Insert Or Fetch  XML Data

Jan 21, 2013

I have the following XML structure .

I am new to using XML .

Any simplest and fastest way to extract or insert data from the below structure and insert in to oracle tables .

<id1> 123</id1>


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Application Express :: Automated Row Fetch 

Mar 4, 2013

I have a form based on a table where i have 2 keys as primary key (col1,col2)==>composite pk. sample values are like:

col1 col2
1 21
2 21
62 21
62 1

But issue is at the point where the automatic row fetching is getting executed [Automated Row Processing section on edit page] Primary column value is col1(only one column is allowed in apex Auto row fetch) Secondary key column is col2.

For ex, when i access the row for col1=62, it fetches 2 rows where value=62 (based on col1) and i get error; (exact fetch returns more than 1 row)

How to avoid this

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Server Utilities :: Insert Data Without Writing Insert Statement In Oracle?

May 15, 2010

how to insert data in oracle table without writing insert statement in oracle 9i or above. i am not going to write insert all, merge, sqlloder and import data.

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Forms :: When Insert Detail The Data Insert Twice Time

Feb 27, 2012

when i tried to insert the details from oracle froms..the data inserts twice to the DB..

my table structure:

create table app_sri
(a_id integer primary key,
p_first_name varchar2(30),
p_last_name varchar2(20),
p_age number(3)

here a_id can be genarated through simple sequence(pid_seq)...
trigger on app_sri
create or replace trigger pid_trg


form insertion code..

insert into app_sri(null,'robo','Big',100);

the data inserted...but twice

what is the reason behind the double insertion?

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Data Warehouse - How To Insert / Access Data In The Tables

May 30, 2011

I created a data warehouse in oracle 10g n with three Dimension and one cube after that it crates 4 tables . How to use an insert sql statement to insert data in those tables n how to access them.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: INSERT Data Into Database

Nov 22, 2011

I have a question how to do this.

I'm using JAVA class. I'm try to put "data" to database(INSERT data to database - PL/SQL).

I have simple JDBC problem:

(Question: How can I make sequence to table ? I see lot of examples on google but all is just to create sequence but not for table. Maybe sequence can be put on table ?)

2) INSERT table_seq.....

3) INSERT table (values) values ('data')

Tables look like this:

table1 [Where I need to take `id`]
id .....

table2 [Where I need this sequence to be taken]
seq_id .....

table2 [Where I need to put `seq_id` into and data]
id data

I don't get it why can't I just do this ?:
INSERT table2 (data) values ("this is data");

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data Into View

Mar 27, 2010

I have created a view in that the primary key column is not included,so that we cannot insert data into that view,but i want to insert data into that view without using Instead of Triggers.

CM: swapped version and title so they're the right way round.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data Into Tables

Aug 2, 2010

i have source table having 1000 records, i want insert first 100 rows in table1,second 200 rows in table2 and remaining row in table3.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Insert Data Into A Table

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to insert data into a table, but can't seem to get the actual code right, when I put it in, Here is the code I have that is giving me the error:

INSERT INTO Orders VALUES('00001', 'c001', 'ca01', '20.5', TO_DATE('12032009', 'DDMMYYYY');

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Insert Data In Two Tables

Jun 27, 2007

I have a form which has three detail portions. I want that when I press SAVE, it should insert data in two tables & then run the specific code & then insert data in other two tables.

I am using Developer 6i. Couldn't find out the proper trigger or related thing.

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Data Insert In Database

Jul 12, 2013

I have a database rac with two nodes. While inserting a row in the database, I am getting the following error: Error starting at line 1 in command:

INSERT INTO DocMeta(dID,xComments,xExternalDataSet,xIdcProfile,xPartitionId,xWebFlag,xStorageRule,xCpdIsTemplateEnabled,.........,xPageID,xNDDate) VALUES(7897,'','','WebStyle','','','default',0,.........,'',null)

Error report:SQL Error: ORA-29875: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routineORA-20000: Oracle Text error:DRG-50857: oracle error in textindexmethods.ODCIIndexInsertORA-00604:

error occurred at recursive SQL level 1ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'SYSAUX'ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 75129875. 00000 -  "failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine"*Cause:   

Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexInsert routine.*Action:   Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly. If I try inserting in the nodes individually, sometimes it gets inserted in one node. The other node gives above error. And at times, both nodes give the same error.

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PL/SQL :: Insert Data Into One Table From Other?

Oct 7, 2012

i have one table name called TRXN with 43gb data with primary key...i have other table named TRXN_P with 15gb data...some of the records of TRXN_P are already there in TRXN table....i want to insert that remaining data in TRXN_P into TRXN table?

how can i insert ?

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Insert Data In Table

May 4, 2013

i created and inserted data to my database using SQL plus. all tables has been created sucsefully and i can see them in OUI. but all tables rows shown empety(it means under the rows, column is empety not 0). now how can see the data which i inserted to tables ? can i see them in OUI?(web interface)

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How To Insert A New Record In A Data Block

Sep 18, 2012

How do I insert a new record in a Data Block, and the standard is always insert a line below, you could add a record above?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Data From XML File To Table

Jul 2, 2010

use XML package & UTL_FILE package & i had install the software Oracle Database 10g Express Edition, Oracle Client 10g Express Edition & Oracle SQL Developer

I have tried different methods as mentioned below:

XML File : trailxml.xml stored in C:OracleProject

<?xml version = '1.0'?>


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert CLOB Data To The Table?

May 28, 2010

I need to pass a large data into one of the tables where the column is declared as CLOB before which I was checking with the sample code as below which is throwing an error.

I was trying to insert the CLOB data into the table as below.

create table t1
( x number,
y clob
insert into t1(x) values (2)
l_clob t1.y%type;


The error I am getting is:

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: invalid LOB locator specified: ORA-22275
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 833
ORA-06512: at line 161

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Varying Type Of Data

Jul 14, 2010

I want to insert varying type of data from one table to another like i want to insert name from one table and salary from another,sysdate too.How should i consider doing it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data Into Lookup Table?

Jan 5, 2012

I have 2 tables, TABLE1 AND LOOKUP_TABLE. The requirement is to insert the distinct (AREA,CITY) from

-- Test Case

DROP SEQUENCE lookup_seq;
DROP TABLE table1;


Expected data in LOOKUP_TABLE
--------- --------- -------
1 area1 city1
2 area2 city2
3 area3 city3
4 area4 city4
5 area5 city5

Currently this is what I'm doing.

INSERT INTO lookup_table SELECT sl_no, area, city FROM table1;
lookup_table a


Is there a better way of doing this, using a single insert statement?

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Forms :: Insert / Update Data

Oct 12, 2010

check my query and correct it basically I want to insert/update data from one user to other therefore I write this coding at my form button, when user press button first time its insert data successfully but if user press button again then it should update because data have been inserted in first step.

Actually it is detail table so it can have more then one record against any master. My query fails in updation, it inserts a new record instead of update.

find the attached file for checking QUERY.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data In Clob Column?

Jun 13, 2012

i have a problem when i try to insert a large character string of nearly 1 lac characters (code of html) in a clob column of my test table, then i get an error "ORA-01704: string literal too long" , i didnot understand that why clob column is not storing this data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Of Column Is Large - How To Insert

Oct 9, 2013

I have encountered some problems in SQL I want to create a table with a bunch of prepared data. For ease of use, I choose to generate a SQL file which contains all the sql clauses used to create the table and insert the data. So all the data can only be inserted to a table using sql clause.

My questions:
1) If data of a column is large (for example, 1 M text), how to insert it using SQL, is there a piecewise method.
2) And how can I insert BLOB data using SQL clause.

What I what is to enclose all the operations in a single SQL file, and when the table is needed, just execute this SQL file.

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How Does Oracle Insert Data Into The Columns

May 10, 2013

when we have a primary key on 4 columns and we have, say 20 million rows and we want to add one extra row. How does oracle check whether the data on the primary key is unique to the record being added compared to the 20 million rows. Does it actually compare the record being added to all the rows present in the table?

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Incorrect Data Value When Insert Into Table

Sep 25, 2013

Would like to ask expert here, how could I insert data into oracle table where the value is 03 ? The case is like that,  the column was defined as varchar2(50) data type, and I have a csv file where the value is 03 but when load into oracle table the value become 3 instead of 03.

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How To Check And Insert New Data Using Stock Procedure

Feb 11, 2007

i've a problem in using store procedure. My code is to get postcode id when i pass a postcode. First it will check the postcode that i pass if already exist it will get postcode id but if not it will insert new postcode and get a new postcode id created then pass into ASP system. When i try run this stock procedure i got error as below :-


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'INSERT_PCODE_GMDS'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

Postcode1 IN varchar2,
citiID IN Number,
county_ID IN number,
city_name IN varchar2,
sub_cityID IN number,
pcode OUT number

in ASP to pass and get back the values i used code as below. but i think the problems occurs in my stock procedure

set cmd=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd.ActiveConnection = OBJdbConnection
cmd.CommandType= 4
cmd.Parameters.append cmd.CreateParameter("@poskod",adVarChar,adParamInput,5,poskod)

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Insert Or Select Date Data Type Value In AM Or PM?

Oct 26, 2006

How do i insert or select date data type value in am or pm Eg 10:30:00 am or 10:35:00 pm

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Insert Separated Data As Individual Rows

Sep 3, 2008

I have a table with three columns X, Y and Z.The data in Column z is of the type 20/1425SE, 13/1235NW.Is there a way to split the data entries where Z LIKE '%/% and insert them as two separate rows.

I don't want to have any entries with '/'. Can these be deleted along with splitting the data entries?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data In Three Tables From Three CSV Files Simultaneously?

Jun 12, 2013

I am trying to insert data in three tables from three csv files simultaneously. This is what I have so far:

---insert all data from three csv files


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data Into Object Relational Table

Dec 26, 2010

I had my previous table model as below.



How I can easily load data into this new REL_MODULE table either using SQL or PL/SQL (e.g., Procedures, Functions, and Triggers). I don't need to write so many INSERT statement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bulk Insert Dummy Data Into Table

Oct 10, 2013

I have a table emp as mentioned below:


2 ABC DEF 20
3 EFG GHI 30

Now the primary key in this above table is pk_emp_test_eno on eno.

I have a requirement where i need to dump some dummy data (600000000 numbers of data ) into the emp_test based on these existing data without disabling the constraints (maintaining unique constraint for each record). And while inserting i want to commit after every 1000 insertion.

in bulk inserting dummy datas into the table as it is taking much more time to insert into the same.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Job Schedule - Insert Data Into Table Temporary

Nov 7, 2012

how made a success of insert data into table temporary in job_schedule ? because when i tried to change insert into table permanent always successfully.



why insert into table temporary not successfully in job_submit.

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