How To Change Port Number Of Email Alert Notification

Nov 24, 2010

I want to configure the Email Alert Notification in OEM.

In OEM --> Setup --> Notifications Methods --> I am able to see a provision to enter SMTP Address, but there is no port number.

Due to some security policies, my company has opened only Port Number : 9925 for SMTP and blocked Port number : 25.

When I click on "TEST MAIL SERVERS" button, it gives me a error that :

"Test failed with message : Could not connect to SMTP Host , Port No. 25" .

Now I want to change this port number 25 to 9925.

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How To Change Listener Port Number

Sep 16, 2013

ENV: Oracle 10gR2, RHEL 64bit on ASM (10gR2): 

Current listener port is 1521. I have been asked to change it to 10526

I tried changing the port number in the listener.ora file and then restarting the listener but the I start getting "ORA-12541: TNS: no listener" error. If I change it back to 1521 and restart the listener, I am able to connect to the database. What else do I need to do to change the port #? After I change the port and restart, here is what I tried to test: $ sqlplus user/password@sid...ERROR:ORA-12541: no listener Enter user-name: When I rollback the port# change, I am able to login. 

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Server Administration :: Change Port Number?

Feb 6, 2013

When I created a new oracle database the port number was 1521 (default), but I want to change it to 1522.

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Networking And Gateways :: Change Default Port Number Of Listener - Instance Registration

Feb 19, 2013

i am trying to chnage the default port number of listener but facing problems in instance registration. i did as follows:

1. stop the listener as lsnrctl stop (default listener).
2. chnage the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora with desire port numbers (1526) as follows:-


but i didnt get the reason of aforsaid error and my instance is not registering

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dbms_scehduler Email Notification

Sep 13, 2012

I have set up my dbms_scheduler schedule and all run fine. I have set up the smtp server for outgoing email and it all looks good just like multiple of our other boxes here.The problem is that the event (SUCCESS) for a job is raised yet the email notification is not sent. My question is this: Is there somewhere where the actual log of email notifications sent (and/or failure there-of) is actually kept?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Email Notification Using Oracle Advance Queue

Nov 28, 2012

I want to send an email notification using oracle aq for events like when a message goes to error queue. Similarly,Can I send an email notification when I create a queue or drop a queue?

How can I do this?

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Email Notification To DBA When Threshold Of 80% Reached For Archive Log?

Jul 10, 2013 I want the database to email me when the threshold of 80% is reached for the archivelog and backup piece at recovery_dest folder how to do this. Is this the dict table  I will check for threshold? 

select * from v$recovery_area_usage;

 FILE_TYPE            PERCENT_SPACE_USED PERCENT_SPACE_RECLAIMABLE NUMBER_OF_FILES -------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- --------------- CONTROL FILE                          0 0               0 REDO LOG                              0 0               0 ARCHIVED LOG                       2.02 1.06              21 BACKUP PIECE                       4.76 0              11 IMAGE COPY                            0 0               0 FLASHBACK LOG                         0 0               0 FOREIGN ARCHIVED LOG                  0 0               0  7 rows selected.

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Workflow :: How To Get Response Of Notification Email From MS Outlook Express

Oct 20, 2012

I have two questions:

1. Our business users had a requirement to approve or reject the Workflow Notification Emails form their Email account on MS Outlook Express. When they perform action from MS Outlook Express it sends email to wfmailer but no action perform in application. The notification inbox in application shows this notification as OPEN notification and the requested function also shows 'Waiting for Approval'.

2. I need to hide Request Information button/link from the email notification send through Workflow mailer to user. There are three actions button available in email notification Approve, Reject and Request Information. I need to have only two button Approve and Reject. How to hide Request Information button.

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Scheduler :: Email Notification For Chain Job In Standard Edition One?

Jan 2, 2013

Oracle version : standard edition one

I'm trying to enable Email Notification for Chain Jobs, Jobs are running successfully, but i'm not getting email Notification.

i have done necessary SMPT setting in the Enterprise manager and i'm receiving test email from EM.

Below are steps followed:

1) i have created two Program
2)Add this program to a Chain
3)Created a Scheduler Job using this chain
4)Enable Email notification

Code for Email Nitrification:

job_name => 'ChainJob',
recipients => '',
sender => '',
subject => 'Scheduler Job Notification-%job_owner%.%job_name%-%event_type%',


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Workflow :: R12.1.3 Sourcing Award Approval Notification - Email Attachment

Oct 9, 2013

I have a requirement where I have to show attachment in R12.1.3 Sourcing Award Approval Notification.I am able to achieve this by adding #ATTACHMENTS attribute in the message and Attachment appears in the Notification in the E-Business work list but somehow its not appearing in "e-mail notification". 

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Script To Email Alert Log

Aug 24, 2013

I have been looking for a script to email me a daily log of my alert log. I have tried mailx -s command,

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How To Implement Change Notification Database

Sep 3, 2013

how to implement change notification database in oracle forms?

I want to display some data to user،when change a table in database . now Can i do this work with change notification database in oracle form10g?

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Email Alert Log Daily Script Cron Job

Jun 10, 2013

I'm working on my test db and what I thought to be an easy task is turning out to be very difficult. I am trying to set up a cron job to email me daily the alert log to check for errors. I tested the script and it is not working this is what I have to email me the alert log

mailx -s "Alert Log for Testdb" > /testapp/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/alert_testdb.log

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Server Administration :: Alert Email Notifications?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to set up alert notifications. I have to program it myself, because SE isn't allowed to do it with OEM. As far as I can see from the documentation, this should be all that is necessary:

conn / as sysdba
exec dbms_aqelm.set_mailhost(mailhost=>'')
exec dbms_aqelm.set_mailport(mailport=>25)
exec dbms_aqelm.set_sendfrom(sendfrom=>'alert@noreply')


but this gives me:

ORA-24940: invalid combination of ANONYMOUS namespace, default presentation and
e-mail receive protocol
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQ", line 737
ORA-06512: at line 11

I must be missing something! Probably something very basic. There is nothing in any trace files.

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Forms :: Change Port 1521 In 6i And Oracle Database 8.1.7?

Jun 4, 2011

How can we change Port 1521 in forms 6i and oracle database 8.1.7

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Application Express Listener :: Configuration - How To Change From Port 80 To 8080

May 29, 2013

I installed apex and configure the apex listener at port 80 by mistake couldn't pay attention to use port 8080. The installation is complete but the apex is running at URL.... but the login window is invisible on the page. I can just see the name on the tab "Application Express Login" . When i click on the error message at the bottom of the browser, the message says "apex is undefied" line 35.

When I run the server, I get a message "No free port within range 80. How can I change from port 80 to 8080? how to either un-install the listener or change the port 80 to 8080

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Listener Port Number?

Mar 8, 2008

I have local development Oracle 9i database in my Windows XP. I see it uses TNS Listener port 1521. For some reason it must be using port 8080 also or in the background because it seems to not let my local web container (Apache Tomcat which uses Port 8080) on the same workstation work when it (TNS Listener) is turned on. how I edit the Listener port number and if I do change the port number what other things do I need to change such as the OEM login settings to the local database

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Port Number For Oracle RAC

Sep 18, 2013

I have a two node RAC setup using SCAN, and I have two databases on it. Can they have the same port number?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Port Number In Database With Query?

Mar 5, 2010

How to get a port number in database with a sql query.

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Enterprise Manager :: Oracle Port Number

Feb 10, 2012

While connecting my oracle with My JDBC driver . i got an SQLException:

public class Orajdbc {
public static void main(String args[])
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection

i am successfully connected by type 1 odbc driver but while i want to connect it with "ojdbc6.jar" file then i got this exception i already added that jar file to my Environment variable ClASSPATH ..

How to find port number of my Oracle Service?

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Forms :: Finding Out Port Number And Oracle ID For Compilation?

May 21, 2010

Is there any way i could figure out what is the current port number used in an existing setup of oracle forms in a linux server.

Is there any specific oracle id i should use to compile oracle forms on server?

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Networking And Gateways :: Changing Of Listener Port Number?

Feb 14, 2013

i have a listener configured on default port 1521 and i wanted to change it. i did following:-

1. stop the listener through lsnrctl stop

2.change the port number in tnsnames.ora and listener.ora and save both files. i start the listener as lsnrctl start started successfully but saying that it cannot register to instance.

5.i connect sqlplus / as sysdba and execute "Alter system register" and "System Altered"

but even then the listener is not registering.

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PL/SQL :: Find Database Server IP Address And Port Number

Aug 21, 2012

Is it possible to find the Ip address and Port number of a database server in Oracle 10g version?

actually i wanta to connect it through Putty.

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Networking And Gateways :: What Is Meaning For Port Number In Listener.ora File

Aug 12, 2013

what is meaning for port number,in listener.ora file associated with ? is there any difference for port number in windows & in linux server.,?

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Application Express :: Change Content-disposition In Email Attachment?

Sep 17, 2013

I am using apex_mail (in Apex 4.1) to send emails with an attachment.

v_mail_id := apex_mail.send(
p_to => ''
apex_mail.add_attachment( p_mail_id => v_mail_id
,p_attachment => v_image
,p_filename => 'signature.jpg'
,p_mime_type => 'image/jpeg');

Apex creates this as an attachment:

Content-Disposition: attachment;

I would like to change it to inline:

Content-Disposition: inline;

so I can reference it in my email body with <img src="cid:signature.jpg"/>. Well... I hope it is going to be shown inline anyway if I change Content-Disposition.

Currently (with Content-Disposition: attachment;) it works for Outlook, but, for instance, not in Gmail in the browser. Gmail shows the image separately as an attachment.

Is there a way to change the content-disposition with Apex?

I know it is possible to do it with utl_mail, but this is currently not installed in our databases. I need to involve our DBA to set this up, and I don't know if he is willing to do that.

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Listener Port Conversion To Static Port

Mar 2, 2012

For every connection, oracle listener creates a unique dynamic port. Is this can be made static port for all connection? This a query raised in our penetration testing.

Listener log Sample :

02-MAR-2012 17:40:28 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=ORCL)(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=oracle))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=
02-MAR-2012 17:39:31 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=))(SERVICE_NAME=orcl)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Result Come As Number Like To Change Varchar

Jun 28, 2011

I have procedure that is used by trigger but I define it as Varchar2 it's result show number.

change my PLSQL to use as varchar,

If trigger fired, the procedure make this query

select CB_SMS_FLAG, CB_SMS_DT from TM_SFS_CUST_04 where CUST_NUM = 01071234151;

but I want this query

select CB_SMS_FLAG, CB_SMS_DT from TM_SFS_CUST_04 where CUST_NUM ='01071234151';
because CUST_NUM is VARCHAR2(12)

so it can use index appropriately.

how can I change my PLSQL this sentence,

v_sel_sql1 := 'select CB_SMS_FLAG, CB_SMS_DT from ' || pTBL_NM ||' where CUST_NUM = ' || pCUST_NUM;

Here my code



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Reports & Discoverer :: Page Number Change

Dec 3, 2011

During the Report Development for the Invoice Print the Page Number is required to display for the each Page like 1 of 3.The Report have the parameter of From Invoice Number and To Invoice Number. The Page display the Current page and Total Page. How to Split the Invoice Number wise page Number in the Report.


Invoice No Page No.
14001 1 of 4
14002 2 of 4
14002 3 of 4
14003 4 of 4


Invoice No Page No.
14001 1 of 1
14002 1 of 2
14002 2 of 2
14003 1 of 1

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Forms :: Dynamically Change Number Of Records Displayed?

Mar 31, 2011

I am currently on a project which has a requirement of changing the number of records dynamically. Oracle Forms version 10g.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Change Number Of Column Display According To The Condition

Apr 18, 2012

Recently I am facing a problem while working with Oracle reports 2.5.

My requirement is:
there is a report in which there are 5 columns right now. Now what i want is, whenever a condition will satisfy , a new column should be also display in that report otherwise it must be stay as it is.

Previously : a b c d
Now if a=1 : a b z c d
a b c d
where a,b,c,d,z are columns.

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