Forms :: Trigger Getting Failure?

Oct 27, 2013

I have a scenario wherein two columns compute a third one. i.e. quantity and unit_price computes "functional_amount". the column "functional amount" property disabled is set to true but there are a number of validations performed on it. Now when on a certain event "form_trigger_failure" is to be fired. the validation trigger fires multiple times (may be...).

the error alert that i have devised, is shown multiple times along with the message "validation at disabled item "functional amount" failed !". both of these messages follow one after the other unless i close the applet.

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Jun 12, 2012

My requirement, if there is no record in emp table when validate the EMP_NO_CHK text field, i need to set the focus on that field (EMP_NO_CHK) itself. But while execute the following code, I got error.chieve the task.

cursor c is Select * from emp where Emp_no = :header.empno;
c1 emp%rowtype;


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Forms :: Failure In Server During Startup

Dec 17, 2011

FRM-92101...There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. this could happen due to invalid configuration. Look into the web-server for the details.

Java Exception: Session<74> failed during startup: no response from runtime process
at source)
at source)

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Forms :: FRM - 92101 / Failure In Server During Startup

Sep 3, 2010

While running the test form test.fmx available in DevSuiteHome_1 ools , I get the follwing error :-

FRM - 92101 There was a failure in Forms server during startup. This could happen due to invalid configuration.

I have tried to install the software many times after deinstalling but no success. However the same software has been installed on other machines too and is working absolutely fine.

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Forms :: Frm-92101 Failure In Server During Startup?

Feb 22, 2008

i just compile all the forms on linux server and creatge a envirement in formsweb.cfg file and create my test.env file.

then when i run OC4J and starting my application. it gave me following error

frm-92101 There was failure in forms server during startup this could be happen due to invalid configuration look your web server log file for details.

i also attached the screen shot, you can see it in attachment.

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Forms :: Frm-92101 - Failure In Server During Startup

May 30, 2013

i have one problem when i make any changes in my any existing reports or just i recompile the existing report after that when i open this report its give me



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Forms :: Frm-41211 Integration Error / SSL Failure Running Another Product

Jan 20, 2010

I have just migrated my database from oracle7 to Oracle9i. My application is still on forms 4.5 and reports 2.5.

i am having a problem after the migration. I am able to run my forms, but i cannot run my reports from my form (button). i am having the error : "frm-41211 integration error: SSL failure running another product". I want to mention that i am able to run the report from the report builder.

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Forms :: FRM-41211 / Integration Error / SSL Failure Running Another Product

Feb 5, 2013

I have a form with a button for "Print Report " when I click button following error occurred :

FRM-41211 :integration error : SSL failure running another product

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Forms :: Integration Error - SSL Failure Running Another Product With HP Deskjet D2680?

Sep 14, 2011

"Integration error: SSL failure running another product" with HP Deskjet D2680.We are using 10gR2, Forms6i, and Report6i. The server is Windows 2003 Server, and the OS of the printer is XPIn one of our module, upon calling one report we always encounter Integration error: SSL failure running another product. Sometimes when we do not encounter it, the spooling takes too much time and it takes 6minutes just to print the first page of the report, succeeding pages takes 2-3minutes in interval.

At first we thought that the memory of the PC is the problem, but we tried to connect it to a 2gig RAM Win7 laptop, another laptop with 1gig RAM XP, and a 1g RAM Desktop. We tested 5 computers but the same problem occurs.

The problem is not encountered after we tried other HP Printer(HP 3940, 6988, & D4360). I just want to know the problem with the HP Deskjet D2680.

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Forms :: Call One Trigger Of Item In Trigger Of Form?

Jul 1, 2011

How can "call one trigger of item in trigger of form"

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Forms :: How To Change Forms Trigger Sequence

Feb 11, 2010

is it possible to change the forms trigger sequence.

for example, i am writing 'when_validate_item' in item level,block level,form level.First item level will fires and then block level and at last form level. But i want to fire the trigger first at form level then block level and at last item level.

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Forms :: How To Create A Trigger For Age

Apr 16, 2010

How do I create a trigger for the age. I want an alert to appear when the date of birth field is less than the age of 17. The formula is age=sysdate-dateofbirth

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Forms :: Trigger For Next Record

Jan 2, 2012

I have develop the New Form.Their as a Validate require to Include in it.without saving the Current Record, it not allow to enter the New Record.

Which Trigger Used for this Validate and How to done it.

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Forms :: Next-Item Trigger

Aug 16, 2013

I have a multi row form (Order Entry form in E Business Suite). When I enter data in a row and error down the validate-item trigger fires and runs some code to check for duplicates, etc and after the cursor should go down to the next row. It goes back to the original row.

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Forms :: 10g Win XP 32 Bit - Key-commit Trigger?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a problem with key-commit trigger. I have written some validations and computations criteria on the block level (lines level). Actually there are a number of loops involved in it.

Problem is that the computations are performed twice. (may be the validations would also be performed twice, which couldn't be felt ). Since i read somewhere that key-commit is fired on different events, which i infered to be firing only just before database commit.

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RMAN Backup Failure

Jan 5, 2012

I trying to backup my database using RMAN for the first time.

using this command

[Code] ......

i get this error message while running it.

Starting backup at 05-JAN-12
channel C1: starting datafile copy
input datafile fno=00004 name=/CDS/data/CDSC01.dbf
channel C2: starting datafile copy
input datafile fno=00002 name=/CDS/rbsg/undo_01.dbf
channel C3: starting datafile copy


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MV-Scheduled Refresh Failure?

Jul 12, 2012

I have created a materialized view log on table testing_mview_rev in 11g:


Materialized view log created.

And a MV on it in 10g:

SQL> create materialized view testing_mview_1_rev REFRESH Force start with (sysdate) next (sysdate+1/1440) with rowid as select * from testing_mview_rev@S58_TO_S56;
Materialized view created.

Now this is suppose to automatically refresh itself every minute but refresh is failing. However manual refresh is working fine.

what I have missed here. is there any other way to schedule the MV to run every minute?

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Forms :: How To Create Trigger On Backend

Oct 14, 2010

I Created a form just for testing purpose [Which is i attached]

My Table is TEST0

Structure of table :

My Task is When i added a record, e.g if on form, i add name - AAD But its must save on TEST0 Table like this way EMPAAD...means always concate with 'EMP'|| while saving on database..

I know how to do with front end application, but i want to achieve this task by using trigger on backend to create a Trigger on backend....i try a one trigger but it give me error- Unable to insert Record...

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Forms :: Post_change Trigger On Item?

Jul 11, 2011

I am asked to change an existing field (Category_Desc) from a data block (applications) from a current form with a different field (Facility) from another table (Places) that is not used in the current data blocks. How do i do that and how should i populate the data... The common string between the table used in the form (applications) and the non used table (Places) is the ID No.

make this change and also with a possible trigger to generate the data....

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Forms :: Trigger When Validate Item

Dec 18, 2012

i need to pop up an alert using a trigger to test the data type of a field per example if the input is not a number an alert will popup "Please insert a number"

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Forms :: Pre-text-item Trigger?

Nov 17, 2008

In my form, for an item there is code for pre-text-item trigger. In query mode when i go to next record, previous record etc, whether this trigger gets fired? In other forms it is getting executed. Only in this form it is not getting executed. What should be reason for not executing this pre-text-item? Only this item is enabled and cursor is there.

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Forms :: Dynamic (automatic) Trigger

Oct 24, 2012

I'm still trying to import some video in my form.

So far I made one OLE container and add Oracle Video Control, then I made one button and wrote this trigger:


video_obj ole2.obj_type;


video_obj := forms_ole.get_interface_pointer


This works fine. All I want to do now and I don't know why (because I am quite new in Oracle development) is, to make one trigger that will choose automaticly wich video to play and if it is possible to make when I start the form automaticaly to start that video, if not, it's enough just to choose video automaticaly when I press the button.

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Forms :: Validate Item Trigger?

Aug 22, 2011

i have a text field where i am putting values from an LOV and i want to check for wrong entries like if the user enters a wrong code it should display the message "wrong code".so this is the code i am using in the when validate item trigger:

pc number;
select count(*)


But it doesn;t work, it acepts the wrong code also.

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Forms :: Trigger On Save Button

Oct 31, 2013

which is the trigger that fires when we Press the Standard 'Save' button from the toolbar? And i want to update the record on another table which is not in data block by using this save button? @ that time i want to display message like transaction complete:1 records to do this?

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Forms :: Validate Record Trigger

May 26, 2011

I am trying to write a procedure using when-validate-record that will clear all fields, display a message and ignore all commits if user is not authorized to have access to make changes to the form.

I have tried to use Clear_form(no_validate)and clear_record and neither works

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Forms :: Post Change Trigger

Jun 12, 2012

I have an issue with the oracle forms trigger. This is the scenario. The form is a query only form . A user can only query on this form . No update or insert is allowed.

The base table say TABLE1 consists of these fields. 1) pro id, pro item, empno , fname, lname, deptno .

The user can query on all items except the fname and lname.

The issue is few records in the TABLE1 have null values for the empno.

When the user queries on proid, pro item , empno or deptno - when the empno on TABLE1 is not NULL , the fname and lname should be fetched from a different table say TABLE2. otherwise, if the empno on TABLE1 is null , the fname and lname from the same table i.e, TABLE1 are retrieved. I have tried with the post change trigger on empno . Also tried the When validate item trigger . But it doesnt work the way it is expected to. what is the appropriate trigger that must be used.

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Forms :: Trigger Execution Order

May 1, 2010

my question is ,

i have three trigger one at form level,second on database level and third is on library level.

three are same .

which one will fire first,

give me answer.

Changed title to something meaningfull. Next time think about your title for a second rather than just putting oracle.

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Forms :: Skipping Other When Validate Trigger?

Mar 1, 2012

I am using when validate trigger in the item level for baserate, markup, and rate my requirement is

1.if markup and rate are null then all the trigger should fire which means baserate value should show calculating entered markup in the rate field.

2.if the rate is change markup should get change as per the entered rate

3. when second time the baserate is changed only markup should change not the rate.

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Forms :: Button Pressed Trigger

Jan 6, 2012

I have got a form with 3 buttons and when these are pressed determine who is logged in, what role they are and if they are a certain role go to another block, if they are not that role flag up a message. I think I need to create a function in the database along the lines of -

create function user_has_role (p_user in varchar2 default user, p_role in varchar2)
return boolean
select * from dba_role_privs where p_user = GRANTED_ROLE;

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Enterprise Manager :: Job Submission Failure

Mar 27, 2012

am trying to create a backup job in my UAT/testing instance, but with little success. I'm trying to create a backup job to disk (backup is to be stored in a drive local to the DB server) and it seems simple enough, but I keep getting the following error:

The job submission has failed for the following reason

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: hex to raw conversion error ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.DECRYPT", line 5 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIAL", line 408 ORA-06512: at SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIAL", line 1007 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIAL", line 1400 ORA-06512: at SYSMAN.MGMT_JOBS", line 295 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_JOBS", line 78 ORA-06512: at line 1

In "Recovery Settings", I have a "Flash Recovery Area Location" defined (path local to the DB -i.e. the server that the DB resides on), a "Flash Recovery Area Size" of 4 defined, and a Flashback Retention Time of 24 hours defined. Everything else is riding default values.

In "Backup Settings", there's nothing defined. Everything here is riding default values. As I understand it, not specifying a Disk Backup Location is fine so long as the Flash Recovery Area is defined. All the local services are turned on (scheduling, etc.).

If it's relevant, I mirrored the recovery/backup settings in UAT to the same as PROD, but changed what I needed to in order to accommodate the UAT environment (e.g. paths, etc.)

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