PL/SQL :: How To Insert Data While NO_DATA_FOUND Exception Raise
Aug 19, 2013
create or replace procedure set_update(p_name in varchar2,p_email in varchar2)is l_data user_details%rowtype; beginselect * into l_data from user_details ud where = p_name and = p_email; if = p_name and = p_email then update user_details set last_login_date = sysdate , date_updated = sysdate where name = p_name and email=p_email; end if; exception when no_data_found then insert into user_details(user_id,name,last_login_date,date_updated,date_created,email) values (l_data.user_id,p_name,l_data.last_login_date,l_data.date_updated,sysdate,p_email);end set_update;
This is my procedure will pass two parameters if it is available in table it will update other wise insert that data in table. My problem is while data is not available that data is inserted into table but that not inserted into table.
I was going through the link: URL....Here within the box under the title 'Exception Handling -- Quick Facts and Tips', it states, Once you have handled an exception, normal program execution continues. You are no longer in an "exception" situation.
I wanted to verify this and used the below:The DDL and DMLs:
CREATE TABLE emp(empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(10)); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7369,'SMITH');
The program:
The first SELECT will raise NO_DATA_FOUND exception. Even though I have handled it, the second SELECT is not executing.But the link says, that normal program execution will continue. So, Iam expecting the second SELECT statement to work.
what kind of exception can raise a select statement excluding NO_DATA_FOUND; For example i try to run the following: select * from departments where departments_id=11; In a situation like that what kind of error oracle can raise?I'm asking this because i have some procedure that just do a select statment and i want to know if there is a valid reason to put the exception others at the end of the procedure.
I'm trying to figure out how to simply check and see if a given item is in a table, and if its not, then raise an exception.
for example i have a table employees and each employee has a primary key employID. I need to write a procedure where employID is given as a parameter and if the one given isnt in the table then raise an exception.
My requirement, if there is no record in emp table when validate the EMP_NO_CHK text field, i need to set the focus on that field (EMP_NO_CHK) itself. But while execute the following code, I got error.chieve the task.
--EMP_NO_CHK_WHEN_VALIDATE_ITEM Trigger ----------------------------------- Declare cursor c is Select * from emp where Emp_no = :header.empno; c1 emp%rowtype; n NUMBER;
I have a form (StaffDetail) with three different blcoks. One of them is an Application Assignment block which consists of nothing but Assignment Type, Staff (Name), Last Updated By and Last Updated Date.. The Assignment Type and Staff has LOVs assigned to them individually.. Assignment type lets me pick all different types except for Project Manager. As soon as I select this option, i get the following error :
This does not even let me select any other Assignment type, then i have to go close all sessions and come back into the same screen.
Also, this form was first created and tested on the development environment and later moved to QA environment. All selections work in the development environment.. I checked for the roles in QA for individual Users..
I have Written this code in WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM-TRIGGER on PO_DATE field
if not( :PO_HEADER.PO_DATE IS NOT NULL ) then :po_header.po_date := trunc(sysdate); end if; if trunc(:PO_HEADER.PO_DATE)>trunc(sysdate) then displayerror.errmsg('PO date cannot be future date!');
when i am navigating through po_DATE field in the form its showing the error that
I am returning a refcursor as OUT parameter in my stored procedure. I would like to capture a no data found for the refcursor. Is there a way I can raise the exception without compromising the performance?
I have tried the below options that are not working.
1. If I run a SELECT query to check for records and then OPEN the refcursor for that SELECT, then it takes a performance hit as I am reading the table twice.
2. I can FETCH a refcursor into a table type and check the count in the table to raise exception.But once I fetch from a refcuror, the data is gone. So, this option does not work either.
i've a problem regarding my code at line: 76. URL....
But if i put the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR just after this statement and before IF(CONTR_GIOCATORE2 IS NOT NULL AND CONTR_GIOCATORE2 = CONTR_GIOCATORE) THEN, nothing happens after the insert(that goes well) and the trigger doesn't do his job(insert,update etc). if i do that select, i got the no data found, so i put the exception to set the variable CONTR_GIOCATORE2 to NULL.
APEX 4.2Oracle 11g Database We are using the standard exception handler that was introduced in APEX 4.1, and we have code in packages & procedures in the database (following proper processes of keeping code in the database where possible). When an exception is found in the procedures/ packages/functions, should the APEX application level exception handler catch any errors that occur or should they be handled in the package/procedure/function they occurred in? Why I ask if, we right now have exception handling code in the pl/code bodies BUT they write their errors to the same table that Apex's Exception handler does, but the errors are NOT presented to the user using the APEX exception handling mechanism.
I have to implement exception handling in the exception block of a trigger, Quote:exception
when ora_java.java_error then message( 'Unable to call out to java, ' || ora_java.last_error ); ORA_JAVA.CLEAR_EXCEPTION;
when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_JAVA.LAST_EXCEPTION; message( Exception_.toString(ex)); -- lv_exception := Exception_.getMessage(ex);
I get an error for the line: 'message( Exception_.toString(ex));'I have imported the java classes FException et IObject with their methods.
I have to create a Web Service Client, so I wonder if the paragraph Quote:when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_ JAVA. LAST_ EXCEPTION; is mandatory.
how to insert data in oracle table without writing insert statement in oracle 9i or above. i am not going to write insert all, merge, sqlloder and import data.
My cursor went to the exception when its got the error " ORA-01403: no data found"
But my cursor need to run even though it got the error " ORA-01403: no data found"...This is my exception part
EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (c1rec); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLCODE); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLERRM); -- RETURN NULL; -- code change added as part of GCA642 -- END END get_geo_test1;
I have the following chunk of code, which could return no rows, one row or many rows. When it returns one or many rows the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE prints out my values. When no data is found 'Hello' is not printed?
Suggest a way I can change the code to make the exception print when no data is found?
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; BEGIN FOR prec IN ( select * from xxx.part_maint where drop_partition = 'Y' ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (prec.SCHEMA_NAME || ' ' || prec.OBJECT_NAME); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('hello'); END;
I created a data warehouse in oracle 10g n with three Dimension and one cube after that it crates 4 tables . How to use an insert sql statement to insert data in those tables n how to access them.
I am working on Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production). OS is Win 7 (32 bit). Internet Explorer 8. My Requirement is I need to raise an alert when user close the browser window before closing the Form.
Why exceptions does not raise in cursors declared by user like in the following program
create or replace function sal (p_id employees.department_id%Type) return number is ----sal1 employees.salary%type:=0; cursor cx is select * from employees where department_id=p_id; begin for i in cx
we are working to increase the security of our oracle application by adding profil and expiration to all our database username.
Expiration is actually set to 60 days.So if i understand it correctly, 60 days is counting from when i change my password. So if I change it at 10:30am it will expire at 10:30am in 60 days.
Our forms application is calling all forms using the command open_form with SESSION parameter to open all forms in new session.
My problem is when the user connect in the system let say at 9:00am. At 10h30am the password will expire and when the user will click to open a new form from the application he will get the message ORA-28001:the password has expired.The new module will open even if password is expired and will raise the error FRM-41352: Failed to create session. So the module will stay in the same session than the caller.
Is there a way to catch the ORA-28001 and force a new logon.Probably with some code in the ON-ERROR of the called module but this mean that i will have to change +400 forms.
In forms when we need to make the form not to validate we will give the command, raise form_trigger_failure like that if i need to make a report not to validate further what is the command to give?
I try to convert sybase raiseerror into oracle raise application error.
sybase code :
raiserror 20100 "can't add a contact number that's in the contact"
raise_application_error ( -20002, ':can''t add a contact number that''s in the contact');
the sybase error number 20100 unable to use in oracle due to the limitation of error number.RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR should be negative and between -20000 and -20999.
Using Apex 4.1 and custom authentication based on Oracle Database users.
I want to be able to show a warning immediately after a user logs in if their password is due to expire in xx days. Oracle raises a warning (ORA-28002) but I don't know how to handle that from the standard Apex login page.
I'm using JAVA class. I'm try to put "data" to database(INSERT data to database - PL/SQL).
I have simple JDBC problem:
Steps. 1) SELECT table_seq.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL; (Question: How can I make sequence to table ? I see lot of examples on google but all is just to create sequence but not for table. Maybe sequence can be put on table ?)
2) INSERT table_seq.....
3) INSERT table (values) values ('data')
Tables look like this:
table1 [Where I need to take `id`] ------------ id ..... ------------
table2 [Where I need this sequence to be taken] ------------ seq_id ..... ------------
table2 [Where I need to put `seq_id` into and data] ------------ id data ------------
I don't get it why can't I just do this ?: INSERT table2 (data) values ("this is data");
I have created a view in that the primary key column is not included,so that we cannot insert data into that view,but i want to insert data into that view without using Instead of Triggers.
CM: swapped version and title so they're the right way round.