PL/SQL :: Two Consecutive  Numbers Are Transposed Function Returns True

Jul 6, 2012

oracle version 11gr2.In the below sample data column a,b if there is Two (2) consecutive numbers are transposed in column B from A it should return string 'true'.

with t as
select '123456789' a ,'123476581' b from dual
union all
select '123456789' ,'123465789' from dual
union all
select '332211' ,'332121' from dual
union all

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Sum Five Numbers

Apr 13, 2013

I am creating a function to sum five numbers (less 1). Is it possible to have an array of numbers in an SQL function, and how would this be implemented?

Here is the screenshot of my output (I cannot embed links until 5 posts!):

Sumnums NUMBER;
SELECT SUM(n1+n2+n3+n4+n5-1) INTO Sumnums FROM DUAL;
END sumfivenumbers;
SELECT sumfivenumbers(5,5,5,5,5) AS "Five Numbers less 1" FROM DUAL;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Print Even Numbers Without Using MOD Function

Mar 1, 2012

How to print even numbers 1 to 10.without using the MOD Function

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function For Allowing Only Numbers And Characters

Jan 10, 2011

Need to write a function that should allow only characters and numbers in Login ID using pl sql.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Returns Searched String?

Nov 6, 2010

I just think about write a function with gives me a searched string from table.

select col1, col2 from the_table

col1 col2
SMS yes
Melodies no
Java build

And I would like to make a function or something like that where input parameter is from col1 and result is col2. For instance:

select the_function('SMS') from dual;
Result: yes

how to write it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Value That Function USER Returns

Nov 25, 2011

I have an existing database with several hundred tables and triggers on the tables in the schema S1. Most of the triggers are for storing audit information USER and SYSDATE in the respective columns.

We have built procedures what will accept incoming XML parameters from a BPMS application on the intranet which will have information about which table to update, which columns to update, what values to update and what the O/S user id is. The O/S user ids are mapped to oracle user ids in a specific table. Therefore when we receive the request we can easily figure out the oracle user id. The application always connects to the database using a specified user id S2.

The trouble is, the existing tables have triggers which read :NEW.userid := USER;and whenever a DML is fired from the procedure, the function USER always returns S2, since that is the user id the BPMS application connects to and therefore the audit columns do not capture the correct information as required.

The impact of changing all the existing triggers/procedures will be a mammoth task including regression testing and will certainly not be approved by the project sponsor.

override the value that USER returns? Using session contexts, etc? If so, we can possibly set it at the point of connect and have to do nothing else.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function That Returns Source Tables From A Query

Oct 16, 2013

I am interested if there maybe exists any function that would return all source tables that are present in the given sql. For example function('select 'abc' from table_1, table2') would return a list containing 'table_1' and 'table_2'.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Hierarchy As Input To Function That Returns XML?

Aug 3, 2012

I have an requirement to create an function which takes table or hierarchy of tables as input and returns xml output in hierarchy. Below given is the Tables hierarchy.



Requirement: Initially input was table name and using table as the root node output should generate xml of all the records of child tables.But now requirement is to give the flexibility to user to select what hierarchy he needs i.e he may select AAAA, CCC and in the nodes C1,C2,C3 and C4 if he doesn't want C3 then that node should not be shown in output.

I have created Hierarchy table having 3 columns SI.No, ParentNode and ChildNode and entered the above hierarchy relation.

1. What is the best to way (design)to pass input parameter for the function.

2. How to generate hierarchy in xml using DBMS_XMLGEN

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PL/SQL :: Sample Function Returns Many Times Of Expected Value

Nov 30, 2012

The SAMPLE clause in the select statement works well in most cases, but we found in some instances the result is way off - between 200% to 700% discrepancy has been observed.

For example, we have thee tables with the following results:

Table1: 495,365,317 rows (20 cols, unique primary key present), SAMPLE ( 0.002018712182064212 ) returns 41,499 (about four times off - we expected about 10,000)
Table2: 3,350,864,539 rows ( 5 cols, unique primary key present), SAMPLE ( 0.00029843044634040336 ) returns 9,835 (this is good as it is close to 10,000)
Table3: 6,974,724,543 rows ( 5 cols, no unique primary key present), SAMPLE ( 0.00014337483779250091 ) returns 58,789 (about six times off - we expected about 10,000)

The tables got billions of rows, and that is why we want to do sampling. The sample percentage rate is computed to return about 10,000 rows in all three tables.On Table3, we ran the sampling three times in one occasion, and we got "58,570", "24,575" and "24,561"

I expected +/- 20% of variance, but 200% to 700% seems to be way too much.Once again, I stress that it does work well in most cases (another 3.4 billion table and numerous smaller tables we tested were well within +/- 5 percent of the target).I noted the presence of a primary key above because I read an article saying that the SAMPLE function relies on the existence of a primary key (which does not quite explain the examples above).Is this kind of spread something we should expect or is it a bug? Is the sampling rate too small for such large tables?

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PL/SQL :: Oracle 11g Table Function Returns No Records On First Call?

Jul 13, 2012

On a Oracle 11g R2 I've a table function ( PIPELINED ) returning rows selected from a table.The first time the function is selected, in a session ( I've tried to disconnect and log in again ), it returns no rows.I've tried to log the call using DBMS_OUTPUT and from what I see the select on the table function returns no rows and no output is printed. So I presume Oracle is not calling the function.

The same function on a similar environment ( same db versions, patches and database structure ) works fine. The second environment is a production environment so it has more memory and some other settings enabled.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function That Returns A Table Type Inside A Package Body

Jul 26, 2011


I need to include the above function in a plsql package. How I can declare a object type and table type in a pks file? the syntax to include the above code in a .pks and .pkb file?

I got this code snippet online when I was looking for function that returns a table type. what exactly that Exception block does? delete the table when there is an exception, otherwise return the table type?

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Client Tools :: Debug Function Which Returns Table Of Records?

Apr 24, 2012

I want to debug a function which returns the table of records. When I try to add the parameters and run the debug it gives the error as

PLS-00653: aggregate/table functions are not allowed in PL/SQL scope

if there is any way to debug the function which returns table of records.

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PL/SQL :: Oracle Function That Returns Current Fiscal Year In Format

Mar 14, 2013

Is there an oracle function that returns the current fiscal year in format (2012/2013)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extracting Numbers And Few Portion Of Text From A String Containing Dates / Characters And Numbers

Jul 13, 2011

I have a table test with column containing dates, characters and numbers. I have to extract the number part and the three characters before the number . My data looks like :

1 3/12/2007
2 0
3 3/8/2010 ABC 217
5 COLM XYZ 469 6/8/2011
6 LMN 209

My expected results should look like :

3 ABC 217
5 XYZ 469
6 LMN 209

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PL/SQL :: Function That Returns The Check Digit Of 9-digit Number

Jan 17, 2013

I would like a pl/sql function that returns the check digit of a 9-digit number?

Look at


For example number 109409714 (9 digits) should do check digit. I want validation of check digit, & want to return the check digit.

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PL/SQL :: Two Consecutive Number Transformed Return True Or False

Jul 6, 2012

oracle version 11gr2.

In the below sample data column a,b if there is Two (2) consecutive numbers are transposed in column B from A it should return string 'true'.

with t as
select '123456789' a ,'123476581' b from dual
union all
select '123456789' ,'123465789' from dual
union all


i need a output as below.

a b val

123456789 123476581 FALSE
123456789 123465789 TRUE
332211 332121 TRUE
54321 54312 TRUE
78901 79801 TRUE
65432 63452 FALSE

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PL/SQL :: Set Boolean Flag To True If Hire_date Is Greater Than 5 Years

Dec 27, 2012

For Just learning purpose This is an example found in text book but while i try to execute it fails..I am trying to set Boolean flag to true if the hire_date is greater than 5 years otherwise boolean flag to false

v_Hire_date date :='12-Dec-2005';
v_five_years BOOLEAN;

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Server Administration :: Deferred Segment Creation - Default True?

Jan 20, 2010

What do you think of this 11.2 parameter? It can give some pretty weird results.

SQL> create tablespace ts1 datafile size 10m;
Tablespace created.
SQL> create table t1 (c1 date) tablespace ts1;
Table created.
SQL> drop tablespace ts1;
Tablespace dropped.
SQL> insert into t1 values(sysdate);
insert into t1 values(sysdate)


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Forms :: How To Dynamically Make Visible True Or False In Menu

Apr 12, 2011

I am unable to hide or make visible a menu item dynamically. I want to show a menu to a bunch of employees only.

I have tried:

On the menu properties, I have done:
Physical-> visible : No
functional -> visible in Menu: No
(Have tried different combinations too)

On the form where this menu is attached, I have written trigger new form instance:


Its working fine when I am trying to enable or disable the same but I have to do it the desired way.

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Optim-peek-user-binds - Set To TRUE In Order To Utilize Adaptive Cursor Sharing?

Jul 5, 2012

I am on (RHEL 5.4)

For one of my OLTP table, we have skewed distribution on STATUS column and hence we created frequency histograms. NDV=7 for this column.

My question is : Do we need to have "_optim_peek_user_binds" set to TRUE in order to utilize Adaptive Cursor Sharing ?I have gone through different OTN forum and blogs and it appears that in order to generate different plans, Oracle has to Peek the value of bind variables each time. Without Peeking, how would CBO knows whether to generate new plans or not ?

For xyz reasons, optimpeek_user_binds is set to FALSE in my database and i could not find any sql_id having V$SQL.IS_BIND_AWARE='Y'.

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Application Express :: 4.2.1 Dynamic Action Definition True Action Settings Not Visible

May 16, 2013

im working with apex 4.2.1 and when i try to define a Dynamic action on any item, if the action type is "Set Value" or execute SQL/Javascript code it should appear a text field that let me define the action taking place. However this wont do..

this is what happens:

And this is what should happen:

I know that patch 4.2.2 solves some issues regarding dynamic actions but in the bug report there's no reference to such a problem.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Greatest Returns Null As Greatest Value While Max Returns 1

Aug 4, 2010

SQL> select greatest ( 1000,null) from dual;

SQL> with t as
2 ( select 1 a from dual union all
3 select null from dual)
4 select max(a) from t;


Why greatest returns null ( as the greatest value among the list of values) as the greatest value while max returns 1 in the above case?

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String Of Numbers

Oct 12, 2007

I have the following set of numbers that i am passing in as one input into a stored procedure.


Now i want to take this list of numbers and use it in an IN statement:

select * from table where column_a in (P_INPUT);

however, when i try this, it give me an invalid error. I have tried inserting single quote around each value and get the same invalid error. I tried a To_char around my column, which solved the error, but it never finds a match!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Random Numbers

Jul 1, 2010

I want to get 10 random numbers from existing 100 numbers. How can we get/generate random numbers ?

for example I have a table with customer ID, customer Name, having 100 record. We want 10 customers ID randomly from that 100 record not repeated any number. Have any command or procedure for that ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Column Containing Numbers Only

Jul 25, 2010

I have a column of datatype varchar2

this column may contain char or may contain number or may contain both

some values in this column are only number is there any function or any other way to get those column that are only number

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combinations Of Numbers

Nov 1, 2010

Earlier, we had a discussion how to generate the permutations. generating the code for combinations

For eg: if I have input as [1,2,3,4,5] then 5c2 = 20 combinations should be generated as pairs


Total of 10 combinations

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Selecting 1st And 2nd TOP Numbers (from Same Row)

Jul 6, 2012

I need to find the top two values value for each ID Number:

(ID number (8),
NUMBER_1 number (2),
NUMBER_2 number (2),
NUMBER_3 number (2),
NUMBER_4 number (2));


Desired Result:

ID Number 1st 2nd
12345679 30 30
99999999 30 25

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Numbers To Alphabets

Jul 6, 2013

I have a requirement to display numbers as equivalent alphabets , like if the stored value is 1 then it should display as 'A' ,2 means 'B' ,is there a way to find out.


-- The output to be is.

item_no , item_name

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Numbers To Words

Jul 6, 2012

I tried to convert numbers to words, it shows the below error.

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 6 11:00:29 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (2447834, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL;

two million four hundred forty-seven thousand eight hundred thirty-four

SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (244783400, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL;
SELECT TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (244783400, 'j'), 'jsp') FROM DUAL
ERROR at line 1: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string


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PL/SQL :: Extract Numbers Only

Sep 18, 2012

Here i face probelm that he numbers must be follw by DOT "." , this is not correct if the statment only conatines numbers without DOT that not extract. As the

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ( 'hello to 8898989898989 jkjk nnnm mnj'
, '([0-9]+.[0-9]*)' || -- Starts with digit(s) (may or may not have digits after .)
'|' || -- or
'(.[0-9]+)' -- starts with decimal point
) AS result
FROM dual

but mean i have to add . after numbers . as follow

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ( 'hello to 8898989898989 jkjk nnnm mnj'
, '([0-9]+.[0-9]*)' || -- Starts with digit(s) (may or may not have digits after .)
'|' || -- or
'(.[0-9]+)' -- starts with decimal point
) AS result
FROM dual

but this is not right

i want to extract numbers without DOT also.

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