I was playing with different CHARACTERSET, but some special characters e.g. "greater than or equal" do not get loaded/displayed correctly in the database. Also tried changing NLS_LANG registry key and following some advices in the Oracle doc
We have migrated the database from Oracle to by using conventional export and import. (OS - HP.Uinx).,After the migration some characters (like é or à or è) have not been migrated correctly.
how to validate this characters after migration?
All NLS parameters are same in both source and target database
I am using C++ OCI LIB, to insert some report data from remote OCI client to oracle 11 server. This data is read by another process to create the report.The DB CHARSET is UTF-8. But the report tool expects the data to be ISO08859-1 encoded. So while inserting the data into the database i specify the following LANG and CHARSET for my table colulmn in client:
The TARGET DB CHARSET is UTF-8 NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1 size_t csid = 871; // UTF-8 OCIAtrSet((void *) bnd1p, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_BIND, *(void *)&csid*, (ub4) 0, (ub4)OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID, errhp);
This solution works for almost every case of ASCII and Extended ASCII Charest but we are facing issues if we have few specific characters to be inserted.f we are trying to insert single beta character [β] through client, the data goes empty to the column.
Beta Character details: DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol Description 223 337 DF 11011111 ß Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
DB Output after insert single β: select rawtohex(NAME) from PERSONS where EID=333;
RAWTOHEX(NAME) ---------------------------
But if the string is *"ββ"* everything work fine: DB Output for "ββ": select rawtohex(NAME) from PERSONS where EID=333;
The SQL loader somehow is loading only first record. The data file is a csv and the end of line character is a new line. Some text fields have multiple new lines.
Here is my control file
load data infile '/home/devo/c0397105/RuleImport/testLoad/dummyLoad.csv' Truncate into table DUMMY_LOAD_TABLE fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' ( ID "to_number(:ID)",REQUESTED_GROUP,PURPOSE,COMMENTS) [code]........
We don't have Retail resource type as Dependent System now; the rule will be changed later when Dependent Systems can accept resource types other than application"
We have production DB 10g with character set US7ASCII. This DB stores Arabic data and English data.Production DB located in HP unix Operating System.
When I query data from DB through SQL developer data is shown as Junk or Unknown characters(Square Boxes).
Client (Workstation from where query is issued from SQL develope- Windows XP OS) Settings: NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII
In Client workstation Oracle 10g client is installed from where I used to query data through SQL developer. The problem is I am unable to see Arabic characters in the sense that it is displayed as Junk character. However English characters and Eneglish numeric values are displayed properly.
I tried below way to make sure that data is not corrupted: Converted "Name" column to hex value (rawtohex) and displayed its HEX value. Executed below query in UTF-8 DB.
select UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR(hex_value_of-name) from dual;
This displayed Arabic name properly in UTF8 DB.
Character set for this production DB can not be changed at this time. There are many applications which is based on this DB. All these applications are well capable of converting Junk data to Arabic to display in application.
My concern is: What I should required to do to view Arabic data properly through SQL developer? Is there any settings needs to be done at my client workstation?
I am using oracle 10 g database on windows xp. I have backup of data contains data in local language (Marathi). I want read this data in oracle itself.Which character set need to choose?
IMPDP-ing a dump file that someone has handed me over into Oracle XE results in special characters, i.e. Umlauts, being messed up.
In a hex editor, the dump file shows a) the token WE8MSWIN1252 near the beginning, but b) Umlauts obviously being encoded in DOS 850, for example "König" is encoded as 4b 94(!) 6e 69 67. Does this prove that the dump file is badly formatted and that I have to resign myself to the complicated approach mentioned at the end of [URL]...
I am having a similar problem like above ONLY in UNIX box where my datafile is delimited by "|". The last field is ITM_CMNT declared as VARCHAR2(60) in Oracle. When I have exactly 60bytes in the last field it rejects the record saying actual 61 and max allowed is 60. If i reduce it to < 60bytes then it is stored as a value enclosed with double quotes. The enclosing double quote is on the next line.
Expected: the one below is exactly 60bytes.
From the source database, the chinese characters are stored in some schema table. From the csscan result, there are convertiable, truncate, data lossy character. So, I have tried to use exp/imp for the conversion. However, all chinese characters are invalided and cannot be read anymore. How can I convert them from US7ASCCI to UTF8 database?
Also, I have tried build up another database with AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHT16MSWIN950. The exp/imp is used for conversion again. The chinese characters are readable in AL32UTF8 database.
I have a table. It's name is INSTITUTION. It has a NUMBER INS_ID and NVARCHAR2(50) INS_NAME . INS_NAME can contain Turkish characters, such as "ğ,ü,ş,ç,ö". According to business logic, there can not be a repetition on the INS_NAME.User will enter institution name from a textbox in ASP.NET , and I check this name in database from c sharp code, if there is no repetition, we will add this record.
The problem is; when user enter a instition name that contains Turkish character, there is a duplication. If there is a instition name is *"su işleri"* , the both query; SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION WHERE INS_NAME = *'su işleri'*; and SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION WHERE INS_NAME = *'su isleri'*; returns no result, even though there it is.But if instition name is "oracle corporation" (there is no Turkish character) it query successfully. I have the same problem in Toad for Oracle When I query database from toad SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION, the phrase *"su işleri"* has appeared. But when I query SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION WHERE INS_NAME = *'su işleri'*; , there is again no result.When I connect oracle database directly and perform the query SELECT * FROM INSTITUTION , the phrase *"su isleri"* (not *"su işleri"* ) has appeared.
Here are the language settings of the database:
National Language Support National Language Parameter Value NLS_CALENDAR______________GREGORIAN NLS_CHARACTERSET__________WE8MSWIN1252 NLS_COMP__________________BINARY NLS_CURRENCY______________TL NLS_DATE_FORMAT__________DD/MM/RRRR NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE________TURKISH NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY_________YTL [code]....
How to avoid Junk character insertion in oracle table. I have prepared scripts like this Say
customer - info
After insertion the data is inserted like below in production
Customer ¿ info
We are using command prompt for script execution in production environment. I am using PLSQL developer and SQL developer for development. i cannot see junk data in PLSQL developer and latest SQL developer , but its caught in old version of SQL developer. Also in Application also i can able to figure out junk data.
We have an existing db ( and forms ( application, that we're trying to extend to support Chinese characters. We're looking to add some unicode (nvarchar2) columns to existing tables, rather than converting the whole db charset. I've pasted my environment settings below. What I've found so far in trying to create a local (ie. running the form in Builder with local weblogic running) test form, is that I can insert the chars ok (using plsql developer) and the test form can display them correctly, but cannot write them back to the database. They appear as upside down question marks in any records the form has created.
So, how to get the form to write the characters back into the database correctly? 2) The chinese chars will only be relevant to a few forms inside the app, are there any settings local to the form that will enable unicode support, rather than setting at OS level. ie, an alter session, or equivalent? 3) Oracle Reprts doesn't appear to have an nchar datatype unlike Forms, is there anyway to get Reports (generating PDFs), to include Chinese?
I now have the chars writing back to the db ok. If you do it via an INSERT statement from inside the form, it doesn't work. It appears the value is sent to the db in the normal charset rather than the national charset, and it's written as a question mark. If you pass the value from the form into a back end stored proc though (which does the insert) it works okay.
I have a database in my local machine that doesn't support Turkish characters. My NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P1, It must be changed to WE8ISO8859P9 , since it supports full Turkish characters. I would like to migrate character data using a full export and import and my strategy is as follows:
1- create a full export to a location in network,
2- create a new database in local machine that it's NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P9 (I would like to change NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY by the way)
3- and implement full import to newly created database. I 've implemented first step, but I couldn't implement the second step. I 've created the second step by using toad editor by clicking Create -> New Database but I can not connect the new database. I must connect new database in order to perform full import.
My requiremnt is that a field must contain on Alpha number value, no specail character allowed, how can we sure by query that string which is going to commit is alphanumeric.
I am using Release version of oracle. I am getting a special character, but i suspect it as any other language character.
Its appearing in my 'TOAD editor/Sql prompt editor' as 'A?'. but when i am selecting it from the table using below query, its giving 'No rows Returned'.
select id from tab1 where id like 'A%';
How can i be able to see the exact character or which editor will enable me to see the character?
I think sql developer GUI might be able to show the same but i dont have sql developer with me.
I have a pl/sql question about interpreting special characters in pl/sql. I am generating an update statement and get an invalid character when the customer name has an ampersand in it (&). I�m now generating the update statement to include the customer name cut up with concatenation characters surrounding the ampersand, for example �CSCP-C�||�&�||�E�. However, pl/sql is still not executing the update.
Here is the code.
SET PAGES 2000; SET LINES 200; SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; SET VERIFY OFF; spool update_table.log ;
The RESULTS follow. Of course, I can copy this statement and execute in sqlplus without a problem.
Still today user can enter any special character value in stud_name like L'Pradhan . I want to put a restriction on stud_name so that user can enter only alphabetical value into stud_name column.
This is the cursor which fetches from View uk_case_recommends_vw and this view calls the table ukcc_case_casenames below is the query
cursor cur_case_name_search is select a.*,DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY sc desc) rank from uk_case_recommends_vw a where rownum < 2 + 3; SELECT /*+first_rows(4) index(u ukcc_case_casename_idx)*/ persistentid, casename, FROM ukcc_case_casenames
Here in this table my case name may be with special character or normal .
For Ex ('R V Wilson') - With Special character ('R V Wilson') - Without Special character
Actually my cursor is not fetching with special character ..neither it is not mentioning as no data found. Find the piece of code below.. I am not getting values after opening the cursor.
open cur_case_name_search; loop fetch cur_case_name_search into v_case_name_row; exit when cur_case_name_search%notfound or v_case_name_row.rank > v_matchingvalue or [code]......
i want to store special characters in database. i have tried following but not succeed. how to store and retrieve it. Herewith i'm posting my try.I want to store and retrieve following character.
We need to maintain the day 0 value of special character "ÿÿ" for application. If i use the special character directly in sql file , it is getting inserted as junk character "?"
If i use workaround by using chr(255) function i am getting below behavior.
select chr(255) from dual --------------------------- ÿ
A database containing inventory data has been migrated from Oracle 10g to Oracle 11g. I have access to both the Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g database on different client computers. Both databases use the same character set, WE9MSWIN1252 (query shown below). However the results from the sql SELECT show incorrectly displayed characters. I would like the "1/2" character and degree character to show in the text. The ASCIISTR function shows that the underlying ascii is the same in the two copies of the databases.
Is there a setting that needs to be changed in Oracle 11g so that the saved special characters in the database show correctly (as in Oracle 10).
Query of database character set
Under Oracle 11g, this is a query on DSI using SQLPLUS
SQL> select description from part where id = '57234';
DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------- KL BRKT PLN 22╜░ ANGLE (AMER BOT RAIL) SQL> select asciistr(description) from part where id='57234'; ASCIISTR(DESCRIPTION) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have a file which i am loading , the last column is being loaded with special character which looks like sqare shape character for all the rows.How can i prevent it to load as it is not present in the file
data in file
Department|2|Tranport for London|Rail & Underground|ER|ER|ER|ER|ER|ER|555555555|Owner 8|8
the data once loaded for the last column on which is for above example last column value 8 will be loaded with 8 and square share character.
"SELECT xmltype(RCATT).extract('/JASON/RCA/SUB_PROBLEM_TYPE').getStringVal() as SPT, xmltype(RCATT).extract('/JASON/RCA/SUB_ROOT_CAUSE').getStringVal() as SRC, xmltype(RCATTT).extract('/JASON/RCA/ELABORATION').getStringVal() as ELA, xmltype(RCATT).extract('/JASON/RCA/PREVENTION').getStringVal() as PRE FROM table"
Above is my select statement
some explanation: the above select statement is to select the child node inside the xml content. But the child note contains some special character "<>" that illegally in xml.
Below is my xml content for the node of sub_problem_type
<JASON> <RCA> <SUB_PROBLEM_TYPE> For <FS_PLS_WAIT>, it is appeared in both valid and invalid password entered case but in requirement, only valid case has stated the display of <FS_PLS_WAIT>. This is the legacy radio behavior. </SUB_PROBLEM_TYPE> </RCA> </JASOn>
The result will generate the following issue.
ORA-31011: XML parsing failed ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing LPX-00225: end-element tag "ELABORATION" does not match start-element tag "FS_PLS_WAIT" Error at line 10 ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 301 ORA-06512: at line 1
I wish to know where can i by pass the checking for special character.