Monitoring Of Prod Database Using EMCA Control

Apr 23, 2013

I am monitoring out PROD database using EMCA database control.

Under "Performance" tab I check the AVERAGE ACTIVE SESSION and I see spikes of "CPU concurrency". (figure emca1)

figure: emca1>


I want to investigate what causes this "spike" in cpu so I drill it down further:

figure: emca2>


Then figure drill down further:

figure: emca3>


But I can not understand what causes the spike thing.

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Enterprise Manager :: Monitoring Standby Database Using Grid Control

Mar 3, 2008

I'm monitoring and all my databases using grid control. Recently I added a dataguard configuration but the standby database shows me a lot of error simple because it's in MOUNT state. how I should configure grid control or the standby database so the errors disappear?

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Enterprise Manager :: RAC Monitoring Through 12c Grid Control?

Jul 11, 2012

I have plan to monitor RAC database (2 instance) through 12c grid control.

Do i need to install agent on both the nodes.?

Do i need to configure both the instance.?

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Enterprise Manager :: How To Add Standby Monitoring On Grid Control

Mar 5, 2011

I have primary database on RAC 10g and i have a standby, i want add this standby on Grid Control for monitoring this standby.

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EMCA Error - Database Unavailable Exception?

Jun 7, 2012

I have installed Oracle 11gR2 on Windows 7 professional. I created a DB and a listener also.No issues there; I can connect to the DB with sqlplus and SQL Developer.when I try to configure dbcontrol on this DB, it fires errors;

C:Windowssystem32>emca -config dbcontrol db

STARTED EMCA at Jun 7, 2012 2:20:15 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter the following information:
Database SID: ORA112
Exception in thread "main" oracle.sysman.emcp.exception.DatabaseUnavailableExcep


How this can happen?

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Performance Tuning :: Export SQL Plan From Test Database To Prod Database?

Jul 16, 2013

An SQL query is taking a lot of time than usual and not completing even left after hours! The query joins a table with a quite complex view.

The same query in a test database completes in less than 2 mins.

I would like to export the sql plan from test database to prod database.

how to export/import in version for a particular sql statement's execution plan.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Refresh A PROD Database Into TEST Database

Jun 17, 2012

I need to refresh a PROD database into TEST database. The PROD and TEST runs on 10g. I need a full refresh. Is there any pre req's which i should keep in mind ?.

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How To Know Database Shutdown Without Monitoring

Nov 23, 2010

The Database is Shutdown, no user is complaining about it and also you are not monitoring it through alert log file, then how will you, as a DBA, come to know about it?

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Monitoring Oracle Database

Aug 20, 2010

Whats is the best Tool for monitoring ORACLE DBs ?

I've heard about Toad, Spotlight, and of course The EM from Oracle..but i know there some other tools that i maybe don't know.

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Database Monitoring And Report

Aug 31, 2012

I'd like to start monitoring the customer's database. I need a tool to monitor database's performances and I also need to run day by day a series of queries that produce control reports.

I'd like the tool alerts me by email if something goes wrong.

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Script For Monitoring Database Buffer Cache

Mar 26, 2012

give a script to find how much my db buffe cache and redo log buffer cache is used and how much is free.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Monitoring Database For Resource Intensive Queries

May 31, 2012

I am database developer and suddenly i have been given a DBA work. I have to monitor database for resource intensive queries , whether i/o is more , process memory and many other stuffs.

Provide me some sql queries or scripts which shows that process are over loaded and memory needs to be allocated, queries are taking long time , i/o operation are more instead of memory.

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Performance Tuning :: Tools For Monitoring Load Of Database?

Dec 3, 2010

which tools are available for monitoring load of the database?

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PL/SQL :: Error While Configuring Emca

Sep 26, 2012

Below is the error returned, while configuring "emca" for "enterprise manager"

C:Documents and Settingsuser> emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create

STARTED EMCA at **** **:**:** PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Exception in thread "main" oracle.sysman.emcp.exception.DatabaseUnavailableException: Database instance unavailable.
at oracle.sysman.emcp.DatabaseChecks.throwDBUnavailableException(
at oracle.sysman.emcp.DatabaseChecks.checkDbAvailabilityImpl(
at oracle.sysman.emcp.DatabaseChecks.checkDbAvailability(
at oracle.sysman.emcp.DatabaseChecks.getDbServiceName(
at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfigAssistant.performConfiguration(
at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfigAssistant.statusMain(
at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfigAssistant.main(

orcl is the oracle sid on my computer and database status is RUNNING

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Enterprise Manager :: Unable To Apply Monitoring Template On Database Instance

Sep 13, 2011

I have to apply monitoring template on my databases. Databases are already added and configured into OEM. They are visible under Databases tab and also under Groups where I have added them.

But when I try applying monitoring template and look for database in search window, it doesn't appear there.

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Enterprise Manager :: Unable To Create EMCA In Oracle 11g

Mar 28, 2011

I am using Oracle 11g Rel1 on Window 2003 Server R2 Enterprise Edition x64 with SP2. I am trying to configure DB console using command throuth emca. But I am getting the below mentioned error. Even I tried after manually deleted the repository then tried to create using emca command.

Mar 28, 2011 3:11:16 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil startOMS
INFO: Starting Database Control (this may take a while) ...
Mar 28, 2011 3:16:16 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
SEVERE: Error starting Database Control
Refer to the log file at D:appAdministratorcfgtoollogsemcamonetaemca_2011_03_28_15_09_53.log for more details.
Could not complete the configuration. Refer to the log file at D:appAdministratorcfgtoollogsemcamonetaemca_2011_03_28_15_09_
53.log for more details.

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>

logfile attached for your reference.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Using Target Database Control File / Separate Catalog Database

Mar 14, 2012

How one should know whether RMAN is using target database control file or using separate catalog database. Also what one should do if he dont have catalog users credentials.

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QUOTE V$DATABASE Displays Information About Database From Control File

Feb 8, 2011

The documentation for v$database says: QUOTE V$DATABASE displays information about the database from the control file. Is it safe to assume that there will only ever be one row queried from this view?

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Application Express :: Get Version Currently In PROD From CVS

Jul 4, 2012

We use Apex 4.0.1 and (to simplify) say we have 2 environments: DEV and PROD (both with same workspace ID.)Application 10 is in production, and currently being modified in DEV as part of an improvement project.However a bug is found in PROD and needs to be fixed as soon as possible. The steps we take are:

- Get the version currently in PROD from CVS
- Import it under a different application ID in the DEV environment, say application 11.
- Fix the bug

Now the problem starts. We always deploy whole applications to other environments (rather than individual components) and we want to keep the same application ID when we deploy this fix to PROD. But we only have the run-time environment in PROD, so it is not possible to override the application ID during deployment. So what we do is:

- Export DEV application 10 (the one being modified)
- Export DEV application 11 (the one with the bug fix)
- Import DEV application 11 over application 10
- Export DEV application 10 (the one with the bug fix)
- Import DEV applicaton 10 back (the one being modified)
- Deploy DEV application 10 to PROD (the one with the bug fix)

Is there a way to improve this (other than manually modifying the application ID in the export file)?

Another problem we have is that, once application 10 is imported into application 11, all the internal IDs change (hence the title of this post. :) ) This makes comparing versions in CVS a nightmare. Any way to prevent it? The only way seems to be import the application from PROD into the same application number in DEV, but this has an impact in the development process as no new development can be done until the bug is fixed.

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Server Utilities :: Import A Table From Prod To Dev

Jan 26, 2011

I am getting the below error when I import a table from Prod to Dev. I understand this error will be occured if length of the datatype is low. First I got the error when the datatype(length) which is 25 for the column PASSWORD column.Then I increased the length of this column to 45, then it was imported successfully.

why am facing the error when the datatye and length for this table is same in prod and dev? What are the possible ways to import the data without increasing the PASSWORD column length?

IMP-00019: row rejected due to ORACLE error 12899
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 12899 encountered
ORA-12899: value too large for column "ANEES"."SALSA_WEB_ACCESS"."PASSWORD" (actual: 28, maximum: 25)

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Application Express :: Refreshing Dev Workspace From Prod

Nov 7, 2013

I support an APEX app that has one workspace for Development and one for the live Production application.  When I originally created the Dev instance I was able to copy tables and data by granting select privileges between the two workspaces (I did this one table at a time). 

The development workspace data needs to be refreshed from production since it's been a long time since the initial refresh and is very out of date. I would like to do a couple things:

1) execute SQL to compare the tables in the two workspaces to ensure they're structurally identical
2) execute SQL to truncate Dev tables and refresh from Prod Is there a way to do this? 

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Auto Accounting Rule Is Not Taking Effect In PROD

Aug 10, 2013

we are in the migration of oracle apps 11.5.9 [version] , while uploading AR open invoices we used auto accounting rule for revenue account , but we did this changes its not taking an effect , same revenue a/c we uploaded is uploaded , but the auto accounting is not taking an effect ,

for a work around we migrated the data ! but we would be the root cause and possibilities why it hasn't worked ?

But this auto accounting rule worked in CRP & UAT as well ...!!!

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PL/SQL :: User Copied Table Data From Prod To Other Schema?

Apr 22, 2013

has copied one table data from Production to any other schema , know which user has done this ?

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PL/SQL :: Find A Check List To Use Against PROD / DEV / TEST Environments?

Jan 21, 2013

outlining 'key' differences between databases / configuration / hardware that can potentially make a difference to what results you get when running sql / pl/sql - I am trying to find a check list to use against PROD / DEV / TEST environments.

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How To Add Another Control File To DBOG Database

Apr 1, 2011

How can we add another control file to DBOG database? I need to clarify all the steps during this process.

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High Availability Of EM-Database Control

Oct 22, 2010

I have setup of two node (prod-db1, prod-db2) clustered database 11gR2 on windows 2008 R2 server. Everything is working fine at this setup.

My question is: Is there a way to make the Enterprise manager Database control run and be available at both the nodes independently. What I see that even at node 2 (which is prod-db2) the EM-DBControl is (https://prod-db1:1158/em) - which means the agent is running at node 1 (prod-db1) only.

My question is that how to make the EM-DBControl also run separately at prod-db2. My idea is to make the high availability of EM-DBControl (in case Prod-db1 machine is down).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Control Session In Database Oracle10g

Sep 30, 2010

i want to control our session in database oracle10g which means that:x is not allowed to connect to the database, if x try to connect to the database his session will be blocked and a message must be sent to the administrator.

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Does Not Open Web Interface EM Database Control

Oct 10, 2013

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release Agent is running, dbconsole too. to the database through SQL Developer and SQL Plus connects. when you go to localhost:1158/em opens a BLANK PAGE that contains 2 "squiggles" view"|[ ]]" tried in different browsers, identical. a feeling that most web interface is physically not in folders.

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Enterprise Manager :: Database Control URL Is Null?

Aug 12, 2010

I have installed OUI( Oracle universal insaller) and the with DBCA(Database Configuration Assistant) i have installed the database. Before DBCA completion of Database it give error message like database control not running. When i press OK the DBCA completed and database installed but where it shows the database control url it shows database url is null. when i try to give this url http://sweetdba:1158/em it shows error. why the url is not working. 11g database is working and connected.

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Enterprise Manager :: Database Control In 11g Not Starting?

Jul 28, 2012

I installed Oracle database 11g enterprise edition. I can connect it through sql plus but Database control is not starting. I have checked dbconsole service which is running.

the address is [URL]...

but mozilla and chrome both are unable to start the application. after installation it started only once. but it is not starting now.

second thing is how can i confirm what is the port of my listener is it 1158 or something else.

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