PL/SQL :: Write Dynamic SQL To Query Unknown Number Of Columns

Jun 6, 2012

I need to write a dynamic SQL in PL SQL to query an unknown number of columns. Let me take a simple example query here:


If I have known the number of columns, e.g. querying two columns: "FIRST_NAME" and "LAST_NAME", I can write a DYNAMIC SQL based on the template in table 8-2 of URL....

stmt_str varchar2(200);
cur_hdl int;
rows_processed int;
FIRST_NAME varchar2(200);
LAST_NAME varchar2(200);
cur_hdl := dbms_sql.open_cursor; -- open cursor

However, if I wish to write a dynamical sql to query these two columns for a more general purpose (which should meet the requirement to query different number of columns, e.g. three columns, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, BIRTHDAY instead of two columns FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME). To do this I first try to query the same two columns but using a different method, following URL.....My code for the same query has error, and I cannot solve it.

stmt_str varchar2(200);
cur_hdl int;
rows_processed int;
l_columns dbms_sql.desc_tab;
l_dummy NUMBER;
l_value NUMBER;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write Query To Delete Similar Records In Particular Fields (columns) In Different Tables

Jul 17, 2012

write a query to delete similar records in particular fields(columns) in different tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Single Query Showing Number Of Requests

Jan 15, 2011

I need to write a single query showing the number of requests (job_no) in my organization sections (1A,3A,4C,9Z....etc) based on these conditions..Less than 2 months & between 2 and 6 & between 6 and 12month & more than 12 months in my organization sections.

--Table structure

SQL> desc job_transfer
JOB_NO (Request number)
IN_SECT (name of entered section)
IN_DATE (date entered the section)
OUT_DATE (date went out from section)

I tried using UNION ALL but it didnt work fine.

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Query To Know Number Of Columns In A Table?

Apr 4, 2008

query to know number of columns in a table i.e.

if I want to know how many number of colums are present in a specific table then what would be the query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Two Columns With Datatypes As Number And Varchar

Jul 17, 2012

Have table with two columns with datatypes as number and varchar and the values in A column like 1,2,3 AND B column values like a,b,c. Now need to display data in a single column as 1,a,2,b,3,c.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Different Number Of Columns Dynamically To A Query

Apr 26, 2010

I want to pass Number of columns dynamically to a query. I got success in SQL.

SQL> select &column_list from emp;
Enter value for column_list: empno,ename,sal

---------- ---------- ----------
7369 SMITH 800
7499 ALLEN 1600
7521 WARD 1250
7566 JONES 2975
7654 MARTIN 1250
7698 BLAKE 2850
7782 CLARK 2450
7788 SCOTT 3000
7839 KING 5000
7844 TURNER 1500
7876 ADAMS 1100
7900 JAMES 950
7902 FORD 3000
7934 MILLER 1300

14 rows selected.

But the same i need to achieve in pl/sql. I try with the Ref cursor, but not succeeded.

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Reports & Discoverer :: SQL Union All - Query Block Has Incorrect Number Of Result Columns

Feb 1, 2012

I have the following Union All query. It throws the following error in SQL plus

ERROR at line 27: ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns

After doing some google for the above error it suggests there are incorrect number of columns in the Union All query.I could not figure out the exact location well SQl Plus says error is on line 27 at the first opening bracket like

(Select distinct c.contact_code

Following is the SQL query

||'.'||contact_name contact_name,
[Code] ......

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A SELECT Statement That Returns One Row For Each Customer With Four Columns

Feb 16, 2012

I am student of Oracle programming(SQL).Has a question on MIN and MAX functions:

- "Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each customer with four columns--the customer's first and last name, the date of the customer's most recent order, and the date of the customer's oldest order and the difference between the two dates. Sort the result set so the customers who have been ordering with the company the longest appear first. Use most recent order date as a tie-breaker for the sort."

where orders and order_details,customers are 3 different.this is my query ...but its not working.

SELECT DISTINCT customers.customer_first_name||' '||customers.customer_last_name AS Customer_name,MAX(order_date) AS "Most recent order", MIN(order_date) AS "Oldest order"
FROM customers
ON customers.customer_id=orders.customer_id
LEFT JOIN order_details
ON orders.order_id=order_details.order_id
ON order_details.item_id=items.item_id
ORDER BY Customer_name

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PL/SQL :: Write In Sql Command Line Display CUSTOMER Number?

Sep 13, 2013

how to write this in sql command lineDisplay CUSTOMER number, name, rep, balance, and credit limit for all CUSTOMERs of Rep 20. 

In addition, display this information for CUSTOMERs of rep 65 who have a $10,000 credit limit.  Arrange the output by credit limit descending within rep ascending. no more than two decimal digits

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Script To Generate Dynamic Columns

Mar 6, 2011

Is there any sql script to generate dynamic columns? pivot still needs the programmer to know the data to generate columns just like this.

select * from
(select current_position, fk_department, wages
from employee)
for fk_department in ('INT', 'WEL', 'CEN', 'POL'));

how about if i don't know the data in fk_department. is this possible in sql?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Dynamic Columns In Functions

Aug 16, 2010

I am facing with one problem while creation of function.

v_finyear VARCHAR2,
v_yrno NUMBER,


The function created successfully...

But it return the wrong values, like

SQL> SELECT fun1('2004-05', 8, 'FEB')
3 ;


SQL> spool off;

2004-05 is the value of TABLE1
08 is also value of TABLE1
FEB is the Column_name of TABLE1

Actually, i have a value in FEB month, but it return FEB. FEB is the column_name of 'TABLE1'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Transpose Dynamic Rows To Columns

Jul 15, 2013

I have a result table from a select query. Create_table.txt

2013 Jun0.9870.992928359.09430.98360.975
2013 W270.99210.994328512.48650.98320.9756
2013 W280.99320.993728659.32560.98430.9734
2013 W290.99530.993328355.02630.98480.9741

I need to transpose this table to below one. But since my rows in 1 table is dynamic and it will increment each week and month I couldn't get a correct result from unpivot.

2013 Jun2013 W272013 W282013 W29
AVAILABILITY_2G0.99 0.99 0.99 1.00
AVAILABILITY_3G0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
HOSR 0.9836 0.9832 0.9843 0.9848
CSSR 0.975 0.9756 0.9734 0.9741

Is it possible to create above table from attached , with a select statement?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Dynamic Columns Using Default EMP Table

Aug 18, 2011

i am practicing to get Dynamic columns as i have learnt from Orafaq SQL/PLSQL forum .i am using Default EMP table...first one is running smoothly as below:

2 v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
3 v_refcur SYS_REFCURSOR;
5 v_sql := 'SELECT deptno ';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select All Columns From Table Except Those Columns Which Type In Query

Jan 21, 2011

I have a two question.

Question 1:How to select all columns from table except those columns which i type in query

Question 2:How to select all columns from table where all columns are not null without type each column name which is in empty data

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Storing The Values Of Dynamic Columns In Oracle

Nov 18, 2012

I have a requirement to execute the query only once for all the columns mapped to a particular table. Lets take an example..

table t1 has the following columns mapping.

col1 col2 col3 col4
variable 1 table abc col1_abc ----
variable 2 table abc col2_abc ----
variable 3 table xyz col1_xyz ----
variable 4 table xyz col2_xyz ----
variable 5 table xyz col3_xyz ----
variable 6 table xyz col4_xyz ----

In col4 , we have to update the values of col3 (column) ... it is very easy to update the values by executing the query for each column but my requirement is ... I want to execute the query once for a table ( example select col1_abc,col2_abc from table_abc ... this will return always a single value after adding other conditions in where clause) and why I want to do this? .. because there can be multiple (might be 30 variables values)
from a single table.

I have converted the columns into rows by using listagg function now I have lets a dynamic query ( for the above example).

for i in 1.2

l_query := ' select col1_abc, col2_abc from table_abc';
open c1 for l_query;

end loop;

my problem is : how to hold these values and update the above table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create View From Dynamic Query (or Function Returning Query)

Dec 5, 2012

I have a dynamic query stored in a function that returns a customized SQL statement depending on the environment it is running in. I would like to create a Materialized View that uses this dynamic query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Resultset For Linear Growing Columns In A Table?

May 7, 2013

Provided a sample table to determine the sales agents performance below.

Id AgenName Zone1 Zone2 Zone3 Zone4
1 ABC 90 85 65 55
2 SDD 45 67 78 90
3 ERF 85 30 52 45

If in any zone, the sales is less than 40, it should be failed.This can be determined using the below query

select Id, AgenName, Case when Zone1 < 40 or Zone2 < 40 or Zone3 < 40 or Zone4 < 40 Then 'Failed'
Else 'Eligible'
End as Flg_Comm
from sales_table;

But the problem is when the zone grows (zone5, zone6) every time the query requires to be added with or condition.

Is there a way to dynamically determine the result even when no. of columns grow (or added)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rows To Columns With Dynamic Allocation Column Names

Nov 16, 2012

I want the output from two tables with rows to columns and generate dynamic basing on the columns.

For example: Table A (a1) , Table B(a1,b1)

Data: A B
------ ----
a1 a1 b1
--- ---- ----
1 1 x
2 1 y
3 2 a
2 b
2 c

o/p: Columnname col_1 col_2 col_3
a1 b1_1 b1_2 b1_3
----- ---------------------
1 x y
2 a b c

Columns should be generated based on the second table second column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Write Correlated Sub Query

Sep 13, 2010

I have employee, location, city tables, I have written following code to use joins

select ename from employee e, location l, city c
where e.c_locationid= l.locationid and l.cityid= c.cityid and c.cityname='XYZ';

The same can be written by using non- correlated sub query as follow..

select ename
from employee
where c_locationid in (select locationid from location where
cityid in (select cityid from city where cityname='XYZ'))

I need to implement the same concept using correlated sub query...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Write Column To Row In A Query

Nov 17, 2005

How to write column to a SQL query?

For example..

SQL> select empno,deptno from emp where empno = 7369;
---------- ----------
7369 20
7369 10
7369 40

The above output to be written in a single row like given below.

7369 20 10 40

1) Actually it may change dynamically...It may be 2 records for some values and there may be 10 records for some value and different for some other

2) It should be in SQL query only..Not in procedures or functions.

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Forms :: Dynamic Columns - Dropdown Menu In Separate Block

Aug 27, 2013

I have 2 tables T1, T2

T1 is having 2 columns t1_c1, t1_c2
T2 is having 3 columns t2_c1,t2_c2,t2_c3

I need to design a form which should be like

there must be a pop item (Dropdown menu) in a separate block.

If I select 1 from the pop item,
T1 with 2 columns should display in a tabular form.
If I select 2 from the pop item,
T2 with 3 columns should display and T1 with 2 columns should hide.

So the form should be dynamic based on the selected pop item. Is there any chance to do this?

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Forms :: How To Write Query For ADD Button

Jul 23, 2010

Without using any templates, i created a customized sample i want to add data thru that form....i dont know where to write code and what is code if i want to add data?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Write Query To Convert XML To Table

Oct 15, 2012

I have table xx_xml_test m which have row single entry


i want convert the table like below

Revision author date kind action path
3 MA111300 2012-10-03 12:42:40 file A /root.txt
3 MA111300 2012-10-03 12:42:40 file A /sample2/test_2.txt

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write Query To Show Monthly Salary?

Jul 12, 2012

i have table structure (emp_no, emp_sal,emp_startwork)

i want query to show the monthly salary such as jan month salary Feb month salary

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Query To See How Many (no) Employees Getting Salary 3000?

Dec 21, 2010

write a query to see how many(no) employees getting salary 3000 & what are their names respectively.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Query In Order To Receive A New Table?

Apr 23, 2012

i need to write a query in order to receive a new table.

select table_name,col1, null col2
(SELECT b.table_name, b.col1 col1, a.CountPrimaryKeys
(SELECT user_constraints.table_name,
COUNT(user_cons_columns.column_name) CountPrimaryKeys


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Binding - Invalid Number Error?

Jun 10, 2013

I have a pkg with a procedure that uses dbms_sql to process a varchar2_table. Each record in the table is a delimited string, such as "Priority^2", or "Destination^7". The goal is to split that string on the hat and update a record in the panelfield_users table. It works perfectly if I replace the first substr/instr on :pColumn with a hardcoded number, so I know that the binding is working to that point. It is only when I try to get the latter half of the string that it chokes. I keep getting a "invalid number" error. The displayorder field is an integer field and all values will be 3 digits or less. If I pull the sql string out into an editor, it runs just lovely.

The pertinent code is:
DBMS_SQL.PARSE(C,'update panelfield_users set displayorder = to_number(substr(:pColumn, instr(:pColumn, ''^'') + 1)) where userid = :pUID and fieldid = (select fieldid from panel_fields where upper(panelname) = upper(:pPanel) and upper(modulename) = upper(:pModule) and upper(field_displayname) = upper(substr(:pColumn, 1, instr(:pColumn, ''^'')-1)) )


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write Select Query To Get Sum Of Quantity For Each Type Of Item?

May 26, 2010

I want to write select query to get sum of quantity for each type of item ,in the table I have itemnum,itemtype and quantity ,type have value(A,B,C,....)

the result will be like that ex:

item.No A B C D ....

10 50 60 80 20

--- 50 will be sum(quantity) for item type A

how can I do that, I mean how can I retrieve many column from the same field?

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Client Tools :: Possible To Write Select Query O/p In HTML Tag?

Jan 24, 2011

is it possible to write select query o/p in html tag?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Query Which Shows Data Of One Table Not Present In Other?

Apr 3, 2011

I am writing following query
SELECT DISTINCT a.list_type_code, a.list_type_name
FROM jls_list_type a, jls_list_control b
WHERE b.jalsa_srl = :jalsa_srl
AND b.list_no != a.list_type_code
ORDER BY list_type_code

I just want to display only those records from JLS_LIST_TYPE which is not present in other table JLS_LIST_CONTROL ... for this i wrote above query but it is not working.

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