Application Express :: IR Report Value From Function Error
Apr 11, 2013
i have ir report and one column value coming from function,when open the IR report its giving error..
IR report code
SELECT CS_ID ,CS_NAME, Util_func(PASS_ID) as "ALERT_DAYS" from "CSD_MASTERS" Function code
I am not familiar with form with report in APEX. I have a lot of forms with reports that was created before, but they have only create buttons. Now I need to add edit and delete buttons. I wish I do not have to recreate forms with reports. But when I tried to add delete function by comparing a form with delete button created by APEX, but it does not work. the delete button does not react at all.
setting is as follows:
button style: template based button button template: Button button type: normal action: redirect to URL execute validation: NO URL target: javascript:apex.confirm(htmldb_delete_message,'DELETE'); database action: SQL delete action condition type: value of item / column in expression1 is not null expression1: P2172_ALIAS_ID
I also enable the delete in the process of :"Process Row of SOR_ALIAS"
If I set action of delete button as submit page, I can delete the row, but no standard popup warning,
I have identified the problematic part. I have a multi-select select list and my query goes like this:
select o.order_id, s.salesrep_name from ml_orders o, ml_order_salesrep_mapping m where m.order_id(+) = o.order_Id and case when :P22_SALESREP is null then 1
I'm getting the error below when downloading IR report in csv format. I'm getting that whenever the records is more than 108,000. Is there a limit in records to download? Is there a resolution.
I'm using Apex 4.2. On click of a button, I refresh 2 Standard Region Reports with a Dynamic Action. This dynamic action has been working without problems for WEEKS and all of a sudden i'm getting the ORA-20876: Stop APEX Engine error when I click the button.
In the dynamic action, I removed the refresh of the second report and now the error does not occur. If I add the second refresh action back in, it throws the above error. I've even tried making the second report identical to the first and the refresh action fails. why this is failing on the second refresh action since the second report & region is IDENTICAL to the first report now.
Having this issue in Apex 4.1.1 and 4.2 (haven't tried it in versions prior to 4.1.1 yet). So I got my standard IR, and trying to create a private report with control breaks, aggregations.
Once I save it as a private report, It applies the same on my primary report.
It's no big issue as I can flip back to Primary report and delete the control breaks, aggregations but is some kind of bug? Ideally it shouldn't modify my primary report unless I try to save it as "Default Report Setting".
I have a Page containing 3 reports and I was wondering if it is possible to re-execute only one of the these reports using a button or preferably a Select List which allows me to choose which of the 3 reports I wish to 'refresh/re-execute'. I may be totally wrong here but I assumed that choosing the option to submit a Page will cause all regions to refresh i.e. re-execute the SQL queries they are 'based on'.
I have a Report Region with Type SQL Query and Source "SELECT * FROM <table>" where <table> has a primary key from a sequence. Under Report Attributes, I have Report Column "ST_NM" with Show and Sort checked and having a Sort Sequence of "1". I assume this is to set the iniital display sequence but regardless, the report rows display in Primary key order initially.
To try it: [URL]
1) How do I set the initial display sequence to be other than the primary key sequence?
What is the code/javascript/url behind the test report button on report queries component?
We are having DSN problems using the print url given on the report query. The URL works for some of our developers and not for others.
The test report button on the report query appears to work for everyone but I do not know what is behind the "Test Report" button. If I could recreate the test report button on our page this would be GREAT!
I have to implement IR report search functionality (*when ever we click on column header it will display all the values in that particular column , once we click on particular value , the report will filter based on that particular value * ) in classic report .
I have created a classic report in Apex. Have enabled the print PDF link on the report for the business users to download it in a PDF format. Is is possible to put a logo in a downloaded PDF from the report?
select "ID", "NAME" from #OWNER#.COUNTRYSELECT , c.country_id , FROM city c WHERE c.country_id = :P2_country_id ORDER BY c.ID DESCP2_country_id it's a hidden item
i create dynamic action event click ,
type item (P2_country_id) , condition equal to country_id true action refresh region (city report)
i want when click on row in country report , set values that related with city , how can i do that ?
I want to build a custom authentication scheme which combines the funcionality of of SSO and a custom authentication function.
1. If the HTTP Header Variable REMOTE_USER is set, this user should be a valid logged on user. (Single Sign On functionality)
2. If the HTTP Header Variable is not set, the LOGIN-Page should appear. (local user Administration)
3. The user/password combination from the login page should be validated by my own authentication function I think I have to create a sentry-Function, which is a combination of the sentry-functions which are used in the schemes "custom" and "HTTP Header Variable". I tried to find an implementation of these functions in the APEX_040200 database scheme, but without success.
APEX 4.0 Sometimes, I am getting the below error when I tried to logging into APEX workspace (after giving workspace name, User name and password), Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.
ErrorERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept. I found some threads related to this but in different way not exactly when I am getting this error.
After 2 or 3 times, this error will not come and I can able to logging into workspace What is the cause for this issue??
I have a problem when I want to edit a row in a report. I have created a form with report, and now when I click on the edit icon on the report page, it navigates me to the form page but without the row data .
I created a report and in this report there is a likeable colummn and when its been cliked I need its show a message box containing a text that cames from field on a tables in my database.
I have a javascript code, which refreshes a report on a page.The problem is, that the report ID is hard coded. If I import this page to a different application, the report won't be refreshed anymore.
I have a Classic Report with Link item and Copy item and the other columns from the table. Copy item should appear in each record like the edit item link. When copy item is clicked the current row should be copied and a new duplicate row should be visible in the report.
The PL/SQL process written for this Copy item works fine (when executed alone).... but when Copy item is clicked, the PL/SQL process is not getting triggered. PL/SQL process in not conditional.
I'm trying to set up a PL/SQL dynamic action that is triggered by clicking on a button. The dynamic action sets two values in a table and then I would like to redirect to another page. Setting the values works fine. The code is below:
declarel_information varchar2(255) := :P94_FILENAME;BEGINcommit;UPDATE VDI_METADATASET CREATEUSERLISTNAME = l_information, CREATEUSERLISTON = sysdate();commit;htp.init;owa_util.redirect_url('f?p=&APP_ID.:81:&APP_SESSION.::NO:::');END; The redirect fails with the following eror: "Error: parseerror: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data"
how to redirect to a page from within PL/SQL . None of them result in success.
Unless I'm not understanding this error it means that it can find the ACTION part that is attached to the WHAT part of this Dynamic Action? The Dynamic Action does work when the application is run (in Development)also, there are 3 others that are similar to this one. The export was created by the export utility in the Application Builder.
If I export only the page and import that into Production the import is successful and the page runs correctly. This is error is happening only when I try to import the entire Application.There are many other changes made which is why I was trying to do an Application export/import instead of individual pages.
I am using Apex 4.2. On a click of button a Dynamic Action is written, which calls a DB Package. The DB package has exception handlers and also the package has two output parametersError Code and Error MsgSo in my code(Dynamic Code) i make a call to the package and checks the value for Erroc Code.
Begin Package call...... If v_error_code <> '0' Then Raise SC_Error; End if;Exception When SC_Error Then RAise_Application_error(v_err_code, v_err_msg);End;
But when i run the page and I click I get an Internal exception errorOutput from Debug -- I am not sure what the Cell in Red colour means, because the package is returning a correct message (before the red line).AJAX call returned server error ORA-20003:
Customer has already been matched for Execute PL/SQL Code.4......is_internal_error: true4......apex_error_code: APEX.AJAX_ SERVER_ ERROR4.. ora_ sqlcode: -200034......ora_sqlerrm: ORA-20003: Customer has already been matched4......error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at line 41 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 1926 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 973 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 999 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC", line 830 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_PLUGIN_UTIL", line 2304 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_ACTION_NATIVE", line 442 4......component.type: NATIVE_EXECUTE_PLSQL_CODE4.
Execute Error Handling Callout defined on Page or Application Level4...Execute Statement: begin declare l_error wwv_flow_error_api.t_error; begin l_error := wwv_flow_error_api.g_error; wwv_flow_error_api.g_error_result := apx_error_utils.handleerror ( p_error => l_error ); end; end;4......Values changed by callout:4..
An unexpected internal application error has occurred. Please get in contact with your system administrator and provide reference# for further investigation. 4..display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE4Stop APEX Engine detected4Final commit4-1 - 59
I have a tabular form with a few columns. THey are ID, date1, date2 and task_name. The task_name is a drop down list of tasks. Upon selecting a specific task, I want the date1 and/or date2 columns to become read only (voided out) so users cannot enter in data. I am working with a tabular form, so I figured I need a javascript function to handle the logic and to call the function in the html elements of the column in the apex environment. This will need to happen dynamically (on click) before the page is submitted. I am more lost/confused on syntax. I know I will need to know the actual column name (coo1, coo2, something like that) of my columns that I will be refering to when I use javascript.
I am using the below function to return a blob (CSV) content, this is working fine..But i need to modify this function to display headline for the report and fixed width column in CSV ( then user no need to expand the each and every column ).
create or replace function GET_BLOB ( p_query varchar2 ) return blob as
We just upgraded from Application Express to Application Express We are using one common application to authenticate and redirect to other applications.
URL....The upgade from 4.0 to 4.2 went fine, existing applications work, Builder works fine. But none of the packaged applications install, all of them fail with that error. Is there some post-upgrade step to complete to get this to work?
Also, it doesn't appear like we can select the application id when installing these applications! Our environment has a convention, of sorts, for application ids. Is there a way to over-ride the app id?
We have an interactive report (working report), which is updateable.
The user has created his own version of the report, with less columns.
Now when he changes a value it does not save.
Am I right to say that if one of the columns he has removed from the report is a required parameter for the update code, then the report will not save.
I have an error why trying to update the source of my interactive report the error is : 1 error has occurred
The report query needs a unique key to identify each row. The supplied key cannot be used for this query. Please edit the report attributes to define a unique key column. ORA-01446: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
The SQL query is :
select l.code_lignebip, m.identifiant_mission, m.libelle_mission, SUM(b.nbr_jours), SUM(c.nbr_jours_consome), c.nbr_jours_realise, c.nbr_jours_raf, c.nbr_jours_reestime, c.lundi, c.mardi, c.mercredi, c.jeudi, c.vendredi FROM missions m, bip l, cra c, budgets b [code]....