Oracle Connect By?

Nov 26, 2012

I've stucked with a query. Let me explain the situation: I have a table that i store the IDs of logically equal records.

For example;
A = B
B = C
X = Y
Z = Y

My query must return all equivalent records. If you call the query with parameter 'A', the result set must contain B and C. And if you call the query with parameter 'Y', the result set will contain X AND Z. I have thought that i can write the query wity using start with connect by statement. But the query does not work as i expected. Here is my code and sample data:

create table temptable (ID1 number,ID2 number);/
insert into temptable values(11,12);/
insert into temptable values(12,13);/
insert into temptable values(13,14);/
insert into temptable values(13,15);/

SELECT distinct ID1 from
SELECT * FROM temptable
START WITH ID1 = 13 OR ID2 = 13


In my sample the equality definitions is;
11 = 12
12 = 13
13 = 14
13 = 15

When i call the query with parameter 13, i'm expecting to get 11,12,14,15. But it returns only 12,14 and 15.

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Client Tools :: Connect Oracle Developer 6i Without Connect String

Aug 17, 2010

I have installed oracle developer 6i. in sqlplus i want to put my username and password but nothing in the connect string field.

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Connect Oracle Database From Delphi - Could Not Resolve Connect Identifier Specified

Oct 6, 2010

I have the following computer/setup:

Acer laptop, Intel Processor w/ Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
Delphi 2010 Professional
Oracle XE (+ the Oracle XE client that comes with it)

I cannot can't to the Oracle database from Delphi. The error I keep getting is:

Alias is not currently opened. [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12154:TNS: could not resolve the connet identifier specified.

Here's what I've done:

1. Create an ODBC connection to my Oracle database

- run C:WindowsSysWOW64odbcad32.exe to open the ODBC administrator.
- Data source name: bt_user
- TNS Server Name: localhost/xe
- user bt_user
- Clicked "test connection" -- Success.

2. Open Delphi and drop a TDatabase component on my main form.

- Set the Alias Name property to "bt_user" (the alias I set up in ODBC)
- Set database name to "bt_user".
- Checked "connected".

Alternatively, I tried using the Delphi ADO components (the dbGo components).

- Drop TADOConnection component on my form.
- Select "connection string" and open the dialog.
- Click "build string".
- Select "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" from the selection.
- In "use data source", select "bt_user" from the drop-down list (my ODBC connection from #1)
- Click "test connection".

Again the same error.

My questions are:

1. Can Delphi work with Oracle XE (Express Edition)?

2. If so, then do I need to install the "Instant Client"?

3. Will the instant client for Oracle 10g work with Oracle 10g XE?

4. Do I need to install any additional ODBC driver(s)?

5. Why was I successful in creating the ODBC connection in Windows, but it failed in Delphi?

6. Will Visual Studio.NET (C#) work with Oracle XE, and what are the steps for setting that up?

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Connect To Oracle From Another Server That Does Not Have Any Oracle Applications On It

Mar 7, 2007

I am trying to connect to Oracle from another server that does not have any Oracle applications on it.

I tried Perl, PHP, Java but each require parts of Oracle installed.

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Client Tools :: Able To Connect From SQL-Assistant BUT Unable To Connect From SQL Developer

Jul 7, 2012

I have been troubling with this issue for the last two weeks...tried so much, but could not able to resolve....

sqlplus username/password@IPAddress:port/ServiceName

I am able to connect to DATABASE from SQLAssistant only when I provide string like ABOVE........If I dont mention the SERVICE, m unable to connect to DB.Now the biggest issue is with SQL Developer.....m not at all able to connect to DB using SQL Developer.

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How To Connect Between Oracle To SQL DB Server

Jul 17, 2012

OS: RHEL 5.7 64 bit
DB: SE 64 bit

We have a scenairo in which we have two servers one is a Oracle server and the other is SQL server and we need to enable automated Emails from the oracle DB server. As the Oracle server is not whitelisted and we have a SQL server which is already whitelisted so is it possible to connect from Oracle server to Sql server so that the automated emails will be generated from the sql server (as it is whitelisted) and we do not want to whitelist the oracle server.

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PL/SQL :: Connect By Prior In Oracle 11g?

Apr 1, 2013

I am upgrading an application from 9i to 11g and I've been told that the connect by prior sql is broken. While I am waiting for the example and the error message, is 11g pickier about looping than 9i was? some documentation on 10 or 11 changes to hierarchical queries?

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ODP.NET :: Connect To Database Oracle With C#

Oct 19, 2012

I am trying to develop a web application with C #, my application is to connect to an Oracle database on a server (LAN), the problem I want to connect to the database without install oracle or ODP on my client machine.

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Connect To 10g Oracle Server From 9i Client

Apr 18, 2008

Is it possible to connect to 10g oracle server from 9i client?

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Connect To Oracle DB - Developer Error?

Apr 26, 2009

i've been trying to connect to the Oracle DB with Oracle SQL Developer.I get a message

State: Test Failed - IO Exception "The network adapter could not establish the connection"

When i go try tnsping 1521 It detects a connection by Oracle Database.And finally i get TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

When i went into the "services.msc" and tryed to run the "OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener"

Got a message: "Error 3: The sytem could not find the specified path"

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How To Connect Oracle DB With C Builder 5.0 Application

Jul 27, 2010

i want to know how can i connect c builder application with oracle 10g express ? which components i have to use?

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Oracle Database - Cannot Connect From PHP Script

Jul 19, 2010

I have created an Oracle database on my Windows XP system but cannot connect from a php script


if (!$db = @ocilogon("big", "big", "s7s"))
    $error = ocierror();
    printf("Error was: %s", $error["message"]);
$stmt = ociparse($db,"SELECT count(*) FROM members");

When I created the database the connection I used was s7s but whether or not I include that name or just use the ID/password that script will not connect.

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How To Connect To Oracle Server With Tunneling

Jul 23, 2013

Web Server(port80) and SSH Server(port 212) and Oracle client with sqlplus (
SSH client (
Oracle Server (port 1521) (

my php program have to access the db on oracle server, and then i do this on my SSH client

ssh -p 212 user@ -R 1521:

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Unable To Connect To Oracle 10g Through TOAD

Jul 28, 2010

I have installed Oracle 10g XE in my laptop having Windows 7 home 64 bit OS..I have created some users in the oracle and iam able to connect these users through cmd prompt..But the issue is that iam unable to connect to the database through TOAD..

I have given the user name and password and database as XE and connect using as : XE but still iam getting the error as "TNS could not resolve the connect identifier (XE).

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Unable To Connect In TOAD In ORACLE 11g

Jan 4, 2011

Unable to connect in TOAD in ORACLE 11g through sys user.

I am using Toad for ORACLE version and ORACLE 11gR2 (

I make the FALSE to "sec_case_sensitive_logon" parameter hence not able to login through sys user. I can logged in through system user without any issue.

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Can't Connect To Oracle - Logon Denied

Mar 21, 2011

i installed Oracle 11.2.0 64bit & Oracle SQL developer on Windows-7 64bit

i try to connect to database like this:

username: scott
password: tiger
role : sysdba
hostname: localhost
port : 1521
sid : ORCL

and i got this error: `ora-01017 invalid username/password; logon denied`

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Connect CR8 To Oracle 11g

Feb 22, 2011

i need the crystal report application to try to get some reporys from the database .

and i am new to crystal reports and want to know how to connect to oracle database 11g .

wher to get CR 8 and step by step how to connect it to my database

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Windows :: Connect Oracle From Win 7 64bit

Jun 22, 2013

Recently i have installed oracle 10g.2 in my laptop under Win-7 64bit. But cannot connect oracle from Windows form [C#], Office application[Excel] and odbc. Showing error[Tns could not resolve the connect identifier specified Drivers SQLSetconnectAttr failed ]

Though I can connect oracle from toad and sqlplus and form 6i.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Connect C++ And Oracle

Sep 17, 2008

My OS is Linux and I installed Oracle 10.2. Everything is fine.I can use sqlplus, exp, imp etc with no problem.Now I have created another linux user test in /home/test. I unzipped (/home/test/instantclient_10_2) and exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH.I guess I have installed instant client in this way.

My testOra.cpp:

#include <occi.h>
int main()
return 0;

This test.cpp would not compile. It cannot find occi.

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Forms :: Can Oracle 11g Connect To DB2 Or SQL Server

Sep 24, 2010

I just want to know whether Oracle forms 11g supports other databases like DB2, SQL Server etc.

Also does Oracle forms 11g supports Oracle database 9i or 10g apart from 11g?

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Windows XP SP3 And Oracle XE10.2g Connect

Aug 24, 2010

I am having a problem understanding the relationship between users and databases within Oracle. I have a user "big" that logs on successfully on another machine to database "s7s" but on a different machine fails to connect.
The following may be interesting:-

$SGMDBUsername = "big";
$SGMDBPassword = "big";
$SGMDBName = "s7s";
$conn=OCILogon($SGMDBUsername, $SGMDBPassword, $SGMDBName);

If I on the new machine issue the command sqlplus big/big. I successfully connect and see the tables I am looking for.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Connect Oracle 10g Database Through Online

Dec 8, 2011

how to connect oracle database through online

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Cannot Connect Oracle Instance Remotely In LAN

Jun 24, 2012

I have installed oracle 10g database in the my local laptop ( Windows 7) . This laptop is in LAN. I am not able to connect from other machines in LAN. When i open sqlplus, SQL Developer from the same machine, i was able to login to the instance.

But when i want to login from the other machines in LAN. I was not able to connect. I was able to ping the server on which the database was installed from other machines. why i am not able to connect ?

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Not Able To Connect DB Remotely Using Oracle Client?

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to connect to database remotely. I have installed Oracle client on my local machine(Windows 7) and trying to connect to db.

I am able to do tnsping. Below is the log.

But when i try to connect i am getting ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA error.

Below is the complete log.

C:\Windows\System32>tnsping DEVDB

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 20-AUG-2

013 14:18:42

Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:


Used EZCONNECT adapter to resolve the alias



OK (560 msec)

C:\Windows\System32>sqlplus test1/********@devdb

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Aug 20 14:18:47 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.


ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

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Oracle Enterprise Manager Connect Multiple DB?

Jul 16, 2008

Is that possible to make Oracle Enterprise Manager of 10gr2 connect to multiple oracle database?

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Restore Control File To Connect With Oracle

May 13, 2011

I deleted the control file using $rm control01.ctl. But i perform the back up

rman> backup incremental level 0 database;

i have no any backup

so how can i recover the my lost control file to connect with oracle instance.

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Backup & Recovery :: Oracle 11g Not Connect RMAN?

May 21, 2012

I installed 11g on linux rhel 5.2 by manually. now databse is ok . But some Schema HR , Scott , Oe are not come. but database fully work. ok.

Now i am trying to connect Rman.
rman target /

then I have a error that SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE is not found.

but sql> desc sys.dbms_backup_restore package is available.

which script are run to solve it , because only catalog.sql and cataproc.sql script are run in installing of oracle 11g manually instalation.

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Windows :: Connect To 8i Database Via Oracle 9.02 ODBC

Sep 17, 2002

I am attempting to connect to an Oracle 8i database via the Oracle 9.02 ODBC driver and I am receiving the following error message upon testing the connection in WinXp's ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box: "Unable to connect SQLState=IM004 [[Microsoft]][[ODBC Driver Manager]] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed" .

I am running Oracle Client 9.2 on a P4 machine running winXP.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Connect To Get Parent And Supervisor Details In Oracle

Oct 15, 2013

I have a table like below:

10 9 John Developer 7,8,9,10
9 8 Charlie Manager 7,8,9
8 7 Bruce GL 7,8
7 King CEO 7
20 18 Jack Developer 7,16,17,18,20
18 17 Adam Teamlead 7,16,17,18
17 16 Erik Manager 7,16,17
16 7 David GL 7,16

We can see that the for each employee, there is a corresponding Manager tagged except for CEO of the company. Now, I want the output to be like below


Here, MGR_ID is nothing but the MGR_ID from the same row and Supervisor_id is nothing but the MGR_ID of MGR_ID

Ex:- For 10 EMP_ID, the MGR_ID = 9 and Supervisor_id = Mgrid of 9 i.e., 8
For 8, the Mgr_id = 7 and Supervisor_id = Mgrid of 7 which is none. etc.,

The same logic applies for Mgr_name, Mgr_Role , Supervisor_name and Supervisor_role too. I could not format the data in a tabular format due to some formatting issues.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Connect Oracle 11g From Netbeans 7

Dec 20, 2011

I want to connect oracle with oci from netbeans and write this code

import java.sql.*;

class OraOci {
public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException
try {
Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

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