PL/SQL :: Difference Between Translate And Replace Function

Jan 6, 2013

Explain with the best example for difference between translate and replace function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Special Character Conversion / Translate / Replace

Nov 3, 2010

I have requirement to cleanup special character of field. The data which is retrieved from the field and written to text file.

So Here

Ã- should be replaced by i
HÃ-­re - I need value Hire(actual value) from the filed.
í- this has written into file instead of i

In database i have the following


I tried this

select convert('HÃ-re','UTF8') from dual
Output: H??re

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PL/SQL :: RETURN Translate - Greek Letters Replace By Their Corresponding Values

Sep 20, 2012

Imagine I have the following function:


I'm tired to add missing characters in this list...

What I would like is that all characters with an accent or diacritics should be replace by their "base" letter (ë -> e) and Greek letters to be replace by their corresponding values (ω (omega) -> o)

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PL/SQL :: Translate Function Remove Alpha Characters From String

Feb 7, 2013

I am on 11g.

I need to remove the alpha characters from a string, leaving only numbers, but I am getting unexpected results:


I thought this would leave the 3 from the 3N, but it is returning an empty string. For my application, the string '3N' could be any length, will only contain letters and numbers, and the letters will always come at the end, but there could be more than one letter

VALID INPUT samples:

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Application Express :: 4.2 Translate (Function And Global Variable Declaration) Data?

May 1, 2013

i 'm using APEX and i 'm wondering if there is a way to translate "Function and Global Variable Declaration" textarea. Every other script textarea is available for translation, but not this.

I know that this is code is loaded on header but may contains important alert messages of global functions.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Include Program Header Before CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Statement

Mar 2, 2010

Is there any difference between include program header before CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE statement and program header after CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE statement

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Stand Alone Function And Function Declared In A Package?

Mar 11, 2010

What is the Difference between a Stand Alone Function/Procedure & a Function/Procedure declared in a Package.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: INSTR With Replace Function

Aug 27, 2013

I am trying this function

instr(','||replace(r_code,' ') ' ' || ', ' , ',' ||r_code || ' , ' )=0

i want to hardcode 'a1', 'a2' from r_code i dont want records from a1, a2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Using Replace Function?

May 5, 2011

I have a table called email that contains a field called email

I have a few records in the table that contain and want to change the hotmial to hotmail

I also have some that are line and I want to change those to

so - I want to do a substring search and replace.

can the replace do this for me in one select statement - how do I structure the sql to do this?

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Function To Replace All Occurrences Of A String?

Jan 9, 2007

Years ago, someone created a database in Oracle that was carried over and now sits in Oracle 10g. I am developing an application that queries this database and returns the result as XML.

Many (thousands) of rows have an item description that contains an ampersand. I want each of these pieces of data to have it written as & amp; (had to add a space so it would show up here, but you know what I mean) instead of &, but I don't feel like doing thousands of UPDATEs to change this.

Does Oracle have any global find/replace functions that I can call? I'd rather do one update statement that replaces all occurances of & with & amp; but I can't seem to find a function that will do this.

I'm thinking something that would work like:

UPDATE table SET column1=REPLACE(column1,oldstr,newstr);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Replace Function Is Not Replacing - ASCII Value Being Zero

May 16, 2013

why the REPLACE function is not replacing. I assume it has something to do with the ASCII value being zero.

Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
Connected as aggs@AGGSTEST

2 e9,
3 REPLACE(str, '%E9', e9) replace,
4 regexp_replace(str, '%E9', e9) regexp_replace,
5 utl_url.unescape(str, 'UTF8') utl_url,
6 ascii(e9) ascii
7 FROM (SELECT 'Soir%E9e' str,
8 chr(to_number('E9', 'xx')) e9
9 FROM dual);

-------- --- ------- -------------- ------- -----
Soir%E9e é Soire Soirée Soirée 0

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Performance Tuning :: Getting Alternative To REPLACE Function?

Jun 12, 2010

I have a table with:

1 million rows
average row length 200 bytes
50 columns
and this update statement
UPDATE mytable SET varchar2_4000_column = replace(replace(replace...300 times)

It looks at every row in the table (no WHERE clause) and does these 300 replace operations on this column for each row. Each replace replaces with a null so effectively it is removing strings. Much of the time these strings are not in the column.

This update statement takes 25 minutes and it is 98% CPU and 2% USER_IO time.

I figure that is what is taking all the time since it is a CPU bound statement. if rows in this table are persistent over time then tag rows with a flag to show which ones have already been processed and skip these next time around.

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PL/SQL :: Can't Compile And Execute Function (Create Or Replace)

Jun 6, 2013

I cant compile & execute this function.

create or replace
FUNCTION get_branding_testing
RETURN r_brand
SELECT b.branding_code, c.name_desc     

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader And Replace Function Don't Work

Apr 14, 2011

I have the next SQL Loader file, and it is giving me some headches because the Replace instruction is not working. It does not replace the ' ' by NULL.

load data
infile TABLE1.unl
insert into table GSCIS.table1
fields terminated by "|"
codl1 CHAR "REPLACE(:codl1, ' ', NULL)"
,col2 CHAR "REPLACE(:col2, ' ', NULL)"
,col3 INTEGER EXTERNAL "DECODE(:col3, NULL, 0, :col3)"

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PL/SQL :: Function Retrieve Output Very Slowly - Alternative Code To Replace With Join?

Aug 6, 2012

In my project, the below function retrieve output very slowly. Is there any alternative code to replace this function with join

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_johnson (i_case_id number,i_seq_num argus_app.case_reference.seq_num%type) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
c_ref VARCHAR2(32500) := null ;
CURSOR c_refer IS


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Procedure And Function

May 22, 2010

I know difference between procedure and function.if we want a return value from procedure, we can have OUT parameter. Similarly with function, in addition to returning a value from function, it can also send an OUT parameter value as a return value. That means, in one or the other way we are able to get a return value from both program units. Normally, I would fill a OUT variable with error message when an exception occurs. I use this varaible,after procedure call, to detect if an exception occurred or not. Similar task can be performed by a function, it returns a true/false and a value thru OUT variables.

both program units return values in the form of OUT parameters. Where exactly should we use a function, where exactly should we use a procedure?

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PL/SQL :: Difference Between Procedure And Function

Aug 25, 2012

difference between Procedure and Function.We Know that Procedure is Basically Used to perform Actions and Functions are Basically Used for Calculations but what would be the exact difference since Actions/Calculations can be done in both Procedure and Functions.Which factors decide whether we need to write a Procedure and in which cases we need Function.

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Difference Between Stored Procedure And Function?

Jan 12, 2010

I have to call oracle stored procedure or a function to update user id of one or several rows depending on what user selects.

The oracle person will be writing the stored procedure or function. I am a java developer but was never involved in writing oracle functions. So..

I want to know what is the difference betn stored procedure and function?

From java point of view are there any guidelines when to prefer one over the other(betn stored procedure and function).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference In Num_rows And COUNT Function?

Dec 7, 2012

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM APP.Big_table; Number of record--222653402

This is a big table to get the it's taking 8 minutes time, so that I tried the following SQL to get the count quickly.

SELECT num_rows FROM all_tables WHERE table_NAME='BIG_TABLE'
and owner='APP'; --Number of records 237213998

But I got the different count for the two SQLs. Why there is a difference in the count. Which one is correct.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Concat Function And (||) Operator?

May 6, 2013

Want to understand difference between Concat function and "||" operator. I am getting the same result for both. Below is the test case for your reference.

Select 'H '||' S' From Dual;
--Output H S

Select Concat('H ',' S') A From Dual;
--Output H S

Select Length('H '||' S') A From Dual;
--Output 6

Select Length(Concat('H ',' S')) A From Dual;
--Output 6

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PL/SQL :: Difference In Num_rows And Count Function

Dec 7, 2012

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM APP.Big_table; Number of record--222653402

This is a big table to get the it's taking 8 minutes time, so that I tried the following SQL to get the count quickly.

SELECT num_rows FROM all_tables WHERE table_NAME='BIG_TABLE'

and owner='APP'; --Number of records 237213998But I got the different count for the two SQLs. Why there is a difference in the count. Which one is correct.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Function To Calculate Difference Between Two Dates?

Sep 22, 2011

create or replace function getDate(p_joing_date Date,p_sysdate)
Return Date;
SELECT into v_compltd_mnths MONTHS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE('sysdate','MM-DD-YYYY'), TO_DATE('joing_date','MM-DD-YYYY') ) "Months"FROM DUAL;
return v_compltd_mnths;

that i have worte..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Deterministic Functions And Function Result Cache In 11g

Oct 30, 2012

difference between Difference between Deterministic functions and Function result cache in 11g?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Difference Between Formula Column And Function In Program Unit?

May 24, 2013

know when to use a formula column and when to use a function in program unit in oracle reports.

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PL/SQL :: Serial Number - Translate ID From TBL-ID2 To TBL-ID?

Jun 30, 2012

I have two tables,



I want translate id from TBL_ID2 to TBL_ID, and make new serial as  max serial + 1 I tried

insert into TBL_ID(serial,id)
select (select max(serial) + 1 from ),id from TBL_ID2
Desired Output after insert
select * from TBL_ID

------   --
1        10
2        20
3        50
4        60
5        90

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SQL & PL/SQL :: REPLACE ON USER_MVIEWS / Number Cannot Be Replace

Jul 16, 2010

I have 70 materialized views where I need to replace the FROM SCHEMA1 TO FROM SCHEMA2...To quickly to do the fix for all the 70 views..


But It throws me an error that Number cannot be replace.

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Application Express :: Translate All Of Interactive Report Messages On 4.2

Apr 22, 2013

I'm trying to translate all of the interactive report messages, on Apex 4.2. I'm using this [


As a reference. I have several problems translating the help section of the interactive report. First of all, I can't seem to find all of the message names. The ones I couldn't find were:

Sets the number of records to display per page.(regarding displaying certain number of rows per page)

Format enable you to customize the display of the report. Format contains the following sub menu:

Control Break
Group By(regarding format)

You can define one Group By report per saved report. Once defined, you can switch between the group by and report views using links below the Search bar. To create a Group By report, you select:

the columns on which to group (up to 3 columns can be selected)
the columns to aggregate along with the function to be performed (average, sum, count, etc.)
the columns to use for sorting (up to 3 columns can be selected along with direction and null sorting options)(regarding group by)

And secondly, I have translated this message

Select columns icon enables you to identify which column to search (or all).
Text area enables you to enter case insensitive search criteria (wild card characters are implied).
Go button executes the search.
Reports displays alternate default and saved private or public reports.

Actions Menu enables you to customize a report. See the sections that follow.using this message name:


However, now I have two messages shown in that section: the original one, in English, and the translated one.

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Application Express :: Translate Application Into Multiple Language

Dec 20, 2012

I want to translate my application into multiple language,I did this by using translate application option available in shared component.This is working fine for me but ,the messages which is inside PL/SQL procedures are not getting can I translate those messages.

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PL/SQL :: Calculate Difference By Which Day Count Of Difference Is Going?

Oct 17, 2012

Detail table will look like below:

Product_id issue_date action_date Force_date
1 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 10/10/2012
2 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 10/10/2012
3 10/10/2012 13/10/2012 15/10/2012

Need the data like

Issue_date count_action_date count_Force_date (diff(action_date,force_date) 1 2 3 4 5 6(days since over)

10/10/2012 3 4 1 4 2 1 0 0

How to get the data like this? automatically how to get 123.... and how to calculate the difference by which day the count of difference is going?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Replace Y By N And N By Y

Sep 14, 2010

I want to Update table value N by Y and Y by N.





How can i do that ?

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