PL/SQL :: Unexpected Result With Select Max (column) In Anonymous Block
Nov 27, 2012
The following query gives me 28,800 as sum(sal)
SELECT SUM(salary)
FROM employees
WHERE department_id =60
O/P is : 28800But when i use the above query in anonymous block it gives me 684400
v_sum_sal NUMBER;
The above output statements gives me 684400 as output.. But the expected is 28800
I am trying to run the following script but some how i am getting message: anonymous block completed. where i am doing wrong and also how can i display the values with their column names.
set serveroutput on size 1000000 Declare v_pr_nbr document.document_nbr%type:= ' ' ; cursor c1 is
For my task I tried to write a package that has sys_refcursor in it.It compiled well.Now I want to see the results of it and wrote a anonymous block which gave errors.
I made this script but I still don't quite understand if the syntax is correct. I just wanted to create a function and call it in an anonymous block. I then wanted it to use a variable as a parameter in an iteration and output the variable every iteration. It's done basically but I know it's not 100% right. The fibonacci function looks like its going to loop an infinite number of times if the parameter is greater than 2.
One of our developers team member had created a Anonymous block program to do something in the Database, and he forgotten and terminated the session without confirming the program's status, whether it was fully ran or not.
Is there any way to check out the status of this, which happened yesterday?
can we place insert statement in loop inside anonymous block?
I have a table called temp which has nearly 20 columns when i insert values in some columns then null is inserted successfully in remaining column except one column,this column takes string of unexpected characters(like-"inverted question mark") which are not exist on my keyboard, how it is possible. it is happening only in this column and this is only one column of "nvarchar" type , is this because of it(datatype)?
I have the following Union All query. It throws the following error in SQL plus
ERROR at line 27: ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns
After doing some google for the above error it suggests there are incorrect number of columns in the Union All query.I could not figure out the exact location well SQl Plus says error is on line 27 at the first opening bracket like
in sqlplus I get the returned rows of this table. But this is not the case when I do in plsql the following:
create or replace procedure myproc is
a varchar2(50); begin a := 'select * from mytable'; execute immediate a; end;
there is nothing I can see. Is there a way to catch this result set and see it on the screen? Something that is not creating new structures like cursors, etc?
Is it possible to make the SELECT (PL/SQL is OK ) wait/block in case there are no rows found until another session inserts rows that match the condition?
Something like this
cursor c is select * from TABLE_1 where a=b order by column_a for update skip locked; row c%rowtype; begin open c;
Or the INSERTing session should send some kind of notification (semaphore?) to the reading session?
SELECT wmsys.wm_concat (gp.prog_acronym) FROM inf_program gp, ea_audit_program ap WHERE ap.sys_prog_id = gp.sys_prog_id AND ap.sys_audit_id =484
is there any way I can check the datatype of the result of the above query ? ,my dba added some patch to oracle , after the patch this query is returning a clob in java , it should return string and it used to return string before patch and in other databases it returns string, I can check the return type only from java side , is there any way oracle can say me the datatype ?
The below sql is giving different number of result sets while adding further columns in select clause.i.e After adding the columns 4,5,6 in the below query its giving different number of result set.In this case the result set count would be 5.
Before adding the columns 4,5,6,the result set count was 11.
and the following select statement results in multiple lines:
SQL> select INSTANCE_NAME,STATUS from v$instance; INSTANCE_NAME ------------------------------------------------ STATUS ------------------------------------ BUP OPEN
Another database has following characterset settings:
SQL> select INSTANCE_NAME,STATUS from v$instance; INSTANCE_NAME STATUS ---------------- ------------------------------------ HPSMP OPEN
Both databases are version and both are running on HPUX 11.31.Why do we get this differents in showing the result?
Our problem is that the package-start scripts from HP, to start a database, check the result of the select statement above and if we have the multiline result the check gives an error and stops the package again.
I have the following data (columns IDx, STARTx and DURATION) and want to create the column RESULT. Example:
create table zTEST ( IDx number, STARTx number, DURATION number, RESULT number ); insert into zTEST (IDx, STARTx, DURATION, RESULT) values ( 1 , null , null , null );
The logic behind the table is like this: when there is a Start-ID and a Duration, the field Result shall show the Start-ID for the next records (Duration period). Even if there is a new Start-ID in row 9, it is ignored since threre is already a current signal from row 6 which is still running.
I have a question regarding the optimal way to code a dynamic SELECT INTO statement. Below are the 2 posiibilities I know of:
1. Dynamically executing the SELECT statement and making use of the INTO clause of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
2. Encapsulating the SELECT INTO statement in a block and dynamically exectuting the block
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
which way would be preferred? I know the second method uses a bind variable for the INTO clause, but does the first one also use bind varialbes (no semi-colon)? Any differences in terms of efficiency or speed?
QUOTE (thiyagusham @ Mar 27 2012, 11:40 PM) SQL> select * from samp;
NAME DOJ QUAL EMPID ---------- --------------- ---------- ----- sam 21-mar-2012 mca sony 03-jan-2000 mba 10610 maya 21-mar-2012 m.arch sonna 18-mar-2012 mis
i want to display in result column 10610 in second row , because emp sony having id "10610 "should i use sub-query ? without sub-query how can i display ?
While writing a procedure I went into this problem. Whenever I write Query : Select * from dba_pending_transactions It works fine.
But whenever I use same Select Query inside PL-SQL block it gives error Table or view not exist. Dba_pending_transactions is view.
SQL> declare 2 v_count number(2); 3 begin 4 execute immediate 'select count(*) from dba_ending_transactions' into v_count; 5 dbms_output.put_line(v_count); 6 end; 7 / declare * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06512: at line 4
Same error I get when i use it inside a procedure.
Depending on the no. of distinct dates in table 1 i have to make those many columns in table 2. I m trying to write a Query in SQL. If its not possible in SQL give me PL/SQL procedure.
I've come across an fatal error which terminates my database instance. It's basically cropped up twice over a weekend, and the instance needs to be restarted as a result.There doesn't appear to be any entry in the alert log that ties with the time of the failure, so I only have the trace file entries to go on...
CODE*** 2010-07-30 22:15:31.238 kgsksysstop: from KGSKWT_INTSTATECHNG6 retry FALSE mode kgsksysstop: Failed kgsksysstop: from KGSKWT_INTSTATECHNG6 retry FALSE mode kgsksysstop: Failed kgsksysstop: from KGSKWT_INTSTATECHNG6 retry FALSE mode kgsksysstop: Failed kgskrecoveryrecalc: Failed kgsksysstop for 6 kgsksysstop: from KGSKWT_INTSTATECHNG6 retry FALSE mode kgsksysstop: Succeeded [code]....
I had a look on my old metalink account to see if there was anything relating to that ORA-56710 error code, but the one article I foun d seemed to be related to RAC instances (which I'm sure that this instance isn't).
I have two tables T1 and T2. T1 is the original backup snapshot for changed records from overnight batch in a big table and T2 is the overnight batch changed records. Both tables have similar number of rows (T2 might have more for newly inserted rows) and you can find out the differences by comparing these two according to action column in T2 (C - Update, A - Insert and D - Delete)
how to compare these two tables to generate something like the following. I can join these two tables to generate the diff but it is one row per account.
client_nbr branch_cd, account_cd, action column, old_value, new_value 8888 123 45678 C account_clsfn_cd 004 005 8888 123 45678 C buy_cd 98 99 8888 012 34546 A sell_cd 12 8888 321 98765 D dividend_cd 1
I am using Oracle 10g so Unpivot cannot be used.
I have a table MESSAGE which has some billion entries. The columns are msg_id, vehicle_id, timestamp, data, etc.I have another table VEHICLE which holds static vehicle data (about 20k rows) such as vehicle_id, licenceplate, etc.
My first target was to partition the table via timestamp (by range) and subpartition by vehicle_id (by hash).So I could easily drop old data by dropping old partitions and tablespaces.
Now comes the new difficult 2nd target: the messages of some vehicles must be kept forever.My idea is to add a column KEEP_DATA to the table MESSAGE. I could try to partition by timestamp AND KEEP_DATA, subpartion by vehicle_id.The problem of this idea is that i have to update billions of rows.
It would be perfect if there is a possibility to add this KEEP_DATA-flag to the table vehicle.Is there any way to "link" this information to a column in MESSAGE table?
I mean something like this:
alter table MESSAGE add column (select keep_data from vehicle where VEHICLE.vehicle_id = MESSAGE.vehicle_id as keep_message) ;
Is there some possibility like that? Would the partitioning on this column / statement work?Would the value of the keep_message be calculated on runtime?
If so will the performance influence be noticeable?If so will the performance also sink if the application is querying all rows except the keep_message?