ORA-01017 / Invalid Username / Password Logon Denied But SQLPLUS Works

Oct 15, 2012

"ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied" when attempting to log on to db, in three different applications. Error is observed in Toad, Crystal Reports, and MS ODBC Administrator connect test. However, same db credentials work in SQLPLUS.

Customer is attempting to log into reporting database hosted by my company, and using Cisco VPN client.I am unable to reproduce this at this time, on my machine, using same credentials and VPN profile.

Here is what we know/tried:
1. PING HOSTNAME is successful on CUSTOMER’S machine

2. TNSPING HOSTNAME is successful on CUSTOMER’S machine

3. SQLPLUS is successful with USER2/(pw)@HOSTNAME.int on CUSTOMER’S machine

4. We corrected timeout error on CUSTOMER’S side, by adding TCP.CONNECT_TIMEOUT=1000 in SQLNET.ORA (Also observed extremely slow performance on CUSTOMER SIDE)

5. We corrected dns suffix problem on CUSTOMER’S side, observed in NSLOOKUP by adding: IP ADDRESS AND HOSTNAME to Windows HOSTS file and commenting out default suffix COMPANY.com from SQLNET.ORA file

6. VPN configuration and VPN credentials are good. 

We tested CUSTOMER’S VPN profle, CUSTOMER’S VPN credentials, and user USER2/(pw)@HOSTNAME on my machine (WIN7). I am able to maintain persistant connection to HOSTNAME for hours

7. TNSNames entries are good. Able to connect to db in Toad, and Crystal, on CUSTOMER’S machine using different Oracle user, USER3 (only has grant connect). Unable to logon to db, with Oracle user USER1, or USER2. (USER2 was created to try to resolve login problem w USER1, but issue still exists.)

8. CUSTOMER has Windows VISTA, does not have admin privileges, has Oracle 10 installed for client. Using same Cisco VPN client I have installed.

9. Database on our servers is 11g

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ORA-01017 - Invalid Username / Password - Logon Denied

Jun 26, 2012

Case 1,

-I have a Oracle Client (*Administrator*) installed on a client machine on Redhat 6.
-I have a database testdb installed on another machine.

I configured tnsnames.ora for the client machine to connect my database testdb.If I use sqlplus to connect to the testdb from client machine, it's successful.However, If I use one of the jdbc connection string from the client machine, it reports "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied"

Case 2,

-I have a Oracle Client (*Runtime*) installed on a client machine on Redhat 6.
-I have a database testdb installed on another machine.

I configured tnsnames.ora for the client machine to connect my database testdb.

-If I use sqlplus to connect to the testdb from client machine, it's successful.
-If I use one of the jdbc connection string from the client machine, it 's successful too.

For case 1 and case 2, the only difference is the Oracle client (one is Runtime, the other is administrator)The database I have is set to

SQL> show parameters case

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sec_case_sensitive_logon boolean FALSE

why the administrator client report ORA-01017?

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Security :: ORA-01017 / Invalid Username / Password - Logon Denied

Jul 2, 2011

I am not able to login in the database with sys user. when i am trying with sqlplus "/as sysdba" it is showing

ERROR: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges.

& when i am trying with sqlplus sys as sysdba it is showing

ERROR:ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied.

I login with system user and changed the password of sys nd then tried login with sys but same result.

remote_login_passwordfile is set to NONE nd i am login through that user only by which i was always able to login.

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Security :: ORA-01017 - Invalid Username / Password - Logon Denied?

Sep 24, 2013

I have a log-in problem. I created the new database and when I try to log-in with system user, its giving ORA-01017: invalid username/password; log-in denied, and when I try to log-in with "/ as sysdba" its successfully logged in.

When I try to change SYSTEM user password, I successful change and connecting and after few seconds when I try to connect its again giving same error "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; log-in denied

And I disable the case sensitive password also:

sec_case_sensitive_logon boolean FALSE

OS: windows
Oracle Versions:

View 6 Replies View Related

Server Administration :: ORA-01017 / Invalid Username / Password / Logon Denied

Jan 26, 2012

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbchg1_11], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Current SQL statement for this session:
insert into sys.aud$( sessionid,entryid,statement,timestamp#, userid,userhost,terminal,action#,returncode, obj$creator,obj$name,auth$privileges,auth$grantee, new$owner,
new$name,ses$actions,ses$tid,logoff$pread, logoff$lwrite,logoff$dead,comment$text,spare1,spare2, priv$used,clientid, sessioncpu) values(:1,:2,:3,SYSDATE,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8
,:9, :10,:11,:12,:13,:14,:15,:16,:17, :18,:19,:20,:21,:22,:23,:24, :25)

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Getting ORA-01017 Error Invalid Username / Pwd Logon Denied

Oct 19, 2010

i am getting ORA-01017 error frequently .

we have an application that is running from remote host to connect database using JDBC driver

but i am getting ORA-01017 error intermittently. we fetching stored username/pwd after every 5 min but for certain interval it's giving error and we get connection sucessful after some time with same username pwd.

the application monitor more number of databases but facing problem with only 1 instance.

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XE :: Error ORA-01017 Invalid Username / Password

Feb 15, 2013

I just finish to install Oracle XE on Fedora 18 so when I try to Start SQL, I get this error.

[root@fedora ~]# sqlplus system

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Feb 15 02:18:14 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter password: ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied.

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Data Guard :: ORA-17627 / ORA-01017 Invalid Username / Password

Aug 21, 2013

I have a strange behavior with a Data Guard environment on Linux and Oracle Since a couple of days, I have the following error in the alertlog of the standby database: 

Errors in file /u00/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/SID_site2/SID/trace/SID_pr0f_22728.trc:ORA-17627: ORA-01017:
invalid username/password; logon deniedORA-17629: Cannot connect to the remote database server First I restarted the Apply on the standby without any changes.

So I tried to connect to the primary database from the standby server with Oracle .Net with success. In the other way, it's also working.I also tried to copy the password file from the primary server to the standby server and I restarted both the transport and the apply.The error is still happening on the standby but the most surprising is that the Data Guard is still fully synchronized. Why I get that error and what is the function of the process pr0f?

View 13 Replies View Related

Forms :: Invalid Username / Password - Login Denied

Aug 9, 2011

I have installed oracle 10g database in my pc and it works fine. I can connect with sys or system user.

I have also installed oracle forms 10g in the same pc. But when I try to connect then it shows the message:

ORA-01017 invalid username/password; login denied

So I can not connect. I have tried to connect with sys or system user.

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Server Administration :: Role Cannot Login - Invalid Username / Password

Oct 9, 2011

I created a role,and it can not login,why?


SQL> Create Role con_role Identified By hxl;

Role created.

SQL> Grant Connect To con_role;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> Grant Create Session To con_role;

Grant succeeded.


sql>connect con_role/hxl@myserver ORA-01017: Invalid username/password.

View 12 Replies View Related

Enterprise Manager :: Invalid Username And / Or Password Cluster Credentials Startup OEM

Apr 12, 2012

I have an installation Oracle 11.2 RAC on Oracle Linux 5.5 on VirtualBox 3.2.8, Enterprise Manager Startup Log In does not recognize the SYSMAN username / password.

Log's (I changed // for /):

[oracle@rac1 log]$ tail -10 emagent.trc
2012-04-12 14:31:08,327 Thread-1148807488 ERROR pingManager: nmepm_pingReposURL: Cannot connect to https:/rac1.localdomain:1158/em/upload/: retStatus=-1
2012-04-12 14:32:09,333 Thread-1148807488 WARN ssl: <nmehlssl.c:nmehlssl_readcb>: nmehl_read_sock timed out, rsf = -5, setting read timeout flag
2012-04-12 14:32:09,335 Thread-1148807488 ERROR ssl: nzos_Handshake failed, ret=28862
2012-04-12 14:32:09,336 Thread-1148807488 ERROR http: 6: Unable to initialize ssl connection with server, aborting connection attempt
2012-04-12 14:32:09,338 Thread-1148807488 ERROR pingManager: nmepm_pingReposURL: Cannot connect to https:/rac1.localdomain:1158/em/upload/: retStatus=-1
2012-04-12 14:32:39,777 Thread-1148807488 WARN ssl: <nmehlssl.c:nmehlssl_readcb>: nmehl_read_sock timed out, rsf = -5, setting read timeout flag


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Can't Connect To Oracle - Logon Denied

Mar 21, 2011

i installed Oracle 11.2.0 64bit & Oracle SQL developer on Windows-7 64bit

i try to connect to database like this:

username: scott
password: tiger
role : sysdba
hostname: localhost
port : 1521
sid : ORCL

and i got this error: `ora-01017 invalid username/password; logon denied`

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Server Administration :: Oracle Database Server - Logon Denied

Jul 19, 2011

I am connected as System. It was the only user I set-up a password when installed the database on personal computer.

SQL> alter user sys identified by mypass007
2 /
User altered.
SQL> connect sys/mypass007
ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER


SQL> conn sysoper/mypass007
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

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Connection Using Sqlplus Works Locally And Not From Other Servers

Jul 27, 2012

I have a two node RAC on We are using SCAN Listener here. On my node 1, i can connect to the database using tns alias: The alias looks something like:

Prod =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = x1200.prod.com)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = cusms)
(UR = A)

sqlplus system/actdbasystem@cusms ----- works sucesfully on the prod server. Even the same prod alias copied to second tnsnames.ora in the cluster and run, it works sucesful too. But the issue is, when we copy the same alias onto any other servers and try to connect give's the following error message:

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Jul 27 12:37:55 2012
Copyright © 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found

why is it my connection using sqlplus works locally and not from other servers?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Running Query In PRO*C That Works In SQLPLUS

Sep 4, 2008

I have a query similar to the one below which is embedded in a PRO*C program. The query works fine when run in the PRO*C program against a 8i database but fails with an "ORA-02015: cannot select FOR UPDATE from remote table" error when run against a 10g database. The PRO*C program is executing the sql using "EXEC SQL".

QUERY: Select last_name, first_name from Member
where ....

The other thing to note is this SQL query works fine via sqlplus in a 10g environment.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: The above query is selecting data from a base table via a user view
VIEW: select * from

This view was created in this manner to allow the user account access to the underlaying table without creating explicit permissions.

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Username While Connecting To Sqlplus /as Sysdba

Mar 13, 2013

I am in a bit confusion about the user when we are logging in to sqlplus /as sysdba. what the user is when we are into sqlplus with sqlplus /as sysdba.

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Call Interface :: Sql Statement Works In SQLPLUS But Will Not Pass Checking In PRO*C

Apr 22, 2013

I am in the process of converting my skill in oracle and this time PRO*C from Windows to Linux. I have oracle 11g R2 installed on a UBUNTU (12.04) server and have installed the instant client as described in


This has a query which will run in SQLPLUS but fails with PRO*C

:~/Projects/proc/proctest1$ proc INAME=proctest.pc SQLCHECK=NONE ONAME=proctest.c LNAME=proctest.lis LTYPE=long
Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Mon Apr 22 21:00:18 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
System default option values taken from: /home/neill.rutherford/instantclient_11_2/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
PCC-W-02109, SQLCHECK=NONE is no longer supported.. using SYNTAX


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Oracle Sqlplus Unique UserID / Username?

Oct 5, 2007

I each user in my table to have a unique username and user_id. So the table cant contain 2 users with the same user id and it cant contain 2 users with the same username.

oracle doesn't support more than one primary key in a table

so what could I use a secondary key?creating alternate keys in sql plus?

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Client Tools :: How To Find Username In Sqlplus

Aug 16, 2011

How to find user name in sqlplus?

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Forms :: How To Logon With Externally Identified Password

Mar 11, 2004

I have a externally identified oracle id. In the logon screen I want to enter / and logon externally.

I have tried using ? with LOGON built in package but it doesn't work.

/@<servername> does not work ?

how to logon to oracle forms with a externally identified password?

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XE :: Unable To Login With Logon As OPS$-user To Get SAPSR3 Password?

Jun 18, 2013

my listener getting started and database also up

but gives error

Connecting as SAPSR3/<pwd>@ECC on connection 0 (nls_hdl 0)

Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPSR3's password

If can share screen shots are some link so i can go aehad

what is the default password for SYSTEM

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Oracle 9i Default Username And Password

Sep 14, 2003

I Just got Oracle 9i installed. But can not login . What are the Default username and password for "Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator" and other Developers Suite apps?

Also What URL should i type to access the "iSQL *PLUS" through my browser, so that i can execute my SQL statements.

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Forms :: Hide Username And Password?

Mar 21, 2011

I already did the hide of username and password, now i need to recieve in cgicmd.dat a parameter because i already have the way of reports i want only to recieve the name of them, so i put like this:

sct: userid="user/pass@database" destype=cache desformat=pdf report=c:\%1

So when i run this show me the message:

File 'c: este.rdf=%' not found.

It's showing a '=' sign

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Server Utilities :: Username And Password In Exp / Imp?

Apr 26, 2011

While doing export/import we specify the username and password. Preferably which user do we need to specify? Sys or system or our own user?

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Loop - Two Variables (username / Password) Not Clearing Out?

Apr 15, 2008

The idea of the program below is to create a sql "module" (just a .sql file) that will loop and ask for a user id until the user enters the correct one. Here is the code I have thusfar:

set serveroutput on;
accept username prompt 'Enter user name here: ';
accept password prompt 'Enter password here: ';

usernameCONFIRM VARCHAR(30);
passwordCONFIRM VARCHAR(30);
select USERID into usernameCONFIRM from GAMEUSER where USERID = '&username';


The main problem I'm seeing is that the two variables I ask for (username and password) aren't clearing out.

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Application Express :: XDB Requires Username And Password

Jun 1, 2013 g database.

I am trying for testing on test server where I am getting error while trying to connect


I am able to connect




The database version is 11g.

Actually my requirement is As I know we cannot use isqlplus in 11g we can use apex instead of isqlplus so any way or navigation how to use apex for isqlplus.

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Reports & Discoverer :: To Hide The Username And Password

Dec 20, 2010

I migrated the report from Developer 2000. This report has the drill down report with the following command.

procedure U_1ButtonAction is
srw.run_report('rep022.rep paramform=no

After Migration into Oracle Application Server 10g release 2 , I changed the code as following:

function U_1FormatTrigger return boolean is

SRW.SET_HYPERLINK(' http://cpstest.exch1.mas.unb.com:7778/reports/rwservlet?report=E:CallSystem
ep022.rdf&USERID=dss/dss@dsdb&destype=cache& ;desformat=pdf&p11="'||:cr_call_ref_no||'"');
return (TRUE);

When I run the report, it shows the toolbar on the link [with the user id & password] of the drilldown report.

I wish to hide the username & password or I wish to enter my message "Click the link to open the Report".

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Give Username And Password When Calling HTTP Page

Apr 16, 2013

I have this code when i run this I get credentials error. How to give credentials .The authentication is set to windows in the https page. Means pop up will appear to get the credentials

value varchar2(1024);
p_url varchar2(4000);
OPT varchar2(1000);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle - Create Procedure To Check Username And Password?

Aug 23, 2011

how can i create procedure to check username and password.

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Server Administration :: Can't Login By Typing Username And Password

Jul 15, 2010

I am using oracle 9i version. My problem is oracle window opens.But i can not login by typing the user name and password. while login an error is displayed as follows.

ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress.

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