How To Import Data From Informix To Oracle 10g Database

Dec 12, 2012

I am working on informix 7.25SE version I need to import data from informix to oracle 10g data base .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Informix SELECT Not Working In Oracle?

Sep 7, 2011

I am trying to migrate an app made over Informix Database and I've stopped within this error.

As it seems, Oracle doesn't allow me to use an field of the main Select in my Inner Joins. The select is below



The error is:

ORA-00904: "I"."ORGSEQNO": identificador inválido
00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
Error at Line: 26 Column: 12

I've tried to Inner Join at the FROM clause but I was not managed to do that.

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Windows :: Import Ms Project Data Into Oracle Database?

Sep 5, 2012

Is there any method to import Ms Project data into Oracle Database.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Copy Data From Oracle Database To Another?

Jun 6, 2013

I want to Copy a data from One oracle database to another.

I have checked Import/Export Utility but the problem is import utility doesn't support conflicts resolution techniques between rows.

For Example if there's a table in the source database have the same row key in the destination database. if i use 'Ignore' parameter with value = y, the destination table will have a duplicate rows.

I want to ask if there's another way to import data from oracle database to another with some mechanism of detecting the conflicts and resolve them?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Migrating Data From Solid Database To Oracle - Flat Files

Aug 14, 2012

I am migrating data from a Solid Database to Oracle, I am using Flat Files to do that.

1.- I download the data to flat files from Solid
2.- I move the files to Oracle server
3.- I upload the data to Oracle

Now, I have done the 90% of the data base, but I have found some tables that has description columns and in this description the users writes enters, so when I try to upload the data to Oracle SQL loader cannot recognize this characters.


'30','0.','13.','0.','0.','0.','0.','0.','6.','0.','6.','0.','0.','|SE RECHAZA B20CS50SNW ^M
DOS MOD. HSC15I41EH,DOS MOD. HSK15I41EH |Agregó: 06/06/2009 12:22:50
|','DEV. A PROV.'

How can I solve this ?

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Import Data Into A 10g Database On RHEL5?

Sep 2, 2010

I am trying to import data into a 10g Database on RHEL5.

Fol are the type of TABLE_NAME's of the TABLEs on the export dump:


My requirement is:

I need to import only tables 1 & 4. I would like to exclude tables 2 & 3.

This is what I have only par file:

EXCLUDE=TABLE:" LIKE '%!_AM' escape '!' "
EXCLUDE=TABLE:" LIKE 'A!_%' escape '!' "

When I run a query to check it works fine:

$>select TABLE_NAME from dba_tables where TABLE_NAME like 'A!_%' escape '!';


3 rows selected.

But when I run the import using the par file, i keep getting

ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39071: Value for EXCLUDE is badly formed.
ORA-01740: missing double quote in identifier

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Server Administration :: Cyrillic Character Set - Import A Table Of Data To Another Database

Aug 31, 2011

I'm try to import a table of data (character set: CL8ISO8859P5) to another database (character set: AL32UTF8) using exp/imp utility.After the import, all Cyrillic text was corrupted!

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Server Administration :: Import Data To Production Database - Details Are Not In Tnsnames.ora

May 3, 2011

I need to import data to production database. The database details are not in tnsnames.ora.

I am using easy connect method to connect to the database, since I am not able to edit tnsnames.ora.

Is there any way by which I can do the import ?

Can I do it like this

imp system/pwd@imp system/pwd@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx)(PORT=1521)))(C
ONNECT_DATA=(SID=xx))' ......................

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PL/SQL :: How To Import And Export Database In Oracle

Jun 27, 2013

How to import and export database in oracle? what is difference between backup and restore?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Excel Data Import Into Oracle?

Jun 25, 2012

how excel data import into oracle

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Forms :: Import Access Data To Oracle?

Jun 2, 2010

when i create db link then it show below:

SQL> conn sys as sysdba
Enter password: ********
SQL> show user
SQL> create database LINK orafaccess using 'ORAFACCESS';
Database link created.
SQL> desc emp@orafaccess
ORA-02085: database link ORAFACCESS.APEX.COM connects to HO.WORLD

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Forms :: Import Data From Excel To Oracle?

Jun 21, 2013

I have designed a form to import data from an excel worksheet into an Oracle Form and It works pretty fine.

I use either Ole2.get_char_property or Ole2.get_num_property depending to the property of the column to read data but there are some columns used by both property which means that database is designed as VARCHAR2. The user can maintain either a numeric or characteristic data there. So I am looking for a solution to be able to make the program more flexible that he can read the property of the cell in excel file and decide what to use between Ole2.get_char_property and Ole2.get_num_property to read from excel file properly.

solve the problem regarding reading from Varchar2 columns.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Creation - Import Data In Oracle?

Sep 20, 2012

i have 1 xcel sheet in formatted data i want to import data in oracle table .. how do i do dat??

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Import Oracle 10g Database Table Into 8i On Linux Platform?

Apr 13, 2013

can we import oracle 10g database table into oracle 8i database on linux platform?

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Copy And Rename An Oracle Database - (without Export / Import)

Oct 21, 2011

I inherit a backup procedure described in


I ask if this procedure works on Oracle Database 10g R2. I have a Oracle DB 10g r2 on Linux machine and I want to copy it to a windows Oracle DB 10g r2, or if it not works to another Linux machine.

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Server Utilities :: Import Oracle 10g Dump Into 9i Database

Mar 31, 2010

If I want to import 10g export dump file in to the 9i database, I am connecting to 10g database from 9i database using
exp user/password@10gdb ....

However is there any option like executing 9i catexp.dat on 10g database and do the export from 10g database itself to be imported into 9i?

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Server Utilities :: Import 1 DMP File Into Oracle Database?

Sep 16, 2008

I want to import 1 .dmp file into oracle database. I dont know what exactly what that .dmp file contains e.g i dont know the Users inside the dump.While importing it gives me the error.

1. Do i need to create those users first and then import if yes then how would i know how many users are inside that dump.

2. Currently the objects are created in SYSTEM user by default. I want to import those objects in the MACL user which i created. How can i do it?

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1917 encountered
ORA-01917: user or role 'MALCCOMAN' does not exist
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917:


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Server Utilities :: Import And Export Database In Oracle?

Oct 11, 2011

import and export database in oracle with proper example and procedure?

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Import Data From Excel To Oracle Table Using Toad

Dec 26, 2012

how to import data from Excel sheet (inside server) to oracle DB.

Explanation : I need to automate this work, whenever i get an excel sheets with table values, i need to import the table values in to oracle DB automatically.I need an immediate solution for this.

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Import Data To Multiple Tables In Oracle DB From SQL Server?

Jun 30, 2012

What is the Best way to import data to multiple tables in Oracle Data base from sql server?

1)linked server?

2)ssis ?

If possible share me the query to done this task using Linked server?

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Best Way To Import Data To Multiple Tables In Oracle DB From SQL Server

Mar 7, 2013

What is the Best way to import data to multiple tables in Oracle Data base from sql server?

1)linked server?
2)ssis ?

If possible share me the query to done this task using Linked server?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Copying Oracle Database Users From 9i To 11g?

Aug 19, 2012

I need to copy more than 1000 database users(without objects) from orcle 9i to oracle 11g. They don't allow to use any graphical tools.which is the best way to complete this task? does conventional export /import works for only users only ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Clone Oracle 8i Recreate Database

Aug 2, 2013

I have a RedHat Server with Oracle Ent. 8iI did a full export of all my current data bases ( DCTEST, DCPROG, DCUSAC, DCCAND)I now have the DC*.dmp files. How can I know import these files into Oracle Database 11R2?

Do you have a Step-by-Step how-to ?IF I don't have the scripts to re-create the databases how to go forward ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Perform Full Exp / Imp Of Oracle 11g Database?

Jul 30, 2012

i want to perform full export + import of an oracle 11g database as fast as possible. i was thinking to perform the exp+imp on the same exp i can perform something like this :

mknod /oracle/migration/exp_pipe p

exp '/ AS SYSDBA' file= /oracle/migration/exp_pipe full=y | imp system/***@oracle_db file= /oracle/migration/exp_pipe full=y

i know that i can do both action in impdp when using a dblink, but the problem is that some objects in the database cannot be copied via a dblink. the question is if there's a corresponding datapump command to the old exp+imp command i presented.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Filter Some Illegal Rows When Import Data

May 24, 2013

I want to import data in a csv file by SQL Loader.

but , I don't want to import some illegal rows when the column 'name' is null

how can I modify the SQL Loader ctrl file?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Error During Data Pump Import With Developer

Sep 17, 2012

I try to transfer data from one database to another one through data pump via SQL Developer (data amount is quite important) exporting several tables. Tables export is doing fine, but I encounter the following error when I import the file (I try data only and data + DDL).

"Exception: ORA-39001: argument value invalid dbms_datapump.get_status(64...=
ORA-39001: argument value invalid
ORA-39000: ....
ORA-31619: ...

The file is in the right place, data pump folder of the new database. User is the same on both base, database version are similar.

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Server Utilities :: Oracle Data Pump Import Error

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to import database dump using the following command

impdp system/xxxx@xxxx schemas=staging
remap_schema=staging:staging directory=DUMPDIR dumpfile=staging.dmp logfile=impdpstaing.log

its importing data fine upto some stage after that oracle gives the following error

ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error -1423
ORA-39065: unexpected master process exception in DISPATCH
ORA-01423: error encountered while checking for extra rows in exact fetch
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 123404 bytes (QERHJ has

ORA-39014: One or more workers have prematurely exited.
Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_04" stopped due to fatal error at 11:42:03

I though its due to lack of memory, so i have increased pga_aggregate_target=512MB to 600MB still i am getting a same error.

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Server Utilities :: Import Millions Of Data From Excel To Oracle 11g?

Mar 6, 2013

how to import millions of data from excel to oracle?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle 11g - Put Batch ID To Extract Data

Apr 19, 2013

In our application, we are allowing user to upload data using excel sheet in UI. We are using PHP script in UI and using SQL Loader to load data from excel sheet to temp_table.

The temp_table has a primary key.

Here my question is , Is there any way to put some batch id for every upload in that table in automatic way ? so that we can easily extract the data by using batch id . we are using Oracle 11g.

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