Forms :: When Click On Button Fetch Only One Record?

Sep 9, 2010

i create form in which first block is non database having 2 items from_date and to_date and one button is there.when i click on button i.e when button pressed new window is open having new database block

i write code on when button pressed

SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY('XX_RFQ_FIND', visible, property_false);


my problem is that when i click on button i fetch only one record

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Forms :: Display All Records One By One As User Click On Next Record Button

Jul 13, 2010

I have created one tab canvased form

On first tab I am taking input (search criteria)
on that input i am trying to display all records one by one as user click on next record button....

for that i used when-tab-page-change trigger for first record display and it display correctly.but for further record what should i need to write on next_record command button so all record i can see one by one.

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Forms :: Open Form On Specific Record After Click On List Button

Dec 31, 2010

I have a list box from which the user can select a client's name, I want them to be able to press a button next to the box which will then open another form and display all the client's details. How do I attach a button to a list box? and how can I call another form to open on a specific record?

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Forms :: Opening Picture On Button Click

Oct 24, 2013

I would like to ask a very small question. what is the code that should be written to open a picture inside the button.

I have already made the button, and the trigger is when push button, what I want is when I click the button it opens a picture in this directory:


the name of the picture is taken from table1 the colum serial_number

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Forms :: Click Button And Show Calendar

Nov 4, 2011

I want a code for a button to click and calendar show. Select the date and year for enter in text field.

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Forms :: User Click On Radio Button To Save It On DB

May 2, 2010

i have field in DB that taken ( 1 or 2 or 3 ) am added it as text item at first and then change it to ( radio group ) contain 3 radio as :

value for first 1 = 1 , = 2 , = 3 and mapping = 1
initial value for the group = 1

but when am working with the form and commit form there is no data add in this field when am change the radio value by click on any other on ( 2 or 3 ) it's saved no problem in it ..

why this thing happen coz i need to set the first radio as default for the form .

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Forms :: Clear Block B Once Click FIND Button

Jul 6, 2011

I am working on form builder 6i.I have FIND widnows and MAIN window.

FIND Window: contains field1 and field2, FIND Button.

block A: Multi record data block on table t1. It contains field1,field2,field3.
block B: non datablock, it contains field4, field5.

If i enter something and click FIND button, it will populate data in Block A.If i put the cursor in any record in block A, and after that put the cursor in Block B, it will populate block B related to Block A record.For this, In Block A--> post record(block level) trigger, i am capturing values in variables.


In Block B--> When-New-Block-instance(Block Level)

select field3, field 4 from t2 where t1=:global.f1 and t2=:global.f2;

and populating data in block B.It's working fine.

REQUIREMENT: If i click the FIND second time, in Block B--> it's retaining previous value. I want to clear the block B once i click the FIND button. I tried to write in POST-BLOCK (Block B-->block level)


But it's not working.In which trigger i have to write code to clear block.

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Forms :: Inserting Multiple Selected Records Into Database When Click Button?

Jul 19, 2010

I got a form with few columns and a check_box. If the user selects n number of check boxes and click the button Save. The corresponding records should be inserted to XX_AP_CUSTOM table.

I have written the following below code in when-button-pressed trigger. With this i am able to insert only one record i.e where the current record indicator is there, even though multiple check-boxes(records) are selected.


insert into xxfbi.XXFBI_INV_QUOTE_ANAL(Item,


I know that i have to use last_record and first_record and for loop to insert multiple selected records, but dont know how to do it.

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Forms :: Print Report Output To Local Printer On Button Click

Apr 19, 2007

In Sales Order Form there is a print receipt button. In current situation On Clicking the 'Print Receipt Button' it submits a XML Publisher report(PDF output) to the concurrent manager. Currently to print that report i need to go view--> requests--> view output and then print. According to my new Requirement i need to print that report directly to local printer on one simple Print receipt button click in form.

I am trying to call the printers on server using custom.pll. The report is running successfully but it is not printing output to the local printer. I need to print the report to the local printers based on responsibility. Local printers are available on apps server.

Is it possible to print the document using custom.pll? Is there any other alternative to print the report on simple button click in form.

I searched many forums but i found customizations on form level. I am trying to customize the form using custom.pll. I found many examples like URL..... but i don't think i can use these practices in custom.pll. ADD_PARAMETER & RUN_PRODUCT dont work in custom.pll. I need to complete this requirement immediately.

Environment: Apps, Forms 6i

Here is the code that i am using in my custom.pll.

if (v_form_name = 'OEXOETEL' --and v_block_name = 'LINES_SUMMARY'
and name_in('parameter.ACTIONS') = 'PAYMENT_RECEIPT' )THEN
l_organization_id := Name_In('PARAMETER.OE_ORGANIZATION_ID');
l_order_header_id := Name_In('ORDER.header_id');
select to_number(oe_sys_parameters.value ('SET_OF_BOOKS_ID')) into l_sob_id from dual;

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Forms :: Windows Close / Click On Save Button Data Get Saved

Jun 29, 2010

i design one master detail block and one command button for saving the i click on save button data get saved and after that if i want to close form then at this time it again asking me for save changes window..

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Forms :: Run Report Developed By Crystal Reports By Click On Button In Oracle Developer 6i?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to run a report developed by crystal reports by click on a button in oracle developer 6i.

Is it possible. If yes then how can i do this.

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Forms :: Display Alert When Click On Insert Record In Tool Bar?

Jun 26, 2013

I want to display an alert when we click on Insert Record in tool bar. I put allow update->yes and insert->no.

but when i click on the insert record in tool bar it showing message only.

Instead of message I need an alert using triggers. I added the image also.

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Forms :: Click Checkbox And Then Loop - Current Cursor Going To Last Record

Dec 7, 2010

i m using oracle 10g version.i create a form and using check box on this form.when i click this check box then loop is using behind it.and current cursor is going to last record

i want if i click 4 record then cursor is still showing on 4 record mean i click which record after using loopmy current cursor is showing on that particular record

how it is possible

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Forms :: Fetch Record In A Datablock?

Jun 1, 2012

cursor c1 is select distinct edt, regno, name, desgn, form_no, form_status, recd_on
from ol_registration_vu
where RECD_ON between :control.REC_FROM and :control.REC_TO ;


this coding giving me only one record i.e the last record of the table, whereas the table has 50 records. how can i get all records from the table in the form datablock.

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Forms :: Fetch Record From Table Using Item Code

Jun 7, 2013

i want to fetch the data in my form from table, by using item_code.

eg when i write the item_code its value get matched in same table and fetch the another

columns by item_code.

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Application Express :: Insert A Row Into Table On A Button Click?

Oct 4, 2013

i have a table say 'temp' with 4 columns as seq, name, event, id and  i have a pg with 3 text fields as name, event, id now ma issue is,if  i enter values into those 3 text fields in that page and on a button click (say create), i wanted dose values to get inserted into  'temp' table andregarding ,  'seq' column i hav created a sequence for it. so

1. how to insert values into the table by entering values in the page    

2. wat shd b done for seq column.. (shd anyth b done from apex pages or wil it automatically get values for each row entered) 

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Forms :: Push Button Associated With Record?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a data block in which I am displaying 15 records at a time. The query for the block is complex with 3 tables and multiple joins. There is no primary key associated with each record, but I'm storing rowid in a hidden field. I have a push button in each row/ record. When user double clicks on it, I want to get the rowid in the record and pass it to pl/sql.

Also there is one column in table which is stored as char (ex, Y/N) but when I display in the table it should be Yes/ No. How to achieve this?

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Application Express :: Error In Javascript Not Fetching Value On Button Click

Nov 23, 2012

I am using APEX 4.1 to build the application. I have 2 select list region in the page where one region consist of certain values.On calling a javascript function it is able to move the value from one select region to another. After this I click on the modify button where in the value move out of the first select list region to the second will be updated in the table.

Although I could see the values are not being updates. On putting alerts after the value being fetched in the javascript function and clicking the Modify button I can see that no data is being reflected in the alert. Hence the data is not being passed from the second select list APEX item to the javascript function.

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Application Express :: How To Build A Button On Click Of Which Opens A List Below It

Jun 29, 2013

I have a requirement wherein onclick of button I want to open/close list/popup (which is displayed below button, just like in select list) and can select any item from list to do some action. 

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Forms :: Enable Insert Button For 1 Record Only?

Apr 3, 2013

I have a form with a block at header level. Once you save your header, there is a second block at line level. I want to be able to enter only one record at header level and line-level.

Also if you search on an instance which already has a record at line-level then i want the insert button to be greyed out.

Similarly once you create your first record at line-level the Insert button should be greyed out.

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Forms :: Fetch Single Record From Multiple Records Based On Condition

Jan 27, 2012

I have made a travel booking system which comprises of 3 forms

1)Travel Booking form
2)Reservation Form
3)Cancellation Form

Under one booking number i can add multiple users in which they can have there multiple travels.

Users can cancel there individual travels under a prescribe booking number which on doing the Cancel flag turns to 'Y'.

What i want is, If a user is cancelling his/her travel under any booking number then while retriving the records in Travel Booking form, the travels which are cancelled should not be in enable mode.

For one user there can be 4 travels out of which 2 are cancelled, how can i track only those records whoes cancel flag is set to Y. some logic to find it out. Else can i use :system.cursor_record. If yes, How to use it for this system.

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Application Express :: On Button Click To Fill Out Form On Same Page As Report

Jun 27, 2012

I have a report that contains a name that I want to pass in to a field in a form on a different region on the same page. My button located on the report is has its own column called ADD_LINK. Here is the button.

<button id="apexir_btn_ADD" class="apexir-button" type="button" value="Add" onclick=""><span>Add</span></button>

Once that button is clicked, I have the form region fade in. The region is called Add Tag to Employee, which has P4_ROWID, P4_EMPLOYEE_ID, and P4_TAG_ID. Once the region is displayed, I want the #NAME# to show in the P4_EMPLOYEE_ID.

I did copy this form from another page, where I had it working before. It made more sense to move it to this page for interface purposes, so maybe that tidbit will work as well.

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Forms :: ORA-24374 / Define Not Done Before Fetch Or Execute And Fetch

Mar 24, 2011

FRM-40501: ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete.

ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch

My master-detail form has single canvas. For both blocks, master and detail, two tables joined together in each. One table to be updated, second table has some info for reference (query only).

I am getting these errors when in detail block the item from LOV is selected for existing record. This does not happen for new record inserted in detail block.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Record On The Basis Of Month In Where Clause

Jan 6, 2011

i want to fetch records of emp whose hiredate between 1 sep to 30 sep of any year. i am using the below query but it show me wrong results.

select * from tran where to_char(timestamp,'DD-MM') between '01-SEP' and '30-SEP'

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Application Express :: Automated Row Fetch Fires When Creating New Record

Apr 3, 2013

I have a form on a table that allows me to edit, delete, or create records. If I choose to edit a record from the report the form get populated correctly and edits or deletes work fine. My problem is when I choose to create a new record. I get a blank form which is what I want, but once I fill it out and click the create button, the automated row fetch fires again and gives me a no data found error. How do I get it to not fire when the create button is pressed?

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Oracle 11g - Record Query And Time To Fetch Results For A Specific User ID

Jul 22, 2013

I have an application connected to Oracle 11g that sends its own querys to the db based on what the user is clickng on. The applicaiton is connected via one user id and I was wondering, is there a way that I can capture the tiem each query starts, the sql itself, and the amount of time it took to fetch the data?

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Application Express :: 4.2 Upgrade - Update Record Button Apply Changes Disappeared

Aug 27, 2012

I got a bug related to update information in APEX.

the situation occurs when I go to update a record the button Apply changes disappeared, it shows me only the button create, so when the user click on it, it creates a duplicate.. so how can i have the button "apply changes" back?

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Application Express :: How To Call Function Behind The Button And Update Only Specific Record

Oct 3, 2012

1 - i want to ask few things as i m new to apex, i am using apex 4.1, and created 3 select list and a button in selecting of parameter,

1 select list : select area
2 select list: select product
3- select list - size of the product

i want to generate Ids for the following. for that i created query for INSERTING RECORD FROM ONE TABLE TO ANOTHER , generation the ids when button pressed "Generate" after selecting parameters,

Now where i call that QUERY on button ? because when i create button its gives me option to submit, defined dynamic action, etc, where i call the function name id_generation when button pressed?

2- second thing i created tabular " select user_id, product_name, product_type from product".

By default check box list are create delete submit button are created, first when i insert record it saves that was fine, e.g i entered 50 records and afterward i want to update only one record, e.g there is a record product name = box, if i change it to box small and click submit then it saves all the page means all 50 records,

I want to submit only that record that i changed, for that i use the logic that only those records should be updated which are checked but the user. how will i do this ?

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Forms :: Fields Not Getting Disabled In Mouse Click?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using the below code to disable forms field in fdtlblk.mdt_rqr = 'NO'

but I can go there with mouse click ( for tab and enter it is working fine ) .

but for mouse click it is not working .

if (:fdtlblk.mdt_rqr = 'NO') then


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Forms :: Details On Mouse Click Using Like Operator?

Jun 9, 2013

I want to link to blocks using description as there is no relation , for example i have two tables with one field in common called description, and i want to link this field in two tables using like operator.

create table item ( item_code varchar2(12),item_name varchar2(30));
insert into item VALUES('A','HEA160');
insert into item VALUES('B','HEA180');
create table stk (sl_item varchar2(12),sl_desc varchar2(30),sl_qty number);
insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X1000',12);
insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X2000',4);
insert into stk VALUES ('Y','HEA180X3000',10);

Suppose i click on item block item_desc with value on HEA160 all the items similar to that should appear in stk block like 'HEA160X1000' ,'HEA160X2000' , if i click on 'HEA180' on item then 'HEA180X3000' it should come.

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