Forms :: How To Cancel A Report And Remove It From Queue

Feb 18, 2010

I am calling a report from a parameter form - the report is launched using a run report button, that all works great. What I want to do now is to add a 'Cancel Report' button to the form so that the end user can cancel the report and remove it from the reports queue.

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Application Express :: Cancel Search In Interactive Report

Feb 15, 2013

My Interactive Report will run for a minute or for a long time like 5 to to 10 minutes depending upon given parameters to the report. Now I would like to cancel the report search when I made a mistake like searching on a value which willtake more time. how to achieve the same.

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Queue To Queue Propagation

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to propagate messages between two queues that are in the same database.I did exactly as it says here: URL.....

The message is propagated successfully.The problem is that it doesn't to dequeue the message with the default subscriber of the destination queue.

The only difference between what I did and what is in the example above is that I didn't create a database link. I don't think I need to because the queues are in the same database, and the problem is not the propagation because as I said the message has moved to the destination queue.

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Forms :: PB-CANCEL Master-button?

Aug 16, 2012

my problem is with cancel masterbutton, when i clear form through this cancel masterbutton it clear the form. but after this when i click on show button it is not working, although show button is working correctly before pressing cancel_query masterbutton. what should i consider for correct working.

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Forms :: How To Cancel Enter-Query Mode

Aug 31, 2011

When i entered for modification/deletion process initially i prefer to entry-query mode then execute the query.

Suppose when i am in entry-query mode but i want to cancel(abort) the mode ie. entry query. How to achieve this.

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Forms :: Cancel Update If Record Has Been Reported

Nov 19, 2010

I don't want the users to be able to update a record where the date reported field has a date.I have used the set_block_property(blk_id, update_ allowed, property_false). But it still prompts me if I do change something and I try to exit the form.

How can I stop the "Do you want to save changes you have made" box from showing?

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Forms :: Alert Cancel Button Gives Non Oracle Exception

Jan 20, 2011

i've created an alert with 2 buttons and the code for cancel button is as follows:

if alert_id = alert_button2
raise form_trigger_failure;
end if;

this code is in a pll and when called from a form it displays a non oracle exception message. How to do nothing when the user presses cancel on alert pop-up? apart from using null instead of raising the above exception?

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Forms :: Execute Last Query Fired On Form When Someone Press CANCEL Button

Nov 8, 2005

i am writing a code on form "CANCEL" button which mean to cancel the current user action .now if the last action was execute_query so when user click the cancel button so my logic should capture the last query fired on form through ":SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY" and then execute the last query through EXECUTE_QUERY but my problem is that how i execute my last_query through execute_query.

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Application Express :: Remove HTML From Interactive Report Download?

Sep 27, 2012

I have interactive reports where the column link on a specific column has to be dynamic, that means, it cannot be hard coded in the column link attributes. The following is an example of one such report query:

case when d.object_type_description ='Business Service' then

'< href="f?p='||:app_id||':183:'||:app_session||'::::P183_OBJECT_ID:'||||'">'||d.object_name||'</>'

when d.object_type_description = 'Real Time Event' then

'< href="f?p='||:app_id||':162:'||:app_session||'::::P162_OBJECT_ID:'||||'">'||d.object_name||'</>'

as "OBJECT NAME"As you see in the above example, the link on the "Object Name" column could either redirect to page 183 or to page 162 based on the "Object Type Description" column.

The column attribute of the "Object Name" column has "Display Type" set to "Standard Report Column". That works perfectly fine in the UI of the report. However, if I download the IR data (in any format) from the Actions -> Download menu, the object name column values are downloaded with the HTML characters as:

< href="f?p=15548:183:6072319179284::::P183_OBJECT_ID:255245470513999672860510787772603748464">JP010000</>where JP010000 is the object name.

Is there a way I can strip the HTML from the column values in the downloaded files?I am using Apex 4.1.

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Forms :: Getting Error When Cancel File Selection In File Open Dialogue

Mar 18, 2010

I have created the below stored procedure and calling the procedure in when-button-pressed trigger. Problem here is that when I cancel the file selection in file open dialogue box its raising exception.

buffer_lines client_text_io.file_type;
v_outputstr VARCHAR2 (32767);
p_delimiter VARCHAR2 (10) := '","';
v_transaction_no VARCHAR2 (10);

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Forms :: Remove Duplicate Value

May 28, 2012

how can i get distinct records through this coding, when i add select distinct col1, col2, col3 from tablename where RECD_ON between :control. REC_ FROM and :control.REC_TO; in 1st qry after begin, this form not retrive any data from database, then how i get distinct rows through this coding. is there any option in property plattee to get distinct rows.

qry varchar2(5000);
n number;
alert number;

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Advanced Queuing Queue Tables

Jun 9, 2010

I am researching a performance problem on an Oracle Preprd DB in a RAC cluster using AQ. The queue table has 88 records, is about 900Meg in size, takes 90+ seconds to do a select count(*). In Prod the same table is about 44 records, 80 Meg in size, and takes about 9 seconds to query the table. The DB is at running on a LINUX/Sun host. In the USER_DATA column I am seeing an entry in the STR_VALUE that displays 'Unable to successfully deliver a message after "MaxDeliveryCnt" attempts. Please verify that the onMessage() method of the MDB does not throw a RuntimeException' for each record in the table. I don't have direct access to the PROD DB so I can not verify this message in that environment. My question, is this table holding onto records that should be cleared out and should this table be dropped and rebuilt to reduce its size. I have seen this technique improve performance for other non-queueing tables. But I don't know if this is possible with a queue table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dropping Users - Queue Tables

Dec 9, 2010

I am trying to drop a user but i get the following error

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-24005: must use DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE to drop queue tables

A couple of questions on this error:

- I did a search on the forum and the thread [URL] appears to have a solution to it by using

DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE(queue_table => 'DEF$_AQCALL', force =>TRUE);

What i am not sure of is which queue will the above statement drop if run as sys and there are multiple schemas with different schema names but with the same queue name?

- We recently rebuilt the database server and prior to the rebuild i have always managed to drop a user without the above error. Is it likely that some setting somewhere is changed?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Drop Queue Table From Database

Nov 26, 2011

,how to drop the queue table from our database.when iam trying to drop the queue table aim getting this error

error dropping AQ$_DEMO_QUEUE_TABLE_G;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Alter Queue Table Column?

Mar 23, 2011

I need to Modify the column(MSGID) data type from RAW to BLOB for a Queue Table, I'm getting the following error.

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production


Name Null?Type
----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-22858: invalid alteration of datatype

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-24005: Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table PDADBA.PDA_REPORT_MESSAGE_QTAB

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Forms :: How To Remove Message That Come Automatically

Mar 2, 2010

How can I remove (record asved) message that come automatically after commit??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Email Notification Using Oracle Advance Queue

Nov 28, 2012

I want to send an email notification using oracle aq for events like when a message goes to error queue. Similarly,Can I send an email notification when I create a queue or drop a queue?

How can I do this?

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Streams :: How To Configure Stream In Queue Forwarding

Jan 21, 2013

Due to firewall restriction, i have to configure the streams in queue forwarding. Intermediate database will hold two different ip's (one from source and another to target) and will not talk each other.

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Streams :: Unable To Drop Apply Queue?

Oct 10, 2013

,I am trying to set up Streams on a on a Windows 2008R2 server.  Due to an error in running propagation, i a, trying to delete both Capture and Apply queues. I have deleted the Apply queues but unable to drop the Catpure,

SQL>EXEC DBMS_APPLY_ADM.STOP_APPLY(apply_name =>'LAO_NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY');  SQL> select * from dba_apply; LAO_NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY_Q STRMADMIN YES RULESET$_732 STRMADMIN STRMADMIN 301355 ABORTED 09/10/2013 17:34:21 1013 ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation CAPTURED STREAMS APPLY  SQL> select * from dba_queues; STRMADMIN NLPG73_BLPU_APPLY_Q


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JVM :: Java Print API Shows Different Job Name On Printer Than In Spooling Queue

Sep 20, 2013

I am using Java print API (javax.print package) to send a bunch of documents for printing. Below is the code section that I am using to print documents through java program. When the document is sent for printing, I see the Job name is created properly in the print spooling queue on windows machine. But, when i go to the actual printer, the job name is different on the printer than what i saw in spooling. Since I am printing 100s of documents in batch, it gets very difficult to identify which document did not print, in case of issues.  I also used the java.awt.print package . The java.awt. print. PrinterJob has a method setJobName(String). When i used this package, I got the name appear properly in both places. But I wish to use javax.print with the document name appear on printer queue.    

public void printDocument(File pDoc, PrintService pService, DocFlavor pFlavor)   
throws Exception  {    logMessage(true, "Printing Doc::" + pDoc.getAbsolutePath());   
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(pDoc);    
// Create the print job    DocPrintJob job = pService.createPrintJob();    
//Set print request attributes with file name as job  

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Backup & Recovery :: Database Recover Until Cancel

Feb 10, 2011

Currently my DB is running on 10g Archivelog mode. All the archive logs being generated at /u04/dbarch/.The server crashed yesterday. Now when I want to start my instance it throwing the error ORA-01110 and ORA-01113-- system01.dbf need more recovery.The below are the command I fired from sql prompt:-

But still oracle suggesting that system01.dbf need more recovery.

how can I recover my database.

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Database Using Control File Until Cancel

May 17, 2012

In order for the following command to work:

> recover database using backup control file until cancel;

what command must precede it, is it:

> alter database backup control file to trace;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Log ORA-01013 - User Requested Cancel Of Current Operation Tips

Jun 22, 2011

I am having a pipeline function that is called from Java interface.The function is suppose to return a list of events.If it takes too long the customer might cancel it.

I would like to catch in a log table all the information of the input param when the request is canceled.I tried to log every time the sqlcode is -1013, if I dbms_output something then it works, but if i try to call a procedure to do logging, it does not work, or if i try to insert directly in a log table also is not working.

Is it possible to catch(log) this kind of exception.

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Application Express :: Transaction Control - How To Handle Cancel Button

Apr 11, 2013

[save] button can be done but how to handle [cancel] button

Master record
Transaction record 1
Transaction record 2
Transaction record 3the user does one/all of the following changes

Master record
Transaction record 1 : deleted
Transaction record 2
Transaction record 3 :edited
Transaction record 4 :new added

now the Requirement is :

when the user hits [ save ] all the records are saved
with in *new master record ID*


when the user hits [ ignore/cancel ] all the *Actions on transaction is rolledback*

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Forms :: Run Report From 10g?

Sep 21, 2011

Oracle 10g Developer suite / using OC4J run report from form with and without passing parameters.

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Forms :: Call Report From 10g

Feb 1, 2012

I have a form and i want to call report name is " DOCK_RECEIPT". I already create parameter report on this Form name is " REPORT82" and set property this parameter report contain {Name is REPORT82, filename is DOCK_RECEIPT.rdf, execution Mode is Batch, Communication Mode is Synchronous}. I also create a procedure name is F_PRO_PRINT follow:

pl_id ParamList;
V_rep VARCHAR2(100);
rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
rep_job_id varchar2(100);
v_mine_type varchar2(50);
v_palletid NUMBER(10):=0;

Now i have button and in trigger when-button-press add this code call procedure above


When i click button call report and appear error.

FRM-41214: Unable to run report

Now, i want to call report from form 10g.

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Forms :: Report Run From Menu

Dec 7, 2010

I am using Developer 10g R2. From menu module i want to check the status of the report server. also when the status is shutdown then reportserver will be start otherwise run the report.

Programatically how can i do this.

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Forms :: Report Scheduling?

Jan 23, 2011

how to do report scheduling.? So that server can auto run those report at specified time. And send output to user.

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Forms :: Call Report From 11g

Dec 26, 2010

i need call report from forms 11g..Example or Code I have a forms11g and system XP.

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Forms :: Use Of DB Link In D2K Form And Report 6i?

Sep 16, 2010

how to use of Database link (DBLINK) in D2K form and report PL/SQL.When I Use the DB Link in Pl/SQL of any form6i or report 6i, On compilation forms and reports are automatically closed.

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