I have a form which has three detail portions. I want that when I press SAVE, it should insert data in two tables & then run the specific code & then insert data in other two tables.
I am using Developer 6i. Couldn't find out the proper trigger or related thing.
I created a data warehouse in oracle 10g n with three Dimension and one cube after that it crates 4 tables . How to use an insert sql statement to insert data in those tables n how to access them.
I'm writing a Procedure which Updates or Inserts data in Multiple tables. Selected fields of 10 tables need to be updated or Inserted. For this I created a table which comprises of fields related to all 10 tables. Then I write Procedure. Under this I create a Cursor which uploads the data from the newly created table which contains different fields of 10 tables. Then I write Update and Insert statements one by one for all 10 tables.
Sample Procedure below. ------------------------------------------- Create or replace procedure p_proc as spidm spriden.spriden_pidm%type; cursor mycur is select * from mytable; begin for rec in mycur [code]...... ----------
Note: I created table on my server because data is coming from different server. They will upload the data in the table from there I pick and update the tables. Is updating or Inserting data in different tables one by one is correct?
how to insert data in oracle table without writing insert statement in oracle 9i or above. i am not going to write insert all, merge, sqlloder and import data.
I have 2 object tables. Location and a department. Department references a location Object. But this wont insert. I get "0 rows created".
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE location_objtyp AS OBJECT ( locationID NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(48) ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE dept_objtyp AS OBJECT ( deptID NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(48), locationID_ref REF location_objtyp ); [code]...
This does not insert. I get no error. Only - "0 rows created".
i have 100 records in table1,like as we have more 15 tables without data. the issue is how can i insert above table1 data(100 records) into different 15 tables in single sql command.
I am trying to insert records in multiple tables. I know how to view data using joinig, but unable to understand how to insert records in multiple tables using Joining. I searched it on net, but didn't find much. I have also tried to write a code, but it is not working, I have seen some examples on different websites where people are using SELECT in INSERT statement for joining. What is the correct Syntax to INSERT record in Multiple tables.
Insert into library_users, library_users_info (library_users.username, library_users.password, library_users_info.address, library_users_info.phone_no) VALUES (...)
We get data from our customers which we load into temporary tables.The goal is to consolidate this data into one single table.
Following are the rules:
1) final table should have all the columns from all the tables. If there are common column(s) then add only one column with that name.
2) the join would be based on all the common columns
3) if there is a common row, we merge the row into one (example, the row with DOMAIN = ACME.COM)
4) There could be 'N' number of tables
Following is the most realistic data.
1) T1/T2/T3 has the sample data which cover most of our test cases
2) We are expected to transform the data from T1/T2/T3 as depicted in table T4.
3) we might have more than 3 tables in our production environment, so the query should work for N tables.
4) I have given the explanation of how each row should be derived to be inserted in T4
5) the only information we have to work with is the TABLE_NAME(s) and its metadata from USER_TAB_COLUMNS
Explanation for each row:
row1) This row comes from T1 and T2 (not T3 because HOSTNAME would not match) row2) This row comes from T1 and T3 (not T2 because HOSTNAME would not match) row3) This row comes from T1 and T3 row4) This row comes from T2 and T3 row5) This row comes from T3
I created a music database, and I'm having trouble inserting the audio, video, and lyrics (.doc) into their respective tables. I searched through the forums and found some example code, but I'm not sure how to modify it to fit my purposes.
What I need is a procedure that can insert a complete record into the track table (including an .mp3 file for each row), one that can insert a record into the lyrics table (including .doc file for each row), and a procedure that can insert a single record into the Video table (including an .mv4 file).
I have to cleanup data from our tables (Production Environment) that contain millions of rows. The question is apart from the solution of the partitioned tables what alternative recommended solution suggests Oracle?
To delete these tables by using a cursor PL/SQL block or to import all the database and in the tables that we want to remove the old rows to use the QUERY option of the data pump utility.
I have used both ways and i have to admit that datapump solution is much much faster than the deletion that suffers from I/O disk.The question again is which method from these two is more reliable and less risky for the health of the database.
I came across an implementation where data from DB2 tables are moved to Oracle tables, for BI solutioning, using some oracle procedures called from MS SQL DTS packages which are scheduled jobs.Just being curious, can this be done using OWB or ODI rather than the above detour. I suppose there are some changes being done in those procedures before the data is being loaded into Oracle tables, can't this be done using OWB/ODI? Can it be scheduled too as jobs using OWB/ODI?
How can I search in Nested Tables ex: (pr_travel_date_range,pr_bo_arr) using the SQL below and insert the result into a new Nested Table: ex:g_splited_range_arr.
Here are the DDL and DML SQLs;*Don't worry about the NUMBER( 8 )*
Or can I create a VIEW with parameters of Nested Tables in it so I can simply call
SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO g_splited_range_arr FROM view_split_date(g_travel_range,g_bo_arr);
I am trying to insert rows in two tables using sql loader.
I have two tables in database as
SQL> desc name Name Null? Type ---------------------- -------- ------------ ID NUMBER NAME VARCHAR2(20) BD DATE
SQL> desc name3 Name Null? Type --------------------- ----------- ------------- ID NUMBER NAME VARCHAR2(20) BD DATE
I created controlfiles as
[oracle@DBTEST sqldri]$ cat datafile.ctl options (direct=true) load data INFILE * into table name truncate when id='1'
when i run sql loader as
[oracle@DBTEST sqldri]$ sqlldr hr/hr control=/u01/sqldri/datafile.ctl SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Aug 7 23:30:07 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Load completed - logical record count 2.
no rows is inserted..the log file contain entries as
[oracle@DBTEST sqldri]$ cat datafile.log SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Aug 7 23:30:07 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Control File: /u01/sqldri/datafile.ctl Data File: /u01/sqldri/datafile.ctl Bad File: /u01/sqldri/datafile.bad
I need to export only the data from schemas or tables, how to do that with Oracle Data Pump? when we use schemas parameter this export all schema, not only the data right?
I'm using JAVA class. I'm try to put "data" to database(INSERT data to database - PL/SQL).
I have simple JDBC problem:
Steps. 1) SELECT table_seq.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL; (Question: How can I make sequence to table ? I see lot of examples on google but all is just to create sequence but not for table. Maybe sequence can be put on table ?)
2) INSERT table_seq.....
3) INSERT table (values) values ('data')
Tables look like this:
table1 [Where I need to take `id`] ------------ id ..... ------------
table2 [Where I need this sequence to be taken] ------------ seq_id ..... ------------
table2 [Where I need to put `seq_id` into table2.id and data] ------------ id data ------------
I don't get it why can't I just do this ?: INSERT table2 (data) values ("this is data");
I have created a view in that the primary key column is not included,so that we cannot insert data into that view,but i want to insert data into that view without using Instead of Triggers.
CM: swapped version and title so they're the right way round.
I'm trying to insert data into a table, but can't seem to get the actual code right, when I put it in, Here is the code I have that is giving me the error:
INSERT INTO Orders VALUES('00001', 'c001', 'ca01', '20.5', TO_DATE('12032009', 'DDMMYYYY');
I have a database rac with two nodes. While inserting a row in the database, I am getting the following error: Error starting at line 1 in command:
INSERT INTO DocMeta(dID,xComments,xExternalDataSet,xIdcProfile,xPartitionId,xWebFlag,xStorageRule,xCpdIsTemplateEnabled,.........,xPageID,xNDDate) VALUES(7897,'','','WebStyle','','','default',0,.........,'',null)
Error report:SQL Error: ORA-29875: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routineORA-20000: Oracle Text error:DRG-50857: oracle error in textindexmethods.ODCIIndexInsertORA-00604:
error occurred at recursive SQL level 1ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'SYSAUX'ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 75129875. 00000 - "failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine"*Cause:
Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexInsert routine.*Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly. If I try inserting in the nodes individually, sometimes it gets inserted in one node. The other node gives above error. And at times, both nodes give the same error.
i have one table name called TRXN with 43gb data with primary key...i have other table named TRXN_P with 15gb data...some of the records of TRXN_P are already there in TRXN table....i want to insert that remaining data in TRXN_P into TRXN table?
i created and inserted data to my database using SQL plus. all tables has been created sucsefully and i can see them in OUI. but all tables rows shown empety(it means under the rows, column is empety not 0). now how can see the data which i inserted to tables ? can i see them in OUI?(web interface)