I need select last added/inserted records where value = 'test1' and = 'test2' and = 'test3' in column 'NAME' should be one record for each 'test1','test2' ...
aslo..table have column 'DATE_USR' with data_type = timestamp(6)
I have a table where there is no sequence maintained and there is no time stamp column to track the inserted record.How do I find the latest inserted record in the table.
I have a table which is getting populated from a source. I dont have a time-stamp column in the table. Is there anyway to find the time when a record was inserted into the table?
I have a form that used to enter new employees , if the employee ID already registerd then the user can ONLY update the information and NOT adding the same ID with new info.
int the ID item in when-validat-item trigger I put this code
in the save button the code is : commit;
The problem Is : a new record with same ID is inserted every time !! Duplication is happining
The 1st 2 tables are used only to fetch values through a LOV and no insert happen during save and the 3rd has initial values defined and has to insert these values while click on the save (when button pressed trigger) button which has the below pasted code, but no error is thrown and neither the record is inserted,
I am using oracle developer 10g. I want to know the status of the printer where i want to print. If the running report is printing or in queue then a record is to be inserted into a table as audit-trail of printing. Idon't want to do it manually.
Insert into table1 select val1,val2 from table2,table3 where table2.col2=table3.col2 and....(some more conditions)
I am working with Oracle 10g.This insert statement is called from a procedure for nearly 3000 to 4000 time.Now my problem is even though the select statement selects correct no. of rows but still it insert only 2 or 3 rows.Apart from it ,it's working fine for some cases i.e it insert the actual no. of rows that is being selected from the select statement.
Insert into table1 select val1,val2 from table2,table3 where table2.col2=table3.col2 and....(some more conditions)
I am working with Oracle 10g.This insert statement is called from a procedure for nearly 3000 to 4000 time.Now my problem is even though the select statement selects correct no. of rows but still it insert only 2 or 3 rows.Apart from it ,it's working fine for some cases i.e it insert the actual no. of rows that is being selected from the select statement.
I keep getting the "ORA-01401:inserted value too large for column". No biggie - I've dealt with this multiple times before (but obviously not enough in this instance).
The data being entered is a SINGLE digit number - a number like 1, 2 or 3 - nothing fancy, just a plain straight everyday single digit number. The field in question is / was set as field type "Integer". Now, there is no set field size for integers! - not in Oracle anyway. Since it wasn't happy, I decided I'll try field types of 'Number' and also "Varchar2" set to 10 bytes. I have deleted the column from the table and re-created it as well.
Here's the even more puzzling bit: I can INSERT data into this field, BUT I can not UPDATE the field with the exact same data. The data is being inserted from a csv file. The same exact csv file used to insert works, but the same data in the same file will not update only that particular column.
If I delete the specific column data from the csv file, all goes through fine. If I hard code the update for the field (eg SET field2 = '1' or even SET field2 = ' ') it still doesn't work. So I know it is not the csv file that is causing problems. I deleted all data from the csv file except the field in question - still no luck.
So after eliminating: 1. The field type 2. The field length 3. The data being inserted 4. The external source of the data
i m create a table emp . all user of database have privileged to read and write the emp table. now How can identify that which user have insert row in emp file ?
We are using Release of Oracle. I am having below special characters inserted into one of my columns, how this value got inserted, (what is the source) i need to track it down.
We dont have any audit trigger on this table to track one level below. As per JAVA guys this is uploaded through a file and the file is having well defined characters and no special characters for this column value also they uploaded the file again but its now going fine with no such special characters. So they put it on DBA's to find how special characters came into database?
Again the editor is not recognising all the characters , so i got the ASCII value for each of the characters in the string, its as below.
String - ‡Mw‹O--ggÑÆÔéÓÞ³µmT¤OˆÓ`ôiyïÎ!Ž ASCII character is : ‡ ASCII Value Is : 14844065 ASCII character is : ‹ ASCII Value Is : 14844089 ASCII character is : -- ASCII Value Is : 14844052 ASCII character is : ASCII Value Is : 49793 ASCII character is : Ñ ASCII Value Is : 50065
INSERT ALL INTO test_abc VALUES (1,12345,34567,87654) INTO test_abc VALUES (2,17345,37567,87754) INTO test_abc VALUES (3,12745,34767,87674) INTO test_abc VALUES (4,17045,30567,80754) INTO test_abc VALUES (5,12740,34067,87604) SELECT * FROM dual;
CREATE TABLE test_b (id NUMBER, col VARCHAR2(10), coltype_id NUMBER);
What I need to do is to convert the columns col1, clo2, col3 in test_abs into rows in test_b. but I need to do this so that the column name is what determines the value of colytype_id.So in test_b values will look like:
I wanted to know if there is a way to keep track of what is being inserted/updated in the database currently.
I tried psoug website and SQL_Trace at orafaq (I cannot post the links) but those are useful when you want to see what happens with your queries in a session... When I tried to modify an outer session by its id I couldn't find any trace file that could've been generated (and its impossible to change "tracefile_identifier" in an outer session)
There is an application that is customized by me and it inserts some additional records into the DB in its backend functionality to which I do not have an access (I mean I don't have any source of the backend code), so if I need to see what are the inserts being made, I have to do that directly from the oracle level. I've heard that it is possible and easy to do in MySQL (but I never used that DBMS).
What would be the best way to Commit after every 10 000 records inserted from one table to the other using the following script :
DECLARE l_max_repa_id x_received_p.repa_id%TYPE; l_max_rept_id x_received_p_trans.rept_id%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT MAX (repa_id) INTO l_max_repa_id [code].........
I have table and it will contain huge data, so we have implemented as partitioned table. Every day when we load data into table there will be one partition created by the ETL Process by default with the Date Column(day wise). Now we may receive data for the previous days as well(Date column in table will have the date associated to the Data). No i would like the data should be inserted into partition which assocites to its own date.
I am using an Oracle Forms application. When you click a check-box in the form and save it,a record is inserted to a log table, they say. The DB schema has over 1000 tables and over50 log tables. Is there way using the data dictionaly to find out which table was inserted tomost recently? I don't have access to the Forms code. My goal is to find out the table that the Form inserted the log entry to.
I wanted to select data which is inserted on the same time.
Is that possible? I am trying with below query but facing isses.
SQL> SELECT a,b,c,d FROM tb;
no rows selected
SQL> SELECT a,b,c,d FROM (INSERT INTO tb VALUES(1,1,1,1)); SELECT a,b,c,d FROM (INSERT INTO tb VALUES(1,1,1,1)) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00903: invalid table name
I have one table in which I want to restrict some records from being inserted. I don't want to put any checked constraints. e.g. consider following table
transaction( id number primary key, txn_date timestamp(7), payee varchar2(40), amount number, memo varchar2(40), ref_num number )
I want to write SQL which should not inset duplicate record.
I have written one as bellow:
insert into transaction select 1, to_date('2009-12-12','YYYY-MM-DD'), 'Payee1', 12, 'Test', 212 from dual where (select count(*) from transaction where txn_date=to_date('2009-12-12','YYYY-MM-DD') and payee='Payee1' and amount=12)=0;
Can I use exists/not exists, which query will be more appropriate. (Please consider that fields which I am using to filter out the duplicate transactions does not contain primary key.)
Can I write such SQL. Or do i check for duplicate rows one by one and then filter the duplicate records.
I have a report for this report i want to insert a data into one table. when am inserting the data then two time its inserted. if i run the report its inserted the data and i have taken the pdf file then also inserted 2 time for this.
Note: This report having only one group. not necessary below method give any other solution if destype=pdf then no need to insert otherwise insert the data.
I ave a few fields in my flat file which might be a CLOB (not sure how the source is storing the data - need to check on that.) I am trying to load this data into my table column which is a varchar2(4000) . I am able to insert most of the data but few records are rejected because of Field too long error....
While debugging the problm I manually copied the field from flatfile and inserted into my table - bingo it worked. (The field was not more than 1000 bytes - only a few lines of information ) My question: When a field is not more than 1000 bytes why couldnt it get inserted as a varchar2?
Note : I cannot make the table column as CLOB because the problem is not with just one column - I have 10 fields which have this problem . So its not advisable to have 10 CLOB fields in the table......
I have specified OPTIONS (BINDSIZE=256000,READSIZE=256000,ROWS=1)
Oracle DB Version - 11g XE I scheduled a job using dbms_scheduler which will insert a record into table T for each minute. I didnt mention COMMIT inside my procedure but records are being commited after each successful execution. How come it is possible. Here is my code.
SQL> create table t ( empno number, creation_date date); Table created SQL> create or replace procedure test_proc 2 is 3 4 begin 5 6 insert into t values (1,sysdate); 7 8 end; 9 / Procedure created