PL/SQL :: Delete Rows Between Two Particular Timestamps
Jan 4, 2013
Have a table which has 3 columns id,name,time where time is of datatype timestamp and it stores the time when the row was inserted. Need an query which accepts 2 parameters as input Ex: Start_Time,End_Time and all the rows in between the above mentioned timestamps must be deleted.
I ran this following query and somehow i feel the results are wrong.
SQL> select to_char(starttime,'dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') from report where dateofmonth between to_timestamp_tz('22-Apr-2013 12:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') and to_timestamp_tz ('23-Apr-2013 14:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss');
SQL> select to_timestamp_tz(starttime,'dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') from report where dateofmonth between to_timestamp_tz('22-Apr-2013 12:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') and to_timestamp_tz ('23-Apr-2013 14:00:00','dd-mm-YYYY hh24:mi:ss');
2)select client_id, count(*) from TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK where client_id=1620560178 group by client_id having count(*) > 40 order by 2 desc client_id count(*) ----------- --------- 16205601785128
3) select client_id,clnt_notification_pack_tid -- bulk collect into v_client_id,v_notif_tid from (select clnt_notification_pack_tid, client_id, clnt_notification_pack_typ_tid, crte_dt,
4) Iam using the below proc to delete the rows from table, except the 4 rows returned above
declare v_clnt_notification_pack_tid TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK.CLNT_NOTIFICATION_PACK_TID%type; tYPE t_client_id is table of TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK.client_id%type; tYPE t_notif_tid is table of TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK.clnt_notification_pack_tid%type; v_client_id t_client_id; v_notif_tid t_notif_tid;
5) After running this procedure, i shud see 5124 records, but i see zero records.
I was asked in a telephone interview about committing a delete ( a few million rows)in an oracle log table which had a trillion rows in total. He said that delete took 2 days.
Then he asked me if then commit is performed(assuming a huge rollback segments are allocated) how long does it take for that commit .
CREATE TABLE "TEST_JET" ("K1" NUMBER, "K2" NUMBER, "K3" NUMBER, "K4" VARCHAR2(1)) ; REM INSERTING into TEST_JET Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,2,3,'I'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,2,3,'U'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,2,3,'D'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,2,2,'U'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,2,2,'D'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,3,5,'I'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,6,7,'U'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,6,7,'D'); Insert into TEST_JET (K1,K2,K3,K4) values (1,6,7,'T'); [code]....
based on the above result set , for a particular group ,only that op will be retained which comes out in the query . say for example , we have got 1,2,3,'D' for group 1,2,3
now since we have got the D Operation from the above query , i don't need the other two rows .i.e. (1,2,3,'I'); (1,2,3,'U');
what is the best way to delete the data we don't want retaining the rows we want ,using a single sql statement . Also , for the result set row 7,7,7,T I first need to delete the group containing T operation, and insert two new rows .i.e. 7,7,7,D and 7,7,7,I .
There are four columns as follows, but I need to delete those rows from the third column only where the second letter of the word appears as vowel. For example, I want to delete the rows having the words, 'Ramu' and 'Ravi' only.
A B C D xx y Ramu xx yu ut Ameer uui rtt iw Ravi iwoow fgsg isd Intel jjuiw
1 select s.reg_no,s.course_code, 2 s.section src_sec,a.section a_sec,a.att_date,a.att_flag 3 from attendance a ,src s 4 where a.semester_code=1 5 and a.semester_year=2013 6 and s.semester_code=1 [code]....
I need to delete all the registers where the table 1 does join with table 2 in 3 fields... for example:
delete taba1 t1 where t1.campo1 in ( select distinct(tr.campo1) from tabla1 tr, tabla2 t2 where t2.error = 0 tr.campo1 = t2.campo1 and tr.campo2 = t2.campo2
I know how to select the last N sets of rows, using DENSE_RANK - where multiple rows have the same timestamp but I want to only select those rows which do NOT have the top 2 unique timestamps.
How to select the transactions out of the database that occurred within 70 seconds of each other. The toll_date field is a TIMESTAMP field.
Problem is, I seem to only get transactions that occurred within 70 minutes of each other. On the timestamp field I break the math down into the seconds in a day and I add 70. I then subtract that value and add that value to the timestamp and I should get anything between those values right?
view the below select statement..why it's adding extra zero's...
select to_timestamp('2001-05-22 12:00:18.600','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.ff3AM') from dual output: 5/22/2001 12:00:18.600000000 PM ---why it's adding extra zeors's my output should be as " 5/22/2001 12:00:18.600 PM"
I have to create the following table. The fields Trend_Date, Price and Trend are already given. I have to calculate the field permanently and to insert the value in this permanent table.
The field price belong to the value of a product during the trade. The field trade_date belongs to the moment of the trade. The field trend belongs to the future behavior of the the price. Here, the price of the present moment is compared to the following price (possible characteristics: 'UP', 'DOWN', 'STABLE'). The field permanently belongs to the time (in seconds) how long the value of the field Trend_Date (depending on the price) is still true.
For example:
Row 1: The trend in row 1 is 'UP' and it has a price of '11'. Until row 3 this remains true (the price is greater or equal to 11). In this case, the difference between row 1 and row 3 are 9801 (rounded) seconds.
Row 2: The trend in row 2 is 'DOWN' and it has a price of '12'. This remains true till to the end (the price is never greater than 12) In this case, the difference between row 2 and row 11 are 97346 (rounded) seconds. To calculate the 97346 seconds the field has to consider that between row 2 and row 11 are two days. There will be no trade between 18:00 and 07:00 o'clock. This belongs to 7 hours for each days, in seconds (2*46800) 93600. -> 190945-93600 = 97346s
Row 6: The trend in row 6 is 'UP' and it has a price of '5'. This remains true till to the end (the price is never smaller than 5) In this case, the difference between row 6 and row 11 are 65729 (rounded) seconds. To calculate the 65729 seconds the field has to consider that between row 65729 and row 11 are one days. There will be no trade between 18:00 and 07:00 o'clock. This belongs to 7 hours for each days, in seconds (1*46800) 46800. -> 112528-46800 = 65729s
Row 9: The trend in row 9 is 'STABLE' and it has a price of '8'. Until row 10 this remains true (the price is equal to 8 ). In this case, the difference between row 9 and row 10 is 14418 (rounded) seconds.
Row 11: Is empty because there are no values to compare.
i m creating the dynamic table every month to maintain the particular month data seperately .when the records getting inserted in the table,trigger will automatically insert the records in the dynamic table. only date alone(without timestamp) getting inserted in the dynamic table from staging. so by default ,00:00:00 is getting appended with date instead of actual timestamp. tried select to_date(to_char(:new.ACTN_DATE,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') INTO v_temp_actn_date from dual; but i am getting only date alone . in my table and dynmaic table datatype for date column is date
I'm trying to generate count of the number of entries in a table for each day.The problem is the date column is of datatype timestamp and looks like this "2006-12-30 18:42:03.0"
How would I generate a report of number of entries in the table for each date (I'm not intrested in the "time" only the "date" i.e YYYY-MM-DD)?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table_name WHERE my_date_column LIKE '2006-12-30%' GO
It returns zero rows ( and I kno there are rows in the table) I'm using Oracle 10g.
how to caluclate days between two dates of single timestamp filed and with this
query Select * from m_activity_transaction where actn_opp_id in ( Select actn_opp_id from m_activity_transaction where ACTN_ACTV_ID = 218 Group by actn_opp_id
and i nedd to caluclate no.of days between two dates like 27-JAN-12 AM and 08-FEB-12 PM where actn_id is unique AND ACTN_OPP_ID IS NOT UNIQUE.
Is there a way to query an oracle database in an automated fashion by a timestamp field based on current timestamp, like: 04/29/08 00:00:00 - 72 hours?
(both these fields a_std and a_time are coming as varchar from the parent table in a cursor.(basically they are time period and actual arrival time respectively)
i was juggling with the attempt to make varchar to timestamp or date..but caught with Round up /Round down)
Formula ->
A = Round down [A_TIME - A_STD] B = Round up [A_TIME) - 10 minute + A_STD]
A_TIME VARCHAR2(8) N Time (Format" HH:MM AM/PM") eg "3:50 PM" A_STD VARCHAR2(5) N Standard time (Format" HH:MM") eg "1:00"
Allowed values for A & B after round up/down = multiple of 10 ( 11:00,11:10,11:20 etc.)