PL/SQL :: String Search Query In Any Columns / Table In Database?
Sep 4, 2012
I am trying to search a word which starts with 'FRA' in any columns and any tables.
I am unable to find what is generating a join datasets in the webservice from teh database as it is not apparent within the 100 tables.
I ahve looked into
Re: How to search in all rows and all columns?
Re: SQL Search Query?
but none of these queries is working out for me as I am a user with no tables on its own but rather a user quering other tables.I think its a tweak on which dat a dictionary I can view
select distinct substr (table_name, 1, 14) "Table",
substr (t.column_value.getstringval (), 1, 50) "Column/Value"
from all_cons_columns,
(dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype ('select ' || column_name
|| ' from ' || table_name
|| ' where upper('
|| column_name
|| ') like upper(''%' || 'fra'
|| '%'')'
).extract ('ROWSET/ROW/*')
) t
order by "Table";
running teh above query got me thsi error:
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_XMLGEN", line 288
ORA-06512: at line 1
19202. 00000 - "Error occurred in XML processing%s"
*Cause: An error occurred when processing the XML function
*Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem
I have an application which deploys the data to Oracle database. It has more than 25 tables and many columns. It does not have any document explaining the deployment, so I am kind of doing reverse engineering here.
I need a script which will fetch the column name or at least table names which will match with either some string or number? I found few examples on net to find out number. But I am struggling to make it work for string.
I can not work on stored proc, as I do not have access to create that on server. So, any script will work.
I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?
if not, that means I have to :
1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE 2- edit my report query to something similar to > Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null 3- add button to refresh the report.
but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this. I am using theme 23 page template without sidebars Report template : Reports Region.
how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.
How can I do a selective search on "description" column for any word that starts with the "$" sign? In the end, this is the resultset that I am expecting:
I have table having a single column a, which contain the values "HP Laptop", can search it in either way , i mean to say either user input the HP Laptop or Laptop HP? is it possible via SQL query ?
I want to search for a pattern and replace with a string. I can easily achieve the same in oracle 10g with REGEXP_REPLACE , I want to get the similar solution in 9i.
I have to search for a string pattern 1234 5678 9012 6736 , I want to replace the same with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
My Scenario is'....456re0,50kg400,500rfabs43qre30,25kg150,354rf658....'
there is possible,using regexp_substr or other way to get the values, 0,50 and 400,500 and 30,25 and 150,354? I'm using [^re]+[$kg] and the string comes, but only the first occurence..
How can I search the tree with a given string?I don't find any function like "search(...)".I want to find the tree nodes which include the given string.
I have a requirement in which i have list pdf files(from thousands of pdf files) having particular string from a command prompt.I have tried find command but that has some limitation. its working upto 3 digit string can i acheive this.remember i have to do this through command prompt only.
i try to insert Concatenation string to my table,i need that all traps that has 12 length will be insert the new trapnum like this:
for example: 26001005CC45 = 260001005CC0045 ....... 08060027RF05 = 080600027RF0005 ......... and so....
update trap set TrapNum = ( select trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,1,4),'0000'))|| trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,5,1),'00'))|| trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,6,3),'000'))|| substr(TrapNum,9,2)|| trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,11,2),'0000')) from Trap) where length(Trapnum)=12
I need each different ACC_ID with ACC_AMT in different columns. The table may have other different ACC_ID also, but I will fetch only what I need. What is the best way to do this?
So far I have tried this:
i have project for hotel , i can't solve query to search empty room between date . i have table for room , when room record under reservation between date . then i want to found empty room between date, which is query to make do.
Table Room Room_No Type_Room From_Date To_Date Status
Now i need to found empty room between date search room empty between
11/03/2009 - 13/03/2009
select Room_No from Room where From_Date Not between '11/03/2009' and '13/03/2009' i found hard to query.
how to use APEX_ITEM.text for where the source for this comes from user input values and not for an underlying table.I have a report where three columns are coming from an actual table (one being a checkbox for selection) but then also have two additional fields on the screen that are not from a table but placeholder fields for user's to enter data.
For example, my query looks like this:
select apex_item.checkbox2(10,id), name, telephone, apex_item.text(20,NULL) as "Date Contacted", apex_item.textarea(30,NULL,5,80) as "Comment" from my_table
I am not seeing any values for the two user fields when entering values and doing a view source?
I have a tabeau that contains the data on my database, and I above table a "search" button that allows you to search for my DB, the problem must be the Result shown table or it already contains records what should I do?
in one of the data base some of the column values are TE. i wanted to serch in what are the tables this TE values are present. so m running the below function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION find_in_schema(val VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS v_old_table user_tab_columns.table_name%TYPE; v_where VARCHAR2(4000); v_first_col BOOLEAN := TRUE;
but v_where := v_where || ' or ' || r.column_name || ' like ''%' || val || '%''' is giving me numaric or value error when i run as select find_in_schema('@TL') from dual; so how can i go ahed with the serch ?
There is a table called cd_details. It has fields like id, name, language, type etc.I need a form where the user can search the database on basis of language and name and then display the other details. I used a data block wizard and given a push_buttonwith (execute_query). But it's very clumsy. For eg, if the user presses next the next button then all the records are being displayed. Is there any way to do this thing in a better way?
DT1 is a column of date datatype and there is no index created on the table
I want to add the below lines in the sql
TO_CHAR(DT1,'YYYY') BETWEEN '2005' AND '2009'
Which one should I use in where condition to query and why?
1. TO_CHAR(DT1,'YYYY') BETWEEN '2005' AND '2009' 2. DT1 BETWEEN '01/01/2005' AND '31/12/2009' (as NLS date format will not change) 3. DT1 BETWEEN to_date('01/01/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') AND ('31/12/2009' ,'dd/mm/yyyy')
I have a requirement that i should list out all the table names which are all using timestamp datatype in a specified schema. Is there any way to find those table names by using any system tables.
I'm a beginner in PL/SQL ! --> " get_sql_metadata(p_query IN Varchar2) RETURN VARCHAR2;" I have to display the names and columns of the query by using the package dbms_sql and how can I know how many columns will have my query.