PL/SQL :: ORA-01840 - Executed Function - Throw Error?
Mar 7, 2013
I cerated a function with two date parameters. I am using these parameters in query. The function created successfully.But when i executed this function, it throw following error:
ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format in function
I searched on internet, but not found the proper solution. n with example.Table column is varchar2 type and values store in 'RRRR/MM/DD' format.
create table test123 as (unit varchar2(5),qty varchar2(25)); insert into test123('ABC','10,40,50'); insert into test123('PQR','20,30,40,10'); insert into test123('XYZ','20,10,70');
I have a table called test123 which qty field. if the sum of qty is entered more than 100 or less than 100, it should throw error.
I wrote this trigger..but it is not working.
create or replace restrict_sum after insert or update of qty on test123 for each row declare v_sum number; [code].........
I'm attempting to use dynamic SQL to execute a function that returns a user-defined collection. The problem is that I don't know how to use dynamic SQL to handle user-defined types...or if this is even possible?
The code I have is as follows:
TYPE typ_qi_data IS RECORD( iQIFlag NUMBER(1), iIPFlag NUMBER(1), iRiskIndicator NUMBER(1), iDenominator NUMBER(8), iNumerator NUMBER(8) [code]........
I want to be able to execute the above function using dynamic SQL. Initially tried:
DECLARE f2_data qi_test.typ_qi_data_tab; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'begin :1 := qi_test.get_f2_data; end;' USING OUT f2_data; [code]......
...but this just produces "PLS-00457: expressions have to be of SQL types". So it looks like I can't do it this way if the returned data type is user defined. I know it would be easier in this instance to just use something like:
f2_data := qi_test.get_f2_data;
...rather than EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, but it's the principle that I need to get right as it forms part of a much bigger piece of work.
when i am executing the procedure, i am getting the below error.
I have added below lines in the procedure.
Even though i am getting the error.
ORA-20000: ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of 100000 bytes ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 32 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 97 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 112 ORA-06512: at "Procedure name", line 199 ORA-06512: at line 1 20000. 00000 - "%s"
*Cause: The stored procedure 'raise_application_error' was called which causes this error to be generated.
*Action: Correct the problem as described in the error message or contact the application administrator or DBA for more information.
In my alert log I am getting the following error quite repeatedly; My application hangs, and have to restart the instance.
CODEORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-06521: PL/SQL: Error mapping function ORA-06512: at "SYS.OLAPIHISTORYRETENTION", line 1 ORA-06512: at line 6
I'm receiving these errors when I try to run my function. The object of my function is to "This function will format the employee's name in the following format:
if the employee has a middle initial: John P. Smith If the employee does not have a middle initial: John Smith"
LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3/1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "P_INITIAL" when expecting one of the following: := ) , default character The symbol "," was substituted for "P_INITIAL" to continue.
4/1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "P_LNAME" when expecting one of the following: := ) , default character The symbol "," was substituted for "P_LNAME" to continue. [code]....
I tried to use external C procedure from the database and i did all required steps as below. 1. create a C program 2. compile and link the C program 3. copy it to the Oracle_home/bin directory 4. configure listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files
error call a function which alter sequence value..I created a function to reset a sequence value as below
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rebuildSequence return number As l_csmsgid1 PLS_INTEGER; l_csmsgid2 PLS_INTEGER; l_val PLS_INTEGER; plsql_block VARCHAR2(500); [code]....
I verified and executed the pl/sql block without a problem. but when only put into a fuction and call it, got then error.
I have wrote a Stored Procedure Function that get all the rows from a Staging Table and assigns it to a CLOB and returns the CLOB. The issue is I'm getting the dreaded
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at "F_CLOB_TEST", line 21 ORA-06512: at line 7
The error does not occur when I remove the 'PRC_ID', 'S_FIL_NAME' & 'exportDt' from the query. It works fine. The PRC_ID has data such as "700$702$7 05$706$707$708$709$710$711$712$713$714$715$294404$294405$294407$294408$294409$294410"
and S_FIL_NAM is the same for all columns - "SBENE_FILID810-2010-04-07-10.59.17"
The query returns 829 rows. Also I have to include a few more columns in the query which have data larger than the 'PRC_ID', but I have not included them here in the sample code, as this code by itself returns the ORA-6502 error.
create or replace FUNCTION "F_CLOB_TEST" (job_id in Number) return clob is c_clob clob; [code]....
I've used a date in execute immediate query in function, but at the time passing the date as input parameter and getting the result i'm getting following error.
SQL> select getstockqty(1,to_date('31/03/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual; select getstockqty(1,to_date('31/03/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected ORA-06512: at "MIS.GETSTOCKQTY", line 11
i have ir report and one column value coming from function,when open the IR report its giving error..
IR report code SELECT CS_ID ,CS_NAME, Util_func(PASS_ID) as "ALERT_DAYS" from "CSD_MASTERS" Function code FUNCTION Util_func(PASS_ID NUMBER) RETURN number IS ALERT_DAYS NUMBER:=0; BEGIN [code]........
I am getting an ORA-00902: invalid datatype error when I am trying call the below function from a select statement. Here I am trying to get a table out from a function.
create or replace package pkg10 as type tabletype1 is table of table1%rowtype index by binary_integer; function func1 return tabletype1; end pkg10;create or replace package body pkg10 as
I want to perform some operation with case statement. But I am confusing with ora 00932 error. My question is what data type should I use while performing case function?
SQL> select * from samp;
NAME EMPID SALARY DEPT --- sony 10680 8200 sap bala 10708 4300 .net sam 10600 9000 oracle chris 10655 5500 java rose 10487 8700 oracle
My big question is
different datatypes, then use consistent datatypes. For example, convert the character field to a numeric field with the TO_NUMBER function before adding it to the date field. Functions may not be used with long fields.
// just I am trying to perform basic operation. why oracle didn't support?
begin startDate := to_date(sDate,'DD-MON-YY'); endDate := to_date(eDate,'DD-MON-YY'); end
When I called the function it gives me the following error: ORA-01843: not a valid month..And I tried to simulate the process, the below code also show the same error:
select TO_DATE(to_date('13-DEC-09', 'dd-MON-yy', 'nls_date_language=english'),'DD-moN-YY') from dual;
how I can check that error. I need to pass dates to my function.
The result : ;;; Import: Release - Production on Jeudi, 15 Septembre, 2011 17:47:16
Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. ;;; Connecté à : Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Table maître "DATAPUMP"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_29" chargée/déchargée avec succès
I having issue when i try to use CLOB as varchar2 is not enough in my case. I'm developing function column in oracle report. I'm using developer 6i. I get error function return must char?
How I can use CLOB in oracle report?
function CF_RnoFormula return Char is --v_release_num CLOB; v_release_num varchar2(32767); begin FOR rec IN [code]........
my java program i am executing a pl/sql function using callable statement i checked everything in the function and the function is created without compilation errors in sql*plus environment, and i gave all DBA permissions to the user, but i got the error like below
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 28: PLS-00201: identifier 'NAME' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
and i wrote the function like below for the below table
and the java program is like below try{ Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,dbUserName,dbPassword); CallableStatement st=connection.prepareCall("{?=call
I used two tables in my procedure..TBLEMP and TBLORG..
STEP I :-> I try to insert record in both table TBLEMP and TBLORG...I written seperate BEGIN and END block for TBLEMP and TBLORG Insert operation...When some exception is occured then I rollback all the data..if not then insert statements are commited..
STEP II :-> On table TBLORG one trigger is written..that will execute on each new insert...In this trigger I get the current record(Current employee) data from TBLEMP
Now my question is for executing trigger is it necessary to commit the TBLEMP operation, before getting data from TBLEMP.
I have executed two jobs using dbms_scheduler. The value of the job_queue_process is 10 in my database. It is RAC database with Oracle 10g.
My job gets executed. But the next run is not getting executed at the next run date. In the below example, the systimestamp is 12:27. The first job's next run date is 12:30 so that is fine. But the second job's run date is 12:21 which is 6 mintues less than current time. As a result, the second job does not get executed after this at all..
I have some troubles when I try to retrieve last executed queries in a database.
For example;
I run the script below:
select distinct t.first_load_time, t.sql_text, t.last_load_time, s.username from v_$sql t, v$session s where s.username='SYS'
And as a result, I retrieve the queries executed by SYS user. But the problem is that, if SYS user executed the same query more than once, only the very first record is shown.
It is like this,
SYS user executes "select * from table_abc" at 10:54:35, and after that SYS executes the same query at 13:45:55. and after running the query above, I can only see the record which was executed at 10:54:35. I need to see the both results.
when a procedure, package or function is executed which part of oracle code gets loaded, where the values of the variables are stored etc. When a package is loaded in the memory does specification and body both gets loaded?
How can I found how much memory is required to execute a procedure? consider oracle architecture (SGA, PGA, UGA etc.)
how to find out the timestamps of a OS command executed previously. "history" command doesn't show the timestamps. I checked "man history" but i couldn't able to find the proper option.
I am trying to trace the SQL statements executed against a particular database user. I don't have AUDITING enabled and I am using Oracle 11g.I have the following query :
But if multiple users running the 'APP.EXE' are connected to the same db user, I am not able to understand which OS user executed which query. So I tried to join with V$SESSION view to get the user details.
But this doesn't seems to be working(In my case it didn't return any rows) I have also tried the following
but I am not sure whether this is giving the right results. So, I have the following questions
1) How do I get the queries executed by each session?
2) The EXECUTIONS column of V_$SQL seems to the executions from all the sessions. How do I know the number of times a particular query is executed by a session?
3) How long a record about a query will be stored in V_$SQL? When do Oracle delete it from the view?
I want to know the DDL statements executed on a table. Example:
i have a table test1 with structure as below: test1 (aa number, bb varchar2(10))
After some period of time, one DDL statement to alter the column is issued.
alter table test1 modify (bb varchar2(30));
so new table structure is: test1(aa number, bb varchar2(30))
Basically i would like to find these 2 DDL statements executed on this table - test1, so that i compare which column get modified and what modification done.
Is this information stored in any data dictionary table?
note - audit, flashback option not enabled in this database.
If I like to identify the executed time of a particular SQL Statement, beside v$sql, is there any other dictionary or lookup table that have this piece of information?
Why v$sql is not sufficient, because this is a recurrsive update statement which is regularly called, and thus the last_load_time is overwritten.
My archivelog had been purged due to our scheduled backup.
Is there any other way to identify when the particular SQL statement is executed?