Leaving Connection String Parameter Blank

Sep 4, 2007

I have an oracle 10 xe database. I have a user named lotions. I am trying to connect to this database using Erwin Data Modeler. I entered the user name and password and first tried leaving the connection string parameter blank. If I do so I get an ora-01041. If I put 'xe' in this parameter it says "this parameter is incorrect".

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Upgrade :: Database From To And Leaving COMPATIBLE To 9.2.0?

Jan 11, 2013

I want to upgrade our database version ( to 10g (

I know if I set COMPATIBLE parameter to at first then I can't downgrade to if any problem occurs I am not sure that our application can deal with 10g or not so I think it's better to leave the COMPATIBLE parameter to 9.2.0 several days for sure and if all things go well then change COMPATIBLE to (I need to say that I can’t test our application in a test environment )

Now do you think leaving COMPATIBLE to 9.2.0 (after upgrade) for many days can cause any problem to Database ?

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Forms :: Connection String In Form Builder 6i To SYS User

Jun 9, 2013

i want to create a form like a console with form builder 6i for databases monitoring. I have to connect to more than 10 databases and monitoring them at same time.

My question is, how can i create connection string for each one in form builder? after connect to per database i want to select some quires, for example

"select STATUS from v$instance;"

Attention: i don't want use db-link

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Connection String To Connect Remote Oracle DB Using IP Address

Jul 23, 2012

I have sample windows C# application to connect remote Oracle DB(Enterprise edition SQ L plus).

Want to connect remotely without installing oracle client on local system.

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Inserting Blank Data

Jul 17, 2009

I have a table in oracle sql developer showing years, IDs and attendance etc I'm wanting to create a report based on this table but have encountered a problem with the years.

The years currently run from 2006 to 2009 and the problem is that some of the IDs are only present for say 2007 and 2008, thus leaving nothing for 2006 and 09. This in turn creates problems in the report.

What i would like to do is in the table, for each ID that is missing any years, is to insert a single row with just the ID and year so that in the report it will show a blank instead of nothing at all. So for the above example i would have numbers for 2007 and 2008 and for 2006 and 2009 there would just be a space.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Blank Record Pickup

May 25, 2010

I want to retrive record from tables which dont have person name

if i fire following query it gving 2 records one is correct and one is blank

distinct hp.party_name,
from hz_person_profiles_cpui_v hppcv,
hz_org_contacts_cpui_v hoccv,


what is problem?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Blank Mail From SMTP

Mar 31, 2012

One more query need to be resolved.

1) I am getting a mail with only the SUBJECT through SMTP.

********* ALERT ********* Tablespace Alert Mail Send from DBA Team. ******** ALERT *********

2) This is from a procedure called 'TBLSPACE_MON_EMAIL'.

CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE "Tblspace_mon_email"
v_smtp_server VARCHAR2(100) := '';
v_smtp_server_port NUMBER(2) := 25;
v_crlf VARCHAR2(2) := Chr(13)
|| Chr(10);

3) It was scheduled as below

What is the problem in this code.

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Loader Skip Blank Line?

Mar 21, 2012

I am running Oracle 9 and using sql loader to import text file into table. Can sql loader skips the record which blank line or carriage return? Do I need to set up with options?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Output Is Blank

Jun 2, 2010

I am trying to run Cash receipt report in reports builder. But the output is always blank. It is not even giving any fields created in the layout. This report was developed by some other developer, and there is no documentation available.

I am able to run the query in TOAD and I am getting genuine rows.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Blank Space In Sentences

Jul 3, 2012

Is There any way to count how many space in the sentences..Like this the sentences : " I AM BOY".

There is 2 space in the sentences.How can i find out using oracle query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: External Table And Blank Strings

Sep 23, 2011

I am importing some data using an external table, but the file on which the external table is built has some rows where a certain column is populated with two empty space characters.

CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY xtern_data_dir AS 'C:/...';


This is an except of what's in the external text file. The full text file has been attached.

000011|0030|....|000000.000000| |000000.000000| |0002
000011|0365|....|000000.000000| |000000.000000| |0002
000011|0730|....|000000.000000| |000000.000000| |0002
blank spaces may be |
causing error----------

Here is the error message I am receiving. I believe this is caused by the blank fields in the data.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH callout
ORA-30653: reject limit reached
ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 52

This is difficult to work with because the external table function does not appear to be even reading the file so it's not like I can convert the data as I'm loading into the internal database table. What are some approaches I can use to get Oracle to accept these blank columns and either populate them with blank spaces or set them to null?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: UTL_TCP Returning Blank Line?

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to use utl_tcp to connect, through TCP/IP, to a 3rd party program PC Miler. When I use telnet, PC Miler works without any issue. However, when I use utl_tcp, beginning from the second PC Miler API call, when I do a utl_tcp.get_line to get the result, the first line that return is always blank (with 1 white space). Here is my program.

c utl_tcp.connection;
ret_val PLS_INTEGER;
v_data VARCHAR2(4000);
c := utl_tcp.open_connection('mars', 8145);


Note that the 1st and 3rd API call is the same and should give me the same results. The 2nd API is supposed to give me 1 line back. At the end of each output, the server will end will the word "Ready". I use that to indicate when to exit the loop.

If I disconnect and reconnect after each API call, each output result will be correct because each API call will become the "1st" call since connection - like this program:

c utl_tcp.connection;
ret_val PLS_INTEGER;
v_data VARCHAR2(4000);
c := utl_tcp.open_connection('mars', 8145);


If there is something wrong with PC Miler, why would it work when I telnet through a Windows Command prompt? If it is not PC Miler and utl_tcp, what else can be wrong?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Mark Repeating Values As Blank

Jun 1, 2010

I have a result set with the following structure

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
--------- --------- --------- ---------
A1 B1 10 50
A1 B1 20 50
A1 B2 30 40

But i want to restructure this result like below,

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
--------- --------- --------- ---------
A1 B1 10 50
B2 30 40

I am just trying to change the repeating values on a certain combination as blank.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle MAX Date - BLANK Row Returned?

Aug 2, 2013

If running the following query:

select s.effective_date
where s.security_alias=100014320 and s.src_intfc_inst=0;

There are no rows returned.However, if I am running the other query:

select MAX(s.effective_date)
where s.security_alias=100014320 and s.src_intfc_inst=0;

There is a BLANK row returned.

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Number Field Coming As Blank But Length 1

Aug 12, 2013

column with datatype Number contains length 1.Its not null.Tried to trim then also length is 1 ....How to find what is the character there..?

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Oracle Reports Blank Line In Output

Feb 21, 2008

i have a problem with oracle reports 6i. the output has 1000s of lines. in my output first to 999th line is fine..bt then 1000th line is blank and again the data continues to be shown from 1001th line till 2000. and again i see a blank. how can i get rid of these blank lines very 1000th line.

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Forms :: Webutil 1.0.6 In 10g Opens Blank Page

Jul 8, 2009

I have developed a form which has webutil objects in it, and it is working fine on my local machine. When I deploy my form to my application server it opens up a blank page. I have configured the webutils in the app server as per the document and made entries into formsweb.cfg regarding frmwebutil.jar,jacob.jar. Does the dev suite need to be installed in the server for the webutils to run properly?

Also I watched my java console as I opened my form and I am pasting the contents below:
Loading frmwebutil.jar from JAR cache
Loading jacob.jar from JAR cache
connectMode=HTTP, native.
Forms Applet version is :

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Blank Spaces In The Query Output

May 6, 2010

I write a Query to get Deptno wise Employee Names as fallows..

SQL> select max(decode(d.deptno,10,e.ename)) dept10,
2 max(decode(d.deptno,20,e.ename)) dept20,
3 max(decode(d.deptno,30,e.ename)) dept30
4 from emp e,
5 dept d
6 where e.deptno = d.deptno


But i don't want to include the blank(null) spaces in the query output.

The Required output should be like this..

------ ------ ------

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OEM 11g - Monitored SQL Executions Click ID Shows Blank Screen?

Jun 10, 2011

I am trying to investigate my execution plans against my DB; and was informed i can check current status of SQL scripts using:

Performance tab > SQL Monitoring > Monitored SQL Executions

I click on SQL ID i want to investigate and comes back with blank screen instead of the overview tab.

See Oracle URL below for screenshot

Figure 6-8 Monitored SQL Execution Details Page


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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader Skip Blank Line?

Mar 20, 2012

I am running Oracle 9 and using sql loader to import text file into table. Can sql loader skips the record which blank line or carriage return? Do I need to set up with options?

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Forms :: Blank Line Getting Generated On Save Button

May 31, 2013

I am working on Oracle forms 6i. I am getting a problem when I am trying to save the value in the form.

Well the scenario is like this:

I have got a multi record block. In that block there are two items jobno and inoivce no. Both the items have an LOV attached to them giving jobnos and invoice nos respectively.

This is on the '*ORIGINAL_BLOCK*'.

The problem perists with the jobno field. In the LOV for jobno, the 'column mapping properties' property, the return item section has original_block.jobno as the value. The code to fetch the details about the jobno (like vendor no,vendor site,invoice no etc) has been written on the When-Validate-Item trigger. I am also updating the WHO colums(like created by,created date,last upated by, last update date) on the Pre-Insert trigger at the block level. This whole thing of fetching the records is working fine. But when I simply press the save button an extra blank line gets generated on the form as well as at back end with jobno like this:

Sr.noJOBNO vendor_no vendor_name invoice_noinvoice_date
1 123 37456 abc 4564565 26-APR-2013 --- correct entry
2 123 8574 xyz 645656 26-JAN-2013 --- correct entry
3 123 --- --- --- --- unrequired blank entry

A same jobno can have multiple number of invoices. So the lines getting generated are - number of lines + 1(unrequired entry).As in the above scenario there are only 2 invoices for the same job and a third unrequired entry getting generated. If there are 3 invoices I get 4 lines (3 required + 1 unrequired blank entry).

So to solve this issue I added a button 'Add JOB'. I took another '*NEW_BLOCK*',designed another canvas and and added an item on it containing a dummy jobno field and attached an LOV to that item. Then the same When-Validate-Trigger to that item fetching the details. so when I press the button 'Add JOB' using show_canvas and go_item(dummy_job_item) I navigate to that new canvas, select the jobno there from LOV, fetch the details. Now I wrote execute_query on KEY-EXIT of the NEW_BLOCK so that whatever are the fetched details, they would go on the ORIGINAL_BLOCK.jobno and respective details in resp fields. But this did not work.So I wrote execute_query on the When-New-Block-Instance of the ORIGINAL_BLOCK and it worked.

But now what is happening is when I open the form once again after closing the form, all the back end data is appearing on the form i.e. when I open a new form session every time. But I want the form to be clear with no entries displayed whenever I open the form. I understand the question is lengthy and tricky.

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Application Express :: Upgrading To 4.2 On XE 11.2  / Blank Login-Page

Oct 24, 2012

I installed APEX 4.2 over XE 11.2

The Installation process succeeded.I Used the Installation Guide -> and followed the steps from chapter 3...My problem after the Apex-Upgrade ->

The page URL.... is blank, or say it better, ... there is nothing visible on that page (no Login-Form)The original GetStarted page from XE Database -> URL.... shows an Error Error Error processing request.ORA-01403: no data found

I can post the sourcecode from the "blank" HTML-Page...

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Application Express Listener :: Page Is Blank And Freezed

Jan 15, 2013

Problem is that page is blank and freezed. After another enter in URL page is shown normally.What I find out is that "freeze" happened only in Apex design time ... never in runtime of any of mine app.

Mine conf:
Apex 4.2.1 on
Apex Listener standalone
Oracle 11.2.03 x64
Windows 2008 SE R2 x64

C:UsersDamirV>java -version
java version "1.6.0_34"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_34-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.9-b04, mixed mode)error log:
D:UsersdamirvDesktopApexApex-Misc>set ORACLE_HOME=c:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1

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PL/SQL :: How To Make SQL*Plus Count Comment And Blank Line Numbers

Jul 3, 2013

 ParameterParameter valueOracle versionEnterprise Edition Release - 64bitOSLinux Fedora Core 17 (X86_64) 

is there any way to force SQL*Plus to provide the actual line number in the source file whenever there is an error? I often put at the first line of my script SET SQLBLANKLINES ON so that I may be able to put several consecutive blank lines lines in my code (I do this sometimes, when I find it to be appropriate in order to make my code more readable or to group a sequence of instructions which I believe make their logical link more understandable for the reader) Now the problem is that SQL*Plus ignores these blank lines and whenever there is an error, the line number provided in the error message, doesn't correspond to the actual line number in the source file but it seems to be the last non blank line in the file.  Consider the following example: 

SET SQLBLANKLINES ON;DECLARE    var PLS_INTEGER := 10;BEGIN        var := 20END;/  In the above code at line 9

(by counting also the blank lines) there is an error (no semicolon at the end of var := 20) but when I run the script inSQL*Plus  here is the error message that I get  

SQL> @myscript.sql;END;*ERROR at line 8:ORA-06550: line 8, column 1:PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END"

when expecting one of the following:* & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem<an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like like2like4 likec between || multiset member submultisetThe symbol ";" was substituted for "END" to continue.SQL>   So as you can see the error message indicate that the error was found at the line 8 whereas in the file it is really at the line 9 As long as the number of lines in the script is limited, this may not be a problem and one can find rapidly the actual line number in the code raising the error but for a code including hundreds (or even thousands) of lines and with many comments and blank lines, finding the actual line number given by SQL*Plus error message becomes tricky. Is there any way to make SQ*LPlus trace correctly the line numbers as they appear in the source file?

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Enterprise Manager :: Blank Content Instead Of Database Performance And Activity?

Feb 4, 2010

I've installed Grid Control (aka OMS) and try to look at the Database Performance. But instead of information I receive headers and blank picture in the place where usually all charts are shown. As a matter of fact it looks like the page tries to access that data source, but fails in that and shows just a symbol of picture that was not loaded and all menus from that page.

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Client Tools :: How To Eliminate Blank Lines In Between Queries In Output

Apr 28, 2010

I am spooling to a text file some output for a client. The file has 4 queries in it, one creates a header row, another a comment row, another the data rows and finally a trailer.

Code looks something like this:

Custom Extract
Project: Plan Data Extract
Product: EOWin 4.02 - Oracle db
Use: Script to create above extract and spool results to text file
Input Parameters: &1 Path and name of output file


and the output looks like this:

HDR,04272010,Plan Data

CMT,Plan Num,Plan ID,Plan Name,Shares Allocated

DAT,1,01,Plan 01,99999999
DAT,2,02,Plan 02,99999999
DAT,3,03,Plan 03,99999999
DAT,4,04,Plan 04,99999999

but the client and I want the output to look like this with no blank lines in between the queries:

HDR,04272010,Plan Data
CMT,Plan Num,Plan ID,Plan Name,Shares Allocated
DAT,1,01,Plan 01,99999999
DAT,2,02,Plan 02,99999999
DAT,3,03,Plan 03,99999999
DAT,4,04,Plan 04,99999999

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Application Express :: Possible To Display Null Item Value As All In Blank HTML Region

Jul 2, 2012

Apex 4.1
Theme 21

I have select list which has null and other values. I have created a blank HTML region with the following text

Report for the year &P2_YEAR. and for geography &P2_GEOG.

Now P2_YEAR works fine because, it is always populated with a year. However, &P2_GEOG has 'All' as null value since we can see the report for all geographies. However, if the all option is selected, the above &P2_GEOG. shows as null. Since its not a PL/SQL proc, I cannot put in a NVL. I am guessing one possible way is to write a PL/SQL code before region and then check if its null and then try to populate a new hidden field and show, something like that. Wondering if there is a way to do it directly in the HTML region?

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Application Express Listener :: When Click On Add File It Display A Blank Page?

Nov 10, 2012

My configuration is
APEX 4.2 on Windows XP with APEX Listnere on Glassfish 3.1.2 Open Source Server Edition.
The database is 11G XE

Let me explain the scenario which is not working.A Modal region which is having a file browse item based on WWV_FLOW_FILES and a button called add file.

When I click on add file it display a blank page and in the URL I could see [URL]...But actually it inserted file in the table.

I have put wwv_flow* in Listener Configuration for allowed procedures.I have another page where I have a page item which is based on BLOB column specified in item source attribute. And that is inserting file and displaying the pages correctly.

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ORA-02085 - Database Link String Connects To String

Jun 19, 2012

I have this error (and solution):

ORA-02085: database link string connects to string

Cause: a database link connected to a database with a different name. The connection is rejected.

Action: create a database link with the same name as the database it connects to, or set global_names=false.
Where should I set global_names=false ?

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Forms :: Open Test Form In Oracle 10g Only Internet Explorer Is Opening With Blank Screen?

Apr 26, 2010

I have installer oracle 11i database, with oracle 10g forms for development.When I am trying to open test form in oracle 10g form only Internet explorer is opening with blank screen, while it is connected to oracle database (version 11i).

Oracle 11i is on windows 2003 ent server and Oracle 10g is on windows 2000 professional...

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