PL/SQL :: Developing ETL Instead Of Using Tools

Apr 10, 2013

I've been developing for many years in pl/sql and c-shell scripting (Unix) for managing ETL processes in order to load and perform data into databases and data warehouses.

Even if I've rarely used tools like Pentaho and never used Oracle Warehouse Builder, according to you is it possible to claim that an analyst/programmer has developed ETL processes only by using classic developing (plsql, c-shell, external tables, ...)?

For a forthcoming new project I'd like to work for as a data warehouse analyst/programmer for ETL processes, I'd like to know whether I can claim to be able to write ETL procedures even if I don't use data integration tools.

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Forms :: Developing A Database In Oracle 6i?

Mar 15, 2012

i am developing a database in oracle form 6i . through receipt printer, i want generate auto slip.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variables / Developing Stored Procedures In Developer

May 16, 2010

Am using Oracle 9i and developing stored procedures in SQL Developer. Have a situation where one stored procedure A is calling another B. Stored proc B builds the SQL based on parameters passed in. For one of the parameters i would like to use a bind variable in the SQL that proc B builds. The bind var is passed back to proc A as a part of the SQL string. In proc A, i then try to bind that variable to a parameter(value), however, the bind does not seeem to work.

The SQL string contained in v_SQLStatement defined as VARCHAR(4000) that is passed back to proc A looks like:

SELECT em.event_title AS event_name,
e.start_date AS start_date,
e.end_date AS end_date
FROM d_event_ml em
inner join d_event e
ON em.event_id = e.event_id
WHERE em.language_id = 46
AND e.end_date >= SYSDATE
AND e.stream_id IN ( :v_x1 )
AND e.event_id IN (SELECT event_id
FROM d_events_seas

and o_EventList is defined as REF CURSOR. i'm experiencing is that :v_x1 stays as :v_x1 and does not change.This is my first attempt at using bind vars. URL....

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Application Express :: Developing Multi-timezone Application With

Jul 8, 2013

I am tasked to develop and application using Apex and Oracle Database on a Windows 2003 Server. This application needs to support different time zones. Briefly, a user in timezone A should be able to create a record with a date in timezone B and the users should be able to view the records in their timezones. What is the best method? Should I maintain a Timezone field for each user site or even per transaction, or is using "Automatic Time Zone" feature in Globalization section of Application Properties sufficient? I have developed Apex applications before, but they did not have to have different time zones, so I am not sure how I should build my database schema. Do you guys store everything as UTC and display values based on user's Timezone setting? I am aware of the Timestamp with Local Timezone data type. 

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Client Tools :: Tools For Load Testing On Oracle - J2EE Application?

Jan 5, 2012

which are recommended Tool for load testing (for performance) on Oracle-J2EE, 3 Tier applications?

Is 'Oracle Application Test Suite' the best for such test where we can simulate numbers of users and their various actions?

Does it come with Oracle Database license or we have to buy it separately?

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Client Tools :: Basic Tools For Oracle Version Control

Aug 26, 2011

I'm looking for 3 simple things.

1) A reverse engineering tool that I can point to an Oracle schema and get a "baseline" script to re-create that schema from scratch, with decently formatted DDL files (1 per object) neatly organized in a directory tree (by object type) and called in the correct order. Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to populate (insert) those tables as part of the script.

2) a diff tool that I can point to a pair of Oracle instances (source and target) containing a given schema and get a "delta" script to alter the target schema so that it becomes identical to the source schema. If data loss occurs on the target instance (i.e. drop a column) I would like to find a warning comment inserted in the script (e.g. "-- Attention: data migration DML needed here?"). Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to update (delete, update and insert) the data in the target tables to become identical to the contents in the source tables *without* deleting and re-inserting all rows (or dropping, recreating and repopulating the table).

3) I would like the above two tools (that, as you will have recognized, are basic to putting your database design under version control) to be open-source, with a command-line interface and a vibrant community backing them.

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Client Tools :: BR*Tools Appearance Not Complete

Jan 16, 2013

I want to use BR*Tools to administer an Oracle database. I have installed BrGUI local, set the JAVA Home variable and edited the file accordingly.I am able to login, but the menues are mising. The login screen is incomplete.

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Client Tools :: Command Line Tools

Jan 22, 2011

I usually work in oracle using the different editors like toad, plsql developer etc. I felt command line is good utility because of various supporting points. I am not sure what kind of command line tools is available/used. I am using pretty straight command line
(run->cmd, then enter username and password).

The best command line tools available. What is generally used command line tools.

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Client Tools :: How To Add Value From Sqlplus

May 14, 2013

I want to add a value from sqlplus.

My scenario is like that i want to add the following value

select count(*) x from tab1

i need to connect several database, and each time i need to add with previous one. like that

connect a/a@db1;
select count(*) x from tab1;

then when i connect another db

connect b/b@db2;
select count(*) x from tab1;

x will add with previous one.

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Client Tools :: How To Connect To Sql Plus

Nov 18, 2010

I have to connect to sql*plus to get explain plan.When I conect in Toad, the credentials are as:-
User/schema :- TestDb
Password :- TestDb

Under direct tab:-
Host :- Port :- 1521

Service Name :- xe

I am not able to connect to sql*plus using:-

Username :- TestDb
Password :- TestDb
Host String :-

Not sure how to login when I have IP address

I also tried login as:-

Username :- TestDb
Password :- TestDb
Host String :- xe

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Client Tools :: How To Use Isql*plus

Jan 30, 2010

I want to work on isql*plus but i don't know how?!!?. whether i have to install it anywhere or what is the procedure to use it.?

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Client Tools :: Unable To Run SQL *Plus?

Oct 5, 2012

I'm not able to run SQL *Plus on my machine. It is giving me below error.

Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory

Setting of PATH environment variable is as below. If I remove below highlighted part I'm able to run SQL * Plus. I cannot remove this because it is required to run my application.

C:oracleproduct10.2.0client_1in;C:OSIBANKDLLBIN;C:OSIBANKBat_Exe;C:OSIBANKDLL;c:Program Files (x86)InteliCLS Client;c:Program FilesInteliCLS Client;C:Program Files (x86)AMD APPinx86_64;C:Program Files (x86)AMD APPinx86;%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%System32Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;c:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90Toolsinn;%TFSPowerToolDir%;%BPADir%;C:Program FilesIntelIntel(R) Management Engine ComponentsDAL;C:Program FilesIntelIntel(R) Management Engine ComponentsIPT;C:Program Files (x86)IntelIntel(R) Management Engine ComponentsDAL;C:Program Files (x86)IntelIntel(R) Management Engine ComponentsIPT;C:Program Files (x86)IntelOpenCL SDK2.0inx86;C:Program Files (x86)IntelOpenCL SDK2.0inx64

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Client Tools :: New TOAD After Old One

Sep 26, 2011

I was downloaded new version of TOAD for Oracle version 10.6 and I try to connect to my current database (oracle xe) and TOAD raise an error ORA-12154 Could not connect to XE..., but with old version of TOAD 9.6 all works fine. What can be an solutions?

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Performance Analysis And Optimization Tools

Jan 27, 2011

I am looking for some tools for Performance analysis and optimization for Oracle. For now I looked over Spotlight, Ignite and Embarcadero DB Optimizer.

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Client Tools :: Replace & With Any Character

Dec 22, 2010

I want replace '&' with any character.But when i use '&' in select statement.then it ask the value.

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Client Tools :: Toad Out Of Memory

Aug 30, 2012

2 questions:

I'm fighting with a fairly large set of dynamic queries created by some developer (often SQL is over 2MB) accessing plenty of tables having something like 1000 columns...

Formatting of such query takes ages in Toad while is pretty fast in Oracle SQL Developer... SQL developer is running plenty write operations in local app data directory... moving it onto a ram-drive didn't worked how I could optimize Toad's formatter?

I'm often accessing a small table which has 100 columns of type VARCHAR2(4000).

The problem is that I cannot see the results of such query as Toad is throwing "out of memory" exception. How to deal with that?

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Client Tools :: SQL Tool To Use With InForm

Nov 7, 2012

I'm a Data Manager recently hired at a small company that uses InForm as our data management tool. We are currently not set up with any type of SQL tool to query the database. Consequently, I feel like I'm trying to clean data with one hand tied behind my back. I have two questions:

1) Is there any sort of built in feature in InForm for using SQL statement to query the data? (I'm not really a fan of the built in Cognos feature.)
2) Any tool that is easy to install/configure?

I'm facing some resistance here, so I'm looking for a really easy/cheap solution. I've used SQL Developer before, and I know that's free, but is it easy to set-up?

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Client Tools :: ORA-01034 - Oracle Not Available

Jul 13, 2013

I am trying to login to 10g sqlplus , gives below error:

ORA-01034:Oracle not available
ORA-27101-shared memory does not exist

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Client Tools :: SQL Select With Variables

Feb 22, 2010

Having trouble with my variables in this staement.


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Client Tools :: Proper Way To Do LINESIZE

Jan 6, 2010

How do you determine or what is the proper way to set a linesize in sql*plus? I don't just want to make up a number.

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Client Tools :: Generate DDL From A Select

Jun 8, 2010

I would like to generate a table & Index ddl using a select statement i did try the following:

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','DEPT','USER') from dual;

However does not provide all the columns in the table only the first one, is there a better way?

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Client Tools :: SQL Monitor Alternative?

Jan 5, 2011

Many moons ago, at a previous employer, I had access to the SQL Monitor tool that came with TOAD. I could really use an alternative to this now, as we don't have TOAD here, and it would need to be free. I'm getting a problem with a forms update failing, and I really need to see what's actually being submitted to the database by the form. We're still stuck on Forms 6 by the way

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Client Tools :: 2 Sessions For One Connection?

Oct 30, 2010

why are there in the Administration --> --> Session 2 entries for 1 database connection (here with benthic golden).But if I login in a browser, there is only 1 entry for this database connection

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Client Tools :: Oracle 6i Application

Mar 13, 2011

i have oracle 10g db

and i make new application set on 6i

my question

on the client wt i should install developer 6i or there is client tool?

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Client Tools :: Installation Of Toad 10.1

Apr 22, 2010

Had some annoying problems with installing TOAD on Windows 7, 64 bit.Got I working now, but anyway I thought I share it here.

1. Toad 10.1(latest) doesn't work with the Oracle 64 bit client. The problem is that this is a limitation of the tool Quest uses to build Toad. So that will not work in a "near" future.

2. Never choose the default suggested installation path which is "C:Program Files(86)",that will mess it up totally. Point to a new or existing directory without brackets.

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Client Tools :: PL/SQL Developer And Tnsnames.ora 10g?

Apr 3, 2008

I'm trying to connect to my DBs.I installed Oracle Client 10g, but PLSQL Dev. 7.1.4 doesn't find my tnsnames.ora.

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Client Tools :: How To Automate The Scripts

Sep 25, 2012

I have a proc created which dynamically creates scripts to be executed, e.g. using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE it creates the following scripts to be executed:


Now, what I am really looking for is to explore options where we can spool the results into a file and run another proc to execute all of these proc through it.

let me know if my request is not clear.

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Client Tools :: How To Work With SQL From Home PC

Feb 16, 2012

I want to practice Oracle SQL from home.What software i need to install. Even if i install SQL developer,SQL+ which database i can access n how.

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Client Tools :: SQLPLUS - Then / Else Run Script

Nov 7, 2012

I am trying to do a case statement where I select to see if an ID exists or not and if it doesnt i want to run a .sql file but its not working properly.

select case when exists (select ID from VERSION where ID = '16.1')
then 'ID Exists'
else @script.sql
from dual;

Its not allowing me to run the @script.sql with the else statement.

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Client Tools :: Substitution Variables

Feb 22, 2010

How I go about writing a query that doesn't see the '&' symbol as a substitution character. The problem I have is:

select replace
( fnd_profile.value( 'XXBPO_URL')
, '&DOCID'
, ai_dfv.bpo__document_link
) document_link
from ap_invoices_all ai
, ap_invoices_all_dfv ai_dfv
where 1=1
-- where clause

The problem above is that instead of replacing the characters &DOCID with the required value, it is prompting for input.

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