Globalization :: Having A Oracle Database That Stores Data In Different Languages?

May 1, 2013

it is possible to have a oracle database that stores data in different languages.

I have gone through few blogs which says Oracle supports Unicode characters & UTF8 supports all languages including multi-byte.

I would like to know what are the languages supported by oracle 10G.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Where Oracle Stores Data Fetched From Inline View

Apr 25, 2012

Just want to confirm, that where Oracle stores data fetched from inline view.

I am asking, as I am making an inline view on a very large table and its getting failed with TEMP space error.

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Globalization :: How To Store India Regional Language In Oracle Database

Mar 5, 2013

How can we store data in Indian regional languages in Oracle database. We are using Oracle 10g.

Also i need to know can we convert existing data in oracle to local language ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Enter Multiple Languages Data Into A Table?

Jun 19, 2012

i need to enter multiple languages data into a table.

i did configuration assistant with nls_charecterset=AL32UTF8

but it didn't store other languages strings like hindi,french,japan...etc

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Globalization :: Database Character Set

Jun 6, 2012

We have production DB 10g with character set US7ASCII. This DB stores Arabic data and English data.Production DB located in HP unix Operating System.

When I query data from DB through SQL developer data is shown as Junk or Unknown characters(Square Boxes).

Client (Workstation from where query is issued from SQL develope- Windows XP OS) Settings: NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII

In Client workstation Oracle 10g client is installed from where I used to query data through SQL developer. The problem is I am unable to see Arabic characters in the sense that it is displayed as Junk character. However English characters and Eneglish numeric values are displayed properly.

I tried below way to make sure that data is not corrupted: Converted "Name" column to hex value (rawtohex) and displayed its HEX value. Executed below query in UTF-8 DB.

select UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR(hex_value_of-name) from dual;

This displayed Arabic name properly in UTF8 DB.

Character set for this production DB can not be changed at this time. There are many applications which is based on this DB. All these applications are well capable of converting Junk data to Arabic to display in application.

My concern is: What I should required to do to view Arabic data properly through SQL developer? Is there any settings needs to be done at my client workstation?

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Globalization :: Data Migration From WE8MSWIN1252 To AR8MSWIN1256

Feb 19, 2013

I have Arabic data stored into below two encodings in oracle AL32UTF8 database

1 Million rows into WE8MSWIN1252
.5 million rows into AR8MSWIN1256

in all cases I like to convert 1 Million row of WE8MSWIN1252 into AR8MSWIN1256. I could convert the data encoding from 1252 to 1256 using SQLdeveloper. But no luck using oracle export/import utility (both exp and expdp)…. I’m thinking may be certain locale is required for export/import to work.

Also my company said SQL developer is free utility may not be supported by oracle so use export and import for this, I need to convert only one table.

Similar case


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Globalization :: Migrating Character Data Using A Full Export And Import

Jul 23, 2013

I have a database in my local machine that doesn't support Turkish characters. My NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P1, It must be changed to WE8ISO8859P9 , since it supports full Turkish characters. I would like to migrate character data using a full export and import and my strategy is as follows:

1- create a full export to a location in network,

2- create a new database in local machine that it's NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P9 (I would like to change NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY by the way)

3- and implement full import to newly created database. I 've implemented first step, but I couldn't implement the second step. I 've created the second step by using toad editor by clicking Create -> New Database but I can not connect the new database. I must connect new database in order to perform full import.


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Forms :: Two Languages In 6i?

Mar 20, 2012

how to use two languages in form 6i


i have created a form and changed prompt setting i made two flag buttons one for english and another for arabic now problem is this that english is working fine but arabic is showing some unusual characters. i have already read some links like globalization but still facing same problem kindlt tell me step by step detail

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Globalization :: Non-English Character In Oracle 10g Express Edition

Oct 5, 2012

I have a table. It's name is INSTITUTION. It has a NUMBER INS_ID and NVARCHAR2(50) INS_NAME . INS_NAME can contain Turkish characters, such as "ğ,ü,ş,ç,ö". According to business logic, there can not be a repetition on the INS_NAME.User will enter institution name from a textbox in ASP.NET , and I check this name in database from c sharp code, if there is no repetition, we will add this record.

The problem is; when user enter a instition name that contains Turkish character, there is a duplication. If there is a instition name is *"su işleri"* , the both query; SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION WHERE INS_NAME = *'su işleri'*; and SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION WHERE INS_NAME = *'su isleri'*; returns no result, even though there it is.But if instition name is "oracle corporation" (there is no Turkish character) it query successfully. I have the same problem in Toad for Oracle When I query database from toad SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION, the phrase *"su işleri"* has appeared. But when I query SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION WHERE INS_NAME = *'su işleri'*; , there is again no result.When I connect oracle database directly and perform the query SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION , the phrase *"su isleri"* (not *"su işleri"* ) has appeared.

Here are the language settings of the database:

National Language Support
National Language Parameter Value

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Globalization :: Junk Character Insertion In Oracle Table

Feb 6, 2013

How to avoid Junk character insertion in oracle table. I have prepared scripts like this Say

customer - info

After insertion the data is inserted like below in production

Customer ¿ info

We are using command prompt for script execution in production environment. I am using PLSQL developer and SQL developer for development. i cannot see junk data in PLSQL developer and latest SQL developer , but its caught in old version of SQL developer. Also in Application also i can able to figure out junk data.

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Data Guard :: Apply Patches On Oracle Database With Logical Standby Database?

Apr 22, 2011

I got a primary database with a logical standby database running Oracle 11g. I got two client applications, one is the production site pointing to the primary one, another one is just a backup site pointing to the logical one.Things will only be written into the primary database every mid night and client applications can only query the database but not add, update nor delete.And now, I want to apply the latest patch on both of my databases. I am also the DNS administrator, I can make the name server pointing to the backup site instead of the production one.I want to firstly apply the patch on the logical one, and then the physical one.

I found some reference which explains how to apply patches by adopting "Rolling Upgrade Method". however, I want to avoid doing any "switch over" mentioned in the reference because I can make use of name server. Can I just apply patches as the following way?

1)Stop SQL apply
2)Apply patches on logical standby database
3)let the name server point to the backup site
4)Apply patches on the primary database
5)Start SQL apply
6)Let the name server point back to the production site

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Convert Oracle Database (schema Data) To Postgresql Database

Oct 11, 2012

i want to convert oracle database(schema data) to postgresql database

which tool would be best and url to download and steps to convert from one database to another ?

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Globalization :: Character Set For Local Language

Dec 2, 2012

I am using oracle 10 g database on windows xp. I have backup of data contains data in local language (Marathi). I want read this data in oracle itself.Which character set need to choose?

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Globalization :: Wrong Result For Query With Like And %?

Jun 28, 2012

I have a strange problem with query with like and %.

When I run this script:

-- drop table test1;


When i change datatype to varchar2 this code work correct.

The execution plan:

SQL_ID d3d64aupz4bb5, child number 2
select * from TEST1 where k1 like N'Ł%'


Note - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)

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Globalization :: Handling Multibyte Characters

Aug 8, 2013

I have created a procedure which sends e-mail using UTL_SMTP. The procedure has a part in which we add the attachments to e-mail. Now , the issue is when i am adding an attachment which contains multibyte characters , these characters are replaced with '?'.

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Globalization :: Bad Character Set In Dump File?

Jul 23, 2013

IMPDP-ing a dump file that someone has handed me over into Oracle XE results in special characters, i.e. Umlauts, being messed up.  

In a hex editor, the dump file shows  a) the token WE8MSWIN1252 near the beginning, but b) Umlauts obviously being encoded in DOS 850, for example "König" is encoded as 4b 94(!) 6e 69 67. Does this prove that the dump file is badly formatted and that I have to resign myself to the complicated approach mentioned at the end of [URL]...

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Globalization :: Spool Brazilian Characters To A File

Jun 6, 2013

Oracle version Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production running on CentOS Linux release 6.0 (Final), kernel 2.6.32-71.29.1.el6.x86_64.

I am having a hard time spooling a file and displaying special Brazilian characters, even though I can see them correctly in SQLDeveloper:


I've tried changing the NLS_LANG at the session level, but that cannot be done. I don't want to change the default language of my DB, but really need these characters to display correctly in a file.

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Globalization :: Charset Not Working While Consuming UTF-8-Webservice With PL/SQL?

Mar 3, 2013

I read and tried a lot, but I can't consume a UTF-8-Webservice correct in a 11gR2-DB: German "Umlaute" like ü are displayed/written as ü.

The service sends all correct. (tested with soap-ui 4.5.1)

The DB-NLS-Parameters are:
PARAMETER                      VALUE
------------------------------ --------------------------
NLS_LANGUAGE                   GERMAN
NLS_TERRITORY                  GERMANY


I consume Service with that skript:

   l_http_request     UTL_HTTP.req;
   l_http_response    UTL_HTTP.resp;
   l_buffer_size      NUMBER (10) := 512;
   l_line_size        NUMBER (10) := 50;
   l_lines_count      NUMBER (10) := 20;

What can I do, to get the response correct in NLS_CHARACTERSET WE8MSWIN1252.I think, it must be possible to convert the response, but I didn't found the correct solution.And I don't understand, why the body_charset is ever "ISO-8859-1" (commented in procedure). Settings utl_http.body_charset is without effect.

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Globalization :: SQL Loader Loads Special Character Incorrectly

May 31, 2013

We are trying to load some xml files via

sqlldr user/pswd@xe control='C:xmlldr.ctl' data='listoffiles.dat'

where xmlldr.ctl is the following:

load data

xmlfile lobfile(nct_code) terminated by eof,
nct_code char(15) "substr(:nct_code,1,11)",
created_dt sysdate

I was playing with different CHARACTERSET, but some special characters e.g. "greater than or equal" do not get loaded/displayed correctly in the database. Also tried changing NLS_LANG registry key and following some advices in the Oracle doc


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Globalization :: Convert Chinese Character From US7ASCII To AL32UTF8?

Sep 17, 2012


From the source database, the chinese characters are stored in some schema table. From the csscan result, there are convertiable, truncate, data lossy character. So, I have tried to use exp/imp for the conversion. However, all chinese characters are invalided and cannot be read anymore. How can I convert them from US7ASCCI to UTF8 database?

Also, I have tried build up another database with AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHT16MSWIN950. The exp/imp is used for conversion again. The chinese characters are readable in AL32UTF8 database.

- source database (US7ASCII)
exp userid='/ as sysdba' file=export.dmp full=y

- target database (AL32UTF8)
imp userid='/ as sysdba' file=export.dmp full=y ignore=y

from US7ASCII to AL32UTF8:
the chinese characters cannot be read

from US7ASCII to ZHT16MSWIN950:
the chinese characters cannot be read

from ZHT16MSWIN950 to AL32UTF8:
the chinese characters can be read

How can I convert the chinese character from US7ASCCI to UTF8 database?

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Globalization :: Forms / Reports Chinese Character Support?

Jul 4, 2013

We have an existing db ( and forms ( application, that we're trying to extend to support Chinese characters. We're looking to add some unicode (nvarchar2) columns to existing tables, rather than converting the whole db charset. I've pasted my environment settings below. What I've found so far in trying to create a local (ie. running the form in Builder with local weblogic running) test form, is that I can insert the chars ok (using plsql developer) and the test form can display them correctly, but cannot write them back to the database. They appear as upside down question marks in any records the form has created. 


So, how to get the form to write the characters back into the database correctly? 2) The chinese chars will only be relevant to a few forms inside the app, are there any settings local to the form that will enable unicode support, rather than setting at OS level. ie, an alter session, or equivalent? 3) Oracle Reprts doesn't appear to have an nchar datatype unlike Forms, is there anyway to get Reports (generating PDFs), to include Chinese?

I now have the chars writing back to the db ok. If you do it via an INSERT statement from inside the form, it doesn't work. It appears the value is sent to the db in the normal charset rather than the national charset, and it's written as a question mark. If you pass the value from the form into a back end stored proc though (which does the insert) it works okay.

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Data Structures Used In Oracle Database

Oct 29, 2012

Which Data Structures are used in oracle database management system for sorting,searching,inserting? Means in SQL.

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Implementing Data Masking In Oracle 11g Database?

Sep 26, 2013

 I have question regarding data masking.  Currently we are using Oracle 11g database , we are thinking of implementing data-masking feature in 11g.  Is this can be done by adding any package to it. 

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Data Guard :: Installation In Oracle 10g Database?

Sep 14, 2010

I am planning to use Data Guard facility in Oracle 10g database.

1) I would like to have a standby database, which can be used if the primary goes down and also for reporting and other queries (read-Only).
2) What is the difference between Physical and Logical standby database. I have to explain non-technical users (management) regarding this.
3) What is Sync and Async redo log apply?
4) When i manipulate data (Insert,Delete,Update) in logical standby database, will these changes reflect in Primary database synchronously?
5) Which type of REDO APPLY is better: Managed Recovery Process(MRP) or Real Time Apply(RTA)?
6) can the redo data be deleted if its obsolete or is it deleted automatically by oracle?
7) If i want to take backup, should i take it from primary or standby database? If standby, then the database should be in which mode (Read-only or Recovery Mode)

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How To Import Data From Informix To Oracle 10g Database

Dec 12, 2012

I am working on informix 7.25SE version I need to import data from informix to oracle 10g data base .

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Data Guard :: Oracle Standby Database Recovery

Mar 31, 2011

i have done oracle data guard between two databases (database A is the primary) and (database B is the standby), and it was working fine for two weeks, then the network admin did some changes on the firewall on standby side, which made the primary database can not write on standby redo log , so archives was generated on primary and do not generated on standby by, now we solve the firewall probelm and new archives generated on primary is generated on atandby too, but now i have a gap in archives on standby database and standby database now is not synchronized with primary database, and data changes happen on primary is not reflected on standby, also archives that were generated on primary and did not generated on standby during the problem time is not registered in V$ARCHIVED_LOG neither on primary database nor on standby database

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Windows :: Import Ms Project Data Into Oracle Database?

Sep 5, 2012

Is there any method to import Ms Project data into Oracle Database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Interfacing Data From Oracle Database To External System

Feb 24, 2012

I have an issue with the text area column(Column name-Text) while interfacing the data from oracle database to external system.The data in database is saved as:

This is test entry for commentfield.
testing the script

We want all the line breaks to replaced with a space or a comma. to implement this i have used to simple select as :

Select Replace(text,chr(10),'')
From paymemo
where referencepkey = (select pkey from paymain where ID = 'DED-520074 505354DN6 2012-02-04 00:06:48');

This is not working because of type conversion issues.

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Security :: How To Mask Data In Oracle 11g Database Release 1

Oct 16, 2012

how to mask data in oracle 11g database release 1

my environment is
Database: 11g release 1
os: AIX 6 (64 bit)
GC:10g release 1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Database 10g - Data In Column Stored In Different Character Set

Sep 23, 2010

Oracle database version is : 10G.

When we try to query a column from a table the output is shown as "?????". Seems the data in that column is stored in a different character set, which is not recognised while displaying the output. The column size is 35byte.

The nls parameter table shows the character set as "we8mswin1252".

get this issue resolved.

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