PL/SQL :: Regular Expression To Remove Space In HTML Tag?

Nov 6, 2013

, My HTML string is like below. select '<CityName>RICHMOND</CityName>  <StateCd>ABCD CDE  <StateCd/><CtryCd>CAN</CtryCd><CtrySubDivCd>BC</CtrySubDivCd>' Str from dual Desired Output is<CityName>RICHMOND</CityName><StateCd>ABCD CDE  <StateCd/><CtryCd>CAN</CtryCd><CtrySubDivCd>BC</CtrySubDivCd> i.e.

want to remove those spaces from tag value area having only spaces otherwise leave as it is.implement the same using Regular expression.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Special Chars Using Regular Expression

Apr 9, 2013

Can we use regular expression to eliminate all characters other than -

A to Z
0 to 9
Special characters like - &,%,~,@,#,$,^,*,_,+,=,,/,<,>


String - TEST@#_~````}{!!!12311HELLO

Expected result - TEST@#_~12311HELLO

how we can use regular expression to achieve this result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Regular Expression In Oracle 10g

Apr 13, 2013

What is the use of Regular Expression?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Substr Or Regular Expression

Jan 21, 2011

I have a following table,

CREATE TABLE checkdata
( col1 VARCHAR2(2000)
INTO checkdata VALUES

I need output as ,

How do i use Substr and Regular expression here ?

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PL/SQL :: Regular Expression Select

Jun 6, 2012

Sample Data:

SELECT 'A/BCD/CCE/DFFFF' test  from dual
Expected Output:

'BCD' B,
'CCE' C,

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PL/SQL :: Regular Expression Matching All Given Words

Nov 8, 2012

I'm trying to match all sentences that contain words starting with given search tokens at least once. For example: if the given search token words are one and two then only sentences like "one plus one is two" should match. And should not match sentences like "one plus three is four". I was able to come up with this but I need a AND condition which I'm unable to get it right.

select count(*) from dual where regexp_like('one plus one is two', '(^|s)one|three', 'i');

Currently this gives a count of 1. But needs to give a count of 0 when the regexp is fixed.

search words : one two

one is less than two -> match
two is greater than one -> match
onetwo is union of two numbers -> match
onetwo is union of 2 numbers -> not a match as 'two' is not at the beginning of a word
one is less than three -> not a match as two is not present.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Date Value In Given String By Using Regular Expression

Jul 3, 2012

I have a Identifier column with start and stop dates along with description .

Two dates are separated by '-'. But the position of that character(-) is not constant always. Depending on the instr function I am able to divide the start and stop dates. But I am getting the performance problem because of huge data

I think the same logic will be implemented by regular expression also . How to write the equivalent logic by using regular expressions

create table REG_EXP_TEST
) ;
insert into REG_EXP_TEST

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Of Regular Expression In Real Time Scenario

Jul 24, 2012

Regular Expression in oracle??Especially the use of this in real time scenario.

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PL/SQL :: How To Perform A Pattern Check - Regular Expression

Oct 16, 2012

Is there a way to perform a pattern check on a value ?

For example: 654321HD9

The pattern is 6 numbers, followed by 2 letters, followed by 1 number. The data type for the attribute is a string.

Examples of right or wrong
654321HD9 - correct value
654321HD - wrong value
654321111 - wrong value
HD1111111 - wong value

The pattern has to be as i mentioned above (6 number, 2 letters, 1 number) otherwise its wrong. My pattern does not cover all cases.

select REGEXP_SUBSTR('654321HD9', '[0-9]+[A-Za-z]+[0-9]+') from dual;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Replace Double Space With Single Space And Also Remove Junk Characters

Jul 1, 2013

I want to replace double space with single space and also remove junk characters from the data. How can I do that?

CREATE TABLE test07013

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Regular Expression To Find Commits In All Oracle Source?

Oct 14, 2013

I would like to write a select that would return all places in DB that are commiting transaction.

E.g. package for testing:

END TEST_COMMIT;--not a match


The select should return 4 rows with --ok.

REGEXP_LIKE(ASO.TEXT,'commit(s*);','i' )

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PL/SQL :: Regular Expression To Check Number With At Least One Decimal Point?

Nov 18, 2013

I would like to use the REGEX_LIKE to check a number with up to two digits and at least one decimal point: Ex.10.11.1112 This is what I have so far.

if regexp_like(v_expr, '^(d{0,2})+(.[0-9]{1})?$') t

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Regular Expression For Exact Word And Occurrence

Mar 15, 2012

I need to search a specific pattern from a source code. In word, I need to check whether "getCode" has been called or not, for all the string inside double-quote("). Following are sample code lines -

1.->if(val==23){ month_desc = "a sample data"; }
2.->if(val==23){ month_desc = getCode("a sample data"); }
3.->if(val==23){ month_desc = "a " + getCode("sample data"); }
4.->if(val==23){ month_desc = getCode("sample data"); var2="sample data2";}

Now, expression should be such that it will return true during check for 1, 3 and 4, although, for 3 & 4 getCode has been called for part of the String.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Extract Data From Clob Field Using Regular Expression

Oct 6, 2011

I want to extract the data from the Clob field. I have the following table,create table test123(col1 char(24), col2 clob); And following data,

Insert into test123 (col1,col2) values ('ABCDE','<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Attribute DataType="Text-40" DisplayName="DropDirectory"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="DropDirectory" Value="${Dir1}"/>
<Attribute DataType="Text-40" DisplayName="PrinterAlias"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="PrinterAlias" Value="\Printer3Printer4"/>
<Attribute DataType="Text-40" DisplayName="PrintServerHostName"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="PrintServerHostName" Value=""/>
<Attribute DataType="Count" DisplayName="PrintServerPort"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="PrintServerPort" Value="2723"/>

The data will be available like this only, The same XML tag is used everywhere.

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Application Express :: Conditional HTML Expression In A Classic Report

Sep 6, 2013

Apex 4.2I currently have a report column in a classic report that has a Column Formatting Attribute as below. This works fine it shows a map icon that when you click on it goes off to google maps and put 2 geo points on a map. However I need to change this report column so that the HTML expression will be different dependent on the value returned so if the column returns 1 then the HTML Expression will be slightly different. 

HTML EXPRESSION <span class="map_#BROKE_GEO#_#VALID_GEO_CODES#"><a target=_blank href="f?p=&APP_ID.:323:&SESSION.::::P323_PARCEL_ID,P323_SCAN_ID,P323_PROP_ADDR1,P323_PROP_POSTCODE,P323_PROP_LAT,P323_PROP_LONG,P323_SCAN_LAT,P323_SCAN_LONG:&P341_PARCEL_ID.,#SCAN_ID#,#LINE_1#,#POST_CODE#,#PROPERTY_GEO_LAT#,#PROPERTY_GEO_LONG#,#SCAN_GEO_LAT#,#SCAN_GEO_LONG#"><img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#&P341_IMG_MAP_#BROKE_GEO#." alt="Google Maps" title="Google Maps"></a></span>  

I think I can do this in the report source directly with a case statement and include the HTML in that for the column but how do you handle all the quotes within the SQL statement. e.g.

Original Query SELECT     parcel_id    ,status    ,LOCATION    ,scan_date    ,scan_id    ,driver_comments    ,card_id    ,valid_geo_codes -- this is my html column    ,property_geo_lat    ,property_geo_long    ,scan_geo_lat    ,scan_geo_long    ,broke_geo    ,line_1    ,post_code    FROM vw_parcel_history_details  WHERE parcel_id = :p341_parcel_id  ORDER BY scan_date  New Query SELECT     parcel_id    ,status    ,LOCATION 

various iterations of that large html string but I do not know how to format it because off all the quotes?

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Application Express :: Remove HTML From Interactive Report Download?

Sep 27, 2012

I have interactive reports where the column link on a specific column has to be dynamic, that means, it cannot be hard coded in the column link attributes. The following is an example of one such report query:

case when d.object_type_description ='Business Service' then

'< href="f?p='||:app_id||':183:'||:app_session||'::::P183_OBJECT_ID:'||||'">'||d.object_name||'</>'

when d.object_type_description = 'Real Time Event' then

'< href="f?p='||:app_id||':162:'||:app_session||'::::P162_OBJECT_ID:'||||'">'||d.object_name||'</>'

as "OBJECT NAME"As you see in the above example, the link on the "Object Name" column could either redirect to page 183 or to page 162 based on the "Object Type Description" column.

The column attribute of the "Object Name" column has "Display Type" set to "Standard Report Column". That works perfectly fine in the UI of the report. However, if I download the IR data (in any format) from the Actions -> Download menu, the object name column values are downloaded with the HTML characters as:

< href="f?p=15548:183:6072319179284::::P183_OBJECT_ID:255245470513999672860510787772603748464">JP010000</>where JP010000 is the object name.

Is there a way I can strip the HTML from the column values in the downloaded files?I am using Apex 4.1.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Remove Space

Oct 20, 2010

query string in such like that index.php?name=tejaspatel

i have table in record is available below

select * from emp where name = :name // it is query string parameter

tejas patel

then how to match this record ?

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Remove White Space While Loading Data?

Aug 11, 2010

i loaded the data from csv file. and i used FIELDS TERMINATED BY x'09' values.but the end of the value having white space within it..

"33004[] like box

how can i remove the white space when i load the data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove White Space From Oracle Database

Jun 29, 2011

I want to remove white space from oracle database, and i don't want to use trim() or replace(). can i use jdbc driver? if yes, then how?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Expression Must Have Same Datatype As Corresponding Expression

Dec 22, 2010

ved>create table test900 ( a number, b number);

Table created.

ved>insert into test900 values( 9,'');

1 row created.

ved>insert into test900 values( 10,null );

1 row created.

ved>select * from test900;

---------- ----------
ved>select nvl(length(b),0) from test900;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression..Why the above sql ( case 2 ) gives error?

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Any Way To Free Space From Sysaux Table Space?

Oct 3, 2012

Just now sysaux resized to 600m from 250m >>

Usually we take AWR weekly once. Some times we did ADDM report and ASH.

CODEsql>select TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_NAME, BYTES/(1024*1024), AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES/(1024*1024)  from dba_data_files where tablespace_name = 'SYSAUX';

TABLESPACE_NAME       FILE_NAME                                             BYTES/(1024*1024)     AUT         MAXBYTES/(1024*1024)
SYSAUX                  /u01/app/oracle/oradata/test/sysaux01.dbf           600                  YES                 32767.9844

SYSAUX          600                  248            352               41.33        58.67

1. What's the best SOLUTION ?
2. Can i shrink sysaux tablespace ?
3. I think , The size for all occupants in sysaux tablespace is less than 200 MB => how to find actual content of sysaux tablespace ?
4. What could be the reason for growth? Is there any way to free the space from sysaux table space?

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Using PL/SQL Table With Regular Query

Apr 22, 2009

How to use a table type variable with a regular query? For example, in my PL/SQL proc I have a table of employee names.

v_emp_tbl; --contains 'John','Sally','Ted'

Then I want to get names in a table called tbl_employees which are not in the pl/sql table. So if the table contains 'John','Sally','Ted',and 'Don' then I want to see 'Don'.

Not sure how to do this. Essentially I want something like:

Select emp_name into v_single_emp
from tbl_employees where emp_name NOT IN v_emp_tbl;

I know I can loop through the pl/sql table but I wanted to see if there is some other way.

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PL/SQL :: The Regular Expressions And GUID

Jul 16, 2012

I am needing to select GUIDS from a table and for this, I need the Regular Expression. My Perl is not good and not good Regular Expression. My database is Oracle and the Operating System of the Machine is Linux (Oracle Version 6).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Data At Regular Interval

Mar 2, 2011

I have this remote database A and database B. DB A has 10 views and DB B has 10 tables. I have to pull out data from views of DB A and load into tables of DB B at regular intervals. How do I do this job?

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Perform Regular Updates On Several Oracle Tables

Sep 26, 2012

I am attempting to perform regular updates on several Oracle tables. The scripts performing the updates are scheduled to run every two minutes, get a value and update the table with that value.

The value doesn't always change but the scripts will still attempt to perform an update.

The same script is part of 7 objects, all of them are scheduled to run at the same time. They update the same table but never the same row.Even though the script is mostly the same on the 7 objects, they run completely independently of each other. The first object will usually perform the update without any problems but when it comes to the second object the script will time out.

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Logical Backup Of All Application Tables At Regular Intervals

May 18, 2010

I want to maintain the logical backup of all the application tables At regular intervals. Which option would i use?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Email ID From A String / Text Using Oracle Regular Expressions

Oct 14, 2013

code to extract email id (full email id) from a string/text using Oracle Regular Expressions.

Example -

"This is my String with email to test" O/p -

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Load Flat File Into Database At Regular Interval Time

Apr 5, 2011

how can we load a Flat file into a Database At Regular Interval Time.

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Application Express :: Unable To Size Pop Window That Redirects To Regular URL Using Dynamic

Nov 8, 2013

I have an instruction like this in a pluggin: begin    ...   

htp.p('<font size="3" color="FireBrick">

Cannot find? Search on </font>' || '<


<font size="4" color="FireBrick"><b>Google</b></a>');    ...

 It displys the Google page in another window. How can size the wiindow? For example adding width=200, height=100 to the href tag doesn't  work.... Do I need to use JavaSvript?If yes, any example?.

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Data Guard :: Take RMAN Full Backup Of Standby Database On Regular Basis?

Jun 8, 2012

I use windows 2003 server, oracle question is related to maintaing a standby database

1. Do we need to take RMAN full backup of standby database on a regular basis? At the moment I dont take backups of standby database.

2. I have FRA on standby database. The archivelogs from primary go to FRA on standby. I delete my archivelogs as follows:


Though the archivelogs are delete there are still empty folders of archivelogs that are not deleted. How to get rid of them automatically.

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