here):
Before inserting a record, the trigger shall check if there's already a duplicate one. Duplicate means in this case when there is an intersection of the time frame, defined by two numeric timestamps. That's also the cause why I cannot use a simple UNIQUE constraint here (in my opinion).
Okay, that already works (see code below). But now I need colliding records to be written to a temporary table so that those records can be returned and presented to the user for selection.
ID Product Color Time-In 1 Apple Green May 2 Apple Red April 3 Pear Green May 4 Pear Green April 5 Plum Blue June
In SQL I want to return all 4 fields of the records except those records where Product and Color are identical - in that case it should return the latest (by name of month - preferred) or just the first it finds
So I should get these
1 Apple Green May 2 Apple Red April 3 Pear Green May 5 Plum Blue June
If I do a select distinct then I will only get those fields I test on (product and color), not the rest.
I am trying to delete duplicates from table without using rowid.
here is data:-
create table test(col1 number(3),col2 varchar2(20)); insert into test values(100,'rocky'); insert into test values(100,'rocky');
I know i am perfoming dml on view. IT wont allow me to perform DML on view which contain columns with expression. IS there any way to delete duplicates without using rowid?
From the above duplicates I would like to get only 1 distinct record based on latest update time (when using distinct on a sub-query since OBID is unique again returning all recds)
I am expecting results like: DocNo|Title| Revs|UpdateTime|OBID DOC-101|DESCRIPTION1|1|2/28/2004 11:37|6108-9 DOC-201|DESCRIPTION2|0|4/24/2005 16:47|7900-1 DOC-301|DESCRIPTION3|3|2/21/2007 7:26|6869-4 DOC-304|DESCRIPTION4|3|8/22/2007 9:31| 39208-1
I am trying to remove duplicates from a table with over 10million records. Below query is working fine but it doesnt contain any COMMIT interval. I have to commit after every 20k or 30k records deletion for which IF loop is necessary.
delete from customer where rowid in (select rowid from (select rowid, row_number() over (partition by custnbr order by custnbr) dup from customer) where dup > 1);
I have created a table and i have a column consisting of 1000 records (but where i have duplicates). And now i want to create a primary key for the column.
How to eliminate duplicates from record types?Below code errors out with "Wrong number of arguments in call to MULTISET...."
error. DeclareTYPE ln_x_tab IS RECORD(x1 number ,x2 VARCHAR2(4000) ,x3 VARCHAR2(4000) ,x4 VARCHAR2(4000) ,x5 VARCHAR2(4000)); TYPE ln_x_type IS TABLE OF ln_x_tab INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; ln_x1 ln_x_type; ln_dist_x1 ln_x_type; gc_stmt varchar2(4000); Begin gc_stmt := ' SELECT x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 FROM table WHERE dynamic_conditions; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE gc_stmt BULK COLLECT INTO ln_x1; ln_dist_x1:= ln_x1 MULTISET UNION DISTINCT ln_x1; End;
I need ln_dist_x1 to have distinct records from table.